Godly Fisherman

Chapter 823: Cheating bill

At present, California, Washington State, Minnesota, Rhode Island, Hawaii, and New York City have passed the Asian Subdivision Act, while Massachusetts, New York, Arizona, and Georgia are discussing details. Minute.

Don't underestimate this Asian subdivision bill. In fact, it has severely affected the enrollment, employment, medical care, social welfare and other aspects of the Chinese-American community in Star-Tangled Country! Because if it is subdivided, the strong Chinese and Indian tribes of Japanese cosmetics, etc., will belong to the "overly cared minorities", and those of Laos, the Philippines, Cambodia, Vietnam, etc. Belongs to a'minority that lacks sufficient attention'.

In this way, Chinese students cannot apply for scholarships and bursaries specially set up for ethnic minorities in universities, but where are these funds? Directly transferred to the names of African Americans and Latinos. You must know that African Americans and Latinos have always been the main voting positions of the Democratic Party during the general election. In order to win votes from these two ethnic groups, the Democratic Party really does everything possible.

Of course, this also angered the Chinese in Stars and Stripes. Hillary’s loss this time illustrates the problem the most. After all, there are many wealthy people of Chinese descent. When they fully support Hillary’s opponents, the burst of energy is also terrible.

Troy said again at this time: "Now I think it is wrong to support Chinese people through performances. The Chinese people are really a barbaric nation, as reported by the media. I just saw a video, one of your most prosperous cities. The police of Yimodu do not consider the safety of the child during the law enforcement, and directly throw the child to the ground. In the United States, they will not act in front of the child at all. Such rude things can only happen with you. Your side The police are too rude."

Xiao Peng smiled: "You are right, rude law enforcement is never advisable, but if such a thing happens in the Star-Stripe Nation, the child will have no mother? Your police have already opened fire. The violence of your police Law enforcement is world-famous. There are not as many cases of police shooting suspects as there are in all countries in the world combined."

Troy choked and was speechless.

Susanna was curious: "Xiao Peng, how do you feel that you didn't feel any excitement when you heard the Chinese protest? At least you have to be outraged? Why do you feel that you don't care about them?"

Xiao Peng was taken aback: "Why should I be angry? This is a matter of your country, I am from Huaxia."

"That's right, but..." Susanna asked, "Don't you Chinese people always pay attention to the same clan and the same clan?"

Xiao Peng smiled: "Do you know Huaxia well? Yes, we Huaxia people pay attention to the same clan, but we need to recognize our ancestors. If it is a Chinese descent of more than three generations, it is okay, then there is no way, but Now I'm running to the Stars and Stripes Nation, tusk, I don't admit that they are Chinese."

Troy came out and sang the opposite: "Narrow-minded!"

Xiao Peng nodded: "Yes, I am narrow, what can you do with me?"

Troy choked and was speechless.

Xiao Peng didn’t even look at Troy. Instead, he continued to say: “We Chinese people are not like you. We like to make irresponsible remarks to other sovereign countries, and solve your own troubles by yourself. To be honest, I admire you very much. The blacks ended the whites, and the whites ended the Asians. They all say that the Russians are a fighting nation. I think your Stars and Stripes are a real fighting nation. You can start a war when you have nothing to do. If there is no war outside, you will be your own. Fight with your own people. I really want to ask, where do you get so much energy?"

Troy protested: "We are for world peace."

Xiao Peng was taken aback, and then laughed loudly: "Troy, I'm sorry, I misunderstood you, you turned out to be a woman with a great sense of humor. Thank you so much, I can laugh at your joke for a year!"

Troy is stunned. I'm not telling a joke. Okay, you have a sense of humor. Your whole family has a sense of humor!

Xiao Peng, regardless of whether she is angry or not, this Nima is shameless enough, and she's still sitting here after talking like this. If someone else is already unable to sit down?

Xiao Peng simply ignored him and asked Emilia, "Emilia, will you be free in a few days?"

Emilia apologized: "My dear, I have just arrived at school, and many things need to be taken care of. Otherwise, let me see if I can ask for leave. Is there anything?"

Xiao Peng listened with regretful expression on his face: "Oh, I still want to take you to New York to have fun. If that's the case, then forget it. Just go to school well. This is the most important thing. I promised the old man. Witch...Mrs. Sean, let you finish your studies."

"What are you doing in New York? Is it an important thing? If it's important, I'll be with you." Emilia asked curiously.

Xiao Peng shrugged: "There is nothing too important, that is, Patty Hurst held a charity cocktail party and invited me to come and participate."

