Godly Fisherman

Chapter 1611: The liar's son is still a liar

Xiao Peng looked at Neil Yang, who introduced his health care product to Qian Congcong, and he was thinking about the way he would interact with Tang Fang in the future.

What Neil Yang said is clearly a scam. If Tang Fang doesn’t know it, it’s okay to say it, but if Tang Fangming knows it’s a scam, he still wants to confuse it? I'm sorry. In the future, such people will not be able to associate.

What Neil Yang said just now is quite right. The person who cherishes life most in the world must be Huaxia. Therefore, in the Huaxia market, there are health care products everywhere.

More than 95% of the health products on the Huaxia health products market have two major characteristics. One is that they are non-toxic and the other is useless. Those that are said to be useful after eating are actually psychological effects.

There are so many scams about Huaxia's health care products, and even the "mung bean cures all diseases" are believed. What can't be done?

But the biggest scam about Huaxia health care products was not made up by the Huaxia people themselves, but a star-stripe countryman, Robert Ouyang. It is no exaggeration to say that this scam invented by Robert has at least supported millions of people!

His scam is the well-known theory of "acid-base physique is related to health", saying that the reason why people get sick is because of the acid-base imbalance in the body! Various diseases can be prevented by regulating acid-base physique! Even afterwards, let alone prevention of diseases, even the birth of boys and girls can be controlled by adjusting the acid-base physique. . . . . .

At present, many "Futian hospitals" in China are still advocating "X sperm-acid resistance, Y sperm-alkali resistance", and they often come up with a foreigner's name and add a "doctor" to the platform. Searching for acid-base physique on the Internet, various kinds of ‘friendship regimen’ are endless.

Especially those who engage in direct-marketing, MLM-marketing, do not talk about the "acid-base physique", they are embarrassed to say that they are in that industry, and now they are selling on the Internet with the "acid-base physique" as a gimmick. There are so many health care products.

For these statements, Xiao Peng used two words: Ah!

The person who came up with the concept of “acid-base physique” is that Robert Ouyang, known as a “microbiologist”, “medical expert”, “naturopath,” best-selling author, etc., etc., and so on, relying on so many years of promotion 'Acid-base balance', that is already a top rich man.

And this Dr. Robert Ouyang, who is sought after by countless people as the "top health expert", is actually just a high school graduate, he has neither received any scientific training nor has any medical qualifications. Even his diploma was bought with money. Fakes! To put it bluntly, it is a standard ‘magister doctor’.

This guy is definitely ‘famous in a book’.

Back then, he wrote a sacred book called "The Acid-base Miracle: Balanced Diet, Restoring Health", which was popular all over the world and was translated into many languages ​​(Lao Yang read this book when he was in the library). The book was hailed as the'Bible of Health and Health', and it opened up new horizons to a large group of crooks.

Robert looked profitable, and published four more books while the iron was hot, and became one of the world's top experts in ‘health preservation’.

However, publishing books is no longer enough for him to make money. He started to produce health products and medicines based on his own theories and began to collect money. In the clinics he opened, nothing else cost a few cents per bottle. He can sell for four hundred dollars!

But even though it is expensive, countless people hope to find him with money and hope to buy health with money! Of course, the end result is all in the water! Robert Ouyang was directly arrested some time ago. Because of illegal medical practice, the fine alone was as high as 105 million US dollars!

But the money is nothing more than drizzle to him. After all, what he really makes money is by fraud and so-called ‘authorization’!

In fact, no matter in the medical field or in the nutrition field, there is no such thing as a "acid-base physique" at all! The four words ‘acid-base physique’ can’t be searched in any medical authority database in the world!

There is a very interesting phenomenon in China, that is not to believe in doctors and experts. In the past ten years or so, countless domestic scientists, doctors, and popular science workers have been emphasizing that “acid-base physique” is a scam, but nothing usefulness. Because in the face of ‘capital’, anything and any concept, as long as one can make money in the commercial field, it has the meaning of existence.

In fact, there are really too many such scams. For example, the so-called “gluten-free diet” that has emerged in China in the past two years. Search on Weibo and search a lot of related content. Countless bloggers are promoting This'gluten-free diet method of weight loss' is exactly the same as the'acid-base physique', but it pushes the source of various human diseases to the'gluten'.

According to this theory, all steamed bread, rolls, steamed buns, bread, and pizza in life are all gluten foods. According to that theory, these are the sources of human illness. . . . .

