Godly Fisherman

Chapter 1712: Writing on eels

"Oh..." someone vomited from the deck.

Yang Meng drove the boat with a scornful look: "Who is this. How much did I drink last night, and I would vomit this early in the morning?"

Xiao Peng lay on the sofa with his cigar and played with the game console: "Come on, you, what did you do with Shi Ming and the others last night? Lying there while sleeping while vomiting! That is, someone will take care of it, or you will hold yourself back. I believe in death!"

Yang Meng said happily, "I still need to practice for this amount of alcohol. I just wanted to pour that Harden, but I didn't expect them to jump out."

Xiao Peng said, "During this time, they have not practiced drinking less. They are holding back their energy and want to fight with you. They don't want to think, your drinking is also increasing?"

Yang Meng shrugged, "Then don't blame me."

"Harden asked you to go to the hospital for gastric lavage. Are you happy?" Xiao Peng asked.

Yang Meng laughed and said, "Can you blame me? He insists on drinking with me. Then drink. Besides, you can't just talk about me, see if you drank that James. It was not unconscious to drank it too. Up?"

Xiao Peng shook his head: "Speaking of which, I am also depressed. This Star Tiao country would say, "I am a XXXX person" before fighting with others, as if their states are all wine barrels. That is a bet on the honor of their state. It's the same as me drinking. But you did a beautiful job of getting Harden drunk!" Xiao Peng held out his thumb: "It just so happens that no one bothers us anymore."

Yang Meng asked curiously: "Why do you want to tell that James about the breeding of king salmon?"

Xiao Peng smiled and said: "Why not? The king salmon is mainly consumed in the western market. They like this fish, but we are in our hands from the fry to the breeding technology and even the large-scale cage technology. What does it matter if they raise it? ? I wish the whole world engage in king salmon farming."

Yang Meng frowned: "If you do too much, the emperor salmon is worthless, right?"

Xiao Peng smiled slyly: "Why don't we control the number of fry? It's useless for them to have 10,000 farmers. The number of fry is so large. Does that mean that the price of our fry is more expensive? We sell technology and nets. How much money can you make by boxing these things? Once you operate it, this is an astronomical big business."

Yang Meng licked his lips and said, "Now you are getting more and more sinister-oh no, you are more and more able to do business. By the way, don't you want to be clean? Should I turn off AIS? ?"

The AIS system is an active tracking system that must be installed on all regular ships. This system follows international standards and uploads the position, speed and direction of its own ship to the satellite every few seconds.

Xiao Peng shook his head: "Okay, you, don't mess around. Now I don't know how many satellites are locking us. If you turn off the AIS system, there will be a meaning of'there is no silver three hundred taels'. ."

Yang Meng set up the boat to sail automatically, and ran to another sofa to sit down: "At this speed, I can reach the fishing spot tomorrow morning. Man, why did you put so many soybeans on the boat?"

"Of course it's tofu!" Xiao Peng smiled.

Yang Meng reached out and took out a can of beer from the refrigerator next to him and threw it to Xiao Peng. He took out another can and opened it: "Does this foreigner eat tofu? They eat cheese products, but not soy and cheese products?"

Xiao Peng laughed: "With me

Now, I let them eat soy cheese instead of cheese! "

"Boss, it's really difficult!" While speaking, Huang Bin and Wang Hu walked into the cockpit together. Huang Bin said: "We have made seawater tofu several times in the past few days when you are away. Harden and the others Several people on the boat came to taste it, and the response was very bad."

Yang Meng threw a can of beer to him, he took it casually, and looked at Yang Meng with a puzzled face.

"I just heard you vomit for a long time. I will rinse your mouth." Yang Meng said.

Huang Bin and Wang Hu looked at each other: "We didn't vomit."

"Who was vomiting just now? Shi Ming?" Xiao Peng asked.

Huang Bin shook his head: "Shi Ming is still asleep there. He was too drunk yesterday."

Xiao Peng asked puzzledly: "Who is that?"

Yang Meng shrugged and said, "It may be someone else. There are so many people on the boat. It's not just us drinking."

Xiao Peng nodded: "By the way, Wang Hu, you can contact Pan Peiyu and ask him what happened to the eels in our fishery."

"What's wrong?" Yang Meng asked curiously.

Xiao Peng said: "I remembered about eels when I watched Huang Bin's live broadcast yesterday. I remember that the supply of eels in our fishery is very sufficient? Why is there a shortage of eels in the country now? When they were in Tokyo, they told me about eels. I didn't take it to heart. As a result, I didn't have eel rice with my mother Sang last night. The Kabayaki eel she made last time was delicious."

Yang Meng smiled and said, "Don't ask Lao Pan. I know about this. Lao Pan has stopped supplying eel to the country."

