Golden Greenery

: Team B monsters have advanced

"No problem, Kologini can go to Fort Mady, or even give it to you in vain." Ac Milan chief executive and vice chairman Galiani spoke to Andres Mueller very arrogantly.

During the winter break, Fort Mady offered AC Milan 6 million euros for the Argentine star and central defender Fabrizio Coluccini.

"You don't have to pay a penny, you can take the Argentines at any time." Gabal pouted.

The 23-year-old Kologini was born with the Argentine platinum generation in the 2000 World Youth Championship with Saviola and Alessandro. He was the captain of Pampas in the World Youth Championship before that. At only 17 years old, Kologni was recruited by ac Milan.

However, in the past six years, Ricologni has not been able to meet the requirements of ac Milan, and he can’t shake Nesta, Stam, Maldini, even Junior, Carraze, and Lawson. The status has been rented and borrowed by Milan, playing only one game for the Red and Black Legion in six years. Today, AC Milan has no patience with him at all.

But Uncle Klopp thinks that Cologni is not suitable for the Serie A concrete chain, but his overall defense and marking ability should be very suitable for the Bundesliga. Madyburg, who has surplus food in his hands, moved this thought.

"Not only do you not have to spend money, we ac Milan can also give you 40 million in Fort Mady, yes, 40 million." Galliani did not take Andres Mueller seriously, even if the other party was in front Famous Germans and Juventus, after all, Maddie and AC Milan have a very different position in the football world.

Upon hearing this, Andres Mueller was a little surprised. After retiring last summer, following the good buddy Hasler's journey, Mueller came to Fort Maddie and served as the manager of the sports department, in charge of the team's transfer operation. His eldest son Thomas is currently a star in the Fort Lauderdale U17 echelon. Carlisle has planned to upgrade him to u19, which is not the face of his dad.

"I only need Zhuo Yang, 40 million euros plus Kologini, exchange Zhuo Yang, otherwise avoid talking!" Galliani said the real purpose.

Andres Mueller got up and turned his head away, he didn't want to say a surplus word, and he didn't want to look at the bald man opposite.

"45 million Canadians!" Galliani chased again.

‘Wow! Mueller threw the door violently. It's a neuropathy, and the inexplicable whimsy is blind, the Mueller manager said.

As for Kolocini, he was sold by AC Milan to La Coruna in La Liga at a price of 6.5 million. As Uncle Slag saw, he showed the quality of a first-class central defender after leaving Serie A.


After purchasing the Serbian central defender Nemania Vidic from the Moscow Spartan club in Russia, it also failed. Madaborg could only turn his attention to his own echelon and realize internal potential tapping.

The first to be upgraded to the first team was Michelle Zepek, a former scrap. Zepek, who was just 24 years old, was once a demon. At the age of 16, he entered the first team of Karlsruhe and played the Bundesliga with the short-legged tiger Hasler. Later in Leverkusen, he was known as a defender. A genius, when he was 18 years old, he faced Real Madrid's 9 million digging corner, but the pharmaceutical factory held him like a treasure.

But no one expected that Zepek has shown a retrogressive growth since then. One year is not as good as one year, and one day is not as good as one day. The loan to Grade B last season can only hover in the bench. In the summer, through the Hasler match, Zepek joined the Maddie b team for a value of 250,000.

At the beginning of the third division in the first half of the season, Zepek still performed very mediocre, and had no advantage in the competition with other young defenders. However, Tuchel found that he still did not extinguish the potential fire. After being trained by the scientific research department, Zepek also actively cooperated with the psychological treatment of the medical department. The old Chinese medicine introduced by Zhuo Yang was cured by acupuncture again. He had an old Achilles tendon injury, so Zepek broke out from the end of October.

By the end of the first half of the season, Zepek had been judged to be the same as before, the central defender served as a guard, the right defender was sharply assisted, and he became the most dazzling figure in the excellent defender line of the Fort Maddie b team. After the winter break, Klopp returned him to the top league to see if he still had the confidence to chase the glory of the past.

The team's two full-time mark-and-back lion kings Rigbet Song and Peng Peng David Luiz are both powerful, but they are also wild and unruly. They do not listen to greetings. In order to put pressure on them, Uncle Jazz is 20 years old. Central defender Thomas Fairmaren was also raised to the first team.

Fairmaren was dug from the Belchert club echelon in Belgium by Madyburg two years ago. In last year's fourth-level Northern League, Fairmaren and Pompon formed De Ding's youngest but The most indestructible rear defense gate, team b scored the rear defense line led by the two of them with great success.

Today, two former gold partners reunited with the first team, but they also formed a competitive relationship with each other.

There are a lot of ball drops, which means that there are many problems with the back line. At least the staffing is faulty. Since the heavy money is not enough to buy an adult celebrity, then accumulate some of their own demon, and replace quality with quantity. Therefore, among the many excellent defenders of the b team, Klopp carefully selected and raised the 20-year-old German defender versatile Sasha Ritter, who is also the captain of the b team of Madyburg.

Ritter came from the Freiburg youth team two years ago. At that time, Ritter didn't want to come when he encountered Maddie's corner. Although the youth team was in the fifth league, the first team of Freiburg was the Bundesliga. But things are so small. After waking up at the party and drinking drunk, Ritter finds that his big sister and girlfriend are inexplicably sleeping with the coach in a They didn’t wear anything. . So, Sasha Ritter changed his team and changed his girlfriend.

From the first team to the echelons at all levels, Fort Mady advocates offensive, and the technical flow style is in the same vein. A sharp offense needs solid defense to support, so Maddie's echelons at all levels attach great importance to the training of guards. Many excellent guards in team b are unequivocal and not worse than Ritter. For example, the Italian Bochetti, the Ukrainian Zigelinski and the Danish Daniel Wars, they may all be able to play together in the first team, but they can't hollow out the b team. The third division is also a professional game. . Besides, the first team can't hold so many defenders. Therefore, Sasha Ritter, who has more comprehensive attributes, can play all positions and can even serve as a midfielder, has become lucky.

Even so, after the veteran Dennis Lauren was decentralized, the ten defenders of Maddie Fort Wutong were overwhelming, and the competition would be very brutal, which was still under the situation that Philip Lam could not be dug smoothly.

Because Captain Zhuo Yang strongly recommends, Klopp did a good job of investigating and understanding of Ram, and the uncle of the fire-eyed scum immediately discovered the extreme potential that Ram has. Although still in a period of serious injury and illness, Maddie made a request for acquisition to Bayern Munich.

Ram himself is willing, Stuttgart is also indispensable, and Bayern Munich does not value Ram, but they made a request for 8 million euros Garram to buy Grosso, but they were rejected by Maddie and himself. And Maddie’s raising the price to 2 million did not allow Bayern to nod. Maddie’s eagerness made them re-examine Ram, and Uncle Jade’s cunning eyes are now very famous.

Philip Lam missed Maddie, Captain Zhuo Yang and Bai Qing shrugged from a short distance.

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