Godly Fisherman

Chapter 1832: Is this a real son?

"Brian, what do you mean by saying: You believe these anti-vaccine organizations and didn't vaccinate your children? That's why the current outbreak has occurred? This is true even with so many people just now?" Xiao Peng considered for a while .

Brian nodded.

Xiao Peng was a little puzzled after hearing this: "I'll be honest, as far as I know, you and Joan should have received higher education. How can you believe these absurd claims?"

Brian pointed to the hospital door: "Did you see the patients there? Most of them have higher education, but they believe most, these **** eagle countrymen!"

After speaking, he talked to Xiao Peng about the relationship between the anti-vaccine organization and higher education. Xiao Peng was also speechless after hearing this.

More than 20 years ago, in the world-famous medical journal "The Lancet", a scholar named Andrew Walkford published a paper. The conclusion of the paper is that'Mills vaccination is directly related to childhood autism.' .

The position of "The Lancet" in the minds of doctors is similar to that of HowNet in the Chinese academic circle. It is known to everyone (except for the artist surnamed Dr. Zhai). This paper is published. At that time, it caused an uproar.

And Andrew was also idle, making full use of the power of the media, which caused panic about the measles and mumps vaccination throughout Europe. At that time, even in some areas of London, the vaccination rate for measles and mumps was less than 50%.

So is the fact so terrible? Not so.

Andrew’s thesis is fake. He has taken the benefits of the parents of children with autism. At the same time, he holds the patent for the measles single-component vaccine. That’s why he tried to spread the rumors that vaccination against measles and mumps would cause self-illness and bowel disease --- ---The prosperity of the world is all for profit, and the hustle and bustle of the world is the standard portrayal of profit.

Since then, the United Kingdom has continued to have measles outbreaks. Although Andrew's fraud was exposed, the Eagle Country has established many anti-vaccination organizations to promote the harmfulness of vaccines. So some parents who have symptoms after vaccination Jointly sued vaccine manufacturers for compensation. To put it bluntly, it was just for the word "money".

After the establishment of this anti-vaccine organization, Europe, America, and Asia are all affected by it. Jiulian China’s neighbors, Japan, are not immune from it: their country has a large anti-vaccine organization called the "Salvation Church". All day propaganda about the harmfulness of vaccines, so the most serious measles epidemic broke out in Japan in more than a decade.

And some countries have developed resistance to vaccines because of things like fake vaccines. The most obvious example is the Philippines.

A few years ago, the French company Sanofi Pasteur produced the world’s first vaccine for dengue fever. The Philippines began to vaccinate this vaccine nationwide. Two years later, according to clinical statistics, this vaccine was For people who are hot, serious illness may occur after using it! Since then, parents in the Philippines have refused to vaccinate their children.

This is the standard choking. In just two months at the beginning of this year, there were more than 10,000 cases of measles and hundreds of people died.

However, this anti-vaccine organization is so prosperous in the Star Stripe country for another reason.

For example, many Jewish communities in Xingtiao Country, especially those Orthodox Jewish communities, are generally not vaccinated. And the funny thing is, although they hardly receive vaccines,

But their reasons for not accepting the vaccine are also varied, and there is no uniformity.

For example, some people refuse to vaccinate because the vaccine is harmful to health. This argument is acceptable. After all, the vaccine itself is a weak virus. But there are reasons that make people speechless.

For example, some people say that the mandatory vaccination is a joint conspiracy between the CDC and the pharmaceutical giants to make money. Although there is no evidence, many people still believe that there is no shortage of supporters of conspiracy theories in the world. .

And this is not the most exaggerated statement. The most exaggerated statement is that the vaccine is actually a method used by the Germans to kill the Jews: because the predecessors of international pharmaceutical giants such as Bayer and Merck were all chemical companies in the Nazi period in Germany and were vaccinated against them. It is tantamount to funding enterprises that persecute Jews, and such conspiracy theories have become the most common excuse for many anti-vaccine organizations.

And many places in Star-Tangled Nation have given Jewish communities a ‘religious exemption’ and will not force them to be vaccinated. Now that a large-scale epidemic has broken out in the Star-Spangled Nation, the Jewish community has an extremely large number of cases, so New York State directly abolished this ‘religious exemption’ and the Jewish community in New York State must also be vaccinated. But this is useless. Among the 50 states in the Star-Stripe Country, 45 states still retain the ‘no vaccination’ exemption.

Except for Jewish communities, many people of other races are not vaccinated. This is another strange phenomenon.

Just like the Chinese people who don’t listen to doctors when they are sick, Star Stripe people don’t listen to doctors when they are sick. They listen to actors!

