Great Blue Night Watchman

Chapter 180 Holy Jinshi Granted Jinshi

He didn't take down Lin Su. Lin Su had already entered the Rainbow Bridge and he didn't even have time to launch a second attack.

Moreover, no one else knew that he had done such a thing, but Lin Su himself knew it. His last glance made Zhang Wenyuan suddenly think of what Li Pingbo, a great scholar in the capital, once said: When white clothes are stained with blood, he will know when he is young. who is it?

This person is still very weak at the moment, but he will soon become stronger. Maybe when he comes out of the examination room in three days, he will be on the same level as him.

Once he becomes powerful, who can suppress him again?

Also, Zhang Hong...

As soon as Zhang Wenyuan's eyes fell, he saw Zhang Hong next to him. Zhang Hong's face was pale. His father missed it, he was finished!

The Holy Family marriage is over!

No one around Lin Su knew about this fight.

Lin Jialiang said: Third brother, don't try to use your words to show off. You will have a long time to come.

He thought that the third brother wanted to have a verbal confrontation with Zhang Wenyuan before the exam. With the third brother's eloquence, he could embarrass Zhang Wenyuan, but this was completely unnecessary.

But he didn't expect that Zhang Wenyuan and Lin Su had already had a confrontation just now. This confrontation was far from a verbal exchange, but a real life and death battle.

Lin Su took a deep breath: Let's go!

Inside the Rainbow Bridge, the receiving boat appeared, and the tester boarded the boat, rose through the clouds, and landed directly in Gongyuan...

Zhang Wenyuan grabbed Zhang Hong with both hands, and when Zhang Hong shouted no miserably, he flew up through the air and landed in his study.

Daddy... Zhang Hong cried loudly. He had officially determined that he could not take part in the scientific examination. This heavy blow made this young scholar truly understand the cruelty of the world.

There was a roar, a strong wind picked up, and Zhang Hong was blown out of the study.

His official seal suddenly lit up, and Qin Fangweng's figure appeared: Brother Zhang, didn't you say that you would be able to block him from the scientific examination? Why did he enter the room smoothly?...

Zhang Wenyuan looked at him coldly without saying a word.

Brother Zhang, what's going on? Speak! Qin Fangweng was also anxious.

I've tried my best! Zhang Wenyuan slowly spat out four words, without any further words.

Qin Fangweng looked at his trembling hair and finally couldn't bear it: Brother Zhang, I also know that you have tried your best. Now we can only place our hope on the last hurdle. As long as he cannot set foot on the first eighty-one, there will be Chance!

Zhang Wenyuan's eyes slowly lit up.

Yes, there is another level!

What level?

Jinshi Pass!

There are two types of Jinshi in the temple examination. One is directly admitted by the temple. There are only 81 people in each session. These 81 people are called Holy Jinshi and are the most valuable among the Jinshi.

There are 200 to 800 people in each of the forty states of the Da Cang Kingdom who have passed the examination and have qualified for the palace examination. In total, there are tens of thousands of people.

We must also add the repeaters who had qualifications in previous years but did not pass the entrance examination.

The team of repeaters is huge, with over 100,000 people, all of whom have failed in previous palace examinations. In other words, theoretically, there are hundreds of thousands of people who are eligible to take part in each palace examination. Of course, these people have Some are dead, some are old, and some know they can't pass the exam and forget it. The number of candidates who actually take the palace exam is between 30,000 and 50,000 in each session.

Today's Dachangdian Examination has a relatively high total number of examiners, as many as 53,000.

Among the 53,000 people, the temple has 81 holy scholars, which is a pitifully low ratio.

No one is sure that they will be able to become a Holy Scholar, not even a state’s Huiyuan.

The scientific examination only takes place once every three years. If we only take such a small number of people each time, how can it be enough? Therefore, the temple gave the major secular governments the power to allocate certain quotas to each country, allowing these countries to select the best among the eighty-one geniuses.

This kind of Jinshi is called a Jinshi.

The number of Jinshi scholars is determined by factors such as the size of the country, the strength of the country, and the country's influence. It is issued by the temple before the scientific examination. The number of Jinshi scholars in Da Cang Kingdom is at a lower-middle level. This year, 360 people are allowed. .

Does this mean that the emperor also has great power to select scholars?

Of course! These 360 ​​people were chosen by him, and he basically had the final say.

However, his power was restricted. If the emperor wanted to select officials, he had to choose from the boxes drawn in the temple.

What box?

At the time of the scientific examination, the temple admitted 81 people on its own and gave you a list of 1,000 winners. This list was called candidates for Jinshi. The emperor could only choose 360 ​​from this list of 1,000 candidates. The person officially became a Jinshi.

The establishment of this mechanism was a compromise reached through long-term cooperation between the Temple and the secular authorities.

It is also a last resort strategy.

