Great Blue Night Watchman

Chapter 120 Green Yi’s concerns

Ding Hai flew away without even taking a sip of tea. He wanted to draft an agreement and would come over to sign it later...

As soon as Ding Hai left, Sister Chen hugged Lin Su from behind. She had never been like this before. She was really excited today...

Sir, the coal factory can be saved!

Lin Su laughed secretly in his heart, do you really think there is something wrong with the coal plant? How can it be? How in the world could something go wrong with a project like this? There is no need to worry about coal sales at all, okay? It will only trigger panic buying.

It's done, give me a kiss...

Sister Chen ran away directly: I'm going to prepare some refreshments. Boss Ding will come over later.

Walking out of the hall, the cold wind mixed with snowflakes blew away the heat on her face. Sister Chen took a breath to calm herself down again.

In the corridor, Liu Xinger brought tea.

Sister Chen, I can't stand it anymore... Liu Xing'er leaned close to Sister Chen's ear and whispered to her.

Um? What do you mean it can't work anymore?

Liu Xing'er explained that Luyi got the young master's poem manuscript, locked herself in the room, and took a bottle of wine...

Sister Chen's body flashed and she came under the window outside Lu Yi. She saw Lu Yi. Lu Yi was kneeling on the ground, facing the north. There was a burner of incense in front of her and two glasses of wine in front of it.

Father, mother, the Jin Dynasty has been destroyed. Do you know? This name is no longer remembered by the people. Every day it moves deeper into history. Gradually, it will disappear from people's sight forever. Perhaps the meaning of its existence is to serve as a warning to other countries and tell the world that the rise and fall of a country depends on what it does and what it does not do...

Father, mother! When we escaped from Yanmen Pass that day, my brother said that one day he would lead thousands of troops to restore the Jin Dynasty. My sister said that she would step into the Taoist gate and return to her homeland as an immortal...

On the road to restoration of the country, my brother and sister did not have me, because I was only ten years old when we separated... My sister said, sister, just forget about Da Jin. Be an ordinary person in Da Cang, get married and have children. In this life... time flies by, flowers fall and flowers fly, we really become two people traveling across the world... They may have forgotten me, but I miss them, and I also miss you...

Sister Chen quietly withdrew from the window, faced the Yangtze River, and breathed out softly.

She knows who she is.

She is from the royal family of the Jin Dynasty. Otherwise, how can we talk about restoring the country?

The royal family of the Jin Dynasty was really sad. On that day, the troops of the Osumi Kingdom pressed down on the border. They passed through the border and beheaded generals, and the troops overwhelmed the capital. The royal family of the Jin Dynasty negotiated with Osumi and was willing to surrender, so they opened the city gates and surrendered. When things got here, it was generally It should be an ending, that is, the royal family should be properly settled, the monarch should be given the title of duke, and he should be taken to the capital of Osumi to support the world. But this general Osumi was very arrogant. When he entered the palace and saw the queen's beauty, he actually pressed the queen down. On the dragon chair, she wanted to rape her, but the queen was unwilling to be humiliated and killed her head first, angering the whole city.

The general issued an order to massacre the city.

They killed less than a million people in the capital city of Jin Dynasty with a population of tens of millions. All civil and military officials in the dynasty were killed. The royal princesses and harem concubines were taken to Dayu and sold to the Jiaofangsi. For three years, Guests gathered in the capital city of Osumi, and dignitaries from all over the world traveled thousands of miles just to play there and surrender their concubines and princesses. Where can you see such a thing?

Ohsumi's power was famous all over the world, and the general who caused all these consequences was actually named King of Jin.

In the warm room, the agreement has been signed. Boss Ding worked hard to get another chance for himself. He received 150,000 briquettes from the coal factory every day at 2 coins for each hundred briquettes. He was responsible for transporting them himself.

His daily sales on this line reach 300 taels of silver.

Sister Chen was extremely happy.

Ding Hai took out a magic weapon and spoke to the restaurant, then directly arranged for someone to go get the goods.

When he had some free time, he sat down with Lin Su to drink tea.

He sighed as soon as he opened his mouth, Third Young Master, I find that you and I still drink too much tea together.

Lin Su's sister Chen was stunned.

Ding Hai said, the last time the Third Young Master went to Huichang, a new type of machinery came out, which directly brought the Lin family business that was almost expelled from Huichang by the textile industry to the altar. If I had drank this cup of tea with the Third Young Master in advance, Will this machine become Haininglou's specialty product?

