Godly System: From Fire to God

Chapter 631: Space cut

"Two Magisters, we have lost almost half of our military strength. Do we have to continue?"

A tens of thousands shouted anxiously.

There was blood on his face and several arrow wounds on his body, making him look extremely embarrassed.

The 400,000 army said that it was a lot less, but it was not so much if it really said more.

Especially under Ye Ning's various large-scale black magic attacks, these ordinary soldiers were nothing but cannon fodder, and they were not even qualified to resist.

The entire battle lasted less than half an hour, and hundreds of thousands of ordinary soldiers had died. The cruelty of the war can be imagined.

"Can't withdraw, the other side has successfully sneaked in. As long as we persist, this city will be broken tonight!"

The principal flicked his sleeves and shouted in a low voice.

"Yes! Keep on charging!"

The ten thousand households had to gritted their teeth and continued to rush up with people.

"How much is your magic power left?"

Del and Bing asked softly.

"Helping the commander Shigeming and the others in disguise, as well as the transfer of magical attacks just now, has consumed a lot of my magic power, and now only about half of them are left."

The principal sensed his situation and replied.

"The fallen magister and I have been fighting for so long, and the remaining magic power should not be much, you should have the opportunity to kill him!"

Dale and Bing frowned and looked at the city wall in the distance, their voices full of solemnity.

The role that the Grand Magister can play in the battle is undoubted. If they can successfully kill the opposing Grand Magister, it will have a great positive effect on both the current situation and the future battle.

"Okay! Leave it to the old man!"

The principal lifted up his spirits, and agreed with a deep voice.

He also knew the importance of killing the opposing Grand Magister.

Two great magisters of oneself deal with the opposite one, this kind of once-in-a-lifetime opportunity is not encountered every day.

Looking at the few feathered warriors guarding Ye Ning, the old man sneered, and the magic wand in his hand began to gather energy.

When the turbulent energy first gathered, Ye Ning immediately noticed the existence of the old man.

This was the same master as the eighth-order great mage, Ye Ning suddenly showed a worried look.

With one enemy and two, even if she is assisted by Marrow Spirit Firefly in her practice every day, it is simply impossible to do.

Ye Ning's magical power was not much left, and she immediately chose to retreat.

"Hehe, want to run? Can you run?"

The old man chuckled, and the magic wand in his hand shook slightly. He raised the magic wand like a sword, and made a slashing gesture towards Ye Ning.

"Protect the saint!"

The feather warriors suddenly screamed, they flapped their wings and flew out, trying to block the inexplicable blow of the old man with their bodies.


The principal's body suddenly disappeared in place, and then appeared 100 meters away.

"Space Cut!"

At the same time the old man's body appeared, he completely waved the wand in his hand.

A dark purple wave visible to the naked eye flew out of his wand and went straight to Ye Ning.

As the principal suddenly changed his position, the angle of attack naturally changed accordingly.

Those Yuren fighters who tried to use their bodies to intercept the attack were helpless, they could only helplessly watch the space cut towards Ye Ning!

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