Godly Fisherman

Chapter 1410: Fraud

They all say ‘the antiques of the flourishing age, the gold of the troubled times.’ China is now a flourishing age, so if people have some spare money, they all want to make some antiques to add value to their collection.

In fact, this is really a misunderstanding. Not all antiques have enough value-added space.

Just like Xiao Peng brought so many sea fishing porcelains to be used as tableware in the kitchen, on the one hand, there are too many things, on the other hand, the value-added space is not as high as expected.

Are you really building a museum for them? Not cost-effective!

Moreover, the price of a piece of the same collection in the hands of the so-called "famous" is different from that of ordinary collectors. Even if the collection of ordinary collectors is better than the collection of those famous artists, the collection of "famous" collections is also better. The price of ordinary collectors is much higher.

To give a simple example, An Siyuan, an art and antique dealer in the Stars and Stripes Kingdom, is known as the "King of the Ming Dynasty". The Ming and Qing furniture he collected after his death was sent for auction. The final transaction price was more than ten times that of similar collections. The reason for all this is ‘orderly inheritance’.

The so-called orderly inheritance refers to a work of art from'birth' to the present, when and where there is a clear written record or documentary record.

Especially after experiencing a series of scams such as the ‘Jade Garment Case’ and ‘Xu Beihong’s Fake Paintings’, now the first condition for art investment and collection is: authenticity!

After all, there are really too many counterfeiting methods now.

Take the so-called "Jade Jade Bi" for example. Why are those emerald merchants now using "planting water" to make a fuss? In fact, the reason is very simple-the more high-end ‘water’ jade, the easier it is to fake it.

Whenever you go to a jewelry store to buy jadeite, you will find that all the jadeite labels have "A goods" written on them. I think with your heels to know that there are simply not so many "A goods". So how did these "A goods" come from? ?

Naturally it is fraud!

As for how to fake it? Maybe no one believes it, that is, holding the inferior stones without color and soaking them in sulfuric acid and sodium hydroxide to'boil' them, so that the impurities contained in the stones can be removed. After living for three or four months, they will be Those crystal clear high-grade jade.

At this time, it’s not good. I thought that although these jadeites could pass the ‘planting water’, but the color was not good enough, what should I do at this time? The jade that has been ‘boiled’ with sulfuric acid is injected with glue to add color through high pressure. Such jadeites are sold per ton, but the jewelry made can be sold at sky-high prices.

There are far more fake jadeites on the market than real jadeites. Otherwise, based on the Chinese people's love for jade, the jade jewelry sold on the Huaxia market in one year can hollow out the jade mines in Myanmar. . . . . .

Some people have said that if you have a gem identification certificate, you can buy it, right? Of course, the gem identification certificate costs one dollar per piece, which is cheaper for wholesale. . . . . . .

The counterfeiting of ancient jade has a long history, and jade is easy to be counterfeited. There are countless ways to use fire and chemicals for coloring.

As for the piece of ‘Blood Qin Jade’ that Academician Liu took, it’s the type of jade that Chinese people like very much.

Xueqin jade is the red thread on the jade, the red and white are very beautiful. So it is deeply loved by Chinese people.

The reason why this kind of jade is called Xueqin jade is because it is said that this kind of jade was the jade used when the ancients were buried. Only after the blood of the deceased entered the jade did it have such a beautiful color. It is highly sought after by jade lovers, and the price has skyrocketed.

The blood of the deceased will quickly carbonize and will not enter the jade. The red color on the jade is caused by the iron in the soil entering the jade.

So how can the iron element enter the jade? amount. Still need to use blood. Because the blood contains a lot of iron.

The earliest counterfeit method was to heat the jade directly into the blood after being heated at a high temperature, but the effect was not good. Later, someone figured out a way to bury the jade in the stomach of a dead chicken and a dead duck after heating, and the effect would be better than The former is better, but there are also problems, that is, the blood of dead chickens and dead ducks is easily carbonized when buried in the ground; then the fraudsters figured out a way to directly cut the cows and sheep and stuff the fake jade into it. Go, take it out a few years later, it will become Xueqin jade that can sell high prices.

Xiao Peng can absorb magic power from jade, of course it is clear whether this is fraud! These two things, Academician Liu, are 100% fake!

Now in China, the least valuable is the ‘collectible appraisal expert’. There are hundreds of so-called ‘appraisal centers’ in Guangdi Capital, and each ‘appraisal center’ has several so-called ‘appraisal experts’. There are no one million but 800,000 ‘appraisal experts’ in China!

Why do they identify cultural relics? Who will assess their qualifications?

Now, as long as the so-called ‘appraisal fee’ is spent, any kind of authentication certificate can be issued!

