Great Blue Night Watchman

Chapter 1031 The Xitian Fairy Kingdom as a chess piece

Grandmaster Lin! Fairy Xiaoyao! Xiang Yueming suddenly stood up.

As he stood up, their attic seemed to be instantly separated from the world of mortals.

It became an independent space.

Lin Su bowed slightly: There are many taboos about coming here on a starry night, so I stayed hidden and hoped that the prince would not be suspicious.

Extraordinary people do extraordinary things. Grandmaster Lin is unique. He has known for a long time, so it doesn't matter! Xiang Yueming smiled and said: Please!

Ren Qianshan also stood up: Please!

Lin Su also bowed to him and sat down.

Ren Qianshan personally held the pot and served tea to Lin Su and Yu Xiaoyao.

After the Thousand Buddhas Temple, the prince is probably suffering from the backlash of the aftermath. I hope the prince will not pay attention. As the saying goes, if a tree is beautiful in the forest, the wind will destroy it. On the tide of the world, no one who dares to be the first in the world can escape this law. Lin Su held the cup in greeting.

Xiang Yueming smiled softly: Pavilion Master Ren once persuaded Gu, and the aftermath of his words backfired, which just proved that this matter should be done. Although it made Gu feel at ease, it was not as heroic as Master Lin. The trees are beautiful in the forest, and the wind is beautiful. It will be destroyed, so how can I dare to stand up to this show?

Deserve it! Absolutely deserve it! Lin Su said with a smile: Even if there is only a small success in front of you, there is still a round ahead. If His Highness can go one more step, not to mention all the living beings in the Xitian Fairy Kingdom, even in the past and present. As a wise king in the forest, Your Highness will also be 'a tree in the forest'!

Ren Qianshan's whole body was shocked.

Xiang Yueming's heart was also pounding.

The current situation is only a small one, but there is still a big one. If it can be achieved, even among the wise kings of the past and present, Xiang Yueming will be a tree in the forest?

He still has options!

And it is a great achievement that can be recorded in the annals of history forever, parallel to or even surpassing all the wise kings?

Such words came from the mouth of a man who seemed to be born for miracles. How could he, an ambitious would-be king, be moved?

Grandmaster Lin, please give me some advice!

Xiang Yueming with two thumbs pointing down is the state of listening to the Tao.

Lin Su raised his hand gently, and a piece of gold paper was unfolded in front of the four of them: This is the information collected by the White Pavilion of the Temple. Your Highness, Pavilion Master Ren, please read it first before speaking...

In the closed circle, there was silence.

In a closed circle, wonderful information is made public.

Xiang Yueming opened his eyes wide and stared at this piece of gold paper with extremely informative information. His breathing seemed to have completely stopped. He let Qianshan's hair fall silently, and his elegant demeanor seemed to have completely changed...

Even Yu Xiaoyao was shocked.

In fact, Yaochi Bookstore not only contains cultivation books, but also information from various places. After pointing his sword at Wujianmen, Yaochi never looked back and never looked back, and he also deliberately searched for all kinds of information.

The Book Pavilion has long become a gathering place for top-secret information.

Among them are many Buddhist countries in the southeast.

However, compared to the news on this piece of paper, the news in the library is shallow and superficial. At best, it can only be an itch, not even an itch...

If this piece of paper is true, then the situation would be terrible...

The Southeast Buddhist Kingdom is completely demonized!

After a long time, Ren Qianshan slowly said: Grandmaster Lin, this information comes from the White Pavilion of the Holy Temple?


The news itself... should be conclusive! Ren Qianshan originally wanted to ask whether the news was accurate, but considering that this sentence raised doubts about the senior officials of the temple, he quickly changed his tone.

Lin Sudao: What Pavilion Master Ren suspected was also what I suspected. Therefore, I asked another organization in the temple to conduct a comprehensive verification. After seven days of approval, the information is conclusive.

Collected by the White Pavilion and approved by the other palace! I dare not question it at all, but I am only shocked. The Southeast Buddhist Kingdom has been completely demonized!

Xiang Yueming slowly raised his head: That's right! The Buddhist Kingdom on the side of the Xitian Immortal Kingdom, which used to be regarded as the true place of Buddhism, has turned completely demonic. It's terrible. Grandmaster Lin... is he asking Gu to fulfill his promise that day?

He made a promise that day, promising him a million elite soldiers!