Haha, Lin Su laughed, you are in the restaurant business, why do you want to get involved in everything?

Why do business? Isn’t it just about making money?

Why not do a profitable business?

Okay, okay, after all, the loom thing is far away from me, and I don’t want to think about it anymore. Does the Third Young Master have any new cooperation projects?

Lin Su smiled, okay, you can also cooperate on the cement and gray bricks.

cement? Gray brick? What is it? Ding Hai's eyes glowed green again.

Let's go to Jiangtan Village together and let you experience it on the spot...

River Beach? Boss Ding frowned: It's snowing heavily today. After this season, people are dead everywhere. Are you sure you really want to go?

You were talking about this time last year. This year's river beach is not the situation you mentioned.

They got on the carriage and drove all the way. After passing the official road, they reached the river beach. Boss Ding's face was filled with emotion. The river beach had become completely unfamiliar to him. The straight road was five feet wide, and there was a newly built river below. embankment.

When was it repaired? I haven't been to Jiangtan in just two years, why has it changed so much?

No, at the beginning of spring this year, didn’t thousands of people die on the river beach?

The embankment is still there, but where is the embankment missing?

Along the way, the river embankments were in good condition and very new. The more Boss Ding looked at them, the more surprised he became: Sir, this river embankment seems to be newly built.

Of course it is. Construction started a month and a half ago. In just one month, it was built forty miles.

This is impossible! This is absolutely impossible! You need to know that this is all made of huge rocks...

How is it possible to build a 40-mile river embankment in one month? The embankment is ten meters high and is made entirely of huge rocks. There are not so many stones within a thousand miles.

No! It's not a stone!...

Boss Ding got off the carriage and monitored the situation, and his face changed.

This is not a stone, but it is as hard as a stone!

This is cement!

A certain mysterious stone powder is made with a unique formula, mixed with sand and gravel, and it becomes something that is comparable to a stone. Oh my God, how ingenious is this? This will completely turn the world upside down!

The city wall will be impregnable if it is used.

Use it on the road and it will be smooth and hard.

What about houses? Houses use it...

As soon as he said this, Lin Su smiled: In front is a house made of cement and gray bricks. You can go in and talk to him. Sister Chen and I are waiting for you in the car...

Boss Ding did not refuse and went to the first house by himself. He was shocked as soon as he entered the house. Whose house is this? The interior walls are made of a strange kind of brick, and the roof is actually a huge slate, no! He just realized that this was not a stone slab, but a cement slab. The floor was clean and tidy, and it was also paved with cement.

The layout of the house is extremely comfortable and reasonable.

Could it be the place where some master hermit lives?

How can ordinary people have such vision? How can you have such financial resources?

An old man inside opened the door curtain and came out, looking at him curiously: Are you...

My surname is Ding. I'm just a merchant. It's freezing cold, so I came inside to take shelter from the wind and snow. Is it convenient?

The old man smiled: It turns out that you are a traveling merchant. Please come into the inner room. There is a stove inside to keep you warm.

Ding Hai entered the inner room and felt a wave of heat coming over him. He stared at the stove in front of him in surprise. It was exactly the kind he saw in the Lin family, only a little simpler.

Old man, what is burning in here?


Sure enough it is!

Ding Hai looked at the wall and the floor above: I wonder what my father-in-law's surname is?

The old man smiled: How can we, the homeless people on the riverbank, have any famous names? My surname is Zeng. You can just call me Old Man Zeng...

Ding Hai was shocked. Are you a refugee?

Old man Zeng had just built a new house, and it was the stage where he couldn't close his chat box. He talked about everything.

The little old man is indeed a refugee. The long row of folks down here who have just built new houses are also refugees on the river beach. Who would have thought that in this windy and snowy winter, they could actually build a cement house of their own? Is there still a stove for heating? These are the blessings brought by the Third Young Master...

On the carriage, Lin Su leaned on the carriage, and Sister Chen turned her face to talk to him in front.

Young Master, do you want to pass on the new changes in the river beach through him, and then use his power to bring coal, cement, and gray bricks to life?

Lin Su nodded. In things in the market, people who are in the market always have a smoother time. He has made a lot of money from coal, and others will naturally pay attention to Jiangtan Village. Only when more people pay attention can our products be sold. You have to go out and make money, and you have to rely on the outside world. The local people in Jiangtan don't have much purchasing power.

