Godly Fisherman

Chapter 1401: Dongfangying

Speaking of Xiong Country, the most chaotic place is Chechnya, and there is no second place.

The Chechens were actually quite miserable. From the first they were invaded by the Mongols, and later by the Timur Empire, until the disintegration of the Golden Horde in the 15th century, they began to live a good life.

But the good days did not last long. They became the objects of competition for the Ottoman, Persian, and Tsarist empires. This battle lasted for more than two hundred years. First, the Ottoman Empire invaded, and later Tsarist Russia entered and fought countless battles. Later, it was finally incorporated into the territory of Tsarist Russia in 1859.

But due to different religions, Chechnya has been rioting since then. During World War II, the former Soviet Union even used the Chechens to cooperate with the German aggressors and almost drove the entire Chechen nation to Siberia to play in the snow. It was not until more than ten years later that these people were allowed to return to their homeland. But this also led to more resistance over there.

Because Chechnya is rich in oil and natural gas, the government of the bear country, the government of Chechnya and the oligarchic capitalists all want to control it. This also gave those separatists the support of money and weapons. As a result, those people took up arms and turned their heads. Come to fight the bear country.

The biggest bosses are Dudayev, Khatab and the old Kadyrov (now the father of the Chechen president), and the most famous is Dudayev.

There were two wars between the Xiong State and Chechnya. In the second war, the religious court had to withdraw the position of the old Kadyrov’s "Grand Mufti". Old Kay was furious during the Second Chechnya War. He became the Belt-Road Party and almost wiped out the Chechen insurgents. He also became the president of Chechnya, and then he was bombed to death by his old comrades-in-arms. His son Kaka is now the president of Chechen.

During the first Chechen War, Dudayev, the leader of the Chechen opposition faction, received a hapless satellite phone call to locate Xiong Country. A missile was sent to the west, and his armed guard Basayev inherited Dudayev. He became the commander-in-chief of the illegal armed forces in Chechnya, and was nicknamed the "Master of Terror". Some large-scale terrorist incidents in the Xiong State were all made by him.

The Sulim-Yamaayev mentioned by the two Mozkovs turned out to be Dudayev’s subordinates. After Dudayev died, he and Basayev had conflicts and even turned into armed conflicts. Lim Yamadayev led his men to surrender directly to the bear country.

After Yamadayev surrendered, Xiong Guo directly reused him and asked him to directly take orders from Xiong Guo's General Staff Intelligence Bureau. During the Second Chechen War, Yamadaev established the'Oriental Mountain Forces-Chechen Garrison Special Company' composed of local Chechens, and subsequently expanded into the 42nd Motor Infantry Division Special Battalion, commonly known as the'Oriental Battalion'. Madayev became the battalion commander, responsible for the anti-terrorism operations in the Chechen mountains.

During the Second Chechen War, Yamadaev was truly outstanding! They are familiar with the local terrain, and they do all kinds of complex terrain operations. As of 2007, they have performed more than 750 special operations, destroyed 857 illegal armed bases, eliminated countless illegal armed personnel, and seized countless weapons. It can be described as an impressive record.

Sulim-Yamadaev even won the title of'Hero of the Bear Country'. The “Eastern Camp” also became famous. When it hit Georgia, the “Eastern Camp” stormed into Georgia as a pioneer of the bear country. More than a hundred Land Rover and the soldiers from the East Camp were invincible. A group of shirtless men with chest hair hanging on. The Chechen man with the bullet belt chased the Georgian tank troops until they were all captured. That is a vigor! Even when they arrived at Poti Port, the Georgian garrison heard the arrival of the ‘Eastern Battalion’ and surrendered without a fight, handing over the port and air base. At that time, the ships full of ‘humanitarian aid materials’ in the Stars and Stripes were about to dock and ran away in shock. . . . .

Unfortunately, that was also the last time the "Eastern Camp" appeared. Two months later, Xiong State revoked the designation of the "Eastern Camp", and Yamadaev went into exile. Four months later, he was attacked and killed by a mysterious gunman in Dubai.

Xiao Peng couldn't help but curiously asked: "What does this matter have to do with you? Why did the ‘Eastern Camp’ be revoked again?"

Mozkov sighed: "What does that word say? It's a master! That's right! That's the word! Since Xiaoka came to power as President of Chechnya, Yamadaev's life has been difficult. Back then. China withdrew from Chechnya, the entire national armed forces only retained the 42nd Motorized Infantry Division and the 46th Internal Guard Brigade, while the “Dongfang Battalion” was institutionally belonged to the 42nd Motorized Infantry Division, which was under the direct command of the division commander and did not obey the orders of Chechen leaders .Only execute the orders of the North Caucasus Military Command and Army Command. After Xiaoka came to power, he fully grasped Chechnya security affairs, and all the institutions in Chechnya not controlled by him were driven away. Before the'Eastern Camp' went to Georgia In a few months, something like this happened: the small card guard team met the Yamadaev team, the two sides refused to yield to each other, and finally fired at each other. The small card said that Yamayev was a soldier who flouted the law. The next thing you You know."

