Godly Fisherman

Chapter 1320: Hulk is worth a lot of money

Yang Meng listened to Xiao Peng’s question and explained it unhurriedly: “It’s nothing strange. Pharaoh told me that at that time a university in Malaysia had the right to salvage, but the researchers there had been working with a western company. The company signed a contract to carry out illegal salvage in the name of'academic research'. The ship was taken away. Later, the Malaysian government discovered the matter and revoked the salvage right of the university. Our country has always treated this ship. I'm very interested, but I don't know where it is. Now that I know where it is, I naturally have to come and fish!"

Xiao Peng was a little confused after hearing this: "Is the ship still worth salvaging? What is the rust of the special? Is it salvaged to sell scrap copper and rotten iron? Well, if you calculate this, you can sell it for a little bit. Now a ton of copper can be sold. Isn't it fifty thousand yuan? No, isn't it more expensive to salvage this thing? Can you pay back?"

Yang Meng smiled and said: "I started to think just like you thought. Later, after salvaging some ships in the South China Sea, I realized what the problem was. Now the stolen shipwreck during World War II has become an industry! Find a punt They dared to sneak up here with lifting equipment directly behind them, and they all deliberately turned off their transponders to avoid tracking by shipping radar, that is, they can hide the coordinates of the sunken ship and avoid tracking."

"My buddy, don't make trouble, what can a boat like that get? Really scrape iron?" Xiao Peng sneered at Yang Meng's statement.

Yang Meng said, "You're really right. They just salvage scrap steel. The anchors on their ships are all specially made, like an axe, weighing up to fifty tons. After finding the sunken ship, they throw the anchor down for use. Come to smash the wreckage of the warship, and then lift the smashed wreck up with a crane. Then process it into small pieces and enter the steel market."

Hearing Yang Meng’s explanation, everyone was dumbfounded: “I did such a big deal to sell scrap iron? Is this a joke? At that time, shipbuilding steel was not a precious material, right?”

Yang Meng shook his head: "It's not a joke. The steel at that time was indeed ordinary steel, but today it is no longer ordinary! It is low-background steel!"

After hearing this, Emilia asked curiously: "Low background steel? What does that mean?"

Yang Meng explained: "This low-background steel is also called the background steel. It seems to have something to do with the Japanese nuclear explosion. I also forgot what they said about it. That's what it means. I heard that Salvage One It’s not a problem to make a few million for a shipwreck in World War II."

Hearing Yang Meng's words, Xiao Peng thought for a while before slamming his hands: "I understand!"

Emilia looked at him puzzledly, Xiao Peng said with a smile: "Mengzi didn't talk about the Japanese nuclear explosion, I still don't understand it. I understand when he said that."

Seeing everyone watching him, Xiao Peng explained: "In the history of mankind, after the first atomic bomb exploded in the Wa, people carried out a large number of nuclear tests. All of this increased the content of radioactive isotopes in the atmosphere. The steel process uses the atmosphere. These radioactive isotopes are deposited in the steel during the steelmaking process. Many special fields are very sensitive to radioactive isotopes, such as high-end medical instruments, such as Geiger counters and radiation. Shielding and other scientific research fields, such as satellites, etc., so they need to use background steel, that is, steel with low radioisotope content. Now there are methods to produce background steel, but the cost is too high. It's not as cost-effective as salvaging sunken ships produced before 1945!"

He suddenly remembered that Sun Lao had given him the information on the shipwreck of the PQ-17 merchant fleet. It turned out to be for this reason! Those were all ships produced before 1945! How much background steel is there? China is now vigorously developing the space industry. How much background steel does it need? If you want to produce it, how much money is needed, it is as simple and straightforward as to get it directly!

Emilia blinked after hearing this: "Is the atomic bomb having such a big impact on humans?"

Xiao Peng nodded: "You Westerners like oil paintings. Do you know how to identify the authenticity of oil paintings? The easiest way is to check the radioactive isotopes in the paint! Because there were no oil paints before 1945. If there are radioactive isotopes in the paint, it is the paint produced after 1945, which makes it easy to distinguish between true paintings and fake paintings."

"It can be like this!" Emilia exclaimed.

