Godly Fisherman

Chapter 1339: 'magnet'

Somaliland has a good law and order for a reason. There are checkpoints and roadblocks in every small town here. Police armed with guns check every pedestrian and vehicle passing by.

This is the first time Xiao Peng has seen someone carrying an AK-47 in Somaliland.

Somaliland is most proud of their law and order, so they always maintain this honor. Because in this way can we get more international aid. Therefore, apart from some tension with the disputed area in Puntland, there is peace in other places.

Except for the wilderness, there is wilderness along the way, except for occasional camels and flocks of sheep, almost no trace.

A large part of the reason why Dahir attaches so much importance to Xiao Peng is that the Somaliland government has no money!

Their government really has no money, and the country does not have much business activities, so there is not much taxation. Somaliland is pretty good, at least there are some taxes. As for Puntland and Somalia, there is only a sigh.

Their characteristic here is that the family has money, but the government has no money. This aspect is the same in all three places.

Many people in Somalia left Somalia when the civil war broke out and joined the nationalities of other countries, but their relatives still stayed here. When the people outside were mixed up, relatives in the country went to join them. These people are very united! A powerful family consortium has spontaneously formed, and the wealth created continues to return to Somalia, even accounting for a large part of the GDP here. I saw luxurious villas in three places in Somalia, almost all of them were houses of such people.

Eighty percent of the Somaliland government's revenue comes from tariffs in the port of Berbera. But because of their good neighbor Puntland, Berbera is only used by the country most of the time. Paying 20 million U.S. dollars in taxes each year would be a scent.

But now that 20 fishing boats have fallen from the sky and the establishment of a fishing company in the name of the government can increase government revenue, can he not be active?

They came to Berbera because the twenty fishing boats and the "magnets" donated by the United Nations are here. And Xiao Peng finally understood what the so-called ‘magnet’ is--isn’t this the ‘PAYAO’ used in the Philippines? It's just that people use straw mats over there, and here is a set of equipment manufactured using modern technology! The principle is the same.

This is a good thing! He saw the production nameplate above, remembered the manufacturer information above, and he must order a batch! With his own pig's brain, why didn't he think about raising fish like this?

"Mr. Xiao, do you know what this is?" Dashir asked anxiously.

Xiao Peng frowned and nodded: "This is a fish collection device, which is composed of floats, anchor ropes, iron anchors, and habitat mats. It is very simple, but it has a very powerful function. The working principle is the'PAYAO effect', which is definitely a good thing! But I am a little worried now."

"Worried? Why are you worried?" Dashir asked puzzledly.

Xiao Peng explained: "This tool has a very powerful fish collection effect. I am afraid that your overfishing will affect the ecological balance here. I am not exaggerating. Don't look at these 20 fishing boats. If you cooperate with this," Magnets can indeed bring you a lot of profits, but I am afraid that you are uncontrolled salvaging. The ecological blow to your place is also devastating!"

"What?" Dahir was taken aback when he heard it, and looked at the pair of equipment on the ground. A yellow float can be more than a meter high. The lower end of the float is tied to a thick iron chain. Underneath the chain is a large iron. The block is the anchor. There is also a floating cushion of about 20 square meters, which looks very simple. As a result, Xiao Peng was shocked when he said that. Is this little thing in Xiao Peng's mouth turned into a biochemical weapon?

Xiao Peng explained, "Did you see this mat? This is a habitat mat. It has been floating in the sea for a long time, and algae and the like will grow underneath. This also leads to an abundance of microorganisms and many small fishes will be attracted. , And after the small fish are attracted, the big fish will naturally follow. You see this mat, it’s only 20 square meters, right? But if it takes effect, this perch mat can build a high Density of fishing grounds! According to the fish conditions, it is possible to gather millions of tens of millions of fish! At that time, if you overfished, there would be no fish to eat in your grandson’s generation. This tool is very powerful, so how to place it You must control how to control the amount of salvage!"

Dahill obviously didn't believe Xiao Peng's words after hearing this. Can such a small cushion have such a big effect? "Mr. Xiao, if this thing is so effective as you said, why aren't many people using it?"

Xiao Peng sighed and explained: "Now that the offshore fisheries in the world are exhausted, how many places do you think can have such rich fishery resources as yours? You met Puntland as a neighbor, who would dare to fish? Nowadays, it is more practical to raise fish in cages. Using payao effect to raise fish is difficult to manage. It can also attract predators and cause loss of fish stocks. Therefore, this method is basically not used to raise fish in fisheries."

