Godly Fisherman

Chapter 1640: no problem?

Until he saw the "Call for World Peace" at Miyako Fishing Port, Justin didn't think clearly about Xiao Peng's picture.

He really held two days of partying here. The first day was to invite Xiong Guo to work in the local ‘fisherman’. He thanked Xiong Guo for taking care of his fishery scientist Mr. Chen Zetao in the South Kuril Islands.

Although all the Xiongguo fishing boats came and the so-called fishermen came down, even idiots can tell that these people are not real fishermen.

These Xiongguo'fishermen' came with vigilance. When they left, they were obviously in a good mood. They also moved a few boxes of the'top quality wine' given to them by Xiao Peng---Red Star Erguotou. It's almost time to hold Xiao Peng and shout "Long live the friendship between China and Xiong".

And when Nicholson, the highest person in charge of the joint salvage fleet of the Stars and Stripes and the Japanese, and the captains of the ships boarded the "Call for World Peace", they did not believe that this ship was really a longline fishing boat. The Chinese people did things more carefully. Not only did they carefully inspect the inside of the ship, they even secretly dispatched underwater robots to observe the bottom of the ship. As a result, there was no clue.

The buffet on the boat tasted really good. This is the real Chinese food!

Now whether it is the Japanese, the Stars, or the Bears, they are all very puzzled by Xiao Peng's actions: I rely on, is there really a saint in this world?

Even if Xiao Peng really went to the sensitive waters after completing the supply, they still didn't find any problems--except for a lot of supplies at once.

Is this planning to fight a protracted war at sea?

"Justin, are you sure you haven't found any problems?" Officer Nicholson was puzzled.

Justin nodded and said: "There is nothing wrong with their boat. If there is any problem, it is that the food on their boat is so delicious."

Nicholson hit the table and lost his thoughts.

"Sir?" Justin saw Nicholson thinking, but couldn't help but interrupt him: "What shall we do next?"

Nicholson thought for a while: "Well, let's focus on the bear people. Everyone has seen their boats. It is impossible to put a deep-water submarine. And we did not find any deep-sea robots. But we Still have to beware of them, so do it. Send a ship to keep a distance with them and observe whether they are in contact with people at sea at any time... Then, take turns to send ships to approach, don't let them catch anything The handle and satellites should also be locked to them and observe their movements at any time!"

"Yes! Sir!" Justin took the task after hearing this.

Nicholson was still there habitually knocking on the table, and he didn't understand how he thought about it.

Xiao Peng can't be really stupid! He has investigated Xiao Peng's affairs: religious people, super rich people. . . . . . What does he think? Let's have a good day but come here to suffer? Here is a lasting life. If it weren't for that F-35 was too precious, they might have given up salvaging.

This is purely thankless.

But the country Xiong looked at him, even though the possibility of their salvage is close to zero, but what if they salvage it?

Just because of this ‘what if’, the joint salvage fleet of the Star-Tangled Kingdom and the Japanese Kingdom can only be consumed here. But thinking from another angle, this is also a good thing, at least they have a reason to defraud military spending, right?

They come here to suffer because they have the money and the suppliers behind, so what does Xiao Peng do?

Nowhere to spend more money? Days are too comfortable looking for excitement?

After thinking about it for a long time, Nicholson could only come to one conclusion: Xiao Peng had too much money and he was self-willed. He came to suffer this crime in order to create a good reputation for himself. It may not be long before he ran away.

That's right, it's definitely the title! What's your special name for a fishing boat? ‘Call for World Peace’? Is your mind flooded?

What's so special, why is such a master running here? Isn't this here to add chaos!

And Xiao Peng, no matter what they think, he is doing one thing now: fishing!

This longline fishing is a very interesting fishing method, and it is also the most widely used fishing method in the world.

After Xiao Peng determined the position, he directly sailed forward at full speed - in other words, full speed was not fast, which was 20 knots.

At this time, the rope laying machine at the stern has begun to throw dry ropes out. Then they released the support rope, floating rope and floats. At the same time, two people hung bait on the support rope in the bait compartment-all herrings were 30 or 40 cm long. Xiao Peng brought out more than ten tons. Bait for a longline fishing.

On the dry line, buoy lights will be equipped on the floating line every 100 meters, and there are radio buoys on it to transmit wireless signals to inform passing ships in advance that there is a longline fishing gear set. The length of each support rope is about 20 meters, and the length between the support rope and the support rope is about 50 meters, so that unnecessary trouble will not occur when the fish is hooked. The process of putting fishing gear in this simple process lasted about ten hours!

"Boss! It's done!" When Shi Ming entered the cab, Xiao Peng was lying there with his eyes closed, humming a little song.

