Great Blue Night Watchman

Chapter 1048 Going to the Third Heaven Again

Yi Sheng has always been the opponent's person, at least on the surface!

He has absolutely no reason to recommend Feng Ji as the master of the Le Palace!

But he just pushed it!

Yi Sheng, is this a trading name?


A dignified saint would not surrender his name to Lin Su, he was just making his own protest!

Even if he was making his own protest, those people would still have to accept it. If the saints didn't agree with it, it would be in vain for him to raise it. But why would those people give in to his protest?

Unless Yi Sheng has some control over them...

This is a truly valuable piece of information!

Its value far exceeds that of Luo Wuxin's entry into the White Pavilion!

In the third heaven, if there are milestones in the saint's plan to divide, this will be the most important milestone...

Are there any others?

Ming Tianyan shook his head: The matter you asked me to investigate, there is nothing valuable yet, and the time is only a month. These are the only really exciting things.

You've worked hard during this period. Come on, give me a reward! Lin Su stretched out his hand and grabbed Ming Tianyan's hand.

Reward? What do you mean?

You probably didn't understand this well before, but now that you have changed, I think you should understand... Lin Su's hand gently touched the jade hand in his palm. The movement was very gentle, but it was also clearly filled with electricity. The ground drilled into the deepest part of Ming Tianyan's heart.

Ming Tianyan's heartbeat quickened...

She understood the meaning of the word reward...

This is going to continue the absurdity of a month ago...

What happened a month ago, she really had a reason to put on the table. She was stimulated by the painful expression on Yuan Ji's face. She was worried that Yuan Ji would be taken away by Liu Ruyan, which would create the greatest danger. In line with the strategy of eliminating danger Thinking, she wanted to truly decipher the female instinct, so she went to bed with him and used herself as a verification.

That is essentially war thinking.

That's a very orthodox way of handling a crisis.

However, this experiment, Ming Tianyan must admit, seems to have gone a bit wrong, because she felt a novel taste. This is not something that an eight-hundred-year-old woman should feel, and this is not something that a quasi-literary saint should feel. Something to feel.

However, she just felt it.

And it also left the most special mark in my heart.

A month has passed, and every time in the dead of night, this mark exudes colorful lace, making her sleepless at night, and making her heart full of little ants crawling sideways...

Now, this little handsome boy is back, saying things that make people think deeply, making such crazy movements with his hands, and the sliding of his nails is the same as the ants crawling on his heart...

However, Ming Tianyan is too contradictory...

Are you really going to be fucked by him like this?

He is talking about reward!

The reward has nothing to do with her original reason...

Isn’t this simply because you can’t become famous?

Over and over again, my reasons were in pieces. Didn’t I really fall into the quagmire and become his woman from then on?

This direction is a little too outrageous.

I have to go!

Ming Tianyan moved his hand lightly, detached himself from Lin Su's palm, and smiled gracefully: For doing such a big thing, you really deserve a reward. How about I ask Qingxiang to give you something delicious?

She seemed to have no idea of ​​the true meaning of reward.

Lin Su said in a daze: It's delicious, I think you are the one...

I still have something to do, please reward yourself! Ming Tianyan turned around gracefully, stepped on the black and white lights, and disappeared.

Lin Su looked at the direction in which she disappeared and felt confused for a while...

Are you too slow or... too slow?

Next time I want to reward someone, should I skip the verbal communication and just get started?

That night, Lin Su hugged the pillow and rewarded herself with sleep.

Ming Tianyan was walking in Wuyou Mountain facing the stars. Under the stars, her face was covered with a rare red glow. Yes, even in front of Lin Su, she rarely showed this expression. Probably only under the stars. , facing one's own unpredictable heart, this true face is truly released.

Lin Su thought she was a little too slow, and she hated herself for being too sensitive.

Yes, she is really a little too sensitive. Even a simple hand-holding can make her heart beat extremely fast. She is thinking about how to fall completely into it. No matter what the result will be, at least the process It really made her look forward to it...

What's wrong with me?

I'm eight hundred years old, why do I still look like a little girl without love?

This is a disease and must be cured!

