Godly Fisherman

Chapter 844: Go to Te Mo's Happy Education

"Is this ‘PingOn’ very good in Boston?" Xiao Peng asked curiously.

"Don't underestimate this'PingOn'. Although it is now declining and has been divided into several small gangs, at that time, most of the illegal casino and massage parlor businesses in the entire Boston were controlled by them. And the Chinese circle He was very isolated and didn’t believe in outsiders, so John tried his best to study Chinese and became one of them. Maybe it was because the boss thought it was fun to have such a white guy who could speak Chinese? Anyway, he became the only one in PingOn. White people."

At this time, Wowen asked a question: "Tom, according to your statement, he is just a horse who collects protection fees. How can he sit in a high position in the end?"

Tom replied: "In fact, he has always been a horseman for a middle-level leader, but later, for a while, the Chinese gang broke out in civil strife. The veteran-level members fell from the horse one after another, some fled back to China, and some died in gang fighting. After the incident, his eldest brother turned out to be the boss of the gang, and John was his right-hand man and had always been his personal bodyguard."

Hearing this, Xiao Peng suddenly realized: "In the words of our Huaxia, it means that "one person has the power to ascend to the sky"."

Tom Brady nodded: "That's roughly what I meant. But then he played too much. PingOn's business has always been casinos, protection fees, and massage parlors. As a result, he has to be exposed to drugs in order to make money. Alright. The money is enough, but in 2011 he was sentenced to 20 years. If he didn't engage in drugs, he still doesn't know what it would be like. Maybe I can introduce you to it. "

Xiao Peng shrugged: "Introduce me what to do. May I persuade him to follow suit?"

Tom Brady was taken aback: "Oh? How would you persuade him to follow suit?"

"Beat, beat to death! Let the girl not learn well! By the way, which is the stronger "PingOn" or the Hell Angel in Boston? I beat them and they won't cause you trouble, right?" Xiao Peng asked.

Tom Brady waved his hand: "This is not comparable. In comparison,'PingOn' has money, but some of the angels have guns. At first, the two groups of people did not offend the river, but since the'White Ghost' started to get involved in drugs , The two sides had a fierce conflict. Since the "White Ghost" was arrested, "PingOn" withdrew from the drug trade, so the two sides began to calm again. But you don't have to worry about me, "PingOn" will not come to me because of such things of."

Xiao Peng nodded after listening, "That's good, if you can't solve this kind of trouble, I will solve it for you."

Tom Brady was shocked when he heard that, will you solve it for me? Little things can become big things! He quickly said: "Don't worry, this is not a troublesome thing for me, but you, why are you never afraid of these gang members?"

"Tom, you remember, there are gangs like this to bully people everywhere, in fact, all of them are weak! They can only cover up their cowardly nature. Look at the angels of hell, they are awesome. But now that you see me, don't you want to take a detour? You just have to show that you are better than them. They are afraid of you! You have to dare to fight the evil forces!" Xiao Peng said viciously.

After listening to this, Wowen laughed ‘pouch’.

Xiao Peng was stunned: "What are you laughing at?"

Wowen said: "Anyone who says'dare to fight against evil forces' is generally not seen by evil forces. I was bullied for a long time when I was in school. I tried to resist, but I got more. Bullying."

"Wow, don't you see that you had such a section when you were a kid?" Tom Brady said cheerfully while driving.

Warvin shrugged: "A campus life that is not bullied is an imperfect campus life."

John drew a cross on his chest: "I have always been in a church school, and I have lived an imperfect campus life that you said. But I am very satisfied with this situation. I don't want to be bullied and played."

Warvin nodded: "When I first came to Stars and Stripes from Australia, I sent me to a public school. For the sake of God, there are fights, drug abuse, theft, and YIN selling. Any bad stuff you can think of can be there. Found. The most hateful thing is that I went back and told my parents after being bullied, do you know how my parents told me?'Why don't they bully others just bully you?' I was going crazy at the time, so I was bullied Is it because I have a problem?"

Xiao Peng smiled and said: "I think only China has such a situation. The beatings are justified, but the beatings are unreasonable. To put it bluntly, this is the excuse that they are unwilling to get themselves into trouble, you think, if Your parents came out for you. Doesn’t that mean they are going to negotiate with the bear kids or even the parents behind them? It’s very troublesome to think about. So just use this way to deal with you. You said that you were very miserable when you were a child. The school allows classmates to bully, and parents bully when they go home."