These things are so profitable, and I think Boss Ding is very powerful and very eager. Otherwise, I can give it all to him...

This is not possible! Lin Su said: You remember a rule, your single customer can only account for 10% of your total at most. You must form diversified marketing channels, otherwise, it will be his turn to manipulate you. .Ding Hai is not a good person either!

Sister Chen was surprised: Then did I mess up something today? I gave him such a large share in a moment of impatience...

No! Lin Su smiled and said: The daily output of the coal plant is not one million. If it is fully operational, it can reach at least 2 million, and there will be more in the future. You give him 150,000, which is just right!

Sister Chen breathed a sigh of relief: Sir, I don't understand business. If I do something wrong, you can scold me if you should, and veto if you should veto. Don't accommodate me...

Close your eyes!

Sister Chen's eyes closed gently, and two hot lips fell on her lips...

Sister Chen's heartbeat is speeding up. She's across the railing. You want to kiss her too...

Sister Chen, when you met me, I was a pauper. Even if I become a pauper again because of you, we are just back to the past, and you are still my Sister Chen!

Sister Chen suddenly jumped away from his lips, and the windshield in front was lowered, blocking her from him. Sister Chen's face turned red, and she leaned against the windshield, her chest rising and falling gently.

Ding Hai has visited five houses over there.

Two of them were newly built houses, and the other three were refugees who had not built houses and were still living in the original shabby houses. These people could not fake it, but they came to the same conclusion.

The river beach has changed.

Even if the riverbank refugees live in broken houses, they still have stoves to keep them warm and they will not freeze to death.

Each of their families is provided with food rations, so they will not starve to death.

Why? Because of the Third Young Master!

The Third Young Master has carried out all-round construction of Jiangtan. Every household has received an advance payment for next year's rice. Cement is discounted to Jiangtan residents, coal is also discounted, gray bricks are still discounted, and more importantly, Jiangtan residents are given discounts. There is work to do in winter. Working in cement factories, coal factories, and brick factories, you can get 2 taels of silver per month.

Boss Ding's heart was filled with excitement one after another. This guy is really a business wizard. His business is completely different from those businessmen in the city. He builds the foundation, seizes resources, and controls the source...

Ding Hai returned to the carriage and said directly: Third Young Master, I want to reach a gentleman's agreement with you.

Oh? Tell me!

From now on, I will cooperate with you in any business you like. No matter how much investment is required in the early stage, I will just throw the money in without asking the reason!

Sister Chen was happy.

Lin Su frowned: From a subjective point of view, I am quite willing to cooperate with you, but... some things may be very involved. I don't know if you can afford it in Haining House.

Questioning Haininglou’s ability?

Ding Hai took a deep breath, intending to shock him, but he saw the look in Lin Su's eyes...

It was my fault that Baiyunbian leaked the secret! But it didn't have a big impact on you. This kind of incident will never happen again.

Lin Su nodded.

This matter is definitely done by Bishui Sect. They have just launched their liquor called 'Bishui Xianjiang'. I have tasted it. They added sweet rice perfume to the wine. The fragrance is stronger than our wine. There has been a craze in the capital, and I have made arrangements. Soon, their liquor will face a big storm...

Lin Su interrupted him: You don't need to tell me the specific method. I believe you can defeat them.

Boss Ding opened his eyes wide: Why are you so sure?

Because when they add perfume to the wine, they have already shown that they are newbies in the market!


The greatest quality of good wine is mellowness. It is by no means random addition of spices. Adding spices to wine will only make good wine worse. Ordinary people may not be able to test these, but senior wine masters will definitely be able to test them. And the quality of wine Good or bad, the right to speak lies in the hands of these wine seniors. As long as something they like will become synonymous with authenticity and high-end, those randomly added wines will make them hate it extremely - just like the hatred when the woman they like is insulted. The Immortal Sect just can’t change its old habit of adding random items...

What's next? They don't even realize that the real good wine is still behind. Once the door you add to attract people by adding random things is opened, the door to continue moving forward is closed at the same time. Really good wine is aged!

No addition will make the wine more and more fragrant.

If you add it indiscriminately, it may be very fragrant at first sight, but over time, the spices inside will precipitate, the wine will become muddy, there will be impurities, and it may even go bad.

These immortal sect masters are all ignorant!

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