Wuyou Mountain took a breath and suppressed all the madness...

Early next morning.

When Lin Su woke up from his sleep, he felt as if his brain had been taken a bath, and it became infinitely clear for a moment.

Today, it’s time to go to the third heaven!

He moved his feet, jumped into the air, and landed next to the Mianzun Bridge.

Two cranes knelt down at the same time beside the Mianzun Bridge.

This is the etiquette for welcoming saints.

Lin Su finally got it now.

He strolled across the Mianzun Bridge...

There is nothing abnormal in the third heaven, at least, on the surface, nothing is abnormal...

Lin Su stood up in one step and went straight to the military capital.

In the military capital, in the study room of the hut, the soldier turned back in one step.

God is my witness, he is a dignified saint, and his face is a little excited at this moment.

Accompanied by Li Tianlei, Lin Su came directly to him, stretched out his hand gently, and held up Weiyang Bi with both hands: Old man, Weiyang Bi, the original pen is returned!

The Soldier Saint gently took it, his heart skipped a beat, and all the holy power in Weiyang's pen was emptied.

Reconnected with him.

The Soldier Saint slowly raised his eyes: Will you gain anything from this trip?

In the entire Third Heaven, only he and Li Tianlei knew where Lin Su had gone during the month he had disappeared.

Lin Su smiled: This trip is worth three glasses of wine. Master, Brother Li, how about we have a drink?

Top-quality white clouds poured into three blue and white porcelain cups, and seemed to stir up waves.

Lin Su gently held up the wine glass: The sixty-nine saints in the outer world, the thirty-three saints have been eliminated, and the remaining thirty-six saints will be our comrades in the fight against the Wuxin catastrophe!

What? The wine glass in the Soldier's Saint's hand suddenly swung.

Li Tianlei went even further and almost dropped the wine glass in his hand.

Old man, this thing sounds very unbelievable, but after listening to what this junior said, you will understand that sometimes solving problems does not rely on combat power...

Lin Su slowly straightened up and talked about his big plan outside the customs...

The big plan was launched for a whole month, but now it only takes a few words...

Li Tianlei's face changed. He was already the master of the military palace. He also boasted of his amazing strategies. However, he was completely stunned by Lin Su's ingenious plan.

Can the strategy still be used like this?

Where is the Soldier Saint?

The unparalleled warrior who has conquered the world in the past three thousand years and whose military skills are unparalleled on the battlefield is completely out of shape at the moment...

After Lin Su finished speaking, the Soldier Saint let out a long breath. This breath was like a ray of cool wind blowing across the battlefield thousands of miles away...

Focus on the opponent's shortcomings and look at the opponent's shackles. A ball of heaven contains the cause and effect of heaven, setting off a craze of billions of miles in the foreign land. This plan is already a plan of Lingtian, and there is also the concept of 'involution', even if They have seen through that they can still only move forward on the road of involution, and as long as they take the first step, no matter how they change, they will eventually be on your chessboard and become your chess pieces! Xiao Linzi, when it comes to the art of war, maybe you and I Between brothers, but in terms of the ability to calculate people's hearts, I am not as good as you!

Lin Su smiled: The old man is laughing! The old man's plan is to defeat the general trend, but the kid's plan is actually not elegant.

The Soldier Sage shook his head gently: It's even more elegant. It has not changed the situation of the war for three thousand years. It has completely ended the disasters in the world. What is elegance? What is indecent? What is the general trend? What is the general trend? Small calculation?... Come, Xiao Linzi, you and I will have three drinks together!


Three glasses of wine were exchanged, and Li Tianlei accompanied them with excitement.

As the master of the Bing Palace, there are very few people in the world who can drink with him, but today, he is not even half as majestic as the master of the Bing Palace. He consciously regards himself as a little transparent, accompanying the two of them. A big military boss drinks.

After three glasses of wine, Lin Su's eyes flashed: Old man, I came here today to ask you about your plan. When do you think it's best to make this matter public?

Lin Su was also conflicted about whether to make this matter public immediately.

There are benefits to being open to the public, but there are also benefits to not being open to the public.

What are the benefits of disclosure?

