Great Blue Night Watchman

Chapter 202 The river beach undergoes major transformation

Outside the gate of the mansion, Lin Jialiang laughed loudly. Third brother, your wisdom is always beneficial when used in officialdom. I learned a trick. In the future, I know how to deal with people who use force to break the law. .

Lin Sudao: This is the weakness of human nature. Second brother needs to remember one thing when doing things in the future. It is human nature to choose the greater of two benefits and the lesser of two evils.

Choose the lesser of two evils, that's what everyone has in common!

Lin Jialiang nodded deeply.

This is what happened. When there is no threat of crisis, these scum will not even kill themselves, but when they realize the bigger crisis, they can only choose a relatively minor one.

Third brother, this game of chess seems not to be over yet.

Lin Sudao: Of course it's not over. Some of these twenty people must know what Qin Fangweng is really afraid of being known, but they didn't tell them.

What should we do?

Haha, Lin Su laughed.

Lin Jialiang asked him what to do, but he really wanted to know what Qin Fangweng would do?

Qin Fangweng must be more troubled than him.

If he really has something fatal in the hands of these twenty people, he will definitely hope to execute these twenty people as soon as possible, so that all will be settled once and for all. Therefore, he will submit the death sentence to the Ministry of Punishment for approval as soon as possible and give feedback to Haining as soon as possible. Death penalty approval letter.

However, in this case, there will be another variable, and that is: when these twenty people learn that the death penalty was quickly approved by Qin Fangweng, will they hate Qin Fangweng to the bone, and will they keep secrets for you?

Therefore, Qin Fangweng will be entangled.

Qin Fangweng was entangled, so Lin Su didn't have to be entangled, just wait.

Next, Lin Su went to Jiangtan.

There was a large group of warblers and swallows that went with him.

Lin Jialiang shared a car with Qu Xiu and Liu'er. Although Qu Xiu was pregnant, her belly was not too big and she could walk. The most important thing was that she and Yu Lou both had a strong wish to walk on the river beach. Build a house of your own - the habit of the hostess of buying a house has been throughout the ages.

Where is Lin Su? The two young daughters-in-law, Lu Yi and Sister Chen, were naturally required to be brought along, and four more people were added. Xiaoxue came from Jiangtan, and whenever Lin Su went to Jiangtan, she would always follow him; Xiaotao had purely ulterior motives, and she had been there for a whole year. , she ate desperately, and she really had meat on her body. She longed for the young master's bed, and she never changed her original intention, and would get in on him whenever she had the chance; Xiaoyao's purpose was very simple, to see if there was anything delicious on the river beach; And what about Liu Xinger? She is from the West Courtyard, and she is basically responsible for the young master's food, clothing, housing, and transportation. She is afraid that the young master will not be well fed or clothed when he goes to the beach...

So, there was a big group.

It's early summer, it can't be called hot, but it's definitely not cold. The women's clothes are very thin, their figures are more attractive than the last, and they all smell very good. Spring Tears perfume is the favorite of the imperial concubines in the palace. Every time I always keep an eye on the manager, but in the Lin family, it is standard for everyone, from the wife to the maid. As long as they are a member of the Lin family, everyone can get a bottle every month. Don't you think it's annoying? ?

The river beach has changed too much.

A wide road breaks through the boundary of the river beach and is connected to the official road. On one side is the official road and on the other side is the river beach road. The intersection of the two roads makes the official family feel embarrassed. The road leading to the river beach is more The official road is twice as wide and is made entirely of cement. On rainy days, the official road is muddy, while the river beach road is as clean as a girl's face. Every time Magistrate Yang comes here, he hides his face.

Follow this road in. There are green grass and green trees on both sides of the road. The Yangtze River embankment is like silver in the sun, the weeping willows are fluttering, and the blue waves are rippling. Take a breath and you will be filled with the lingering fragrance of flowers and earth. You can see the green at a glance. A small white building hidden among the trees.

The sweet potato flowers of this period have been harvested and boiled into essence, waiting to be turned into the second batch of Spring Tears perfume. The sweet potato flowers have been harvested and turned into raw materials for the winery. The Qingqiu Monster Clan has just arrived and delivered the next batch. The batch of sweet rice seeds has doubled from the original amount because the number of refugees on the riverbank has increased - 100,000 new refugees in Jicheng City.

The wasteland to the south has been transformed into new rice fields through the efforts of the refugees.

This batch of seeds from the Yao Clan was not free, but the price was quite low for the new refugees. The new refugees established a refugee organization and named it Jiangtan Town with the name proposed by Lin Su.

The mayor of the town is Uncle Deng, and there is also a group of representatives elected by the refugees. The level of these representatives is quite high. Most of them are scholars, and there is even a scholar. The refugees come from all over the country and can travel thousands of miles to this place. In this world, no one is a simple character. Those who are slightly worse will have died midway.

