Great Blue Night Watchman

Chapter 136 The First Poem of the New Year

When midnight came, Lin Su got up and went back to the room...

As soon as he left, Luyi's gaze fell on the faces of An Ye and Sister Chen, intentionally or unintentionally. The meaning in his eyes was still clear. Who among you two will sleep with him?

Sister Chen's face was a little worried: Myolie, the young master always talks about gods and ghosts. I don't dare to sleep alone. Let's sleep together...

He took Liu Xinger to her room.

Lu Yi looked askance, are you really sleeping with Xing'er? seriously?

An Ye stood up gracefully: Midnight is approaching and I have to practice. Will you still sit down for a while?

Luyi nodded slightly.

The dark night has gone.

She disappeared immediately, and the next moment she appeared in Lin Su's room, threw herself into his arms, took his hand and hugged her waist.

Why are you so proactive today? Lin Su moved closer to her lips.

It's Chinese New Year, I'll give you a New Year gift...

Lin Su became very interested and continued playing this game for the second year...

The next morning, An Ye finally woke up after a crazy night's sleep. He looked down and saw that it made people blush. Oh my God, was he so crazy last night?

Lin Su opened his eyes: Baby, what should I start with on the first day of the new year? He stretched out his hand and hugged An Ye's waist.

An Ye sighed softly: I'm a little sorry, I withdraw! Replace!

The figure flashed and disappeared. The next moment, she came back with a half-naked woman in her arms. It was Sister Chen. Sister Chen struggled, but she couldn't break free from An Ye's hands.

An Ye tucked Sister Chen into Lin Su's bed: Come on, start with this...

He chuckled and flew away.

Sister Chen and Lin Su looked at each other, dumbfounded...

Lu Yi got up and saw Liu Xing'er as soon as she got up. Liu Xing'er cooed at her and motioned to Lu Yi to look...

Lu Yi followed her gaze and saw An Ye. An Ye came back from outside, very flamboyant...

what's the situation?

Didn't the young master sleep with her on New Year's Eve?

Where's Sister Chen?

I don't know, I didn't see her when I woke up in the morning. Liu Xing'er looked a little strange and looked at the main room in the west courtyard.

The situation on Lu Yi's face changed. Sister Chen, you have also learned bad things. Yesterday you announced in a high profile that you were sleeping with Xing'er. It's already dawn today. You are the one who can't make a name for yourself in bed with the young master...

Poor Sister Chen, she took a huge blame for An Ye on the first day of the New Year.

Lin Su finally got up, and Sister Chen jumped out of the window and ran away.

Lin Su walked out of the room and saw the green clothes. The green clothes bowed: Happy New Year, young master.

Happy New Year, Happy New Year... Lin Su started to take money. On the first day of the first lunar month, he gave out red envelopes.

The banknote of two hundred taels of silver was handed to Lu Yi, but Lu Yi refused to accept it: Sir, in the past year, you wrote more than ten colorful poems and colorful words. In the new year, you will write a colorful poem with one colorful poem. Let’s get started! I wish you success in the new year!”

Lin Su smiled: Okay, let's ask a question!

An Ye and Sister Chen both came out. Sister Chen glared at An Ye fiercely. She was sleeping well, but An Ye picked her up and gave it to him to play with. She was ashamed and annoyed...

Lu Yi chuckled: How about using the Ding family girls as the title?

Maybe in her heart, she still felt that Lin Su should give some compensation to An Ye. The first bed she slept with at the beginning of the new year was given to Sister Chen, and the first poem gave An Ye his rightful status...

Ding... Lin Su gently scratched his head: Is your surname Ding?

Green clothes shook their heads, Ding family girl, why don't you beat him? I’ve played with you a thousand times and I don’t even know your last name or anything...

Sister Chen smiled: An Ye is a nickname. The daughter of the Ding family is called Ding Yaoye, the night of the night, the far away! The young master probably always thought that her name was An Ye.

Ding Yaoye, Ding Yaoye... What a poetic name. This name should naturally be a poem! The first poem of the new year, for Yao Ye... Lin Su raised her hand and the gold paper fell...

There is a bright moon on the sea, and we are together at this moment in the world. Lovers complain about the distant night, but they miss each other at night...

When the poem is finished, all the fields are silent...

Circles of colored light rotated on the tip of his pen, like five colors or seven colors, for a long time...

Several women stared at this colorful light, all very drunk, and they wrote another colorful poem. How many people in the world can start the new year in such a magical way? There is only one person in the world! This is the most impactful story of the year.

Is it five colors or seven colors? Why the delay? This is different from before.

Suddenly, the golden paper rose into the sky, the bright moon appeared on the sea, and the world was at this moment...

The poems appeared one by one in the air, and everyone below was fascinated.

The words of this poem are like beads, and the word Yao Ye is cleverly placed in it, which is infinitely poetic.

The poem suddenly stopped, and the blue light filled the sky. The poem manuscript went up to the sky and turned into a bright moon...