"Huh?" Xiao Peng was taken aback: "Why don't I know this?"

"I just stopped before I came." Yang Meng said.

Xiao Peng asked curiously: "Tell me, what's the matter?"

Yang Meng explained: "We export so much seafood to the country, but apart from bluefin tuna, masu tuna, swordfish, and swordfish, which are the top products, no matter how good the quality is, the price is not outstanding. Red sea bream, black sea bream, oriental puffer fish, peony prawns, etc., obviously our quality here is better, but they still prefer to trust their own local products of the country. This causes the tuna of our fishery to be sold in Star-Tiao Country. The price is very high, but other seafood is still not much different from the market price."

Xiao Peng nodded: "I know about this. The key is that their demand is large, isn't it? Besides, even this is much higher than the domestic price."

Yang Meng replied with a smile: "Xiao Peng, you are so clever about this matter for a while. The seafood quality of our fish farm is there. If those artificial sushi restaurants rely on only one tuna, how can their business become so good? The most important thing is It’s the other seafood in our fishing grounds."

Xiao Peng nodded: "I know this, so their demand is getting higher and higher, and they are not stupid."

"But the price has not risen." Yang Meng said: "Wen Jie has been thinking about increasing the supply prices of other products. The last time he found a problem in Wa, the price of eel in Wa has been rising."

Xiao Peng said: "I know about this. In fact, in 2014, the Japanese eel was listed as an endangered animal by the World Conservation Union. This Japanese people like to eat eel too much. That's why I let Chen Zetao be the emperor. When salmon farming, by the way

Engaged in eel fish farming. Otherwise we can't afford to supply so many eels. "

Eel is a very special fish. Is there any artificial breeding technology? Really, almost all the eels eaten now are cultivated artificially. However, artificial breeding of eels is entirely dependent on the capture of wild eel fry for artificial breeding, and commercial artificial breeding has not been possible so far.

Artificial breeding and commercial artificial breeding are two concepts. The former is to grow the already grown fry; the latter is a one-stop business from breeding, cultivating fry and growing into fish. It sounds simple to catch fish fry and raise them, but not everyone can do it.

Just like tuna farming technology, Stars and Stripes and Kangaroo countries have now mastered the technology of cultivating ungrown fry to'half-large' (which can guarantee a breeding period of about six months, and the mortality rate will be too high) The breeding and breeding of king salmon has been suffering from excessive mortality, so no one has succeeded today.

But now they are too lazy to do it. I heard that there is a person named "Chen Zetao" in China who has developed commercial artificial breeding and breeding technology, so what a shit. Waiting to buy technology.

However, Chen Zetao focused his attention on the breeding of king salmon at the time, so the eel breeding in Qianliyan is the same as conventional breeding.

After hearing Xiao Peng's words, Yang Meng asked back: "Then do you know how much the eel seedlings in the country cost a kilo?"

Xiao Peng didn't know how much it could be, so he just guessed: "One hundred thousand yen?"

A kilogram of eel seedlings is not cheap for more than 6,000 yuan.

As a result, Yang Meng shook his head and stretched out three fingers.

"Three hundred thousand?" Xiao Peng was taken aback when he heard it, so expensive?

As a result, Yang Meng shook his head again: "It's three million!"

"What the hell?" Xiao Peng was taken aback when he heard it, and he didn't care about playing the game: "You mean that a kilogram of eel seed is now worth 200,000 yuan? Stop it, if that is the case, we Chinese I made a fortune just by selling eel seedlings here."

Yang Meng laughed after hearing this: "Where do you think their eel fry came from? About 70% are imported from Huaxia, but there is no way now. There are not many eel fry from China, otherwise the Japanese eel can't be listed. It’s an endangered species, right? It’s really making the Japanese people almost extinct. Now the amount of artificial breeding of native eel fry in the Japanese country is less than ten tons! Even if we have been providing them with large quantities of eels, more than 700 specialties have been poured over the years. The eel restaurant is now."

"Go on." Xiao Peng said

Yang Meng said: "Old Pan and Wenjie came up with a way to increase the selling price of seafood here. They decided to control one of their seafood first. Now it seems that the best thing to control is the eel, and we don’t want the money. So first stop the eels directly to them, and send them here when the price of eels is higher."

Xiao Peng nodded after hearing this: "Then what about the eels in our fishery now?"

"Oh, don’t worry about it. Originally, the Japanese people chose small eels to make eels heavy. Now that there are fewer and fewer small eels, they have begun to cut the large eels into several portions for customers to eat, which can also save costs. The big eels hit their market directly!"

"Okay, you can take care of this. Give the boat a little speed and get there early and work early!"


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