After getting through this year's flood crisis, the refugees truly realized that this river beach could become their forever home. The outburst of enthusiasm infected the entire river beach of 200,000 people. With unprecedented centripetal force and unprecedented mobilization ability, the refugees were elected After becoming the representative, everything moved forward in the direction Lin Su envisioned, and various management methods were spontaneously derived.

The river beach is like a huge machine. Once it is started, it can be corrected at any time, becoming more and more like a highly autonomous monster.

As soon as Lin Su arrived, he was spotted by a refugee in the sweet rice field, who shouted: The Third Young Master is here!

Soon, countless people ran over, leading the way and cheering, leaving the road open for the carriage of the Lin brothers. Thousands of people followed the carriage, and the cheers were shocking.

The number of people grew and the cheers grew louder and louder.

In Lin Su's carriage, Green's face was flushed. Her husband's prestige in the hearts of the riverbank residents was getting higher and higher. Even if the emperor came in person, he might not be able to match it. But she knew this in her heart, and she didn't dare to mess around. explain.

Uncle Deng and a group of representatives hurried over and welcomed Lin Su and Lin Jialiang into a newly built small building. This small building was the management agency built by the refugee representatives. The 200,000 river beach refugees were equivalent to one person. The total population of the county has increased, and it cannot be achieved without a management agency.

After Lin Su took his seat, each representative reported to Lin Su various situations on the river beach.

In the final analysis, all conditions on the river beach are good, too good to be imagined, too good to surpass everything...

After all the reports were completed, Lin Su stared at one of the representatives and said, Your name is Qi Jingfei? Was he a civil servant?

Yes, Master!

You are from Jicheng. Do you think everything is fine for the refugees from Jicheng?

Yes, the 100,000 refugees in Jicheng have entrusted Xiaosheng to express their gratitude to the young master. Thank you for giving the 100,000 refugees in Jicheng a safe world.

“How are their livelihoods going?”

This... Qi Jingfei was a little hesitant...

Compared with the original river beach, when the refugees in Jicheng came here, they undoubtedly stepped from the gate of hell to the edge of heaven. However, there are also great difficulties. The river beach is only so big, and there are only so many places where you can grow sweet rice. , most of them are in the hands of the refugees in Haining. They come from far away, and they are lucky to be taken in. How can they seize the land from the refugees in Haining?

Therefore, the refugees in Jicheng, represented by Qi Jingfei, have reached a consensus that it does not matter if they are poor, but they must be poor in a fair and honest way, and they will never be allowed to commit crimes. Once the refugees in Haining are harmed, we have to eliminate them ourselves without the government taking action. , no one can say that the refugees in Jicheng do not know how to advance or retreat, and have no sense of shame...

Therefore, in front of Lin Su, he did not mention the difficulties encountered by the refugees in Jicheng and only said good things.

But Lin Su wanted to get to the bottom of it and had to ask clearly.

Uncle Deng took over the conversation and said bluntly, the livelihood of the refugees in Jicheng is really not good. The three factories here have absorbed some, and the land reclamation in the south has resettled some, but this cannot really solve their livelihood. Occasionally, there are some refugees. Things, for example, last night, someone robbed a house here and took away one, two or eight coins...

Qi Jingfei suddenly raised his head: Who is so bold? Uncle Deng, tell me, and Xiaosheng will tie him up right away.

Uncle Deng shook his head gently: You don't need to deal with it. I have already dealt with it. This man's mother is seriously ill and there is really nothing that can be done. I asked him to return one or two eight dollars to the owner and kowtow to admit his mistake. As for his mother, I've already called the doctor, and I'll punish him by doing hard labor in the coal factory for a month.

Qi Jingfei bowed to Uncle Deng to express his thanks...

Lin Sudao: The bigger the forest is, the more things will happen. If something goes wrong, it will be treated like Uncle Deng. If you make a mistake, you will not be tolerated. You will be punished when you deserve it. But you must also clearly understand the nature of the mistake. At the same time, you must also find out what happened. The root of the problem...

What is the root of the problem?

The refugees from Jicheng have recently arrived in Haining and have no livelihood.

Then, we will give them a living!

Everyone was surprised, and the most excited one was Qi Jingfei...

Lin Sudao: Sister Chen, please make arrangements for the porcelain factory...

Yes! Young Master! Sister Chen stepped out...

A new porcelain factory is built. The director of the factory is Qi Jingfei. The porcelain produced by the porcelain factory is mainly daily necessities, such as jars, bottles, plates, bowls, etc. Daily necessities are also divided into three grades: high, low and medium. The high-end ones should reach the level of Chunlei perfume bottles, which are supplied For large households, the price can be expensive; mid-range ones are for wealthy households in the city, and the prices are relatively expensive; low-end ones are for the general public, and the prices should be close to the people.

The production lines of soil extraction, embryo making, printing and dyeing, drawing, firing, and sales are all started simultaneously, which requires a large number of manpower. Preliminary estimates are tens of thousands of people. Almost every family of the homeless people in Jicheng who have no livelihood can be assigned one. These workers are Employees in coal plants, cement plants, and brick factories are the same and receive a minimum monthly guarantee of 2 taels of silver.

