Great Blue Night Watchman

Chapter 105 The courtyard is deep

Therefore, if the two brothers want to relieve the pressure on their elder brother, the best way is to make themselves stronger. Only when Lin Su becomes stronger can he attract all the enemy's firepower...

Lin Jialiang understood this truth. He held up the wine glass in his hand and said, Third brother, I want to ask about a topic that you may not want to mention...


What does your Wenshan... look like?

Wenshan is the topic that Lin Jialiang wants to ask the most but has never dared to ask. He is worried that it will reveal the scars of his third brother. The third brother failed to pick the Wenshan. This was his biggest setback in the Huichang Trial and the sequelae of this setback. very serious.

Why? Because Wenshan is the foundation in literature. If Wenshan is not of a good standard and cannot bear the power of high-level literature, then no matter how talented he is, his achievements will be limited.

He might not be able to pass the next palace examination.

Lin Su smiled.

Lin Jialiang's head suddenly jumped...

Second brother, you must have never imagined that I actually had a chance to win Jinshan! But I gave up. I gave up voluntarily.

Why? Lin Jialiang jumped up suddenly.

Because there is another mountain above the Golden Mountain! I won that mountain!

Above the golden mountain?

Lin Jialiang's head was pounding: didn't actually fail?

Before choosing, I weighed the gamble, but now, I firmly believe that my judgment is correct! Lin Su said: Because my Wenshan is infinitely compatible with me, it is in my body, just like a living body , and my literary roots and literary world are perfectly integrated with Wenshan and become a whole. Maybe the literary masters are wrong. Wenshan, not Jinshan, is the best, and the best is what suits me.

Lin Jialiang raised his glass: Third brother, let's drink this glass of wine! As long as you and I know about this, as you said, a big tree attracts wind, and a strong person attracts disaster. Let them think that you Wenshan has been frustrated, so that you can relax. Vigilance is the best.”

Second brother, you have realized it!

Lin Su laughed, clinked glasses with his second brother, and drank the whole drink.

Back in the west courtyard, it was already dusk, and under the setting sun, Green Yi was sitting in the courtyard, holding a pipa, gesturing with her fingers, immersed in the world of music.

Lin Su smiled softly: What? Want to play a song?

Luyi was slightly startled, then smiled: Madam Xi Jing, I'd better not play anymore. If I play in the void, I can still hear the melody of the music.

It's useless just for you to hear it. Sister Chen said with a smile: If you don't let me listen, how will I know if this pipa is flawless?

Is the pipa also made by Sister Chen? Lin Su sighed: Sister Chen, you are really right. You built the bathroom, you made the machinery, and now you even make musical instruments. Aren't you afraid that the bosses of the musical instruments shop will fight against you?

Sister Chen smiled sweetly: What am I afraid of? If they dare to bully me, my son, Princess Gou Yinjiu, and her mother will kill him!

Lin Su hid her forehead, Sister Chen, you are also a bad learner...

Giggles, laughter erupted in the yard.

Luyi, I'm going to correct you. My mother has also changed. She used to be Xi Jing, but now she is definitely not. If you don't believe it, try playing a song. Maybe she will come over right away and become your audience with her chin in her hand. …”

Really? If Madam wants to beat me, you have to protect me.

Absolutely relax, my mother will beat me at most, not you...

In the main hall, Madam was copying poems. After copying The Sapphire Case, she tilted her head and read it for a long time, then sighed, My son's poem The Sapphire Case, I prefer it to the pioneering work of Ci Zong...

That's right! Xiaoxue said with a smile: Young Master's Qing Jade Case is a poem that has been handed down from generation to generation, but the Butterfly Love Flower poem that day was just a colorful poem. In terms of grade, Young Master's Qing Jade Case is better. It's a pity that Young Master The enlightenment was a little late, otherwise, a generation of Ci masters would never have been able to reach that Nanchu layman in Nanyang.

Don't talk nonsense! Madam said: Sanlang's ability to write peerless poems is also due to the glory of the Ci sect. Without the founding of this Ci sect, how could Sanlang be as brilliant as he is today? We, the Lin family, are kind. Repay kindness, repay kindness with kindness, and do not do what Meng Lang did just because of temporary glory...

Yes, madam! Knowing that madam is kind, Xiaoxue dares to talk nonsense like this... Xiaoxue gently hugged madam's shoulders.

Tell me, what happened when you entered Huichang this time?

Xiaoxue's face turned a little red: Madam, you must be most concerned about the Third Young Master. Let me tell you, on the way to Huichang, the Third Young Master met a Taoist. The Taoist said that the Third Young Master had good luck in love affairs. He was so accurate... …”

Madam's eyes opened wider and wider...

