Godly Fisherman

Chapter 1342: Scary security team

"Lao Lu said that you are stupid?" On the plane, Yang Meng couldn't laugh.

Xiao Peng gave him a white look: "Is it funny? What happened to Mogadishu?"

Yang Meng looked at Mukala: "I said, buddy, if we go to Mogadishu, we can’t find a good plane? This old plane is broken, right? You can’t buy a plane? Just a better little plane. what!"

Mukala shook his head and said, "Mr. Yang, do you know why I refused Dahir to lend us his plane?"

Yang Meng sighed, "That plane is not safe enough?"

Mukala nodded: "You are really right. If his plane reaches Mogadishu, it may be shot down before landing."

Yang Meng blinked, "Are you exaggerating?"

Mukala smiled and said: "You will know when you arrive! But I suggest you put on these bulletproof vests and be prepared. Although I am safer, there are always people who are not afraid of death."

McAfee patted his clothes: "I'm already wearing them! Xiao, Yang, there are always some extremists in Mogadishu who confess to death. They are jealous and hateful of any foreign forces."

Xiao Peng then discovered that although McAfee was dead, he still had a bottom line.

Yes, he's all wearing bulletproof vests, so Xiao Peng should wear them too. Yang Meng has worked so hard to **** two bulletproof vests.

After the plane landed, Xiao Peng looked around through the window. He wanted to say sorry to Hargeisa now.

When he first arrived in Hargeisa, he said that Hargeisa International Airport was the simplest international airport he had ever seen. As a result, after arriving at Mogadishu International Airport, he knew what tatters were!

There is no security guarantee! There are no runway lights, towers, and instrument landing systems. It was a big dirt road, and everyone cheered and embraced when they landed. Being able to land is what a pilot can do!

Don't say, there are luggage carts ready to pull luggage in this place.

But it couldn't drive--at least fifty or sixty people stood there beside the airport runway, and they stopped the luggage cart directly with one shot.

Xiao Peng frowned when he saw so many people holding guns. What's the special situation? so many people?

In Somaliland, he heard Dahir say a lot of ‘bad things’ here. He told Xiao Peng that there are often planes flying here but not letting them land, and money must be given. There are people asking for money for everything here.

He felt that it was the hostile attitude of Dashir and Mogadishu that made him say this. When he came to think of his words, it seemed that Dashir was not talking nonsense! What are these people doing? Are you ready to rob?

Looking at the team behind them again, Xiao Peng almost fainted.

It was an armored vehicle with eight pickup trucks to form a luxury convoy.

That armored vehicle is an RG-31 "antelope" mine-resistant ambush vehicle. This is an armored vehicle designed and manufactured in South Africa. It is an early equipment of the United Nations peacekeeping force. The two letters "UN" are also written on the front. The United Nations withdrew from Somalia more than 20 years ago. Where did the United Nations armored vehicles come from here?

A closer look revealed that Xiao Peng recognized the identity of the car: its license plate had the words ‘UNDOF’ written on it. Xiao Peng was a little dizzy. This is the license plate of the'United Nations Disengagement Observer Force'. This car should be correct in the Middle East, such as Jordan or Syria. It is to prevent Israel from fighting with Syria and use a car. How come here now?

Looking at the pickup truck at the back again, Xiao Peng was sweating coldly.

Those pickups have only two brands, one is "Toyota Hilux" and the other is China's ZTE "flagship" pickup. Those ZTE pickups are quite new. Hey, through such trivial things, you can see that Huaxia attaches great importance to the African market.

Everyone knows that Toyota pickup trucks, especially Hilux, is a car that has made a big splash in the Middle East and Africa. This car is solid and resistant to build. A machine gun is a chariot. So some people joked that there is a way to go. The slogan of "Toyota" was changed to "There is a war, there is a Toyota", which is more suitable.

But in recent years, China Pickup has become a big hit. Seize a lot of Toyota's market!

Just say that this ZTE pickup truck is the Toyota Hilux, and then the design will be improved and sold to Africa and the Middle East. And extremely popular! Many customers have begun to choose China Pickup instead of Toyota.

Why is this happening? There are two reasons.

First, it's cheap! A ZTE pickup is more than ten thousand dollars cheaper than Hilux! And the second is the most critical! Customer is god! ZTE pickups fully consider consumers, and the rear box comes with a machine gun holder! It saves users a lot of things, and the machine gun can be used. . . . . .

When Xiao Peng saw those pickup trucks, he understood what Mukala said on the plane he was shot down before he landed!