He had been wondering when he would come to ask for this promise, and today seemed to be the time to fulfill his promise.

However, Lin Su shook his head slightly: If I come to use troops to destroy the country, where will your highness's great achievements that can be remembered in history be reflected?

Xiang Yueming was shocked: Grandmaster Lin means... Gu asked Father for an order, and the national war between the two countries will begin?

Your Highness, do you think it is necessary? Lin Su asked.

Xiang Yueming's heart was pounding: The Southeast Buddhist Kingdom has been completely demonized, which is a huge hidden danger to the Xitian Immortal Kingdom. Naturally, something should be done. Even if the whole country joins the army, it is normal to destroy the Buddhist Kingdom. However...

However, facing the troops of the Southeast Buddhist Kingdom, which is also one of the Three Kingdoms, it is difficult to maintain the chance of victory, is it?

Yes! Xiang Yueming said: The Buddhist Kingdom in the southeast has an army of 20 million, and its combat power is extremely tyrannical. The Immortal Kingdom in the West also has an army of more than 20 million. I am afraid that I will definitely not be afraid of him. However, they are still evenly matched. The two countries have started a national war. , I am afraid that my father... and the ministers will make noise.

The Southeast Buddhist Kingdom has an army of 20 million, and most of them do not know the truth. As long as this information is made public, the Southeast Buddhist Kingdom will fall into civil strife.

Can this information be made public? Xiang Yueming's eyes lit up...

This information is currently top secret. Once it is made public, the Southeast Buddhist Kingdom will be in chaos, the people's morale will change drastically, and the military morale will change drastically. When using troops, the most important thing to avoid is a change in military morale...

Of course! This information is sent to His Highness. How to make it public, where to make it public, and when to make it public is up to Your Highness!

Xiang Yueming's heart beat faster. The handwritten letter from the top of the temple itself was the support of the temple. Do I still need to hesitate about the temple's support?

He took the information respectfully and put it away carefully: This matter is of great importance. I will return to the capital immediately to tell my father...

It was inconvenient for him to express his position directly on such a major matter.

Lin Sudao: Please tell your majesty that Nanyang Ancient Kingdom and Dacang Kingdom will also send troops simultaneously. The three kingdoms will attack from a pincer attack. After the Southeast Buddhist Kingdom is pacified, the territory belonging to the Southeast Buddhist Kingdom will be divided and ruled by the three kingdoms.

Xiang Yueming was shocked: The Ancient Nanyang Kingdom... can the Ancient Nanyang Kingdom also send troops?

I have not yet formally discussed this matter with the Ancient Nanyang Kingdom. Why don't I communicate with the King of the Ancient Nanyang Kingdom face to face here? Your Highness can see his attitude with your own eyes!

Lin Su raised his hand gently, and a demon clan communication talisman went straight to Chu Yunfei.

The light in the communication talisman moved slightly, and an image appeared in the void.

This is Chu Yunfei's imperial study room.

Everyone could see Chu Yunfei, but Chu Yunfei could only see Lin Su.

When he saw Lin Su, Chu Yunfei smiled: According to popular rumors, Grandmaster Lin is very busy late at night, how can he have time to communicate with me?

The three people watching were all shocked. It was very busy late at night...

Is this a joke?

A generation of kings made such a joke to others? What does it mean?

Lin Su smiled and said: Your Majesty, please don't make such a joke. I am contacting you this time to discuss a major matter.

Chu Yunfei frowned slightly: The world's ups and downs are due to Mr. Lin, but they are just as small as dust. I am very much looking forward to your big event. Tell me.

The entire Southeast Buddhist Kingdom has been transformed into demons. Does Your Majesty know?

Chu Yunfei's whole body was shocked: Total demonization?


Following this answer, the information from Luo Wuxin was copied again and sent to Chu Yunfei.

Chu Yunfei watched it for a long time, and then softly exhaled: After the battle in the Southwest Demonic Territory that day, I had this worry. Who would have thought that the situation would be a hundred times more terrifying than my worries! What do you want me to do?

Lin Sudao: I want your Majesty to send troops out of Qiyang Pass, unite with Xitian Fairy Kingdom and Da Cang Kingdom, and completely lift the haze over this demon kingdom!

Chu Yunfei slowly raised his head: Okay! I will discuss the plan with the monarchs of the two countries immediately. No matter what the monarchs of the two countries think, I have made up my mind. The Nanyang army will leave Qiyang Pass in seven days at the latest!

