Godly Fisherman

Chapter 876: Making false accusations is so easy

"Mr. Xiao...Hello, I didn't expect to meet you in Boston..." A man in a straight suit came to Xiao Peng. Reid.

Xiao Peng shrugged: "Director Fred, I don't think you would like to meet in this situation, right?"

Fred smiled bitterly: "Well, although I don't want to admit it, it's true, it's really regrettable that this happened."

Xiao Peng waved his hand: "What do you say to help me protect my safety, do you think I will be fooled by such a simple excuse? Director Fred, I want to know the truth of the matter."

Director Fred looked around, "Mr. Xiao, can we talk in private?"

Xiao Peng nodded, and went to the study with Director Fred.

Entering the room, Xiao Peng took out his cigar: "Director Fred, come one?"

Fred was not polite: "Well, this cigar is good."

Xiao Peng smiled and said: "It's okay. Bloomberg knows that I like smoking cigars, so he keeps giving me this stuff. Unfortunately, you didn't come at the right time. This is Cohiba's "mentor". I said, he helped me get a box of'Beyco', which I can get when I go to New York in a few days."

Fred took the cigar that Xiao Peng handed him without saying a word, he was still digesting Xiao Peng's words.

On the one hand, Xiao Peng told him the value of the cigar, and wanted to tell Fred that he would treat him as a friend to entertain him.

Although Cohiba cigars are well-known, due to the decrease in tobacco production in recent years, Cohiba cigars are in short supply. The Cohiba'tutor' that cigar fans like is now very rare; and Cohiba'Bey' But, it’s even rarer. It only uses two tobacco leaves growing from the top of the tobacco to the sun. Since the production was discontinued, it has become more valuable and marketless. These precious cigars can only be used to entertain friends.

Another point, Xiao Peng is also talking about his social circle. After all, this is in the Star Stripe Nation. Many foreign wealthy people still suffer here because there is no social circle here. Xiao Peng mentioned Bloomberg as a reminder to Fred-you have to take care of my business!

To borrow the saying of the Stars and Stripes: "Justice comes at a price." Less resources here means a loss.

Why didn't Fred understand what Xiao Peng said? The companion laughed and said: "Mr. Xiao, it's good to smoke this. I saw reports on the Arizona incident at the time. The friendship between you and Mr. Bloomberg and John McAfee is very enviable."

Xiao Peng nodded: "Mr. Fred, can you explain to me now? Why does this happen?"

Fred smiled bitterly: "Mr. Xiao, I do not hide it from you. This is the case. Someone called the police and said that you were suspected of hurting others. The victim was Harvard student Austin Xavier. His father was a Harvard alumnus. The council director, through his identity, put a lot of pressure on our police."

Xiao Peng thought a little after hearing this: "Austin? Oh, I have seen him and invited me to drink at the'butcher shop' bar. There were more than a dozen witnesses, and then he left by himself."

Fred nodded: "It was when he was attacked after he left. He turned to the police and said that you ordered someone to do this, and the perpetrator was also of Chinese origin."

Xiao Peng chuckles, shook his head and said, "I didn't do it!"

Never talk nonsense when dealing with the police in the Star-Tangled Nation. No matter what is going on, let's say ‘no’ first. If you deal with the police here, the first thing you should do is to keep silent and make a lot of mistakes. Once a confession becomes a confession, it is difficult to reverse it, and don't try to defend yourself-that is the job of a lawyer.

It is easy for Chinese Americans to suffer from this disadvantage in the Star-Tangled Nation. Huaxia people have a habit of rushing to explain after an accident. In the Star-Tangled Nation, you don’t want to use this set, and it makes things more complicated. The police here don't care who is right or wrong. They just arrest people and won't listen to the parties' explanations. To explain, they must go to the judge.

Fred nodded hurriedly: "Of course. How could Samuel do such a thing?"

Xiao Peng was not guilty, he didn't do it in the first place, and he didn't let those'angels' break Austin's legs, didn't he? That is their own business.

Xiao Peng smiled: "So, Director Fred, I really don’t understand right now. If you need me to cooperate with the investigation for this case, I will cooperate with you, but you will bother me without any evidence. At the gathering, so many people came to arrest me ------ Chief Fred, do you think the prosecutors will accuse me for this unproven matter? Then what qualifications do you have to arrest me? I was arrested and released unconditionally. Are you treating me as the owner of Huaxia Jingxi Mall?"