After almost all pickup trucks, there is an NSV erected! He is too familiar with this gun! When they went to the North Pole to fish for ‘fish made of gold’, Sergey his son died and shot them with a heavy machine gun. This is the NSV he used! They used rough parts to create the best weapons in the Soviet era.

This stuff is not uncommon. Generally speaking, you can see this stuff where you can see the AK-47.

But this thing is not the reason for Xiao Peng’s cold sweat: he surprised the last two pickups: two Toyota Hilux, a 107mm rocket launcher known as the “China AK Artillery” behind it, that’s the donkey cart. The kind of rockets running around.

This thing is not amazing. What's even more amazing is that another Hilux directly mounted the Mi-24 gunship's UV-32-57 57mm rocket launch nest on it. This thing is like a big honeycomb. It makes my scalp numb when I look at it.

This kind of firepower is enough to fight a local war, right?

But when he looked back, Mukala and McAfee didn't look nervous. After the plane stopped, Mukala said with a smile: "Mr. Xiao, this is my security force."

Xiao Peng realized that it turned out that for Mukala, it was relatively safer to go out and did not require much security, but when he returned to Mogadishu, that needed security.

"Your security force is too big, right?" Xiao Peng sighed.

"Is it big?" Mukala said with a smile: "In Somalia, there are various forces entrenched here. I dare not say anything. You can find at least two hundred armed forces here. What special kidnappers, The opposition that is right against the government. There are different factions in the opposition. Attacks between them are normal. Although I have a good connection with them, trust me, there are many people who make my ideas. I’m gone. I don’t know how many people would want me to serve a power specifically. So I have to protect myself. They also calculate the cost. With a security force like me, they want to attack me, so they have to pay more. It’s not a good deal for them, so I’m safe. Let’s go, let’s go back to my house and have a good rest."

Xiao Peng nodded and got off the plane with Mukala. He suddenly remembered something: "What's the matter with the armored vehicle? Why is the UN armored vehicle here with you?"

After hearing this, Mukala looked a little smug: "It's nothing strange. I can play here, isn't it because I can get things that others can't do?"

Xiao Peng pointed to the armored vehicle and said: "This is the armored vehicle of the UN Disengagement Observer. It should be in the Middle East. How did it get here?"

Mukala triumphantly gave the answer: "Syrian civil war."

Seeing that Xiao Peng didn’t understand, he continued to explain: “During the Syrian Civil War, their opposition was mixed, and extremists were also mixed in. They didn’t care about the UN or the UN, and whoever caught it. At the time, the UN was in Syria’s peacekeeping force was attacked, and most of its equipment and personnel were seized by extremist organizations. Later, Jordan paid a large ransom to bring the captured peacekeeping force home. But the weapons and equipment could not be taken back. And I Through the relationship, I made such a car to protect my safety. Now this car is like my ID card. The whole Mogadishu is such a car!"

After Xiao Peng heard this, he began to re-examine Mukala.

This guy is more energetic than imagined. It's really not something ordinary people can do to get this stuff from extremists.

Several people walked up to the armored vehicle, and someone pulled the door directly to let people get in. The interior of the car is very luxurious. It seems that Mukala is also a person who pays attention to enjoyment. There are also wine cabinets and cigar boxes in the car. The seat has also been remodeled and is a small sofa.

After they were all in the car, everyone got in. Xiao Peng realized that these pickup trucks were all seven people in one car. There were two people in the car seat. One person stood behind with a machine gun while the other four people were standing there. Sitting on both sides of the rear compartment is responsible for guards. This is armed to the teeth!

After they left the airport and returned to the city, Xiao Peng took a deep breath. Although Somalia and Somaliland are one word difference, the difference between the two countries is really too big.

Let’s compare the two cities of Hargeisa and Mogadishu.

Hargeisa is generally like a county in China. Although there are no high-rise buildings, basically, buildings can be seen everywhere.

But what about in Mogadishu? There are basically no buildings in sight, and there are ruined walls everywhere. Pedestrians carrying guns can be seen everywhere on the street, while the people on the street are not nervous when they see people carrying guns but ignore them.

In McAfee's words, it's good: "What people have not seen here?" Why should you live?

Finally arrived at Mukala’s home, Xiao Peng’s first reaction was: Does Mukala live in prison?

The high fence is surrounded by barbed wire. The four corners of the yard are four guard towers with gun guards standing on them.

When the team returns home, they must be inspected by security personnel. All vehicles must be inspected, and the chassis, luggage, and engines must be inspected before the team can enter.

"If you want to live longer in Mogadishu, you must be cautious!" Mukala took a cigarette with a look of vicissitudes.

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