End of communication...

In the pavilion, Ren Qianshan and Xiang Yueming looked at each other.

The king of the ancient Nanyang country, one of the three superior countries, made a promise like this?

Lin Su stood up: Farewell!

Farewell to Grandmaster Lin! Xiang Yueming and Ren Qianshan stood up at the same time.

Lin Su and Yu Xiaoyao took one step through the air and disappeared into the night. No one noticed when they came, and no one noticed when they left.

Under the stars, the night is like a canopy. Among the stars, the flying boat has the faint light of literature. This flying boat is not Lin Su's usual literary flying boat, but Yu Xiaoyao's Orchid Boat.

Originally this was just a top-notch magic weapon flying boat in Yaochi, named Wanli Shuo, but Yu Xiaoyao changed its name to Lan Zhou. Why is it called Lan Zhou?

Because there is a sentence in the famous poem Yijian Mei that has been handed down from generation to generation: Easy to undress Luo Shang and board the orchid boat alone.

After the poem was passed down from generation to generation, the temple gave her the cultural treasure Orchid Boat. This orchid boat was integrated with her Wanli Suo. Therefore, this Wanli Suo has since shown the light of literature and has become an alternative on the spiritual path.

Yu Xiaoyao raised her hand gently and handed over a cup of Yaochi Immortal Tea: There is a legend in the world, it is very bizarre. Today I really believe it.


Yu Xiaoyao smiled softly: People say that not only the emperor of Da Cang Kingdom was sent to you by you, but also the emperor of Nanyang Ancient Kingdom was sent by you. Therefore, these two kings basically only give you orders. Yes! No matter what happens, as long as you ask, these two countries will use their national strength to do it for you.

Lin Su smiled softly: Do you think the emperor of Nanyang Ancient Kingdom agreed to send troops in return for my favor that day?

Is not it?

Of course not! If a king is trapped by the shackles of past kindness, he will be a loyal man at best, and is obviously not a qualified king. Therefore, if you say that he sent troops because of me, you are underestimating him.

It's not because of past feelings... Then, what is he doing?

Of course it's in the national interest!

National interest, this word is a bit big, I really don't understand...

Lin Su smiled: National affairs are indeed far away from you. I never paid attention to them in the past because you didn't need to pay attention. Now you and I are working together. In the future, there will be many things intertwined with the concepts of country and court. Therefore, I will tell you carefully, so that when I mention these worldly forces in the future, you can only look at me with a pair of beautiful big eyes...

Little flowers bloomed in Yu Xiaoyao's eyes, she was so happy, rubbing her hands and listening...

Lin Sukai talks...

A generation of kings, as long as they are not stupid, should consider the interests of the country.

Even if he is a fool, he must consider whether his throne is safe or not.

Then let’s talk about the issue of throne security first.

It is an ironclad fact that the Southeast Buddhist Kingdom has been completely demonized. It seems to be a matter only for the Southeast Buddhist Kingdom, but does it really have no impact on neighboring countries?

How can it be?

The basic concept of the demon clan is expansion.

The basic measure used is penetration.

What they want is unlimited power, and their expansion will not stop at the national border.

They have taken over the Southeast Buddhist Kingdom, and their tentacles will inevitably extend to the surrounding areas. How long it lasts is completely unknown, but as long as the surrounding monarchs are a little politically sensitive, they can feel the heat coming from under the Dragon Throne...

So, in this case, do they want to get rid of the big disaster of the Southeast Buddhist Kingdom?


Yes, of course! A wise king will think about it, even a foolish king will think about it!

This is the first important factor. To clarify a basic point, facing the demonization of the Southeast Buddhist Kingdom, the surrounding Zhou families will be alert and hope to pacify this demonic realm where the flowers of sin grow.

Is there a second element?

Of course there is!

That is to expand the territory!

Throughout the ages, major dynasties have agreed upon the rule that one can be crowned king by expanding territory and enclosing territory. The reason why such a high degree of consensus has been reached is because it is the dream of every king to expand territory and establish territory.

Can dreams become reality?

Under normal circumstances, it is difficult, because starting a national war and destroying a country is a very big thing.

Confucianism says that war is dangerous and dangerous, and this is how it is.

