Godly Fisherman

Chapter 1628: Why are so many people here?

"Xiao Sang!" As soon as the woman spoke, Xiao Peng guessed her identity.

The Japanese woman next to Nicholas Cage? That must be his fourth wife, Yanagida Koike who divorced four days after marriage.

Seeing Xiao Peng’s expression, Nicholas Cage was a little embarrassed: "Xiao, let me introduce to you, this is my ex-wife Alice Kim, this is my ex-girlfriend Vicki-Park, and this is my ex-wife Yanagida Koike... ... They heard that you are here, they want me to introduce you."

Xiao Peng looked at Nicholas Cage with a speechless expression. What do you mean, your ex-wife and ex-girlfriends came to me? By the way, they came to me specially? What international joke are you making? Do I know who they are?

Alice-Kim is the woman who used to be a maiko’s cosmetic surgery country, but after all, she has been Nicholas Cage’s wife for twelve years, and she has seen all kinds of big scenes, even though she said hello to Xiao Peng before Yanagida Koike preempted her. I was very dissatisfied, but I just frowned and smiled and stretched out his hand at Xiao Peng: "Mr. Xiao, hello, I am Jin’s ex-wife Alice Jin. Miss Emilia, hello, I only saw you in photos, but I didn't expect you to be more beautiful than in photos."

This is a very talkative woman. Xiao Peng shook hands with her and asked after greeting her: "I wonder if Miss Jin has anything to do with me?"

Alice-Kim smiled and said: "That's it. I'm here to apologize to you. Although I am from Star Stripe now, I am from a plastic surgery country after all. I have done three abuses for my former motherland. I apologize like you. I hope that throwing garbage in your fishing grounds is only a private act of a few people. Most people in the plastic surgery country are extremely ashamed of it. After all, we are the most pious religious country. Doing such things to Mr. Samuel is Deserving to be cast aside."

In terms of population ratio in the world, the Vatican believes the most in God (isn’t this nonsense), and the second-ranked country is cosmetic surgery. Almost all the people there believe in God, and anyone who has traveled to the country of plastic surgery will find this. The streets of the country of plastic surgery are full of preaching. Even in Los Angeles, the big churches that I saw throughout Los Angeles, you don’t even have to ask, they are definitely made by Chinese people who have plastic surgery.

At first, when the news that Xiao Peng’s fishing ground was dumped out of trash was sent back to the country, the sticks were still happily saying nonsense such as'trash should be thrown in China', but when they knew Xiao Peng's Samuel After his identity, he changed the conversation and began to curse the trash-throwers.

In their eyes, it's okay to scold Huaxia people, but to scold Samuel? That's really not good.

Xiao Peng smiled and said: "The matter is over. Anyway, the people who should be caught are also caught, and the money that should be lost is also lost. Don't mention this matter, just don't happen again in the future."

Alice-King bowed to Xiao Peng: "Mr. Samuel is really magnanimous. I apologize for hosting a dinner in the evening, and I hope you two will appreciate it."

Xiao Peng shook his head and said: "Then there is no need. I have already appreciated your kindness. Emilia and I have not been home for several days. We have to go home and have a look."

Alice King hurriedly said: "Mr. Samuel, we are just an ordinary dinner..."

Yanagida Koike on the side was already anxious: "You woman, Xiao Sang refused you, what are you doing here? Xiao Sang! Do you remember Hashimoto Kanna? She is thinking about it all day long. I'm watching you! Because you don't think about eating and drinking, you can't sleep at night!"

Xiao Peng was shocked after hearing this: "Hey, Miss Yanagida can eat things but don't talk nonsense! I remember Hashimoto Kanna, but I have nothing to do with her! Are you trying to create a family dispute? Amy Don’t get me wrong, Leah! I do know Hashimoto Kanna, but it’s just a little girl who was rescued in Waguni, and I haven’t contacted him since then!"

Hashimoto Kanna is a Japanese actress saved by Xiao Peng when they went to see the Kamchatka peninsula while they were washing hot springs in Wa State. At that time, because her father was in debt, she was entangled by the Wa State gang to make a romantic action movie. Xiao Peng was rescued, and then at the time Warvin was about to return to China, he was asked to take her to the Stars and Stripes. Then there was no more news. If Yanagida Koike didn't mention it, Xiao Peng would have forgotten this person.

After hearing this, Yanagida Koike knew that he had said the wrong thing, and hurriedly bowed to Emilia: "Miss Emilia, I'm sorry, I just said the wrong thing. That's it. Hashimoto Kanna was caught by Xiao After her husband was rescued, Mr. Xiao entrusted Mr. Warvin to send her to the Star-Stripe Nation, and Hashimoto Kannai came to me when she arrived in the Star-Stripe Nation. For Mr. Xiao’s life-saving grace, Miss Hashimoto Kannai always wanted I want to repay, but I can't reach Mr. Xiao. This is what Hashimoto Kanna has always regretted."