The intrusion case of boss Liu of Jingxi Mall, which caused a lot of noise a while ago, is very similar to Xiao Peng's current situation. More than 90% of people arrested for committing felony crimes in Star-Tangled Country are often prosecuted and set a bail amount before being released. But like Boss Liu, he was arrested on charges of X infringement, but he did not detain his passport. It was released without paying bail. According to this situation, 99% of the prosecutors will not file a lawsuit against Boss Liu. In other words, apart from the sharp drop in the stock price of Jingxi Mall, they will not What other things happened, what happened to Boss Liu going to jail, it can be said that it is almost impossible to happen.

It is very likely that Boss Liu encountered the ‘bones, flesh and skin’ or was simply falsely accused. But even if he was falsely accused, he could only admit that he was unlucky: because it happened in Minnesota. According to the law there, if someone accuses another person of guilt, even if it is a false accusation, that person will not be prosecuted, even if Everything you tell the police is a lie, and there will be no fines. Sometimes you can get a green card if you make a false accusation of X intrusion (there is a precedent, it is not convenient to write a specific case, just ask Lao Yang). . . . . .

So from a certain point of view, being a rich man in the Stars and Stripes is unlucky. Their laws are often used to protect false accusations. Just like the famous Michael Jackson X infringement case, in fact, there were several lawsuits in the court. The boys lost the lawsuit because they could not produce any evidence. The boy said that Michael Jackson X invaded him, so at least he had to admit it. What is his little brother like? The results can't be said. However, after losing the lawsuit several times, the boy's family continued to appeal, forcing the judge to ask Michael Jackson to settle out of court, and then paid 20 million dollars; ten years later, he paid another 40 million dollars.

This is the case with the laws of the Stars and Stripes. It just likes to complicate simple things, which provides the lawyers with room to drill. So there is really a way to toss a person.

Fred smiled bitterly: "Mr. Xiao, I really didn't know that it was you..."

"If it wasn't for me, you could do this?" Xiao Peng interrupted him directly.

Fred sighed: "Mr. Xiao, you don't understand the power of the Harvard Alumni Association. Austin's father is a director of the Harvard Alumni Association, which makes it really difficult for us to do."

"Oh, really has the power, a director can be above the law?" Xiao Peng said in a flat tone: "That's good, I will call Bloomberg, let him help me contact the Harvard Alumni Association, see See if I can meet such a group of characters. I will also see their power."

Fred waved his hand quickly after hearing this. This was what he feared the most.

What does Bloomberg do? The boss of ‘Bloomberg’, what does Bloomberg do? The world's largest financial information company, almost all central banks in the world, almost all official institutions and banks in the star-stripe countries use them as financial information service providers. If Bloomberg reported this news, it hurts to think about it. . . . . .

"Mr. Xiao, don't be angry. Am I here to solve this matter? If the Harvard Alumni Association knows about this matter, Austin's father will definitely not be able to sit down as a director." Fred hurriedly persuaded.

Xiao Peng looked at Fred: "Director Fred, then I want to know how you want to solve this problem?"

Fred asked back: "What does Mr. Xiao mean?

Xiao Peng shook his head: "Is it because I want to solve the problem or do you come to solve it for me? Well, Director Fred, as long as you can answer one of my questions, I can pass this matter away. happened before."

After hearing this, Fred smiled with joy: "Okay. Mr. Xiao, please."

Xiao Peng asked directly: "Are you going to arrest anyone here? Then the false accuser doesn't have to bear any responsibility? Chief Fred, you wait for me here, I'll get a mobile phone and record your answer. . If you really don’t have to bear any responsibility, OK, I’ll sue Apu now. What charge do you think I use?"

Fred's face was almost green when he heard it, Xiao Peng was going to cause trouble, would he dare to answer this question? Of course quit!

He quickly replied: "Mr. Xiao, we are not here in Minnesota. The false accusation will end badly. I am not a prosecutor or judge. But if we look at past cases, Austin’s actions are suspected of'evidence tampering'. Serious crimes; and reporting false police, which is a misdemeanor. However, I can’t guarantee that prosecutors will file a lawsuit in this way, but I think that the worst will be the charges of reporting false police and interfering with the police. They are all misdemeanors, which means he will go to jail for at least one year."

Xiao Peng lifted his cheeks to think after listening, one year? A little bit less!

Seeing Xiao Peng’s expression, Fred hurriedly said, “If we prosecute this matter, you don’t have to directly conflict with the Harvard Alumni Association. It also gives them a step... This is better than direct. Is it better to tear your face?"

I have to say that Xiao Peng was tempted by what Fred said, at least it would save trouble without having to come forward, right?

"I want to see the result!" Xiao Peng gave him five words.

Fred let out a sigh, and the matter was finally resolved.

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