It is conducive to the formation of a unanimous decision in the temple, and the strategic focus shifts from the outer world to the secular world.

In the past, when the demons in the secular world were in trouble, as long as they asked the temple for help, the answer they would always get was: the battlefield of the temple is in the sky, and worldly matters will be ignored.

Objectively speaking, there is nothing wrong with this statement.

Because the main battlefield of the temple is indeed in the outer sky.

The seventy or eighty foreign saints and millions and millions of super masters on the other side of the sky are worthy of the temple's all-out effort.

And now?

The crisis in Tianwaitian is completely gone, and the excuse of the Temple is gone. Based on the destruction of the world by the Wuxin Catastrophe, the Temple can adjust its strategic direction, transfer all combat power from Tianwaitian, and target the Wuxin Catastrophe. Tribulation.

However, there are also advantages to not being open to the public...

The Soldier Saint pondered slightly: How much knowledge do you have about this matter?

Lin Sudao: The 36 Saints from the Foreign Land, three of us, and one more person: Ming Tianyan! Exactly 40 people.

The Soldier Saint stood up slowly: If the 36 Saints from the foreign land want to survive, they will have a chance of survival by joining forces with us. However, this is only their inner setting and cannot be used directly as an excuse for a strategic shift, because this reason is very difficult. Selfishness cannot be brought to the forefront and cannot gain the consensus of hundreds of millions of people in foreign lands.”

This is strategic thinking.

The 36 saints from the foreign land must join forces with the temple for their own lives.

However, just these 36 people are not enough, it must also include thousands of sects in the entire foreign land.

Why should thousands of sects listen to your orders?

If you say it directly, we 36 saints will die if we don’t join this association, so you all must be of one mind with us.

Do you think these barbaric people will accept it?

There will certainly be plenty of dissent among them...

Especially for those sects whose saints were destroyed by them, the opposition will become more intense. They will say: You 36 saints are cowards who are greedy for life and afraid of death! You are the traitors of Tianwaitian. You joined forces with the enemy and forced to death the 33 saints who truly had the courage to resist. Now you want to surrender to the enemy!

With the rising voices of opposition, a protracted battle will break out on the other side of Tianwaitian. No matter how powerful the 36 Saints are, they will still be exhausted. The unintentional catastrophe is coming in a blink of an eye. Can they still leave Tianwaitian with peace of mind and serve as the dead soldiers in the unintentional catastrophe?

Even if they can, only a small number of them can do it. What about the other second-rate masters?

You need to know that those people are also a huge force.

All this is just the beginning of the Soldier Saint, but Lin Su naturally understands it all: The excuses of the 36 Saints from the Foreign Land are easy to find. They can tell everyone that this move is purely for the hundreds of millions of cultivators in Tianwai Tian! And the reasons are very convincing. , except for their group of saints, almost all the others were born under this heavenly way. Every step of their practice is marked with the imprint of this heavenly way! If the heavenly way collapses, these practitioners will more or less be will be affected, so the 36 Saints are willing to give up their 'ancestral roots' for the sake of their descendants and all the sentient beings on this spiritual path, and lead all practitioners to seek a future that belongs to their descendants!

How wonderful! Originally it was for themselves, but the words changed and it was for all living beings, and they themselves became saints who sacrificed their lives for the sake of righteousness... This excuse is very suitable for putting on the table, very suitable for gathering consensus in foreign lands! The Bingsheng smiled softly: Then we can't cause trouble for them. This breaking news should not be made public right now!

Okay! Lin Su nodded.

As mentioned before, there are public benefits to making this breaking news public.

However, there are also benefits to not being open to the public.

This is the advantage of not making it public. It is not possible to expose the lies of the foreign saints at the critical moment when they are trying to unite the people's hearts.

The Soldier Saint held up the wine glass, twirled it gently in his palm, and said slowly: If we don't make this matter public, there may be an unexpected gain.

The old man is referring to...

On the third level of heaven, there has already been a Fengya. Apart from her, who can be sure that there is no other person?

Lin Su's eyes widened: Does the old man want to force this fish to show up on its own?