Xiao Peng lit a cigarette and looked at the huge boat with joy: "I can see that I am anxious, Mengzi, didn't you say that they were all caught stealing? This time even the national team came, and this boat was salvaged. The ship is at least 40,000 tons, right? This is to take the entire ship home! But there is only half of the ship left in it, and there is not much fished. Well, I remember there is another ship not far away.' Counterattack' No, Mengzi, contact the salvage ship and give them the coordinates together!"

Emilia blinked: "Is it legal to salvage this way?"

Yang Meng laughed when he heard it: "Now the British are in trouble, a group of so-called'nobles' have come out to protest our salvage of the Prince of Wales. Now they are almost exploding. You can give them the counterattack. Planned, they should cry again."

"It's illegal? This is the high seas. Who is fishing?" Xiao Peng coldly snorted: "The British wants good things. I don't have the ability to go here to fish, and I don't want others to fish. The famous name is to protect the remains of soldiers. It is a'war cemetery'. Salvaging the remains is disrespectful, but in fact, they have salvaged more than 100 shipwrecks in various countries during World War II over the years, just like salvaging the Edinburgh. The gold on it is divided between the Soviet Union and the salvage company. The battleship is partly owned by the United Kingdom. Thinking that they can’t salvage here, they can only cooperate with people from countries like Cambodia and Malaysia, let them do the salvage, and buy it back by themselves. Okay, please contact me over there and put the counterattack. 'Give them the coordinates! The coordinates are recorded in the captain's log."

After listening, Yang Meng nodded and went directly back to the cockpit to contact the salvage ship.

Emilia was a little worried: "Honey, is this really all right?"

"There's a shit!" Xiao Peng directly replied without even thinking about it: "Last year Britain ran to our South China Sea, claiming to maintain'free navigation', but our country’s warships were driven away. During the voyage A so-called commemoration ceremony was held to commemorate the "Prince of Wales", claiming that Britain and Japan are close allies. Today, the "Prince of Wales" was taken away by us! To commemorate a ghost! Wait for his next ship "Prince of Wales" Come on!"

It is said that the British have a lot of love for this "Prince of Wales". In British history, eight ships were named "Prince of Wales". Now the second "Queen Elizabeth class" aircraft carrier produced by the British smashing iron is also Called the'Prince of Wales'. In a few years, this ship will definitely come to China to take a lap-----everything and nothing to go to China to show muscles, this is the usual style of Western countries.

They all say that the less they are, the more they show up, and they don't know what they are afraid of.

McAfee thought about it for a long time after hearing this: "Xiao, I remember that there is a "Military Relics Protection Act" that is aimed at such submarine sunken ships?"

Xiao Peng was taken aback after hearing this, and then suddenly burst into laughter. Everyone who was involved was unknown. Therefore, Xiao Peng managed to hold back the laughter and explained to everyone: "Up to now, there is no bill to protect these shipwrecks in World War II. , You can find it, you can fish. The so-called "Military Relics Protection Act" you mentioned was created by the British themselves, and then ran to the place where there was a British shipwreck, and threw a buoy marking their national flag to indicate that it was inside The boat belongs to them. No one else is allowed to fish. Then they don't let others fish their own boats, while they go to fish other people's boats. They really think they are the empire that the sun never sets back then? The entire ocean is theirs?"

Speaking of this, Xiao Peng was still puzzled, and continued to say: "Now what do they say that these sunken ships are so-called'undersea cemeteries', but in fact, a large number of sunken ships have been collected by themselves and then returned to the smelting furnace. Normally there is no such thing. See them for a memorial service. Now that we see our country salvage, I am jealous, and start to say what kind of "war cemetery", saying that we ruthlessly ransack these so-called cemeteries? Especially go back and ask their own grandfather and grandfather. Bullshit!"

"The boss said good!" Wang Hu stuck out his head in the cockpit to flatter.

Xiao Peng smiled and said, "I didn't know the value of these ships, but now I feel like I missed several billion."

Yang Meng stretched his head and asked, "Does the'Iris' that we are looking for this time also meets this requirement? Or else catch it?"

Xiao Peng pointed to the deck and said, "Fuck! Can we get this boat up? Okay, if you need it in the future, go to the Pacific to fish. It would be nice to bring an aircraft carrier back. Hahahaha. For example, that unlucky letter. Thick' is good."