After hearing this, Dashir said angrily: "The **** pirates in Puntland! They don't let their own fishermen use trawlers. Instead, they let foreign fishing boats fish in their waters, and then charge foreign fishing boats high protection fees. I've heard about it. , A ship of 300,000 dollars a year! How can you say that we in Somaliland can be compared with such a dirty person? They have no sense of honor!"

Xiao Peng did not know how to answer this question. Somaliland and Puntland have not dealt with each other, and there are disputed areas on both sides. In Somaliland, if you tell any local people that you want to go to Puntland, the answer is the same-----they will put their hands on their necks and make a'cut throat' motion, and then say:" Don't go, you will die there."

Seeing Xiao Peng's embarrassed expression, Dashir knew that this was not a good thing, so he changed the subject: "Well, Mr. Xiao, you just said that how to arrange this is also very learned?"

Xiao Peng nodded: "That's right. You must plan your location reasonably. Don't think you have a coastline of several hundred kilometers, but you can't put all 25'magnets' in it. You can only put a dozen at most. You are in Manchester. The exit of the German Strait. The water flow is fast and the salinity of the sea is relatively low compared to the Indian Ocean. If all the'magnets' are placed, not only will it not be possible to collect fish effectively, but it will also speed up the hunting of fish. It is not good for long-term development. Needless to say the allusion of'fishing after exhaustion', right?"

"Mr. Xiao, I don't know... Can you plan for us?" Dashir asked expectantly.

Xiao Peng did not refuse their request. Long live the friendship between the Huasuo people?

"Yes, you can find someone to bring the chart, and find a big boat to install all these'magnets'! Let's set it up now."

Dashir was pleased after hearing this: "I will let someone arrange it!"

Watching Dashir leave, Xiao Peng said to Yang Meng: "I'll give you a call. That is the manufacturer of these'magnets'. Let's order six sets for the fishery."

"Is six stations enough?" Yang Meng asked.

Xiao Peng nodded: "That's enough, we have six fisheries that are the most suitable. McAfee, let's go to help them fix these "magnets" before going to Mogadishu."

McAfee shrugged: "You like it. Anyway, I played with you this time. I've been to Mogadishu many times. But I advise you to be mentally prepared. It is the'City of Angels'. ."

Yang Mengle said, "It means how beautiful are there? Don't be as boring as here."

In Somaliland, although it is poorer here, it is really difficult to find women here. As a Muslim country, although it is possible to marry four wives here-basically a camel can return a wife. But women here value chastity very much. Regardless of the chaos in Somalia, they are among the lowest AIDS countries in Africa. This is also one of the advantages of this country.

Moreover, religious laws are not enforced here, so divorce is still possible, which is also unique in Muslim countries-of course, the divorce rate is very low.

After all, this is an Islamic country, and the status of women is inherently low, and the day of divorce has never been published-you can't lift your head in front of others.

Mukala shook his head after hearing Xiao Peng's words: "No, it means that after I get there, I will go to heaven to see the angels. There was a bomb attack there just before I came. This is normal. Last year, Guangmo There were more than one hundred terrorist attacks in one city in Gadisha, once every three days. Counting the whole country, including Puntland, more than 700 a year. Do you think there is close to heaven? "

Yang Meng's face was speechless after hearing this.

It is Xiao Peng looking forward to visiting Mogadishu. After all, it was the first country in Africa to establish diplomatic relations with China. It was rich in spices in ancient times. It was once a British colony. At that time, it was the most luxurious resort and shipping center in the world. The people were extremely wealthy. Somalia became independent in 1960 and established diplomatic relations directly with China at the same time. Although it was said at that time that China had ‘aided’ railways, highways, stadiums, opera houses, hospitals and other places for them, in fact. . . . . .

They were really richer than China at that time! It's hard to say who is helping.

It was only during the Somali civil war in 1991 that Huaxia withdrew from Somalia. The Somali president at the time was in a hurry. In 2004, 23 years later, Huaxia and Somalia established diplomatic relations again, which made the Somali president happy at the time. Only Huaxia is the best, and Huaxia is Somalia's forever friend.

After the establishment of diplomatic relations, the status of the two countries has also undergone a radical change. China has become a rich and powerful country, while Somalia has become a ruin.

Things are unpredictable!

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