The world is like a fish, and the world is like a pond. When the water in the pond becomes shallow, the fish must find another way out. If we further drain the water in the pond and squeeze out the space, is it possible for this fish with different aspirations to set its sights on the pond? Outside? Looking for other support?

Li Tianlei's heart skipped a beat. At this moment, he finally caught up with his master's thoughts.

Lin Su's heart also jumped...

Is this possible?

Apparently there is!

The world is like a pond, and people are like fish. How brilliant is it to put them on the third level of heaven?

The Third Heaven is very big, and there are many fish. No one knows which fish among them has a different intention. It is difficult to find out if you check it, because their identities are too prominent, their methods are too superb, and their deception is too great. powerful……

However, they are also the best at observing the current situation. After Lin Su revealed the timetable for the collapse of Heaven's Dao, most people had no way out. Even the struggle between Dao must give way to the collapse of Heaven's Dao, and Confucianism must move closer to the way of war. .

This is only a choice that normal local saints should make, and does not include those outsiders who are not local saints and have different aspirations.

If there are really visitors from outside the region, their living space will be squeezed.

As their path becomes narrower and narrower, it is possible for them to set their sights beyond the third heaven. Who is the person who is qualified to receive their olive branch?

He can only be a saint from a foreign land in heaven!

At present, the foreign saint has been instigated by Lin Su to rebel. However, the foreign saint will not admit it, and no one will publicize it to the outside world. The saints in the third heaven do not know about it either.

If they really contacted the saint from a foreign land, wouldn't they expose themselves?

If it really comes to this point, then the concealment this time is really valuable.

Lin Su smiled: The younger generation admires the old man's military skills! In this way, we have reached a consensus and hide it in front of us!

Come! Have three more drinks! The Soldier Saint started, and there was another round of wine. The three glasses of wine just now were probably the celebration wine, and these three glasses were the wine of consensus reached by connecting minds and reaching a consensus.

Li Tianlei accompanied him for three cups as usual.

After finishing three glasses of wine, Li Tianlei stood up and said, Uncle Master, the war situation in the Southeast Buddhist Kingdom is in a stalemate. I don't know what Uncle Master thinks.

The war situation in the Southeast Buddhist Kingdom?

Lin Su must admit that he lacks attention.

During this period, he had been playing at the top, his eyes almost always hovering above the saint's head. He really didn't pay attention to the situation in the Southeast Buddhist Kingdom. Ming Tianyan should have paid attention to it. If Lin Su hadn't rewarded her last night, it would have made her heartache. It was a mess, she might tell him, but after all, he ordered Tianyan to run away on the spot, and he knew nothing about the situation in the southeastern Buddhist country.

What is the situation in the Southeast Buddhist Kingdom?

Li Tianlei takes care of everything...

The war in the Southeast Buddhist Kingdom is divided into two levels. Militaryly, the Three Kingdoms are advancing rapidly and progressing extremely smoothly.

The fundamental reason is that the combat power of the Three Kingdoms is already extremely powerful.

The most powerful Immortal Legion sent out from the Xitian Immortal Kingdom.

Nanyang Ancient Kingdom sent out the most powerful Lishan Legion.

The two superior countries also seemed to have a vague intention to compare their military strength, and they invariably displayed their most powerful legions on the Military Parade of the Southeast Buddhist Kingdom.

From the perspective of military hard power, the Da Cang Army is the weakest link.

Da Cang Kingdom was originally just a middle country. The most powerful Cangshan Legion was not as powerful as the two most powerful legions from the two superior countries. Moreover, the Blood Rain Legion led by Lin Zheng was not the most powerful legion in Da Cang at all.

However, the Blood Rain Legion showed a dazzling brilliance among the three legions.


The Blood Rain Legion has the art of war passed down by Lin Su!

There are also tons of peerless killing formations, rejection formations, and trapping formations!

The mixed tactics of the three great formations allowed this weak brigade to exert unparalleled majesty and conquer mountains and rivers. Its progress was not even slightly slower than that of the two superior countries.

The super military strength, combined with the demonization information collected in the early stage, was carried out to promote the Southeast Buddhist Kingdom. The military and civilians of the Southeast Buddhist Kingdom were in chaos, and the resistance was continuously reduced, making it difficult to form effective resistance on the battlefield.