During World War II, the Pacific naval battle was undoubtedly the most intense battlefield. The Stars and Stripes lost 105 surface ships, including five aircraft carriers, while the Wa country lost 183 surface ships, including 20 aircraft carriers! This does not include the submarines lost by both parties. . . . . .

At that time, the paper power of the Japanese Navy might be the first in the world! Otherwise they would not attack Pearl Harbor! Twenty aircraft carriers sank when they said they were sinking. . . . . .

The most unlucky among them is the "Shinano" of Wa country. In fact, it was originally the third ship in the super battleship "Yamato" series, but when it was built, Waguo happened to suffer a fiasco at Midway Island. Four aircraft carriers were sunk, which led to a reduction in the maneuvering power of Waguo’s aviation. The Japanese had no choice but to convert the half-built Shinano ship into an aircraft carrier.

As a result, the Shinano was sunk by the Stars and Stripes in less than 20 hours after it was launched, a record!

Of course, it was just a joke to say to salvage the "Shinano", and they sank in the territorial waters of the Wa country. Unless the Wa country was shot down, Xiao Peng wouldn't even want to fish this ship.

However, it is still a bit difficult to fish the shipwreck of World War II in the Pacific--the Pacific Ocean is deep. Except for those that are sunk on the edge of the island, they are generally sunk in the deep sea. The level of salvage is very high. This question will come back!

Leaving the South China Sea, returned to the regular channel.

But this time is much better than last time, and no pirates were encountered.

Somali pirates are famous. In fact, in terms of the number of crimes, Southeast Asian pirates are much more rampant than Somali pirates!

This is also related to the complicated situation in Southeast Asia. There are many major terrorist organizations in the world taking root in Southeast Asia.

Just like Duterte asked China to send warships to the Philippines back then, even if it did not send warships, it would be fine to send a few marine surveillance ships. Just to fight terrorism.

Speaking of the Philippines, it is also quite miserable. Such an island country houses many terrorist organizations.

The southern islands of Basilan and Jolo islands are famous for kidnapping the world-famous Abu Sayyaf armed forces; the Mute organization mingled in Mindanao; and the "Jemaah Islamiyah" originated in Indonesia also radiated here, plus three The organizations are all Islamic organizations, so they attracted IS. Just two days ago, a Catholic church on Jolo Island was attacked by IS. Twenty people were killed and more than 80 were injured. After Duterte came to power, it made sense that he was either anti-drug or anti-terrorism. If he did not do so, the country would not be able to bear the toss.

None of these organizations are fuel-efficient lamps, and none of them are good!

The Philippines was once known as the "Capital of Kidnapping". It was the handwriting of Abu Sayyaf's armed forces. He kidnapped foreign tourists for a ransom at a high price. He also kidnapped a female Chinese tourist and asked for a ransom of 70 million yuan. - It can be seen that the Chinese people are rich, and ordinary tourists are worth so much; the Mute organization specifically antagonizes the government forces and tried to murder the president. The bomb attack caused seven members of the presidential palace guard and two soldiers Injured. . . . . . And these groups of people come together for nothing else, but to establish an independent Islamic state.

If terrorist organizations like these want to develop, they need funds to purchase weapons and equipment to develop members. Where does the funding come from? Drugs, kidnapping, and robbery do everything, and most of the pirates in Southeast Asia are members of these organizations. This is why Duterte in the Philippines vigorously suppressed drugs after he took office.

Can't sell drugs, those terrorist organizations do not have money to engage in terrorist activities?

Probably because of the bomb attack that happened just two days ago, this trip to the South China Sea was a calm journey. The "Four Seas Explorer" crossed the Strait of Malacca, passed through Sri Lanka, and arrived at Gwadar Port in Pakistan. Well, in fact, the correct transliteration here should be called Gwadar Port, but Chinese people are used to calling it Gwadar Port.

It turned out that Xiao Peng wanted to go to Karachi Port for supply, but now Gwadar Port is open to navigation, so what else? Must be supplied in Gwadar Port!

Who made Huaxia Company responsible for construction and operation here? Who will take care of your own family?

Xiao Peng didn't have time on his way either, he kept writing and drawing in his notebook.

He found a problem-there are more shipwrecks in the Indian Ocean than in the South China Sea!

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