Eternal blue sky! Lu Yi's expression suddenly changed, he looked at the sky and almost couldn't believe it.

The sky is blue forever... Above the Yangtze River, an old man who was walking directly on the river suddenly raised his head. He was Baoshan who had disappeared for nearly half a year. He had just returned from the ancient country of Nanyang under the stars and night.

The eternal blue sky...On the first day of the new year, you actually witnessed the eternal blue sky? Yang Zhifu went up to the top of the government office, his eyes shining with light.

An old voice sounded in the air: Poems are handed down from generation to generation and turned into the heart chakra. The heart chakra is everywhere, and all evil spirits cannot invade!

The golden page in the air suddenly turned into a small golden wheel, and with a chirping sound, it shot into the middle of Dark Night's eyebrows.

An Ye was shocked: Wen Bao?

Literary treasures, the treasures of literati, are just like the magic weapons of practitioners.

Most of the magic weapons of cultivators are made by cultivators who collect various precious sacred materials and refine them with superb weapon techniques. They are either engraved with formations or integrated with the will of the cultivators, making them infinitely powerful.

And what about the literati? They can also refine magic weapons, that is, infusing high-end literary energy into the Four Treasures of the Study they use, so that these artifacts have literary power.

For example, Deng Xianchu's single wide character can expand the space of Haining Building ten times, and that piece of paper is a cultural treasure.

Wenbao is more rare than magic weapon, because most practitioners of magic weapon can practice it, but the level is different. As for wenbao, the minimum starting point must be a literary scholar.

Wenbao is also divided into levels, and the lowest level is the Confucian Wenbao.

High-level ones include the Wenlu Wenbao, the Wenjie Wenbao, the Holy Treasure...

The cultural treasure that this poem turned into is very special. The poem was written by Lin Su. Lin Su is currently just a civil servant. In theory, there is no way to turn it into a cultural treasure. Even if it is formed, it should be of the lowest level. But this poem is transformed into The cultural treasure was personally ordered by the saint, so this cultural treasure is the prototype of the holy treasure...

Lu Yi was stunned and looked at Lin Su blankly. She got two beautiful poems from Lin Su. She also hoped that An Ye could get one. Today An Ye got it, but it was a poem that will be handed down from generation to generation...

An Ye was also stunned. She was a martial arts cultivator and was not originally interested in poetry. It was because she got close to him that she really fell in love with poetry. However, no matter what she cultivated, the role of cultural treasures was extremely great.

Especially her, she has been on adventures all year round, and all kinds of evil things have posed fatal threats to her, and this kind of cultural treasure with the will of a saint is really tailor-made for her.

What's even more terrible is that this treasure was specially given to him by her man, and it has her name in it...

Mr. Xianggong, I won’t wait for your imperial examination. I will call you Mr. Xian now...

Lin Su was also stunned.

He wrote a lot of colorful poems, but not many poems that were handed down from generation to generation. There are rewards for poems that have been handed down from generation to generation. For the first Sapphire Case, he got the Thousand-degree Eye, which has endless magical uses.

This is the second song, written for An Ye, which makes An Ye possess a bizarre cultural treasure.

One of his poems might become a powerful holy treasure. Why did he suddenly feel that he might become Tang Monk in the eyes of others in the future?

Looking at the scorching eyes of the girls, Lin Su was a little panicked: Don't put your hopes too high. I really don't know whether the poem can be handed down to the world, but I can't just write it... The main reason why the poem has been handed down today is because of the remoteness of the poem. If Ye’s name is obtained well, it has nothing to do with me...

Sister Chen smiled: Don't worry, I don't want to ask you for poems to be handed down from generation to generation. Just give me the money as a red envelope.

Lin Su smiled: That's great. It's the Chinese New Year. It would be nice to get some money for each person...Here, it's yours! Two hundred taels of silver were slapped on Sister Chen's palm.

When Sister Chen saw that this bad guy had gone too far, she quickly said: Young master gave me two hundred taels, let's go and give red envelopes to the girls on your behalf... She took the three women away one by one to save Lin Su money. , to prevent him from getting too hot-headed, come with two hundred taels per person, that would really scare the girl from another hospital into having a heart attack.

It must be said that Sister Chen is thoughtful and sincerely planned for Lin Su. If she had not evacuated urgently, Lin Su would really have given two hundred to each person. At least the people in this yard would have paid two hundred to each person. This Once the gap is opened, the girls will all become rich women on the first day of the new year. Is that still justified...

On this day, red envelopes are flying everywhere.

The old lady gave a round of hair to all the maids in the hospital. Her hand was unprecedentedly generous. One person was given 2 taels. Sister Chen, An Ye, and Lu Yi gave another round of hair on behalf of Lin Su. The hand was even bigger. Each person was given 7 taels. A total of Thirty girls and their families (including housekeepers Uncle Sun, Lao He, Lao Zhou, etc.) were given 9 taels each, which excited these girls to the point of forgetfulness. They were given 9 taels during the Spring Festival, which is almost equivalent to a strong man. A year's worth of hard work. Which girl in the world can get this kind of treatment?