"Isn't it the right thing to get it done? What's the point?" Xiao Peng opened his eyes and asked in confusion.

Shi Ming said speechlessly: "Boss, I mean that our boat can stop, so we can't drag the longline and run around, right?"

Xiao Peng realized this and stopped the boat: "Well, who's turn to cook today?"

"Xiao Li is already doing it!" Shi Ming replied: "I'll take your place and sail the boat, so you can rest?"

Xiao Peng let out a breath:

"Fortunately, fortunately. As long as Huang Bin is not cooking, it is better than anything!"

Huang Bin just came in at this time and was very dissatisfied when he heard Xiao Peng's words: "Boss, what's wrong with my cooking? Didn't you see that the ghosts of the Stars and Stripes country were about to eat and crooked their mouths? I should open a restaurant, I can definitely become a top Michelin chef!"

Xiao Peng laughed angrily after hearing this: "Fuck you, those silly tongues have problems. You said that you put sugar in tomato scrambled eggs and I can tolerate them, and I can tolerate sugar in egg custard. You are so special. Even the sour-fried potato shreds put sugar in it, and I almost spit it out in one bite!"

Huang Bin shrugged: "Isn't sweeter more delicious?"

"Fuck off!" Xiao Peng raised his **** to him: "I don't hate sweet parties, but you have to divide the situation? You can't love sweets and let your brothers accompany you to suffer together!"

Huang Bin saw Xiao Peng roaring, and ran out to take refuge.

"Boss, I'll go to the kitchen to help. I'll call you when the meal is ready!" Shi Ming was about to go out, but Xiao Peng stopped him: "In a moment you let Huang Bin make a bucket of his scrambled eggs with sugar and tomatoes!"

"What?" Shi Ming suspected that he had misheard the stainless steel bucket in the galley on the ship, at least one meter high, but Xiao Peng told him to make a bucket? Or let Huang Bin do it? What is this for?

"Go and do what I said." Xiao Peng said lazily.

Shi Ming looked at Xiao Peng's listless look, yes, you are the boss and you are the biggest!

Xiao Peng did feel a little lack of energy, and he really made a mistake this time. . . . . .

It turned out that he planned to find some whales and go to the bottom of the sea to find them slowly. As a result, he overlooked a problem-the sea here is too deep!

This Wa country has earthquakes all day long. It's not without reason. People are right at the junction of the continental plates, facing the Pacific Ocean directly to the east. If the sea is drained, the country is like on a cliff. After tens of kilometers out of the sea, the depth of the sea can directly exceed kilometers!

It is true that the sperm whale can dive up to 1700 meters at the deepest depth, but it can't keep moving at that depth!

If Xiao Peng wanted to find the plane here, he really had to use his own mind to find it bit by bit. It was for this reason that he closed his eyes there just now.

Relying on your own mind clone to find such a large sea area slowly? He couldn't imagine that it would be the year of the monkey until he found it.

He wanted to find a fast-swimming fish in the sea, but in such a deep sea, all he found were strange-looking fishes, such as deep-sea stone fish. The swimming speed is not as fast as a dog's plan. Spirits let them find the plane for themselves? Can't move a kilometer in a day. . . . . .

Xiao Peng is so sad, but what can I do? It is said that if you come, you will be safe?

He picked up the walkie-talkie to find the public channel: "Mahir, Maher, this is the'Call for World Peace', please answer when you hear it!"

The ‘Mahir’ was a ship sent by the Stars and Stripes to monitor Xiao Peng. It's only tens of nautical miles away from them.

A man's voice soon came from the intercom: "This is the Maher, what can I do for you?"

Xiao Peng took the intercom and said, "Could you please contact Captain Schiller for me? I am Xiao Peng, the captain of the "Call for World Peace"."

In fact, Schiller was on the bridge, but he waved at his hand holding the intercom.

His men knowingly said: "Hello, Mr. Xiao, our captain is not on the bridge right now, you can tell me if you have anything, and I will notify him."

Xiao Peng didn't force it, and said directly: "Tell Captain Schiller, I agreed to what he told me, and let him take a helicopter right away."

Captain Schiller over there brightened his eyes and nodded desperately.

"Okay, Mr. Xiao, I will contact the captain and inform him of your news!"

Xiao Peng thanked him and hung up the intercom. Not long after, the roar of the helicopter came from the sky.

The helicopter hovered over the'Call for World Peace' and dropped two ropes. After Xiao Peng commanded the big bucket of'sugar-fried tomatoes and scrambled eggs' made by Huang Bin to be fixed, he signaled the helicopter to take the winch and put the big bucket. Put it up.

"Tell your Captain Schiller, thank him for the ‘protection’ he provided us, and I will come back to me if it feels delicious!"

"no problem!"

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