The temple controls the literary path, but it cannot do without the support of the secular government. If the country is not well governed and has been in war for many years, the literati will not be able to study at all, and the holy path will not prosper. Since you need the support of secular political power, you must also give some power to secular politics. If the secular political power cannot control everything about the literati, and cannot give you a future or strength, how can you let the literati serve these regimes?

Therefore, the policy of limited delegation of power was formed.

The temple takes the top one.

The emperor takes the high-end one.

The rest of you, wait.

Qin Fangweng's meaning was very clear. Since Lin Su had already entered the Rainbow Bridge, there was no way to pull him out again. What would happen? There are three outcomes for Lin Su: one is to pass the Holy Scholar examination directly, the other is to be included in the candidate list, and the third is to fail.

If it is the first type, he directly passes the Holy Scholar examination, then even if he is really ruthless, the emperor will not be able to interfere.

If it’s the third type and you fail, it’s a no-brainer.

But what if it is the second type (candidate for Jinshi)? Their operating space was now at hand. The emperor was not interested in Lin Su, and with the memorials from several court officials, they could win over Lin Su even if he had world-famous poems and poems.

So, is it possible for Lin Su to reach the sky directly and join the ranks of Holy Scholars?

Zhang Wenyuan, Qin Fangweng, Zhao Xun and others are not optimistic about him. Although his poetic talent is first-rate, he was born in the Lin family, which was run down. The ancestors of the Lin family have been generals for eight generations. How deep can he have? The palace examination is different from the general examination. In the palace examination, the Holy Words Commentary alone accounts for half of the total score. Poetry alone is not enough to make him stand out.

Of course, Lin Su has been supported by celebrities like Baoshan in recent months, but what does Baoshan mean? Baoshan's strategy during the palace examination was also bad. Shengyanzhu was inferior to them. How could he allow Lin Su to surpass his teacher and reach the level of a Holy Scholar in just a few months? Haha, who believes it?

Therefore, the comprehensive conclusion is that Lin Su is very likely to be among the candidates for Jinshi by virtue of his poetry skills, and then accept their ravages...

Although the two adults were frustrated, they once again found a new point of excitement.

Lin Su landed on the large terrace outside the Gongyuan examination room and saw the dense crowd of students. Even a well-informed person like Lin Su was secretly shocked. So many people?

There were roughly at least 50,000 people in the vast square.

But if you think about it carefully, you can understand it.

The scientific examination is held every three years. Each state produces 200 to 800 candidates, adding up to tens of thousands of people. Nine times out of ten, these people will take the examination. This is not yet the mainstream. The mainstream is those who failed in the previous examinations. The acceptance rate is about 1%, and the remaining 99% snowballs every year. How big do you think it will get?

Among the candidates, there are gray-haired old people and middle-aged people with weathered faces. The mainstream group is still young people in their twenties and thirties. Lin Su's current bone age is 19, and he looks particularly young and beautiful among this huge group.

But he didn't dare to bully the old comrades. These old comrades were all people who had studied for decades. No matter what they did after decades of doing it, they could always excel. Who could say that their background was not deep?

With more than 50,000 people vying for 81 places for Holy Scholars, plus 360 places for Jinshi, Lin Su felt that the temple was really a scam, not even 1% of it!

Others may have a one percent chance, but what about him? lower.

Because he clearly knows that if he wants to pass the test, his only hope is to rank in the top 81!

If he were ranked 82nd, he wouldn't have a chance!

Others ranked 820 will have a chance, but he will not have a chance at 82. The reason is simple: the emperor does not want him to pass.

As long as the emperor has any power over his issues, this old guy will definitely trample him.

The situation is so serious. Is he under pressure?

not at all!

No matter how many opponents there are, I am who I am, different fireworks!


Third brother, the last battle! Success or failure depends on this! Lin Jialiang held hands with him and stared into his eyes.

The last battle! Go all out! Lin Su shook his second brother's hand heavily.

The golden bell rings and the tester enters.

Lin Su and his second brother separated and entered their respective examination rooms.

Examination room number 32532.

Stepping into the exclusive examination room, the surroundings suddenly became extremely quiet. A layer of holy light floated up and enveloped the entire Gongyuan. This holy light came from the temple. Even a generation of demon emperors and even six realms of Taoist fruits could not break it. , what if it is the weapons of the two countries? It is also possible to have blood and flesh flying everywhere outside, but still be peaceful and quiet indoors.

The golden bell rang three times and the exam officially started.

The top was torn open like a curtain, and the test paper fell. Lin Su started from the Holy Word. The Holy Word test paper was the thickest because it contained the richest content. This was a fill-in-the-blank question, and anyone who was familiar with the Holy Word classics could fill it in.

Don't talk about talent, just basic skills.