Oh my God, that Ninth Princess appeared? As soon as you came, you snuggled into Saburo's arms and couldn't get down?

Do you keep saying that you are a concubine?

Did you get into Saburo's room at night?

Is she really getting along with Saburo?

It seems that the posture is really good, but...but madam, until the return trip, the Ninth Princess's guard sand is still there...

Xiaoxue's face was a little confused, and she regretted that she shouldn't have brought up this topic. How could a big girl be embarrassed to talk about this?

Hmm... being in love and keeping etiquette is not bad! The lady nodded: What about this guy in green? He looks so pretty and cute. Did Saburo bring people to his house just because of their faces?

This was really not true at the beginning. Didn't the Third Young Master write a poem for someone else? That Zhizhou was such a bad thing, but the Third Young Master couldn't help it, so he arrested the girl and beat her severely. Yes, Sister Chen was also killed by him When they were caught, the young master became angry when he heard about it. He went to the Zhizhou Mansion and took the two of them out. He really couldn't leave her behind when he left, otherwise she would definitely fall into the hands of the Zhizhou. As for... As for who is there now? Without this idea, Xiaoxue really doesn’t know, after all, green clothes... green clothes are so beautiful...

Wrote a poem?

What poem?

Madam's interest suddenly went astray.

Xiaoxue took out a piece of paper from her pocket, with tiny handwriting written on it.

Well, good calligraphy, who wrote it?


With such good words, this girl is not an ordinary person... The sound of autumn outside the Great Wall enters the Zechuan River. After several storms, I fall in front of the stage. I can finally see you after calling for so many times, still holding the pipa to half-cover my face...

The lady's attention immediately shifted to this poem. It was a long poem, and the sound of pipa seemed to be faintly ringing in the ears when reading, with endless changes.

What a wonderful poem, what a wonderful pipa. I really want to hear what kind of pipa music this is to create a peerless poem like my son...

As soon as he finished speaking, the pipa played...

The lady was slightly surprised...

It's coming from the west courtyard... Green clothes are playing the pipa... Xiaoxue said softly.

Don't make a sound...

The pipa was tinkling like pearls falling on a jade plate. Madam listened to the pipa and looked at the poem manuscript in front of her, mesmerized...

When the song ended, she still had more to say.

Madam, if you like to listen, why not go to the west courtyard and let her play another song?

No! The lady shook her head gently: She is with my son, let them enjoy their world. Listening to this song is already a blessing for me.

Suddenly there was a soft cry from outside: Xiaoxue!

Xiaoxue walked out of the room. Outside the door was Xiaoyue, the same Xiaoyue who went out to the river beach with her.

Xiaoyue leaned into her ear and said something, and Xiaoxue's expression suddenly changed.

Xiaoxue, I'm just telling you, don't tell the young master, otherwise, the young master will definitely get angry. Those people...those people are too scary. You can't cause trouble for the young master.

That night, with the sound of pipa playing in the west courtyard and the whole courtyard singing and laughing, only Xiaoxue sat on the bed and looked at the river beach...

It was late at night and Lin Su had fallen asleep.

But at midnight, Lin Su suddenly felt hot and hot all over her body and woke up.

As soon as he woke up, he shouted in his heart: I am C!

The words of the patriarch came true.

When he was sleeping, he felt nothing. He thought the clan leader was joking - the demon emperor liked to see him in embarrassment.

But at this moment, heat suddenly surged out of his dantian, causing him to transform directly. He couldn't help but want to do something unfamous for a moment. It confirmed that this obscure demon emperor told the truth.

This is a bit fatal.

Who is in the West Courtyard?

Myolie, Sister Chen, dressed in green.

Not to mention whether these three can be eaten, the key point is that there is no preparation at all. What’s the point of just coming to the door to start...

It would be nice if the dark night was here...

Forget it, the old way!

Lin Su jumped up, walked out of the courtyard wall, and arrived at Nanhu. With his hands together, he flew the knife into the lake with the extremely fierce wind. He struck again, each one more powerful than the other...

As for himself, imagining extremely terrifying enemies attacking from all directions, he kept moving and dodging, making every effort to fully release his physical energy.

It was quiet at night and there was no one else around. If anyone else were present, they would probably think of him as a lunatic.

One hour, two hours, three hours, when the east spit out a hint of fish belly white, Lin Su's whole body was washed by water, and he collapsed in the grass by the lake, falling into a deep sleep.

