Godly Fisherman

Chapter 1834: You want to kill?

Xiao Peng smiled and said, "In fact, it is not strange that she vaccinated her child."

"Isn't it strange?" Alessi asked back.

Xiao Peng nodded: "Of course, it's like someone in China promotes the theory of'reading is useless.' Anything like this is definitely not bad for money. And it definitely pays the most attention to the education of their children. Whoever believes it is a fool to talk to them. X."

Alessi said: "But as far as I know, many people believe their words. Just like this epidemic, isn't it because many people believe the words of these anti-vaccine organizations? Then I should Who do you believe?"

Xiao Peng replied: "Although it is said that the truth is in the hands of a few people, hehe, how can there be so much truth? Take vaccines as an example. Of the six billion people on the planet, 99.9% of them are benefited from vaccines. People, don’t listen to them but listen to the 0.1% minority? Then I can only say that these people’s IQ needs to be recharged. This is how Joan and his couple are like this. All day long conspiracy theories, how can there be so many in the world? Conspiracy? Clean in your heart, clean in everything you see; conspiracy in your unclean heart!"

Alessi patted Xiao Peng: "You mean to praise yourself for being clean in heart?"

Xiao Peng nodded: "That's what I meant, let you hear it out."

Alesi just wanted to refute a few words, but Xiao Peng made a "shh" gesture: "Don't make a loud noise in the hospital, Joan is still uncomfortable there!"

Now Alessi stopped fighting with Xiao Peng.

As a result, Xiao Peng said leisurely: "Look, you have acquiesced!"

Alesi: "..." Forget it, I see Joan, and don't care about Xiao Peng.

Xiao Peng and the two walked to Qiong's side, and when they saw them coming, Qiong looked desperate: "They said that Andre was not good enough and had given up treatment. Let me go in for the last look, but I dare not go in! Can you accompany me?"

Alessi hurriedly comforted: "Joan, don't worry, Xiao is here, he always has a way!"

Joan is like a wooden person now. After listening to what Alessi said, he looked at Xiao Peng: "Alessi, thank you for comforting me. I have accepted your kindness, but now I need you to accompany me more. This is absolutely Not really. God, my Andre is only four years old!"

Xiao Peng wanted to say: "You also know that the child is only four years old. At this time, I should accompany the child more, right? Not to play some football!" But at this time, don't get into trouble, she is pitiful enough.

Under the leadership of the nurse, a few people went to the ICU and saw Andre, a very beautiful little white boy, but now his body was covered with red measles. The intensive phobia saw the numbness of the back scalp. Plugs in various tubes and wears an oxygen mask.

When Joan saw this scene, his legs softened and fell to the ground. Don't talk about her, even Alessi dared not see the little Andre in the hospital bed. She tilted her head and asked the nurse: "Miss Nurse, is there no way?"

The nurse nodded: "Our doctors have done their best!"

"You must still have a way, right?" Joan looked at the nurse incredulously after hearing this.

The nurse shook his head: "Sorry, modern medicine is not a panacea. Your son's allergies are too serious. Many drugs have adverse reactions, and we really can't help it!"

"Does it just make me watch my son die?" Joan called to the nurse.

"Madam, I know that facing such a thing will make you sad, but now I ask you to know your emotions. After all, this is a hospital. Medicine is not a panacea. We have tried our best. If you don't control your emotions, We will let the police intervene." The nurse said neither humble nor humble.

Although she was really telling the truth, and she was not joking when she said that she called the police, the Stars and Stripes country's protection of public order is very strict. There is, but this cold tone does not make people feel comfortable.

Alessi stopped Joan: "Joan, let's see how Andre is now."

After hearing this, Joan hurried to the bedside: "Andre, Andre, mom is here! Open your eyes and look at me!"

"Madam, please don't touch him, it will cause harm to the child." The nurse said quickly after seeing it.

Joan can't stand it anymore: "You can't save him, he's dying now! Don't let me touch him? Are you okay?"

"After all, he hasn't passed away yet. If your touch hastened his death, you have to take responsibility. If I don't stop you, I will also take responsibility. This is our rules and regulations." The nurse still calmly said to Joan, and suddenly she shouted behind Joan: "That gentleman, don't you understand English? Let you not touch him! Are you taking responsibility?"

He was talking about Xiao Peng.

Xiao Peng couldn't listen anymore: This child is not dead yet, so just give up the treatment, and still say this next to him? It is true that you came in accordance with the rules and regulations, but the system is dead and people live! How can you make the patient's family accept this? Standing by and watching his son go to death? How many mothers in the world can do this? So he decided to help.