A national war, in which the entire country is on the receiving end, with countless casualties and emptying the national treasury. It is easy to handle if you win. But if it becomes a protracted tug-of-war with no beginning and no end, you will be in big trouble. If you go further, if you lose, The trouble would be even greater. The emperor might just pack up and get out.

Therefore, under normal circumstances, national war will not be started lightly.

However, the situation in front of me was completely different.

The southeastern Buddhist country has exposed the secret of demonizing the whole country, and its dangers are obvious to all countries at a glance.

With the righteousness of the Three Kingdoms in hand, there is a strong reason to send troops, and with this detailed information, you can easily undermine the morale of the opponent's people and military.

Coupled with the three countries joining forces, their strength is far superior to that of the Southeast Buddhist Kingdom, and victory is almost guaranteed.

With great righteousness in hand and certainty of victory, once successful, we can expand our territory and divide the opponent's 30,000-mile territory.

Tell me, what king would not be tempted by such a good thing?

Therefore, whether it is Da Cang Kingdom, Nanyang Ancient Kingdom or Xitian Immortal Kingdom, they will move this time!

The national war may seem complicated and immovable, but as long as some obstacles are removed and people's psychological worries are lifted, the national war will come to pass.

This has nothing to do with whether Ji Guang and Chu Yunfei followed his orders. This is the most basic instinct of a king.

Lin Su said a lot, and Yu Xiaoyao blinked and seemed to understand. When Lin Su finished everything, Xiao Yu looked at him with an admiring expression, and added a little mysteriously: Is there another factor? Gave reassurance to three countries?


Yu Xiaoyao said: That piece of paper of yours conveyed a subtle message. You said that this piece of paper came from the White Pavilion of the Holy Temple, and it has also been reviewed by another palace of the Holy Temple. Does this indirectly indicate the destruction of their three kingdoms? Is this action supported by the highest level of the temple?”

Lin Su's eyes widened: I have always regarded you as a vase. You are very subversive today. You have actually seen this level. From now on, I will not treat you as a vase. You are just... a very wise one. vase...

Yu Xiaoyao was so happy that her eyes narrowed, and her chest, which used to be tightly wrapped, felt a little want to have sex...

However, she couldn't possibly know that this was purely done by Lin Su to coax her...

The real situation is far more wonderful than what you see.

This information is true from the Temple, and it is most likely true from the White Pavilion. However, does it represent the support of the highest level of the Temple for the Three Kingdoms to join forces to destroy the Buddhist Kingdom?


The only thing Lin Su can see clearly at this stage is: this is a pit. The person they want to bury has never been from the Southeast Buddhist Kingdom, but Lin Su.

Lin Su wanted to release this information as soon as possible. He wanted to see how touching it would be for the people in Bai Pavilion to see that the hole he dug for Lin Su turned into a hole for the Southeast Buddhist Kingdom. expression.

This is just a small counterattack...

Lin Su didn't mention the real reason for the destruction of the country. Even to current colleagues like Xiang Yueming and Chu Yunfei, just mentioning it would make the dispatch of troops more justified and the rhythm would be soaring. He didn't mention it. .

What is the reason?

Unintentional catastrophe!

The unintentional catastrophe is about to occur, and the entire Nine Kingdoms and Thirteen States will be in danger in the face of the catastrophe. Everyone must gather all their strength to fight against the extraterritorial and lawless madmen. It is a life-or-death situation. There is absolutely no spare power to deal with the internal crisis. If at that time, This southeastern Buddhist country with a population of tens of billions is suddenly in internal chaos. How can it resist foreign enemies? All the frameworks of the Nine Kingdoms and Thirteen States will be smashed to pieces.

To sum up, in the context of the unintentional catastrophe, there is absolutely no room for a demonic domain like the Southeast Buddhist Kingdom to be firmly anchored in the core area of ​​the human race.

Therefore, Lin Su must destroy him.

This reason is very valid, and could have been mentioned originally, but Lin Su did not mention it. The fundamental reason is that this calamity is too high-end, and the secular world regards it as fantasy. He does not want this serious war to destroy the country to have fantasy elements; of course , it is also a key reason why he cannot accurately predict the time of the catastrophe right now.

He is already a quasi-sage of the way of heaven. Other saints are shameless, so he has to have some face. He cannot say irresponsible things. If he preaches about the unintentional catastrophe at this time and makes people panic, in the end, this catastrophe will not last for thousands of years. Come on, then, for the past thousand years, he has been known as an alarmist and spouting nonsense, which is probably quite boring...