After waking up, Lin Su turned over and jumped into the South Lake. He washed away all the dirt and returned to the shore refreshed. His mind sank into his Dantian. The energy in his Dantian seemed to have increased, but it was not obvious.

It seems that the quality of the demon pill is still not as good as that of the dragon pill. When the dragon pill entered the dantian, after a night of tossing, one could always feel a linear increase in the true energy the next day, but now, it is only a trace amount.

Lin Su was not in a hurry and went home.

The next day, boss Ding Haiding came, put on a classic businessman smile, and congratulated the two young masters of the Lin family for being named to the gold list.

Lin Su accepted his congratulations and asked him a question, where did Dark Night go?

Boss Ding actually didn't know that An Ye was from the headquarters and he couldn't control her. He heard that she was about to break through the sky. Maybe she was traveling around the world, looking for opportunities to break through? Those who have practiced martial arts to this level are not normal people. It is very normal to not see him for ten or twenty years.

Lin Su frowned, this was not normal.

Others don't know the relationship between An Ye and him, but of course he knows that An Ye is his real woman, and she gave him her first time.

Why couldn't he feel her affection when the two of them were together? Although every time I have sex with her, she pretends to sigh, as if she has no choice but to do it, but in fact she is more interested in that matter than herself...

He was captured by Wu Dao Abyss, and the second brother relayed what she said at that time: Wu Dao Abyss dares to hurt him even a hair, I will flatten you Wu Dao Abyss in the dark night!

He could get a glimpse of her entire heart from these words!

It's been so long since he returned from the Pathless Abyss, why doesn't she come back?

Could it be that she was in the wilderness and had no idea of ​​his return?

Even if it was like this before, you should know it now, right?

Because just yesterday, one of his legendary poems spread throughout the nine countries and thirteen states. As long as she was in the world of mortals, she should know that he had escaped from the abyss of innocence and that she would come back to see him.

It seems that Mr. Lin is still very concerned about An Ye. How about I help you find out? Boss Ding smiled like an old fox.

Okay, I still owe her something. If you find it, let me know immediately.

Ding Hai said goodbye and left, leaving Lin Su in a daze.

Chen Si brought a cup of tea from behind: Master, don't worry about her. She may have broken through the sky. There are not many people in the world who can hurt her.

If she is just traveling around the world or performing tasks, I'm not worried. Lin Su said: But I'm worried that she really found the entrance to the Abyss of Pathlessness and really foolishly broke in...

The general examination was over, and there were still five months left for the palace examination. He had some time to spare, but after all, there were some things that kept his heart occupied, such as dark nights, such as hugging mountains...

The matter in the dark night is waiting for Boss Ding to report back. Haining House does not seem to be a simple restaurant. I heard that the water behind it is quite deep. Take Baiyunbian as an example. He transferred such magical wine to Haining House. If it is Who can keep an ordinary restaurant? But until now, Haining House has firmly held the power of production, sales, and pricing in its hands. Being able to do this in this troubled world has proven that Haining House is not simple.

As for Baoshan, one person must know it well, and that is Magistrate Yang.

He took the initiative to meet with Governor Yang.

At the mention of holding the mountain, Zhifu Yang smiled...

Baoshan went to the Monster Clan, and he also brought a lot of Baiyunbian with him. Before leaving, he told Magistrate Yang to guard the Lin family. He went to the Monster Clan Holy Land and asked to see some of the Monster Clan giants to see if there was any chance to follow him. Wu Daoyuan makes a deal...

Baoshan also ran for his affairs.

In the Holy Land of the Monster Clan, there is no way to receive a letter from Hongyan who relies on literary principles. Therefore, when Lin Su comes back, Magistrate Yang cannot notify him. However, it should not be a problem now. Lin Su's poem has been spread all over the world. In the Nine Kingdoms and Thirteen States, this earth-shattering news will naturally reach the Holy Land of the Monster Clan. Why didn't he return immediately after hearing the news? Taking advantage of the kindness of saving you, I want you to ask for one or two thousand catties of Baiyunbian?

After chatting with Magistrate Yang, Lin Su felt relieved. He had a few drinks at the Magistrate's Mansion and returned to Lin's Mansion.

In the following time, Lin Su was waiting for news and preparing for the palace examination.

The palace examination is a step further based on the general examination.

The palace examination also tests one poem, one word, one policy and one sentence, and also adds one of the most troublesome items, which is the commentary on the Holy Words.

What is the Holy Word Commentary?

Understanding of the Word!

The Holy Word is a dead question, basically memorizing it by rote. If you have a good memory, you can pass it if you work hard.

The Divination Commentary is an understanding of the Bible and a living question! This is difficult.

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