Godly Fisherman

Chapter 1513: See also Mrs. Sean

The reason why the traffic police stopped Xiao Peng and his party was because Emilia ran the red light. But when he saw Emilia driving nervously in the car with two men still sitting in the car, he quickly began to associate ------this beauty was not hijacked, right?

"Mr. Xiao, you are... With all due respect, I think it's more appropriate for you to drive. Just be honest when you were driving, I was terrified." The traffic police slammed the brakes on Emilia just now. Parking is a lingering fear.

Xiao Peng said with a bitter face: "I also think it's more appropriate for me to drive, but I just got off the plane and haven't got the driver's license translation notarized, so I can only let Emilia drive. I also want to tell you something. As for the son, I was also terrified."

The policeman "pouched" and laughed.

Emilia was a little angry after hearing this: "My dear, what do you mean? Do you think I am too low in driving?"

Xiao Peng said after hearing: "Uh, no, baby, I don't dislike your driving level, but your driving style is a bit dangerous, I am worried about your safety!"

"Are you cursing that I will have a car accident?" Emilia looked bad.

Xiao Peng smiled bitterly: "My dear, how could it be possible? I feel sorry for you and it is too late. Why would you curse you for a car accident?"

"But that's what you meant just now!" Emilia pursed her angry mouth.

Xiao Peng said speechlessly: "You ask everyone, what do I mean? Emilia, let's make some sense, okay?"

"You are looking for a girlfriend to make sense? This is not the Huaxia Vegetable Market. Are you specifically bargaining with your girlfriend?"

"Um, you are right! I was wrong!" Xiao Peng apologized cleanly. This Nima would not allow Emilia to touch the car in the future. After she touched the steering wheel, she simply changed.

Xiao Peng smiled and said to the traffic policeman: "Mr. Officer, do you drive on behalf of the Star Tiao State?"

"Driving? What is it?" The traffic policeman was a little confused.

Xiao Peng explained to the traffic police on behalf of Huaxia, the traffic police was a little surprised: "What? You have such strange software? Isn't the owner afraid of the car being robbed?"

Hearing this, Yang Meng couldn’t help but vomit: “China’s security level is much stronger than that of Stars and Stripes. At least the traffic police don’t have to worry about being shot during law enforcement, and the people in the car don’t have to worry about being pointed at by the traffic police. Now."

The traffic police became excited after hearing this: "I know this! I have been to China, wow, it's really safe."

Xiao Peng became curious: "Have you been to China?"

The traffic police was proud: "Of course, this is Los Angeles. Almost one out of ten people has been to Huaxia! It is a country completely different from our imagination. I have a Huaxia friend. After he came to Los Angeles, The reaction turned out to be in the countryside! I thought he was exaggerating at that time, but after I went to Huaxia, I really felt that way, and Huaxia people are very friendly, which is completely different from the Huaxia we saw in the media."

Xiao Peng shrugged and said: "This is not surprising. It is not an exaggeration to say that the Chinese people who have lived in cities such as Shenzhen, the capital of the magical capital, look like rural areas wherever they go. As for the friendliness you said... Believe me, the people in the world who love Star Stripe are all staying in China."

"I rely on it, the truth." Yang Meng sighed.

The police officer asked curiously: "What does this mean?"

Xiao Peng said cheerfully: "In our China, there is such a group of people. Do you say in front of them that the Stars and Stripes are bad? That is more serious than insulting their biological parents; you have to guard them and say that China is better than the Stars and Stripes. The country is good? He will scold you for "five cents". I don’t know what this "five cents" means. Does it mean that someone will pay 50 cents for saying that China is good? I say that China is good every day, but I haven’t seen it. Someone gave me fifty cents."

Emilia watched Xiao Peng and they talked, and coughed dryly.

Xiao Peng hurriedly said: "Mr. Officer, I'm sorry, we still have some urgent matters. Why don't you give us a good ticket, let's do the work first?"

How did you know that the police officer waved his hand: "What ticket? Give a ticket to a superhero? Please!"

Xiao Peng blinked after hearing it, very good, this is a star-stripe country.

The Star Stripe Nation is not like Huaxia, where surveillance is everywhere. People call it: invasion of privacy.

Therefore, the police in the Stars and Stripes country still rely on the police to enforce the law. Therefore, when you encounter a traffic policeman, you can tell the police to open up the Internet by saying good things. Just like in the movie "Scent of a Woman", the blind man drives and meets the traffic police. , Just because he said a few words to close the relationship, the police released the person.

There are even special books in the Stars and Stripes that teach people how to talk to the police after driving a violation, so that the police will not issue a ticket.

"But..." The traffic policeman panted: "This car cannot be driven by your girlfriend again."