Isn't this nonsense? But someone really believed it!

Is there a ‘gluten-free diet’ diet therapy in the medical world? In fact, it does exist, but it is only a treatment for people with gluten allergy! As a result, after the scammers took a fancy to it, it became a universal diet therapy for weight loss and health prevention.

The founder of this scam, the so-called ‘Professor Davis’, is still a star-stripe countryman.

There are also those vegetarians. You said that if you are vegetarian, you should be vegetarian. Why do you want to promote "eating meat is harmful" everywhere?

Colin Campbell, who first proposed the concept of'eating meat is harmful', created this concept in his book "Life-Saving Diet", and he is also a star!

The way he proved the theory of “eating meat is harmful” is very interesting. He injected a group of mice with cancer cells to make them all sick, and then started to inject these mice with casein, some with 20% dose, and some with 5% dose. Finally, it was discovered that the mice injected with 20% of the dose died, and 5% of the injection was fine, so he felt that people could not eat meat.

Let me go. Is this lover and the mouse directly equivalent? Is this not a conclusion at all?

When a more serious scientist found this Colin Campbell, the old man could only prevaricate and say: "I'm just describing a concept, it doesn't hurt to be vegetarian anyway."

He said lightly, but he didn't know that his book had already made this little old man one of the wealthiest people in the Star Striped Nation.

The Chinese scammers are all left behind from playing in Star Stripe Country!

Of course, China’s crooks are not reconciled to staying in the same position. The health care concepts of ‘fat tiger’, ‘enzyme’, and ‘meal replacement biscuits’ are one after another! Especially those direct-sale companies use pseudo-science to manipulate those who need help most every day. Isn't the so-called hospital run by the direct-marketing company that was caught a while ago specializes in such things?

The reason for all of this is actually asymmetric information.

The simplest example is the "acid-base balance" theory. As of today, countless people still believe in it. If they don't believe it, they just ask the people around them-because they don't know the so-called acid-base balance. The founder of the "Balance" theory has already gotten in because of this. This is the so-called information asymmetry.

It is because of this that Neil Yang can continue to engage in his ‘acid-base physique’ health care products with great fanfare. Who makes Huaxia people believe in this stuff? ‘I would rather trust it if there is something or not trust it than nothing’, this is the consistent attitude of Huaxia people, it’s just to buy peace of mind.

But for Xiao Peng, this is another matter.

Xiao Peng would not say anything if Tang Fang wanted to engage in this project. After all, as Qian Congcong said, the most important purpose of this kind of reception for the rich was actually to exchange information to find profitable projects to cooperate. But what Xiao Peng needs to consider is what this guy is for!

If he doesn't know that this is a scam, but is only interested in this project, then Xiao Peng can remind him, but if this girl knows that this is a scam and has to do it, this is another matter.

Just like those who engage in pyramid schemes, so-called virtual currency and other scams, they know that they are scamming money and they have to lie to others. This is a character problem.

what? How could there be such a person? Please, those liars don’t know they are liars!

Looking at Nier Yang, who was blowing to Qian Congcong and Yang Meng, Xiao Peng couldn't laugh or cry. Isn't this useless work? I will definitely not do this so-called ‘project’, and Yang Meng, let alone, you can let him wait to divide the money, you let him do things he doesn’t understand? What an international joke!

And Qian Congcong? Well, he might do it, but. . . . . . Hehe, he is not stupid! Just aiming at the phrase ‘the enemy’s enemy is a friend’, it is impossible for him to get involved! Who knows what hatred this guy has with Xiao Peng?

But if Xiao Peng knew what Qian Congcong thought, he could only say that he thought too much. There would be no intersection between Nieryang and Xiao Peng at all. What deep hatred could there be? At most, Xiao Peng was not pleasing to the eye.

There are too many people jealous to see Xiao Peng displeased. What kind of green onion is he?

Qian Congcong shook his head after listening to Neil Yang’s narration: "Mr. Neil Yang, I am very grateful that you have introduced your business to me so carefully. I think this is a very promising market, but I think I’m sorry to say to you. After all, my expertise is not in this area. To me, you are talking about an unfamiliar industry, an industry I don’t want to touch."

"Why don't you want to touch it?" Neil Yang asked curiously.

Qian Congcong shrugged: "Choosing an unfamiliar industry is a very risky thing. Although the risk is big and the reward is big, but after all, the health care product industry is not a new industry, and its rewards are not worth the risk."

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