Emilia smiled and said: "Miss Yanagida, you don't need to explain, I believe my dear."

But even though she said so, her hand pinched Xiao Peng severely when everyone was not paying attention.

Xiao Peng blinked and asked, "Ms. Yanagida, since you are in contact with Hashimoto Kanna, you should tell her that it was just a matter of effort, so you don't need to worry about it.

Yanagida Koike said: "How can this work? It's just a small thing for you, but for Kanna Hashimoto, it's a life-changing event."

"Oh? How is she now?" Xiao Peng asked curiously.

Yanagida Koike smiled and said, "Thanks to Xiao Sang, the gang on the Japanese side has investigated your identity. Since you came out to save her, the gang on the other side dare not trouble her anymore, so now she has returned to China. , The development is still very good, last year starred in the movie "Gintama", she played Kagura in it, I have her stills here." After speaking, I took out my mobile phone, found a photo and handed it to Xiao Peng.

"Gintama" has been made for the movie version?" Xiao Peng took the phone of Yanagida Koike after hearing this, saying that Xiao Peng likes watching Japanese animation, such as

"One Piece", "Dragon Ball", "Full-time Hunter", "Yu Yu Hakusho" and so on, among which "Gintama" is a masterpiece.

Unlike other comics, the theme of this comic is "no theme." Every day, I make complaints, but it is definitely an excellent anime that makes people laugh. Xiao Peng usually likes watching this anime.

This classic anime has come out in a movie version, but I don’t even know? According to his temper, if he knew it, he would definitely fly to Waguo to watch this movie.

But he can't be blamed. He was still fishing at sea when the movie was released. He didn't pay attention to the Wa Kingdom movies, so naturally he didn't know about it.

When he took the phone and took a look, he took a breath: "This is Kanna Hashimoto? Is she pregnant?"

Yanagida Koike hurried over: "She was a bit fat when filming "Gintama", but she lost weight when filming "I'm the Big Brother"."

"What? "I'm Big Brother" has also been made into a live-action version?" Xiao Peng was surprised.

Yanagida Koike nodded after hearing this, "Yes, it's just a series, not a movie. She played the second female actress Kyoko Hayakawa."

Xiao Peng whistled: "Wow, the eldest sister of the bad girl, can her height be photographed?"

This "I Am Big Brother" is another Japanese animation masterpiece. It is about two honest transfer students who suddenly decided to be bad boys. This Hayakawa Kyoko is the girlfriend of the second male Ito Shinji. Her identity is one. The eldest sister in the girls' school is absolutely tall in the role of Yujie Fan, but what about Hashimoto's height? He is 1.5 meters tall. . . . . .

Yanagida Koike smiled and said: "TV series are not comics after all? You see, this is her makeup photo when she filmed "I Am Big Brother"."

Xiao Peng glanced at the phone and whistled: "As expected of the'first beautiful girl in a thousand years', she looks very beautiful."

"The first beautiful girl in a thousand years?" Emilia was a little bit upset about Xiao Peng's statement.

Xiao Peng laughed loudly: "The'first beautiful girl in the millennium' of the Japanese nation is worthless. The Japanese people like to blow it. When they see someone who is beautiful, they put this title on their heads. The number of girls with titles like'the first beautiful girl in a century, the first beautiful girl in a thousand years, and the first beautiful girl in a thousand years' adds up to 800. The most ridiculous thing is that a girl in China arrived after a plastic surgery. I got this title that day, and then I went directly to "export to domestic sales", and returned to the country to make money with this reputation. Uh, it’s a bit far, Miss Yanagada, you tell Hashimoto Kanna, you don’t have to take this matter to heart In the future, if you sincerely thank me, just eat more seafood from our fishing grounds. The trivial matter is not enough, don’t mention it."

"How can this work? Mr. Xiao, if Hashimoto Kanna knows that I don't thank you for seeing you, she will be angry with me. I have booked the best hotel, and I still hope that the two will appreciate it!" Yanagida Koike Said.

Xiao Peng just wanted to refuse, and Vicky Park, who had never had a chance to speak on the side, spoke: "Mr. Xiao, I am Vicky Park. These people are too hypocritical. They just want to get closer to you. They have to engage in so many false feelings. What are you doing? Mr. Xiao, I just want to know you, but I am not so hypocritical like them. I just admire what you do and want to know you very much. I organized a party tonight at the'Time' nightclub. This is the place for young people to play, please enjoy it!"

Xiao Peng was dumbfounded and looked at Nicholas Cage: "What is this?"

Nicholas Cage said bitterly, "Xiao, your influence is beyond my imagination. I don’t know who revealed the news of your coming here. There are many people here today, all for you, look. Over there, those people are waiting to meet you."

Xiao Peng looked in the direction of Nicholas Cage's fingers and almost fainted. Where did so many people come from?

Are you here to know me or to offend me? so many people. . . . . .

How can I bid for something special!

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