Lin Su answered one by one. Although the speed was not fast, he did not stop at all. The holy words of this palace examination were obviously one level higher than those of the general examination. The questions were more tricky and partial. At least 20% of them did not belong to the Thirteenth Class. The main sutras belong to the twenty-seven subsidiary sutras. The thirteen main sutras are all familiar to those who can step into the palace examination room. However, most people are not particularly familiar with the twenty-seven subsidiary sutras. Fortunately, It's Lin Su. His reading range is really too broad. He has read all these scriptures. Under the nourishment of his unique literary world, literary world, and literary roots, it has already been imprinted on his literary mountain. He has answered them all without missing a single one.

After answering one hundred basic questions on the Holy Word, three quarters of an hour passed.

Lin Su picked up the Notes on the Holy Words. This is a subject that all the palace examination students have a headache for. If it were Lin Jialiang and Zeng Shigui in the past, they would definitely sweat on their backs after seeing the Notes on the Holy Words, but for Lin Su , but it was the simplest. He wrote it down in a swipe. Some questions only wrote ten digits, while others were a long paragraph. The notes on the Holy Words in front of him became less and less. On the last page, Lin Su wrote With the last word, the Commentary on the Holy Word is completely completed.

He looked up at the time and saw it was an hour.

Lin Su let out a long breath. Eighty percent of these holy words are included in his Thirteen Notes. Second brother, what level can you get? A probably won't be able to get it, but B will definitely be fine. If he performs better, B will be possible.

Comments on the Holy Words accounted for half of the score in the scientific examination. As long as he could get a B, he would be in the top one thousand in the imperial examination and be on the list of candidates for Jinshi.

But there is a question. Will His Majesty the Emperor suppress Lin Su? Will he suppress Lin Jialiang? It's really a problem. If Lin Jialiang enters the top one thousand, but the emperor refuses to admit him, that would be disgusting enough.

I hope this emperor has some bottom line.

We can only hope.

There were five subjects in the palace examination, and Lin Su spent an hour completing two subjects.

In the third subject, Lin Su took policy theory.

When he picked it up and looked at it, Lin Su was a little surprised. It was another question of destroying the country!

In the past, there was the Huating Kingdom. The royal family was prosperous, the descendants were long, the king was benevolent and righteous, the princes were divided, and the world was prosperous. Although foreign enemies were on the side, Huating's national power was strong and the borders were worry-free. Later, the feudal princes fought, resulting in the weakening of the country's power, leading to Yelang's invasion. The country will perish. As counselors, all students will propose a strategy to revive the last Hua Ting and avoid the Hua Ting's destruction.

Lin Su closed her eyes and thought...

The ancient Huating Kingdom has been destroyed. It was destroyed by the Yelang Kingdom. How was it destroyed?

As the title says, the ancient country of Huating actually holds a good hand.

The king's benevolence and righteousness are not at all unclear. He is still remembered by countless people after his death for more than a hundred years.

There are also many descendants of the royal family, and there is no image of a subjugated country whose bloodline has been cut off.

The Huating Army was known as the Northwest Iron Army. It was so powerful and had so many generals that it is still a legend today. The Yelang Kingdom at that time was no match for him.

But why has it declined?

Why did he die?

Just because of one thing, the internal princes fought with each other, forming a situation of one emperor and many kings and the star is prosperous but the moon is declining.

The warlord separatism was so serious that the imperial decrees could not be issued at all, and the huge empire was actually falling apart.

In this situation, the Yelang Kingdom united with the seventh prince, King Chushan, to capture the eighth prince's Lijiang Mansion, and killed the eighth prince. Their troops were directed at the most powerful emperor's patron, the emperor. The court was furious and wanted to mobilize the troops under the third prince. Who would have thought that the third prince had his own little plan to fight against rebellion. The one he was most afraid of was the patron king. He hoped that the seventh prince would have a fight with the patron king, so he stood still.

Later, the situation completely got out of control. In the end, several princes and uncles played themselves to death. In just three years, the powerful Huating Dynasty collapsed, and Yelang occupied Huating and became the dominant power in the West.

This policy paper is completely different from previous policy papers. The previous policy papers were to find the reasons for the country's demise and draw lessons from it. This time, the policy requirement is to provide suggestions to the last king to save Huating, which is about to be destroyed.

This level of difficulty is definitely ten times higher out of thin air!

This is a strategy to save the country, and ordinary students will definitely be confused.

Even among the top students, how many can answer the question? You need to know that at that time, Huating also had a strong literary style, many geniuses, literary scholars everywhere, and thousands of ministers with both theoretical and practical knowledge. Faced with the worry of national subjugation, how could we not think hard about strategies to save the country?

They have not found this strategy to save the country. Can the current batch of palace examination students find it? Are they overestimated? No matter how good they are, they can't possibly be better than a palace full of literary scholars, right?

Lin Su thought for a long time, and suddenly his eyes lit up.

He came up with a plan, which is known as the number one conspiracy in three thousand years!

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