Many stars in the Stars and Stripes are loyal supporters of the "anti-vaccine organization": Robert De Niro, who has played in "The Godfather"; Kim Kelly, who has played in "Ghosts in Disguise"; and Nicholas Cage collaborated in "Key Next" Stars such as Jessica Bell in "Second" and Jenny McCarthy in "Scream 3" are all loyal fans of "anti-vaccine".

These celebrities also have many fans on social networks, and they often make speeches on TV, so they have further expanded the influence of the ‘anti-vaccine’. Like Bailick, who was beaten just now, she is a firm anti-vaccination person. In particular, she herself has the identity of a neuroscientist in addition to an actor, which has caused many parents to give up vaccination. Now a large-scale measles epidemic has broken out in the Stars and Stripes, which has spread across 24 states, and there is a trend of further spread.

After all, measles can be spread through the air. Once the vaccination rate is lower than 95%, it is easy for a large-scale outbreak. In fact, measles outbreaks occurred in California in 2015 and Peanut Bean State in 2017, but those anti-vaccine activists and parents of children chose to ignore it. So this year, measles outbreaks broke out in 24 states and are still spreading.

Of course, some things cannot be entirely blamed on the ignorance of the people, especially in California where vaccines are hated. There are historical reasons: in 1955, due to the negligence of pharmaceutical companies, a batch of polio vaccines vaccinated here in California failed, which directly caused Forty thousand people later developed polio, 53 people were paralyzed and 5 died! So there are more people in California who do not get vaccinated.

"You now know why you want to beat Bailik?" Brian took a cigar. "You said this guy is not owed a beating?"

Xiao Peng whistled: "Then why does she dare to appear here? Isn't she sending sheep into the wolf's mouth?"

Brian said: "His son was also infected with hemp

Rash, see a doctor here. "

Xiao Peng laughed: "We at Huaxia have a special saying about this situation, called ‘karma cycle retribution,’ the most popular saying is: if you get out of trouble, you must pay it back."

"Why are you Huaxia not opposed to vaccines? As far as I know, you have just encountered the largest fake vaccine case." Brian said.

Xiao Peng extended his thumb: "How much do you know?"

Brian shrugged and said: "It is the people who are engaged in finance who want to understand the situation of the world. Otherwise, many opportunities to make money will be missed."

Xiao Peng explained: "In fact, the first country in the world to start vaccination was China. In the Song Dynasty, people used cowpox to prevent smallpox. According to the experience of the Chinese people, the death rate of smallpox for those who were vaccinated was less than that. 2%, and the mortality rate of no species is as high as 30%. Therefore, we Chinese people have never refused vaccines. Of course, there are also a small group of people who follow others to promote the danger of vaccines, but when their own children want to get a vaccine, All of them are more active than anyone else. They dare not try? The children are not allowed to go to school! The children's life is gone! We in China are not used to the problems of these people."

Bryan sighed with a sigh of smoke: "How good you are in China, in our West, vaccines are difficult every step of the way."

Xiao Peng asked back: "Voltaire?"

Brian was taken aback, smiled and said to Xiao Peng: "You are more knowledgeable than I thought. That's right, it's him."

In fact, the history of vaccination in the West is also very long. Since 1763, France has begun to vaccinate on a large scale, but at that time many people also stood up against it. The most famous is the great thinker Voltaire, and his influence can be Not to be underestimated, so countless people oppose vaccination.

In those days, Europeans were not only opposed to vaccines, but even doubted the entire medical system. They firmly believed that smallpox was God's punishment for sinners and should not treat those patients. . . . . .

Nearly 100 years later, in 1853, the Eagle Country also began to compulsorily vaccinate young children. As a result, 100,000 Eagles held a demonstration at that time and firmly opposed the mandatory vaccination.

The Stars and Stripes country first began to draft a bill to compulsory vaccination in 1902. Vaccines including smallpox, flu, tetanus, polio, etc. were all developed, but the common people did not eat this set at all, and in 1926 they were still going. The vaccinations in the town were driven out by the residents with guns.

Ahem, by the way, the current President Arp is also an ‘anti-vaccination person’ and has advocated the cancellation of ‘compulsory vaccination’ more than once

It's all right now, the standard asks for trouble.

"Wait, you are Chinese? Not Chinese?" Brian suddenly asked Xiao Peng such a question.

Xiao Peng was a little confused: "Yes, is there any problem with this?"

Brian was lost in thought.

Xiao Peng just wanted to ask this guy if he was okay, why did he ask himself some weird things, but Alessi suddenly ran over, and after seeing Brian, he took two deep breaths, controlled his emotions and said with a nervous expression: "Mr. Sackhoff, hurry up to the rescue room."

Brian asked curiously: "What happened?"

"Little Andre's life is dying." Alessi said.

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