But Andre's body is really not optimistic. The child’s body was originally fragile, and Andrei had a very serious allergic constitution, and had adverse reactions to many drugs, and his resistance to the measles virus was extremely poor. The body had already experienced serious organ failure. It is no wonder that the doctor is helpless when encountering such a disease.

Now he has no time to waste. He took out the needle box from his pocket, took out a long silver needle from it, scorched it with a lighter for disinfection, and plunged it directly into Andre's heart!

This frightened everyone. This time the silver needle pierced at least five centimeters into the body! Is this because the child is slow to die and he wants to kill?

"Andre!" Joan screamed loudly.

"Shut up!" Xiao Peng said to Alessi: "Alessi! You take everyone out for me! Now I can't be disturbed!"

After hearing this, Alessi realized that Xiao Peng was trying to save Andre. She hurriedly said to Qiong: "Joan, let's go out and wait, don't disturb Xiao, he is saving Andre!"

Joan's eyes widened after hearing this: "Can he do it?"

Alessi was taken aback, she really didn't know if Xiao Peng could save Andre. She thought for a moment and said: "According to what I know about Xiao, he has a magical medical skill, a medical skill that we cannot understand, but it is very effective; and Xiao generally doesn't do things that are uncertain. He is a magical man; The key point is that you don’t believe him now and there is no other way. The doctors here have said there is no way."

Her meaning is clear: a dead horse should be treated as a living horse doctor.

After listening to Qiong, Qiong looked at Xiao Peng's back, she didn't know what was wrong, she felt a sense of peace of mind, and Alessi was right: anyway, the doctor can't help it, let him try it.

And she decided to trust Xiao Peng, but the nurse next to her was anxious, and when she went up, she strangled Xiao Peng’s neck, trying to control him and take him away from the bed: "What are you going to do? Do you want to kill? Where are you? This man is crazy!"

The nurses in this star-and-straw country are not like in some movies, they are all young girls with long legs. To be precise, they are'ten nurses and eight buckets'. They are all heavyweight players, and Xiao Peng is not tall. He is not strong, and the nurse is confident enough to subdue him.

Xiao Peng was still there focusing on treatment, and he felt like he was hugged by a gorilla! Valco, are there such long hairs on human arms? He was still holding the silver needle with his left hand, and his right hand directly grabbed the gorilla's arm, and slammed the female nurse to the ground with one hand over the shoulder.

Of course, he has already done well. Otherwise, the fat nurse has to be disabled.

"I said, don't bother me, go out!" Xiao Peng said coldly.

The fat nurse got up from the ground groaningly: "What are you going to do? Murder?"

Xiao Peng ignored her at all. The nurse watched Xiao Peng ignore her, rolled her eyes, and directly rang the alarm bell next to her, pushed Alessi and Joan away, and rushed out of the ICU.

Don't look at her physique like a bucket, it's a neat skill to run. There are only three of Xiao Peng in the ICU.

Xiao Peng didn't look back: "Alessi, you lock the door!"

After hearing this, Alessi blinked and locked the door directly: "Xiao, what shall we do next?"

Xiao Peng said, "No matter what happens for a while, don't open the door until I say it's okay!" After he finished speaking, he immediately continued to start the treatment.

It is said that the western environment is good, "the air is sweet", and when people are in an environment that is too clean and free of foreign bodies, the human immune system will react to normal substances that it should not have, which is the so-called "allergic". Europeans and Americans are more prone to allergic symptoms. And the Huaxia people are all trained! All sorts of unexpected food safety problems, as well as the smog problem that is still inevitable even though it has been treated. The human immune system of Chinese people is indeed much stronger than that of Europeans and Americans!

And there is another problem with this allergy, that is, there is a genetic susceptibility. Easy to gather in the family. The upper-class European society even pays more attention to family inheritance than China. The ancestors are more or less related by blood, which has led to many families with genetic diseases, as well as allergies.

But Andre's immune system is really too weak, he belongs to a super allergic physique, such a body is simply three words: sick seedlings. So it also leads to minor diseases and serious illnesses, and serious illnesses kill people. Even if this body is big

Qiong watched Xiao Peng pierce her son with a few large silver needles and looked nervous. Alesi looked at her nervous expression and patted Qiong: "Joan, do me a favor."

Qiong stunned: "What are you doing?"

"Help me push those cabinets over and block the door!" Alessi also gave up: "Since I already believe in Xiao, I believe it to the end!"

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