Xiao Peng curiously asked: "Then why did you send the'Black Dolphin'? Are you not from the 58th Army? Why are you related to Yamadaev?"

He has been to Xiong Country several times, and of course he knows the famous "Black Dolphin". That is the name of a prison.

This prison is located in Orenburg State, on the border between Bear State and Kazakhstan. It is named after a black dolphin statue made by the criminal himself in the prison yard.

The prison has been established for more than four hundred years. It is claimed that no criminal has survived from it. The people in it have at least five serious criminals with lives. The prison is full of snipers for 24 hours, and it is a shot if you dare to come out. Patrol every 15 minutes. This system has not changed since 400 years ago; a cell is less than 5 square meters, and prisoners have to work hard every day to get a small amount of food. When they entered there, they did not go out except for suicide. It's possible.

Unexpectedly, there were two people coming out of the "Black Dolphin" standing in front of me. How could Xiao Peng not be shocked?

Ivan shrugged: "There is a bear country, things that can't be done without money. We are not those murderers, we are imprisoned in the'Black Dolphin' for another reason."

Mozkov smiled bitterly: "Ivan and I were originally members of the Yamadaev Guard."

Ivan picked up the wine and lifted it to the sky and then took a big mouthful: "To Yamadaev! To Captain Mozkov!"

Mozkov patted Ivan's head: "I'm not dead yet! You killer!"

Ivan covered his head: "Take it lightly, it hurts!"

Xiao Peng looked at Mozkov: "You turned out to be the captain of Yamadaev's guard? How did you go to the 58th Army?"

Mozkov shrugged: "The top leaders want regional stability. Yamadaev was the key to Chechnya's stability during the chaotic period. However, after Xiaoka came to power, he was the biggest destabilizing factor in Chechnya. Not long after the shooting happened. Yamaayev was put on the wanted list. And our guards were also scattered to various units. I, Ivan and two other brothers joined the 58th Army and participated in the Georgian War. After the war, for Chechnya Stabilization, the Eastern Camp disintegrated, and our former members of the Yamadaev guard were also liquidated."

Xiao Peng was even more confused: "Then why are you sent into the'Black Dolphin'?"

Mozkov shrugged and said: "When Yamadaev was wanted, he actually didn't want to leave. After all, they were the largest family in Chechnya. After this happened, he went to Moscow to find his brother Ruslan-Yamayev. .His brother is also a “hero of the Xiong Kingdom” and serves as the Duma member and the head of the Xiong Kingdom’s ruling Chechnya. He wanted his brother to mediate and resolve this matter. But as soon as the Georgian War ended, his brother was killed in Moscow. The murderer behind the shooting is still unknown. Yamadaev decided to escape, but at that time his brother was killed. His greatest support in Moscow was gone and he could only wait to die."

Ivan said: "At that time, we happened to return triumphantly from Georgia. After learning about Yamadaev, after all, it was our old veteran. We couldn't ignore him when he encountered something like this. So we tried to get him. Escaped and went to Dubai."

"Then we were unlucky when this matter was revealed." Ivan answered: "After all, the Kas family is also afraid of Yamayev's return to liquidation. The Yamayev's family turned out to be the largest family in Chechnya, and the upper class How many dirty things can you imagine? Yamadaev must know some very secret things, and naturally need to be sealed. As his guards, we sent him out regardless of personal safety, and there must be people who doubt us. Know some things that others don’t know. In the end, we were sent to the "Black Dolphin"."

Xiao Peng nodded, but he still has the most crucial question without knowing the answer: "Why did the old witch rescue you? Why did you give your life to the old witch?"

But Mozkov asked Xiao Peng back: "Mr. Xiao, haven't you asked about Miss Emilia's family situation?"

Xiao Peng shook his head: "I live with Emilia and not her family. She wants to tell me naturally."

Mozkov said: "Miss Emilia also has an older brother named Alexander Vikselberg, who was severely injured and disabled during the Second Chechen War. Mrs. Sean and Amy Leah’s father divorced, and it was Alexander, who was rescued by Ivan and I. After Alexander knew that we were imprisoned in the "Black Dolphin", he entrusted Mrs. Sean to save us and took us to the Star Stripes country to protect Amy. Miss Leah."

"It turned out to be so." All the mysteries were solved now.

The only question now is: "How did the old witch rescue you? Money alone shouldn't be able to bring you out of the'Black Dolphin', right?"

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