Of course, it is common practice for Mr. Lin to bring private goods for his big plans. Now that he is joining forces with the Three Kingdoms to destroy the Buddhist Kingdom, does he bring private goods?

Of course there is.

What is it?

Some people come as soon as they ask, what else can they do? Isn’t it just land and resources? The superior kingdom of Southeast Buddhism has a land area of ​​30,000 miles, which is three times the size of the Great Cang. If divided among the three kingdoms, one country with 10,000 miles is equivalent to creating another Great Cang.

Yes, not an inch of the country is redundant.

Wanli Territory is obviously very fragrant.

The Southeast Buddhist Country is also a romantic place, and beauties are measured in hundreds of millions. Even the nuns in Buddhist temples are extraordinary. However, these are not Lin's original intentions.

His real intention is... to bring Da Cang into the Upper Three Kingdoms!

As has been the practice for thousands of years, the country has a strict hierarchy. Among the nine countries, there are three upper-level countries, four middle-level countries, and two lower-level countries. The difference in levels has led to huge differences in the resources of various temples. Over time, the false name has turned into reality. In the strength.

Lin Su was born in Da Cang and has feelings for Da Cang. Therefore, he wants to truly bring Da Cang into a superior kingdom.

How to bring it?

He worked hard at the Qinglian Festival, which really brought the bonus of thousands of Jinshi quotas to Da Cang.

The annexation of Osumi and the Southwest Demonic Kingdom almost doubled the territory of Da Cang, reaching an unprecedented territory of 20,000 miles.

However, there is still some distance between it and a truly superior country.

Then, this time the three countries will truly make up for this gap.

Being on an equal footing with two superior countries and competing on the battlefield is an upgrade in political status. Once the territory of the Southeast Buddhist Kingdom is obtained, it is an upgrade in actual power. Once the war of annihilation spreads, Da Cang will also have a long-term relationship with the other two superior countries. On a par with that, it is an upgrade in public opinion and reputation. In addition, he has implemented a few small measures in the temple to promote the increase in the number of holy scholars. Da Cang has truly realized the improvement of the country's level...

He didn't mention this to anyone, including Ji Guang, it was just a small calculation in his heart...

His thoughts there were like waves, a mist...

The little beauty next to him had her eyes moving back and forth on his face several times...

As a saint on the path of spiritual cultivation... oh, no, a heaven-defying saint, her vision is very, very high.

If you ask her what kind of man she would like in the future, she might stiffen her neck and give you an answer that seems to be meaningful but is actually meaningless: someone like my dad!

However, if you ask her this question again today, her answer may be completely different. Her answer is: different from my dad!

For example, him!

He is just a different person from her father.

I have heard my mother say it countless times. Her father is always burdened with the heavy responsibility of the human race that does not belong to him. Her father's eyes are always infinitely distant, and he looks up to the sky with a heavy weight. It is responsibility and burden...

That is the basic color of a generation of heroes!

And what about him?

It's just a wisp of spring breeze in the early spring. It looks out of place at all, as if he doesn't have any thoughts. However, with his wave of his hand, the chessboard moves and the world moves because of him!

This chicness, this romance, this calmness in which the overall situation of the world is like a chessboard to him, are completely different from her father!

This difference made this heaven-defying saint want to rebel against her mother... Her mother had told her that she had nothing to do with his close mother, but there still had to be a bottom line...

Lin Su looked away from the colorful reds of early spring below, and Yu Xiaoyao's somewhat confused eyes met him without even evading him.

At this glance, Yu Xiaoyao panicked a little and quickly moved away to look at the winter jasmine flowers below.

What are you looking at?

Spring is here... Yu Xiaoyao's heart was beating wildly. Isn't this night a little too quiet, and is this beautiful starlight a little too intoxicating?

Well, spring is here, and it's time for Li Daonian to turn green! Lin Su said.

Ah? Yu Xiaoyao was so surprised: Spring is here, shouldn't the grass be green? What does it have to do with my senior brother?

Spring is here, the grass is green, but if you close your eyes, your senior brother will probably be green too...

Lin Su's hand reached under her ribs, and the voice came from Yu Xiaoyao's ears, as hot as if she had reached summer in one step. (End of chapter)

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