This is the military level.

Another level is the literati level.

There is a new variable at the literati level!

The literati of the Southeast Buddhist Kingdom are highly unified and put forward a rhetoric: the Southeast Buddhist Kingdom is the place where Yi Sage became a Taoist. The demonization of the whole country is just a rumor. This matter is essentially a dispute between the Tao and Dao. Some people are targeting Yi Sage. The fundamental purpose of shining the sword is to destroy the legitimacy of Yi Sheng's enlightenment. As orthodox scholars in the place where Yi Sheng became enlightened, we should work together, share the same hatred of the enemy, fight for the holy way, and fight to protect the way.

So, the mainstream of literati joined the war!

This made the commanders of the Three Kingdoms extremely passive.

Pushing it all the way, it offended the literati, a group that should never be offended. There was a backlash from the literati in this country, and there was also a backlash from the temple.

Instead of pushing them all the way, these intellectual groups have great righteousness and spread the rumors over and over again. The circles get bigger and bigger, and the consequences are completely uncontrollable.

In fact, there are already some bad signs sprouting among the people. There is a trend of thought that says that the masterminds behind the slander of the demonization of the Southeast Buddhist Kingdom are Bing Sheng and Lin Su. They ignore the safety of the country in order to fight for the great road. Regardless of the life and death of hundreds of millions of people, there is absolutely no bottom line in what we do.

Their way of war is actually the way of magic...

Li Tianlei said, Lin Su listened.

Li Tianlei became more and more excited as he spoke, and Lin Su's face became more and more serious.

After Li Tianlei finished speaking, he raised his eyes and said, Uncle Master, I have analyzed this matter with Master many times. I feel that the situation is extremely complicated, but I don't know what Uncle Master thinks about it.

The Soldier Saint raised his eyes and stared at Lin Su. Obviously, he was extremely concerned about this matter.

Lin Su breathed out softly: Someone wants to muddy the water!

Li Tianlei said: Who wants to muddy the water? Demonized people from the southeastern Buddhist country? Or from the temple?

Of course...all of them! Lin Su said.


Yes, both!

For the demonized people in the Southeast Buddhist Kingdom, the Three Kingdoms joined forces to destroy the Southeast Buddhist Kingdom, and they pointed their swords at their heads. They must use all possible means. The most effective method is to confuse right and wrong, and turn this Buddhist calamity into The battle between the Dao, once it is successfully transformed, everyone will subconsciously ignore the key factor of whether it is demonized or not and attribute everything to the battle between the Dao.

Any consequences arising from the Taoist dispute shall be borne by the initiator of the Taoist dispute.

And who is the initiator of the Taoist dispute?

Bing Sheng and Lin Su!

The common people at the bottom do not understand the truth. Listening to the wind is also rain, and lies repeated a thousand times become the truth. The public opinion among the people begins to develop in a direction that is not conducive to Bing Sheng and Lin Su.

What about the temple? What will be the attitude in this war?

The attitude of the temple is very contradictory. On the one hand, after Lin Su put forward the timetable for the collapse of the heavenly law, the saints in the third heaven must correct their attitude and agree to use troops against the southeastern Buddhist country based on their own interests. At this point, at the saint level, It has become politically correct to use troops against the Buddhist countries in the southeast to eliminate the remnants of demons in the nine countries and thirteen states.

But on the other hand, they also have hidden worries: If this happens, wouldn't it mean that the Taoist struggle will be defeated without a fight? This is what Lin Su told Ming Tianyan that day. All the saints have practiced the art of war with practical actions. What reason is there to reject the art of war?

Therefore, they allowed the rumors to spread among the people, and first used this wave of slander to smear Bingsheng and Lin Su, in order to prepare for regaining the highest point of the Holy Path in the future.

Bingsheng knew this well, and Li Tianlei also understood it. However, when things have developed to this point, what should be done next?

Lin Su stood up and smiled faintly: There is a saying in the world: To untie a bell, you need someone to tie it. I'm going to visit Yi Zun.

After saying this, Lin Su jumped into the air...

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