The key is that the qualifications of these ‘experts’ are also varied. After going to the ‘Jade Short-term Training Course’, ‘Appreciation Course’, and ‘Hobby Class’, you dare to call yourself experts! There are also those who do administrative work in cultural relics agencies. After working for a long time, they dare to go to the cultural relics market to identify and make money after working with a title such as an associate researcher, and that is a popular one!

In fact, since 2003, Huaxia has determined the professional standards of cultural relic appraisers. To engage in this industry, you must have a qualification certificate, but today, there are no more than 100 qualified appraisers in the country! The millions of appraisal experts left are all special liars!

To be a top connoisseur, you must have seen a lot of treasures! For example, experts who appraise Fu Baoshi must understand all of Fu Baoshi's works in different periods and styles. That is just to appraise his works alone; to appraise porcelain? There is a huge gap between porcelain in different dynasties, and those who understand Ming and Qing porcelain may not be able to understand ancient porcelain. . . . . . Just like those researchers in the National Museum, they are all specialized: porcelain researcher, coin researcher, calligraphy research institute, painting research institute, etc.

What about the appraisal experts now on the market? Ten experts on the same work can issue nine different certificates! Moreover, those experts are not classified into categories at all, they are all ‘all-round talents’.

Who would dare to trust experts in such an appraisal environment?

All the appraisal experts have a moment of missteps, which gives the so-called ‘appraisal experts’ reason to open their eyes and talk nonsense. There is nothing they dare to do in order to make money. Just like the case of the "Jade Jade Dress", all five people who participated in the appraisal that year were China’s top appraisal experts, even including the deputy director of the X Palace Museum. After receiving the money, they directly evaluated the fake jade dress. 2.4 billion, which defrauded hundreds of millions of funds from the country. After the incident, these experts simply said "look away" and it was all right. Except for one dead, the other four are still active on the road to making a fortune and becoming prosperous.

And now I have developed an unspoken rule of the industry, that is, "see it, don't say it," and you can't say it directly if you know it is fake. It's all "hello, me, hello, everyone", who knows how much you can provoke yourself with a test What about the enemy?

For example, Wang Jingzhi, a Chinese jade appraisal expert, once appraised a furniture dealer in Sichuan Province. The furniture dealers spent 100 million to buy the collections, and they were all appraised by experts. More or less, none of them are true. of! After Wang Jingzhi told the furniture dealer the truth, he was equal to smashing the jobs of a group of ‘experts’ at the same time. . . . . . .

Some people say that we are too far behind the West in this regard!

Their appraisers must be certified, and their professions are very detailed. They must be subdivided according to period, country, and category. For example, antique medicine powder, ancient Rome, ancient Egypt, and other ancient cultural relics, or the Renaissance period Yes, it should also be divided into Eastern or Western ones, and whether porcelain or bronze is to be identified. That is very detailed.

Moreover, there are also legal requirements that if the appraisal is wrong, those appraisal experts will lose money, and it is necessary to investigate whether the appraisal was wrong on purpose or whether it was misleading. Some insurance companies will also intervene in the identification and guarantee work. It is said that Huaxia people value reputation, at least in this industry, Huaxia is far behind the West!

Moreover, Western cultural relics are truly ‘orderly inherited’. Every auction item has gone through those auctions, and the original owner and the auction price of the year will be recorded. This is why so many Chinese collectors know that the price will be much higher when going to a foreign auction.

It really scares fakes and domestic experts!

However, the fact is that more than 70% of the overseas calligraphy and paintings are fakes, because only overseas calligraphy and paintings that are standard by large auction houses such as Guardian and Hanhai with overseas institutions have the credibility.

"Boss Xiao, what can I do?" Chen Zetao asked quickly.

Xiao Peng shrugged: "Call the police. Don't worry, it's unlucky for this guy. I lied to our academician Liu, "Someone in the court is easy to do things"! Think about it, if one liar after another, he lied to Grandpa Sun Can it be a result of cheating a flat-headed citizen? Mr. Liu, you should call the police and I will ask Pengcheng for help. Don’t worry about this, and there will be no loss. How can you be like this? When? You are not an interested person in antiques?"

Academician Liu sighed: "Boss Xiao, I'm not afraid of you making a joke. I have been here for a long time. Seeing that you have so many good things, I also want to keep a few things for my children. This thing is not expensive, so I want to pick one. Leak, I spent money to take it down."

Xiao Peng was speechless. It's ‘picking leakage’ again. The Chinese people’s favorite word is ‘picking leakage’, which seems to incorporate ‘greed for petty cheapness’ into their bones.

This one counts, all scammers catch people's greedy hearts. There is no exception.

Even scholars like Academician Liu are not immune. . . . . .

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