Godly Fisherman

Chapter 807: Chen Zetao makes a monster

When Lao Sun left Qianliyan, this matter was more troublesome than he thought. Do you control him? If you can really control it, it's okay, if you can't control it, it will be really troublesome.

Now he can't wait to drag those two troublesome grandsons out and whip the corpses. Once you are dead, you are really making trouble for yourself! Still want to "keep safe once you die"? You guys think too much! check! Check it out! What are the seven aunts, eight aunts, nine brothers-in-laws and twelve nephews? Check them all! All the problematic wins!

Xiao Peng couldn't stop him from going to the Star-Stripe Nation this time. Fortunately, he was only going out by himself and his family was there. That means there is still time to clean up the mess, but the speed is really going to accelerate. He has to go back and discuss with Lu Lao Cui Lao and others how to deal with this problem.

Sun Pengcheng and Lu Ya returned to Kyoto with Sun Lao. And Xiao Peng spent a few days relaxing at home with his parents and children. Until the children started school, my mother followed back to the city.

Uh, when the children were going back, Xiao Ge also talked to Xiao Peng alone, and the specific content was one thing: he didn't want to go to school. And the reason is very good: "Dad, the four of us were saved from **** by you. This is enough to make us grateful for a lifetime. If you spend your money to go to school, it will make us owe you more. I will be a thousand miles away. I'm working for you. Besides, what's the use of going to school? I can't learn, but I know that Uncle Mengzi doesn't have a high degree in high school. Isn't it still delicious and spicy?"

Xiao Peng was drinking tea at the time. After listening to Xiao Ge's words, he thought about it, and invited Professor Liu over to let him taste his tea: "Professor Liu, what do you think of my tea?"

Professor Liu closed his eyes and recollected: "This tea has a pure and full taste, mellow and poetic, with a sweet aftertaste, and full of fragrance on the cheeks. The soup looks orange-red and translucent, and the smell is as fragrant as orchids. Drinking a sip is like a dream. It's like the best tea in the heaven and earth! Boss Xiao, where does this good tea come from?"

Xiao Peng smiled and pointed to a tree in the courtyard and said, "In fact, this is really not the tea we usually talk about, but it."

Professor Liu took a closer look: "Is this camellia?"

Xiao Peng nodded: "Yes, this is a kind of camellia called Naidonghua. The "snowfall" in "Strange Tales of a Lonely Studio-Fragrant Jade" refers to Pu Songling when he lived in Laoshan, according to the Naidong tree in the courtyard of Sanqing Hall. A character created in a blueprint. When the spring started this year, I picked some tea leaves that I made by myself. I didn't expect it to taste very good, so I especially invite you to taste it."

Professor Liu kept nodding his head: "Good tea, really good tea! I will cut a few trees back and plant them!"

Xiao Peng smiled and said, "Well, you can make a few trees whenever it is right. Drinking this tea for a long time is good for lowering blood pressure. I have some here. If you like it, take the part and drink it slowly!"

Professor Liu was overjoyed after hearing this: "Boss Xiao, thank you so much! But... how is this embarrassing?"

Xiao Peng waved his hand: "What's the embarrassment? The tea I made by myself, some people like me to be happy but it's too late. Isn't it hard to ask for a confidant?"

Professor Liu took the tea and left happily, and he could see that he really liked the taste of this resistant winter tea. Xiao Ge was puzzled on the side. He was obviously asking himself not to go to school, why did he drink tea?

Xiao Peng didn't care about him, and called Pan Peiyu: "Try it, how about this tea?"

Pan Peiyu picked up the tea bowl and drank it: "Fuck, this tea is really good, give me another cup."

After hearing this, Xiao Peng turned his head and asked Xiao Ge: "This is the difference between reading and not reading. Which one do you want to be?"

Xiao Ge looked at Pan Peiyu: "Dad, I will go back to study now!"

Xiao Peng looked relieved after hearing this: "It's still about the same..."

Pan Peiyu blinked: "Boss, what does this mean? Then should I be a negative textbook?"

"What do you mean?"

So Xiao Ge honestly followed his mother and them to the city, never mentioning going to school anymore...

In fact, Xiao Ge's school grades were the worst among the four children, and all his energy was not devoted to learning. However, Xiao Peng still let him go to school honestly, learning languages ​​is one aspect, and the other is to familiarize him with the lifestyle and attitude of the Chinese people and the collective life, so that he will not be withdrawn.

Many people think it is not necessary to study, why Bill Gates dropped out to become the world's richest man...

Anyone who says so can just pull his face with a big mouth. First of all, don't look at where Bill Gates dropped out of school? Harvard! If you want to drop out, you can get close to Harvard first; secondly, who is Gates' mother? Senior Director of IBM! And his father is even more powerful. Old Bill William Gates is the owner of the Ellis Business Law Firm in the Star-Stripe Country, one of the top 100 law firms in the Star-Stripe Country! The business covers the Stars and Stripes countries and the Asia-Pacific region! And his father's lawyer team is also IBM's exclusive lawyer team!