Warvin nodded and did not deny: "Later, when I was bullied by my classmates, I fell from the drain with injuries all over my body. Only then did my parents discover that the problem was not right and transferred me to the church school. At that time, I exercised madly every day just to avoid being bullied. As a result, who would have thought of getting into the NBA after exercising."

Tom smiled and said, "This can be regarded as the help brought to you by campus bullying. I didn't expect you to have such a childhood shadow. Xiao, you don't seem to have any childhood shadows."

Xiao Peng widened his eyes after hearing this: "Who said that? I tell you that every child who can grow up alive in China was an angel with broken wings in his previous life. In our country, every time he was wronged, his parents or Teachers always use all kinds of authority to shut us up, and don't want to help us solve problems. Almost every Chinese child grows up in language violence, which is a variety of childhood shadows."

After hearing Xiao Peng's words, everyone was stunned: "Xiao, isn't it? Is it that exaggeration?",

Xiao Peng lit a cigarette and said quietly, "Exaggeration? Let me tell you that, first of all, almost all Chinese children will face a common enemy, called'children of other people'. It is when our parents educate us every day. :'Look at the children of XXX family, study so well, how come you can't compare to others'? That means you can't compare to others. Every time I hear this sentence, I want to ask them : You hold me and compare with other people's children, why don't you compare with other people's parents!"

After hearing this, Tom was silent for a moment: "Uh, I am also a parent now. I have to remember that this cannot be said to a child, because one aspect of denying a child will have a huge impact on the growth of the child. Yes. Xiao, what else is there?"

Xiao Peng thought for a while: "Oh, and'what extracurricular books to read? Delay in studying!' Well, in their eyes, to be precise, living any spare time is an influence on learning. We Huaxia people value scores and study hard. Only with good grades can you go to a good university, and you can have a good job when you go to a good university. Because of this, in the eyes of many parents, everything that has nothing to do with schoolwork is a waste of time, even if children can use their leisure activities Increasing knowledge, cultivating sentiment, and improving personality are all useless in their opinion. Only the college entrance examination is the only goal that children should pay attention to. So many idiots with high scores and low energy were born."

"High score but low energy?" It was the first time Warvin heard this word.

Xiao Peng snapped his fingers: "Let me give you an example. We have a prodigy named Wei Yong-Kang in China. He knows a thousand characters at the age of two. He has basically completed the junior high school courses at the age of four and entered the county key middle school at the age of eight. At the age of thirteen, he was admitted to the Department of Physics of Xiangtan University with a high score. At the age of seventeen, he was admitted to the Academy of Chemistry for a master and doctoral degree."

"This is a genius! How did his parents educate this child?" Tom has children, so when he heard other people's children are so good, his eyes widened.

Xiao Peng waved his hand: "Listen to me. This Wei Yong-Kang's mother has been studying with him since he was eight years old. Apart from studying, Wei Yong-Kang was not allowed to do anything. He squeezed toothpaste and washed his son every morning. , Serve food, take a bath, wash his face, and even in order to prevent my son from delaying studying while eating, his mother feeds the meal when he eats! When I was admitted to the Academy of Chemical Sciences, I didn’t know how to undress. It’s cold and I don’t know how to add clothes; the room is not cleaned, the room is smelly, and the dirty clothes are not washed; I can do nothing except reading. Do you want your children to do the same?"

Everyone in the carriage shook their heads desperately when they heard it, and Tom Brady's eyes widened: "Will this child's life be lost?"

Xiao Peng nodded: "I don't deny this."

Tom frowned: "Aren't all parents supposed to love their children? Why do they do this? Isn't this harming their children? They hate their children?"

Xiao Peng shook his head, "No, they really don't hate their children, but love their children too much."

"Uh? Does this still love children? Are you kidding me?"

Xiao Peng smiled and explained: "We Chinese people pay attention to'filial piety'. Children have to listen to their parents since they are young. Parents are absolute authority. Sometimes, what parents do to maintain their authority is very unreasonable: When children are doing housework, they will say, “What are you doing housework? Isn’t it just avoiding learning?”; But when children are studying, they will say, “I know I’m going to study hard and dare not even do housework. 'Schrodinger's housework', anyway, parents can always find a reason to scold themselves."

"Can you keep going on such days? Don't you know how to resist?" Warvin asked.

Tom nodded: "That's right, don't your Chinese children know where there is oppression, where there is resistance?"

"Of course we know it, but I also know that where there is resistance, there will be stronger oppression! And whose oppression is resisted? My parents? That's not going to the toilet to light candles-no **** to find **** ?"

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