During the commotion, there was a knock on the courtyard door. Is there a visitor?

Lao He opened the courtyard door and saw Mr. Baoshan.

Mr. Baoshan! You are back. The two young masters have been talking about you these days... Lao He bowed deeply.

It's a lie at first glance. I still believe you when the second young master said you were talking about me. The third young master doesn't respect teachers so much...

Lao He scratched his head, hehehehe...

The door to the east courtyard opened, and Lin Jialiang rushed out, bowing and saluting with first-class etiquette. The door to the main courtyard opened, and the old lady came out to greet her. Her happy expression was genuine. Her two sons were about to take the imperial examination, and they urgently needed an expert. After a little tutoring, Mr. Baoshan is here. This is really the happiest thing.

From the west courtyard, Lin Su came over: Mr. Baoshan, I heard that you went to the ancient country of Nanyang? Have you met the Ci Master?

As soon as these words came out, everyone paid close attention.

The focus is different.

Mother Lin had mixed feelings about that Ci sect. She was grateful to that Ci sect. It was because of the creation of a Ci sect that her son's Ci Ci became a masterpiece that would be handed down from generation to generation. It became famous all over the world. The predecessors planted trees and the descendants enjoyed the shade. The son is enjoying the shade, and the poet is planting trees. People who enjoy the shade cannot be so heartless after all. But she is also a mother, and like other mothers, she has a subtle thought. Her son has such profound attainments in poetry, who is superior to that poet? Is it true, as everyone says, that green is better than blue?

However, Lin Jialiang knew that the Southern Chu layman of the Ci sect was simply taking the blame for his third brother. When the third brother had no fame, he took the responsibility of Kaiwen Road for his third brother. Didn't you see through this layer?

Baoshan said that he really wanted to go with Ci Zong for a while, but Ci Zong was too busy. The candidates from various palaces traveled thousands of miles, and those seeking Ci Zong's advice traveled across Baijiyuan. He had no chance to meet.

Of course, later on, the Ci Sect sent someone to inform Baoshan and allowed him to visit, but Baoshan refused.

Why refuse? Because Baoshan is not a fool, he knows why Ci Zong asked him to go. Lin Su from Da Cang Kingdom opened his literary career with novel, and Baoshan is the only senior literati from Da Cang Kingdom in the field. Ci Zong informed him I went there not for the poetry, but to understand the new genre novel that had just emerged. What is a novel? Baoshan knew nothing, what was he going to do? Is it okay to be a good person despite being ugly?

Therefore, he very much refused.

Lin Jialiang discovered another important point from these words...

Countless students who took the palace examination traveled thousands of miles to Baijiyuan to ask the Ci Sect to change the lyrics, but the Ci Sect really didn't refuse, resulting in countless requests from Baijiyuan. What does this mean? It shows that the lay people of Nanchu really regard themselves as ci masters!

How dare he do this?

This is a very risky thing.

If one day, the temple reveals that the original author of Die Lian Hua. Bai Ji Yuan is Lin Su, it will be a real disaster for the lay people of Nanchu!

That proves that he has been deceiving the world and stealing his reputation for a long time, and is a literary thief!

Literary men attach great importance to literary names, and literary thieves are the most despised titles for all literati.

Mr. Baoshan entered the living room and ate a meal of various snacks developed by Lin Su, and his eyes began to brighten...

After drinking Grade A Baiyunbian wine, my eyes are brighter...

I got the manuscript of Lin Su's The Legend of White Snake and started reading it. At this glance, I saw the setting sun from the morning, no, including the night...

After a whole day and night, Baoshan finished reading the novel The Legend of White Snake. He couldn't help but sigh, Xiaosan, I am amazed by your wonderful ideas. I suddenly felt that I would rather go to the ancient country of Nanyang to seek advice from others than to follow more If you chat, maybe you can give me some inspiration on Kaiwenlu.

Lin Su curled her lips: You know it now? I have already told you that if you stay in the Lin family for three years, I guarantee that you will be able to open up a literary career. If you don't believe me, you will have to run around. It turns out that I am a lot lower than you. The autumn water painting screen has been painted, are you ashamed?

Baoshan's eyes bulged: The art of Qiu Shui Painting Screen... was also inspired by you?

...The main thing is that she is true to her word, she is dedicated to the good of our Lin family, and good people and heaven take care of her...

Baoshan glared at him fiercely, and cursed in his heart: Does this mean that if I, Baoshan, want to open up a literary career, I have to show off in front of you?

That’s all, just show off!

In order to open up a literary path, for the promise I made when I drank too much, stay in the Lin family honestly. This guy’s literary talent is really hard to describe. More importantly, he is constantly coming up with fantastic ideas. Maybe Can it really help me break through the literary path?

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