As soon as the news was announced, the whole place exploded.

One factory, tens of thousands of people!

2 taels of silver per person per month, which directly solves all problems.

Qi Jingfei knelt down suddenly: Master! Qi Jingfei kowtows to the master on behalf of the hundreds of thousands of refugees in Jicheng City. This head must be kowtowed to!

Dong-dong-dong, he kowtowed three times in a row, and there was blood on his forehead.

Lin Su pulled him up: Uncle Qi, although you are not from Haining, since I asked you to come, I will treat you as one of my own. You will be the director of the factory. You have the final say in recruiting workers. You can directly report to Sister Chen. Responsible.


Go ahead and let Sister Chen make the arrangements for you. I'll go out for a walk. You don't have to follow me...

Lin Su stepped forward and disappeared.

He was a little unaccustomed to the eyes of everyone, although the eyes were full of gratitude and admiration...

Sister Chen started the business of opening the factory in a hurry, and a group of people followed her, including Lu Yi, including a bunch of girls brought by Lin Su, as well as Zeng Shigui's authentic wife Xiuniang and her younger sister Mei Niang, because Sister Chen personally ordered it. , Xiu Niang and Mei Niang will be in charge of the sales of the porcelain factory, and their two girls from afar suddenly become executives that everyone looks up to. I was almost crazy with joy.

Having more people makes things easier. Sister Chen quickly straightened out all the processes of soil acquisition, embryo making, printing and dyeing, drawing, firing, and sales, and clarified the person in charge. Qi Jingfei then recruited workers. After recruiting workers, they were assigned according to their abilities. The preferences correspond to their respective positions. She has run three factories and is very familiar with this process.

Done quickly.

The vigorous recruitment process also started. Qi Jingfei rode on a big horse and galloped all the way. Soon, cheers came from the refugees in Jicheng, and tens of thousands of people gathered in front of him. It is difficult to recruit workers in modern society, but here, recruiting workers is purely a gift. , Qi Jingfei only spent two hours recruiting tens of thousands of workers.

The selected people are all like names on the gold list.

But there are still a lot of people who have not been selected, and they are dejected.

Qi Jingfei looked at this group of people and felt a little embarrassed. At this moment, a voice came into his ear: Uncle Qi, tell them that the roads leading to various residential areas on the river beach should be repaired. The remaining People, go build the road, the wages are the same, 2 taels of silver per month.

Qi Jingfei's whole body was shocked. He raised his eyes and stared at a person on the big tree in front of him: Yes! Young Master!

His new order was issued, and everyone cheered.

Building roads was something Lin Su came up with on the spur of the moment, and it was also a conclusion he came to after walking along the river embankment himself.

In modern society, there is a modern and civilized indicator that every village should be connected to a road. Now, in Jiangtan, he plans to implement it.

Each residential area is hidden in the weeds. When it rains, your feet are muddy. They are too far away from modernization. Since these people are full of energy, why not strike while the iron is hot and complete this big project?

As for money, it doesn't matter. As soon as the porcelain factory starts working, money will roll in. Do you still care about this?

The two major projects were launched simultaneously, and the entire river beach was in full swing. It seemed that the scene of the river bank being built quickly was recreated...

Zeng Shigui and Lin Jialiang had just come down from Kaolin Mountain when they heard the news about road construction. They looked at each other and saw excitement in each other's eyes.

Third brother, this step is too fast. Lin Jialiang shook his head gently. Although he shook his head, his eyes were full of surprise.

I didn't even think about it. Brother Lin had already given the order. If the court came to do things like road construction, it would often take several years...

That's mainly because there is no money and no one. There is no place here in Sandi. Once a few factories are opened, money is not a problem. But there are 200,000 refugees on the riverbank. Everyone is worried about their livelihood, and people are not a problem.

Lin Jialiang responded proudly.

Zeng Shigui said: These factories all belong to the Lin family. The Lin family pays for such a big thing themselves. The old lady...

My mother doesn't have to worry about it. She has a saying that the Lin family's business was not handed down from our ancestors. It was created by your third brother. He can lose however he wants...

Ha ha ha ha……

Zeng Shigui smiled: I really hope that when I take up my post in Beichuan County, I can meet a local rich man like Brother Lin.

Lin Jialiang said: I hope so too, but unfortunately, there will never be one in Sanping County.

Second brother, when will you go to the southern border?

Lin Su and Lin Jialiang planned to go to the southern border after the imperial examination to meet Lin Zheng, the boss of the Lin family. Zeng Shigui knew about this and actually wanted to go there together.

But Lin Jialiang refused him, saying that this was an agreement between the three brothers of the Lin family and it had nothing to do with you. You should just take care of the situation here in Haining River Beach. When the first day of August, you take office in Beichuan on your own.

Lin Jialiang said, I will listen to my third brother on this matter. It will probably be soon. As soon as he handles these matters, we will be on our way.

The two brothers were very anxious to see Lin Zheng. They hadn't seen each other for more than ten years and they really didn't want to waste a moment.

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