Godly Fisherman

Chapter 882: Not let in?

"GI-JOE" is the name of a cartoon in the Stars and Stripes. It tells the story of a group of special forces with different abilities and fierce battles with cobra troops. Many born in the 70s and 80s should have an impression of this cartoon. At that time, there were plastic agent villains selling the images in cartoons on the street. Boys at that time, who didn't know Hasbro's "Transformers" toys and "GI-JOE" toys?

Later "GI-JOE" was also made into a movie. First, "Special Forces 1: The Rise of Cobra" was filmed. The box office was not satisfactory. Paramount did not believe in evil, and then filmed "Special Forces 2: Total Counterattack." It turned out to be even more terrible at the box office, and suffered a disastrous defeat.

Er, to make a digression, Xiao Peng believes that the responsibility for the failure of "Special Forces 2" can be attributed to one person: Chinese director Zhu Haowei. It's like the box office failure of Director Ang Lee's "Hulk". Obviously, it is the blockbuster that stimulates the senses with the refreshing pace and makes you become a literary film. Whoever buys it is a fool.

Xiao Peng just wanted to talk to George about the situation in the West Village. George asked Xiao Peng's jaw-dropping question: "Xiao, do you have a boyfriend?"

"WHAT?" Xiao Peng raised the volume, thinking he had heard it wrong.

George asked again: "Do I ask if you have a boyfriend?"

Xiao Peng pointed to his nose: "George, I am a man!"

George smiled slightly: "Of course, I can see it. And your character should be'BOTTOM', right?"

Xiao Peng almost scolded the street angrily: "Which one of your eyes looks at me like'BOTTOM'?"

BOTTOM means ‘passive’ or ‘underneath’. Huaxia often translates this term as ‘foundation’, which means the ‘accepting’ side of a male-male relationship.

In China, he has a more vivid name: ‘0’, and the active party is ‘1’.

George wasn't angry, but asked in surprise, "Are you ‘TOP’? Well, if it’s you, it’s okay for me to be ‘BOTTOM’."

‘TOP’ is naturally an insertion party between males and males. In China, this term is also vividly translated as ‘TOP’.

Xiao Peng was furious and explained: "Hey, George, I'm not gay!"

George waved his hand and smiled: "I thought I was not gay, but later I discovered my true orientation. Xiao, you have to face your heart!"

Xiao Peng was almost scolding the street: "I look at the true heart of sister Ni, I am a male gender! I love women!"

George's eyes widened when he heard this: "Oh my God, could it be that I misunderstood? Then why are you here?"

Xiao Peng was stunned: "Is there any problem here?"

George pointed to the statue to the side: "Can't you tell, is this a homosexual park?"

Xiao Peng wanted to cry without tears: "How can I be able to see it! There is no such word! I went to the wrong place, is that George? Excuse me, I will go now." Xiao Peng ran faster than the rabbit and disappeared.

Special, who would have thought that the two sets of statues meant this! Men chatting with men, women chatting with women are the signs of same-sex parks?

Whoever came up with this bad idea, I greet your family!

But after experiencing this farce, time passed quickly. Xiao Peng looked at his watch, huh? Time is almost up?

When Xiao Peng found the place where the reception was held according to the address, he couldn't help blowing a whistle.

This Patty Hurst is definitely the owner of money. There is such a manor-style single-family villa in Manhattan West Village, and the price is really not low.

The price of a single-family house in West Village in New York ranks among the top five in the nationwide housing prices of similar houses in Stars and Stripes. Although it looks a bit lower than the top residential areas in Los Angeles, San Francisco and other places in the west, you should know that New York City's tax index is the first in the United States, reaching 266! It is very possible that you bought a house here, but found that you can't afford it because the tax is too high!

Therefore, those who can buy top luxury houses in New York are definitely the real rich. Just like the ‘ONE57’ apartment building next to the West Village, where the millionaires are not ranked at all, the average house price here has reached 30 million US dollars! It's a serious billionaire mansion!

Millionaires who lose their fortunes may be able to buy a bathroom here. The same is true for the villa area in West Village. Although it looks old, it is not affordable for ordinary people.

When Xiao Peng came here, there were already many luxury cars driving into the villa. There were really no people like Xiao Peng who wandered around. There were a few helicopters parked on the side of the lawn. Tsk tsk, it seems that there are really many big people here. .

And Xiao Peng found out that he had been cheated. It was clearly stated in the invitation letter that he did not need to wear formal dresses, but the men and women who were invited to come were all dressed in uniforms, like Xiao Peng who wore travel shoes and jeans.

When Xiao Peng walked to the gate, several security personnel wearing black suits and wearing headsets and sunglasses directly stopped him. "Go back, this is a private residence. No tourists are welcome!" a white bodyguard said to Xiao Peng.