Xiao Peng nodded desperately after hearing this. That's right, the policeman was too right! Emilia drove too scary.

"Um, what shall we do? Throw the car here and take a taxi?" Xiao Peng asked curiously.

The traffic police thought for a while: "Well, I'll show you the way ahead. You can drive, but please turn on the double flash and drive slowly."

Xiao Peng nodded and said to Emilia: "Baby, you heard that, this is the request of the police!"

Emilia snorted coldly: "You just think I can't drive well!"

Xiao Peng coughed dryly, "Baby, isn't it the time to discuss this, isn't it? Mrs. Xiao En is still there waiting for us!"

Emilia heard him say this, and she reluctantly moved into the position of co-pilot.

The policeman asked: "I don't know where you are going?"

Emilia said: "Beverly Hills hills."

The policeman shrugged: "Well, it's no surprise. You follow me, we will go to Beverly Hills."

Although the famous Beverly Hills is not big, only six square miles, it is indeed a city. It is the most famous "city within a city" in Los Angeles, with its own mayor, police department, fire brigade and other functional departments.

The terrain here is a standard mountain and water, backed by Beverly Hills and facing the Pacific Ocean. About 40,000 people live here. Beverly Hills is divided into flat areas and hilly areas. Most residents live in the flat areas south of Sunset Boulevard, but the real rich are in the mountains.

Most of the villas in the flat area are small villas that seem inconspicuous. Those manor-level villas are more in the mountains. Almost all those who can live here are either rich or noble. You know, entry-level villas here start at tens of millions of dollars, while those manor-level villas start at hundreds of millions of dollars. So it has become a must-have place for tourists when they come to Los Angeles-I don’t know how to see the stars.

The police sent Xiao Peng and others to take a few photos with Xiao Peng and left happily. Xiao Peng also gave him two cigars as a gift, which made the police even more happy, so he directly tweeted to show off.

However, this matter also brought him a lot of trouble. After all, the cigars are of'Samuel and Samson'. This is a new brand in the cigar circle. I don't know when, many The rich have started smoking this cigar. And the price is amazing, it costs one thousand dollars! At that time, this mysterious cigar still attracted people's attention. No one had heard of it before and had never seen it sold. Where did it come from?

This is of course Xiao Peng came out here. Xiao Peng’s method of promoting this cigar is very simple. It is to let those top celebrities and rich people smoke this cigar to attract more attention, and then supply a small amount for hunger marketing. China, I don’t want to get two'Samuel and Samson' cigars, but I am embarrassed to say that I am a cigar lover.

For Xiao Peng, these were just two cigars, but when they arrived at the policeman, it was at least two thousand dollars. The laws of the Stars and Stripes state that the police cannot receive more than fifty dollars in gifts each year!

Of course, many of the Stars and Stripes police are not saints, and there are not many things to eat and drink secretly, but you can't show it! And a tweet of this policeman pushed him to the forefront: Do you dare to accept gifts? Dare to accept such an expensive gift?

There are also a lot of sprays in this star-stripe country. Although there are not as many as Huaxia, in terms of population ratio, it is higher than Huaxia. So the policeman almost lost his job because of these two cigars-- ---Of course, this is all for later.

And Xiao Peng was a little dumbfounded when he came to Mrs. Xiao En’s residence. Although he knew that Mrs. Xiao En was rich, it was too exaggerated, right?

The entire manor-style villa occupies a position close to the top of the hill in the hills of Beverly Hills. It is an independent hill with a 360-degree panoramic view from the San Gabriel Mountains to Malibu, the Pacific Ocean and downtown Los Angeles!

The green area of ​​this manor is more than 400 acres, which is almost 1.6 square kilometers. In the middle is a five-story Gothic villa covering an area of ​​more than 10,000 square meters.

This seems to be a bit smaller than those top big estates, but where is it? Beverly Hills! This house is almost worth more than one billion dollars, right?

This is at least. . . . . .

Xiao Peng always thought that his living was very good, and compared with his future mother-in-law, he found that he was insignificant.

When Xiao Peng met Mrs. Xiao En, she was reading in her study, but. . . . . .

"Old witch, your book is upside down. Aw!" The scream at the back was because Emilia was **** her.

Mrs. Sean blushed: "I'm happy! I can improve my reading ability by reading upside down like this. Your kid just came empty-handed, what about the present?"

"Gift?" Xiao Peng blinked.

"Nonsense! Are you Huaxia a country of etiquette? How can there be any reason to visit the future mother-in-law on an empty hand?"

"Uh, what you mean by that. Can I understand that you agree with me and Emilia?"

Mrs. Sean was taken aback, and said to Emilia: "Emilia, you take Yang around in the manor, Xiao and I have something to say."

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