"Patti Hurst? Why is this name so familiar?" Emilia frowned.

Xiao Peng smiled: "Remember the Hearst Castle we went to together? It was built by his grandfather."

After hearing Xiao Peng's words, everyone except Emilia was stunned.

Emilia pursed her lips: "Hmph, don't think I don't know what you think, you wish I didn't follow along, you are fooling around with those chicks. Do you really think I don't know? You lived in Phoenix It’s so happy---Gigi Hadid, Carly Klaus, Kendall Jenner, Zhuo Dan Deng... Tsk, you’re so cool! You told me that I thought you were I was teasing me, I didn't expect it to be true..."

Speaking of this, Emilia looked at Xiao Peng with a bitter face

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, believe me, they are just ordinary friends now. Besides, why don't you say that there are so many men there?" , Confess to be lenient? Sit in prison!

Emilia gave Xiao Peng a white look: "I'll settle accounts with you later!"

The content of the two people chatting made everyone completely stunned. Troy thought for a while and said to Emilia: "Emilia, I admit that because of Austin, I have a certain hostility towards you, but anyway, I don’t want to see you deceived. My family is engaged in the seafood business. I know a lot of fishermen. I still know the income of the fishermen. Don’t you think he is too exaggerated? And Patty Hurst invited him to participate in charity Reception? My family is a large seafood distributor in North America, and I didn’t get an invitation from the Hearst family. I still know Eminem? Fooling around with Gigi Hadid? Emilia, the IQ of a woman in love is Negative, but you can't be fooled by such a simple scam, right?"

After Troy finished speaking, even Susanna and the others stopped talking. Looking at Xiao Peng, they thought that Xiao Peng was too amazing.

Emilia said calmly: "Thank you for your concern, Xiao Peng will not lie to me."

Xiao Peng almost shed his cold sweat when he heard it. Uh, I lied to you just now. I really didn't recognize that the little green man on the stage was you.

Troy just wanted to speak, but screams and cheers came from outside. Everyone was taken aback. What's wrong? Susanna's eyes rolled: "I'll go out and have a look." After speaking, she ran out and came back soon. She grabbed the phone on the table and ran out again. She said to the girls as she ran, "Quickly Come on, hurry up, the Celtics' hope is here."

"What the hell?" Xiao Peng was puzzled. Linda and Bella ran out with excitement when they heard it. Troy looked at Xiao Peng, then at Di Wei gritted his teeth and ran out. The three of Xiao Peng were left with big eyes and small eyes.

"Emilia, what does this Celtic hope mean?" Xiao Peng asked Emilia on the side.

Emilia shook her head. She didn't know what it meant. She looked at Di Wei again. Well, she was also confused, so Xiao Peng didn't ask at all. It just so happens that the disgusting person is gone, so I can have a good chat with Emilia, uh, well, and Di Wei this light bulb.

As soon as Xiao Peng wanted to chat with Emilia, Susanna ran back in a hurry, "Emilia, Emilia, hurry up, come out with me."

Emilia pointed to herself: "Me? What's so anxious? Why do you tell me to go out?"

Susanna said: "Someone knows that we are Harvard students performing at the Shell Theater today. They want to take a photo with us. You are one of the protagonists. You are gone. Xiao, pick me up with your dear." Pulled Emilia and walked out.

Emilia looked at Xiao Peng embarrassedly. Xiao Peng smiled and said, "Go, I'm waiting for you here. I can't run, so what are you worried about?"

After hearing what Xiao Peng said, Emilia walked out with Susanna.

Di Wei watched everyone leave, looking at Xiao Peng with envy: "Brother Peng, it's good to have money. Look at the women around you, which ones are the best."

Xiao Peng gave him a white glance: "Others may be with me because of the money, but Emilia won't be because of this."

Di Wei puzzled: "Why?"

Xiao Peng smiled and gave the answer: "Because her family has more money than mine."

"Cough, cough, cough, cough." Di Wei choked upon hearing it: "Brother Peng, what does this sister-in-law do? I really can't tell you are as rich as you said."

Xiao Peng said angrily: "What is this sister-in-law? I was kidding you just now. When the two of us met, she just thought I was a travel enthusiast who had nothing to travel here. And I thought she was an ordinary art student. We met on a journey of poor travel."

"What about her true identity?" Di Wei was curious.

Xiao Peng shrugged: "I only know which family she comes from, but I really don't know what the relationship is with the head of the family. Anyway, she is a rich second generation."

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