Xiao Peng was speechless: "I came here by invitation. There is an invitation letter."

After the white bodyguard listened to you, you look at me and I look at you, haha ​​laughed: "Boy, your joke is quite funny, but there is an important party today, please go. Don't delay our work!"

Xiao Peng hadn't spoken yet, and the sound of a car horn came from behind him. Xiao Peng looked back and saw that a Bentley was coming. Xiao Peng stepped aside, and the car stopped in front of the security guard. The driver rolled down the window, handed out an invitation card to the bodyguard, and after the bodyguard looked at it, he gestured for release directly behind him.

Bentley restarted, but stopped suddenly. The rear window rolled down, revealing the face of the person inside.

"Hey, friends from China, why are you here?" There were two people sitting in the back of the car. They were not young. One Xiao Peng didn't know him, and the one who spoke was the curious Asan baby I met on the plane: Ravim Khan.

While on the plane at that time, this curious baby's magical remarks brought Xiao Peng to Lei's outer focus and inner tenderness. Why did you see it here again?

"Hey, Lavim Khan, I didn't expect to see you here, why are you here too?" Xiao Peng greeted with a smile.

Ravim Khan hadn’t spoken yet, but the other Yin trio sitting beside him gave Xiao Peng a cold look, and said to Ravim Khan: "Lavim Khan, it’s not a good idea to talk to such a low-level person. If you are in line with your identity, don't lose the face of our three nobles."

According to Indian Brahmanism, Asan’s caste system is divided into four major castes, the first class Brahman, representing priests, the second class Kshatriya, belonging to the nobles, the third class Vaisha, that is, common people, and the fourth class Sudha. Luo, is a slave, and there are also prisoners of war and people who do not abide by the caste system. They are classified as inaccessible people-Chandala, that is, untouchables. Although the Asan Constitution grants equal rights to the people, caste discrimination in the Asan society is still very serious today: identity and occupation hereditary, it is logical to allow men of higher castes to marry women of lower castes, but most people are within their own caste marry.

"Dumu Singh, we need to understand our opponents to win the final victory, don't we?" Rawim Khan said.

Xiao Peng listened to the conversation between the two and turned his lips on the side. "Khan" is the last name of the Muslim nobleman, and "Singh" is the last name of the Kshatriya nobleman of the Indian religion. In theory, they are indeed the nobleman of Asan. Although Muslims pay attention to equality for all, Muslims in India III also follow the local customs and are divided into three levels. Muslims in India are also divided into nobles and commoners.

But this isn’t Yinsanhao, right? What kind of garlic!

The man named Dumu Singh glanced at Xiao Peng: "What do you think you can learn from such a humble person? Lawim Khan, I will tell you again, this is the Star-Spangled Nation, we must pay attention to ourselves Not everyone is worthy of talking to us. Drive!" After speaking, he rolled the window and walked away.

The two of them were definitely speaking to Xiao Peng deliberately, because the two spoke in English! This Nima could make Xiao Peng angry, and he lifted his foot to keep up. I didn't know that several bodyguards directly blocked Xiao Peng's path: "You can't go in!"

Xiao Peng looked at the bodyguard coldly: "I said I have an invitation letter, I will show it to you now." After Xiao Peng finished speaking, he took off his backpack and prepared to get the invitation letter from it.

As a result, the white bodyguard who took the lead suddenly pulled out his gun: "Keep your hands away from the backpack! Don't touch it! Put your hands behind your head and slowly move back!"

Xiao Peng was taken aback and explained: "I'm holding an invitation letter! My invitation letter is in the bag!"

"Who knows if you are a terrorist! Put the bag on the ground, hold your head in your hands, and stay away from the bag!" The white bodyguard pointed his gun at Xiao Peng, swung his muzzle twice, and signaled Xiao Peng to leave.

Xiao Peng said angrily: "Why don't you need to check those Yinsan just now?"

The white bodyguard snorted coldly: "People came here on a Bentley. How could they be terrorists? Look at you like this. People who can accept invitations to come here are all rich people. How can you be like you? Not at all, you yellow-skinned pig! Tell me honestly, what do you want to get in!"

The other bodyguards listened to him and burst into laughter.

"They said that people of the yellow race have no brains, and it seems to be true."

"Lear, what's the matter with him? Just throw him out."

"It's not right, it's the best way to give it to the police after just beating it."

Xiao Peng was about to explode. After taking a deep breath to calm his emotions, he threw the backpack aside.

The bodyguard called Lier slowly walked to Xiao Peng's side with a gun. He saw that he was also professionally trained. The muzzle was pointed at Xiao Peng. When he walked carefully to Xiao Peng's side, he held Xiao Peng with his feet. Peng's backpack kicked aside. After doing all this, he relaxed his vigilance: "Boy, I will make you regret coming here to make trouble..."

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