Bill Gates' first order was negotiated with Microsoft. If it wasn't for her parents, IMB would give such a large order to a few dropout students wearing jeans? Company orders like that can only be done after level-one review!

So those who find reading is useless, first see if they have fathers and mothers like Gates, and then see if they can be admitted to Harvard, and then whether or not reading is useful or not!

Oh, unless you are determined to enter the entertainment industry or the **** industry, then you really don’t need to read much...

Although Xiao Ge and the others are their own adopted children, since they are adopted, they are responsible for them and must go to school well. This is responsible for their own lives!

Xiao Peng let his mother take away all the rabbit skins. He has contacted a fur processing factory. Considering that some furs need to be dyed, it is better to hand over to a professional fur processing factory to make ready-made garments.

All work at Qianliyan stopped. Just during this time, all the fishing boats were refurbished. After working for so long, there must be a lot of small faults, and hidden dangers must be eliminated.

Generally speaking, Qianliyan’s development has gone smoothly. Academician Liu is taking care of the pregnant Baiji Dolphin. That is a cautious one. He can’t wait to test ten times a day, for fear of any changes. Academician Mi from the Institute of Oceanography is still studying the emperor hairtail on the cage side. That is serious. I heard that there was a typhoon passing through the border a while ago. His wife was still alive and well. In the end, Pan Peiyu used a strong force to succeed. Now the old lady Mi has a knife in her eyes looking at Pan Peiyu.

Gee, I don't know what it is!

The wonderful foreign academician Jiang Afu really puts his energy on the cows. Through the artificial-insemination-insemination method, a group of cows have already become pregnant. It seems that there is really a need for a group of cattle-raising workers, otherwise Dad and the others will be too busy.

It seems that the island is peaceful, but some special things also add to Xiao Peng, such as Chen Zetao.

As a student of Academician Liu, Chen Zetao is both happy and unfortunate.

Academician Liu is definitely a great master in biology, so it is really promising to become his student, but Academician Liu is so old and still working hard in the forefront of scientific research! Everything was done by himself. Chen Zetao followed behind his ass. Apart from making records and statistics, he really had nothing to do.

Chen Zetao went to Academician Liu and asked Academician Liu to let himself do more. Academician Liu pointed him a clear path: "Are you stupid? Follow me, what will you do in the future? It just so happens that you have time, scientific research objects, and equipment funds. What are you doing idle with such a good opportunity? ? Find your own research goals to study!" Leave it alone.

Chen Zetao was also very excited after hearing this. Yes, so many wild animals on the island, such as Bali tigers and North American white wolves, are all extinct animals, and the turtles are also endangered. Why can't research? So Chen Zetao was very happy to find scientific research goals.

First of all, the giant turtle and baiji dolphin live in Qianli Lake, and Academician Liu will not let him make trouble here. Moreover, many turtles have been taken to the outside world for research, and he is a bit late to study now.

Then study other things?

But other animals are usually in the woods, and there are various beasts inside! Chen Zetao was afraid of those big guys, let alone polar bears, even the wolverine walked by him, he was scared enough.

Although the beasts do not take the initiative to attack people, this fear comes from the bottom of their hearts. Especially after a thief was killed by beasts a few days ago, he hid further.

What to study? Bohai Black Bull? Isn't that a slaying for Academician Jiang Afu? How is it different from now?

After searching for a long time, Chen Zetao really found a scientific research target. He suddenly found a very serious problem-Qianliyan has no mosquitoes!

This unscientific! There are no mosquitoes on islands like this? Chen Zetao searched the island for several days and found flies but no mosquitoes? Is this abnormal? Why are there no mosquitoes in Qianliyan?

If it can be ascertained that Qianliyan has no mosquito problem, it will benefit mankind! At the same time, it can also make up for the absence of mosquitoes in Qianliyan, which has perfected the ecological environment here.

Just do it when he thinks of it, Chen Zetao was so happy that he finally found his research direction! Yes, he decided to study mosquitoes!

As a future zoologist with excellent hands-on ability, Chen Zetao put all his accumulated enthusiasm into full play: through relationships, a large number of larvae are connected, well, that is, mosquito larvae, cultivated on the island.

Mosquitoes have almost no natural enemies on the island, and they reproduce explosively. It's strange to say that mosquitoes don't go to Qiandao where Xiao Peng's small courtyard is located, but other places are flooded with mosquitoes, just like the room where Father Xiao and Grandpa Xiao live, that is to kill mosquitoes every day. One by one, it was miserable. Mosquito coils, toilet water, mosquito killer lamps, and mosquito repellents all went into battle, but they couldn't stop mosquitoes from attacking. Everyone has to go out, right? How to repel mosquitoes outside?

When Xiao Peng knew about this, he wanted to hang Chen Zetao and beat him up.

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