Godly Fisherman

Chapter 1314: Indian cuisine

Xiao Peng’s complaints are not without reason. The Maple Leaf Country, which keeps chanting ‘dish cooking, freedom, equality, and multiculturalism’ is actually one of the most cruel countries to minorities.

When the British colonists began to dominate the Maple Leaf Country in 1760, they did more than in the Stars and Stripes. Ninety-eight percent of Maple Leaf Indians have disappeared from history.

In 1876, they promulgated the "Indians Act", which stipulated that Indians must live on reserved areas, and if they leave the reserved areas, they would be deprived of their citizenship rights. Even the Indians living in the reserved areas, the Maple Leaf State authorities did not let it go. The principle of'indigenous assimilation' was adopted, through cultural isolation and destruction, the aborigines completely disappeared.

The various churches have taken on the accomplices of the Maple Leaf Government. They have established a large number of'indigenous boarding schools', and forced indigenous children here. They are not allowed to speak national languages, and they are not allowed to retain their own religions and customs. They can only speak English. French. The last so-called ‘aboriginal boarding school’ did not close until 1996. More than 150,000 aboriginal children were forced to send to school here, and more than 50,000 were tortured to death!

This kind of cultural extinction policy of "cutting off children and grandchildren", coupled with economic strangulation and land plunder, makes life difficult for the aborigines of Maple Leaf Country.

Many people think that this is the old calendar in the past, and now Maple Leaf Country is more "cooked"? Are foreigners more'kind'? However, in 2007, the United Nations General Assembly passed a "Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples", stipulating that the individual and collective rights of indigenous peoples should be respected, and their cultural identity should be respected, maintained and strengthened.

How positive is this declaration? Obtained overwhelming majority of approval and response. At that time, 144 votes were voted, and there were only four negative votes. One of the votes was voted by Maple Leaf National, which advertises "multiculturalism". This shows what kind of attitude this country has towards the indigenous people.

Even now, the so-called “political correctness” cannot harm the aborigines as before, but at present, in Maple Leaf Country, only the minorities are divided into four ethnic groups. The so-called “first race” is the Indians and the Inu The specials, the Medici and the unaffiliated Indians are full of arrogance and prejudice. Among them, the Medines and the unaffiliated Indians were not confirmed by the Supreme Court of the Maple Leaf State until 2016.

Before 2016, there were as many as 600,000 Medici and unaffiliated Indians, but because they were not officially recognized, they lacked community autonomy, reserved land jurisdiction, and social welfare, and they often received All kinds of injustices.

And this is just a face project, just like the 2010 Vancouver Winter Olympics, although the head of the'First Nations Assembly', the symbolic leader of the three aboriginal people of the Maple Leaf Kingdom, the Chief Fontaine was invited to participate in the opening ceremony, but the opening ceremony During the performance, the "Wild Objects" link directly introduced the history of Europeans entering the Maple Leaf Country without mentioning the aborigines.

In 2017, the Federal Senate of Maple Leaf State of Ontario also issued an open letter calling for the reconstruction of'aboriginal boarding schools', saying that it was a goodwill to the aborigines and asking the aborigines to pay their aboriginal ID cards in exchange for their maple leaf country citizenship. There are countless supporters for this magical speech!

Even today, the number of missing and murdered cases of indigenous women and girls in Maple Leaf is still high.

Describe the aboriginal problems of Maple Leaf Country in one sentence? Just one sentence: There is never a lack of topic, excitement and sensation, but basically it just rains and wets the land, which can't solve any problems at all.

Just like this year’s Maple Leaf National Day, a group of Aboriginal organizations went to Parliament Hill in Ottawa to protest the unfairness they suffered. These included missing women, unrespected Aboriginal land ownership, and the government’s refusal to give advice to children in the Aboriginal community despite court rulings. Welfare plan funding and so on. They ran straight to the square of Capitol Hill and set up camp-----there were many aboriginal tents ‘tippi’.

At this time, the Maple Leaf State police, as if facing a major enemy, arrested nine aboriginals on the grounds of ‘suspicion of terrorist activities’ and wanted to remove these ‘tips’.

As a result, the aborigines are on fire. We are aborigines, not terrorists. Those who colonized us back then were terrorists! Under the reasons of so-called'political correctness', the police hurriedly released the aborigines and said, “It’s not impossible to set up camp, but you must get a permit first.” The aborigines directly retorted: "You guys came here to colonize. Have you ever applied for a permit with us?"

This matter was once in trouble, and the final solution was the "Maple Leaf Country": the aborigines could build "tips" on the square of Capitol Hill, but they were moved to a corner of "harmless to humans and animals." As for the demands made by the indigenous people? I didn't know which Java country I had thrown to.

Speaking of which, Xiao Peng really wants to complain that these foreign devils have insufficient brains. To solve this problem, is it to deal with ethnic disputes? This should be regarded as creating ethnic disputes!

Dealing with the issue of ethnic diversity is a problem that every multi-ethnic country faces. What is the smartest solution? Give priority to those ethnic minorities! Give you better welfare, better care, and give you extra points for the college entrance examination! Let you receive a better education and let the big nation suffer a little loss!

So what if the main nation suffers? They can't cause trouble either. After all, the country's economy, education, and the like are all in the hands of these dominant nations. After receiving better welfare, ethnic minorities will naturally stabilize, and after they have received better education and welfare, they will naturally better integrate into the development of this country.

It is not black or blowing. With so many ethnic countries in the world, China has done a good job in terms of ethnic integration alone. Now the Star-Stripe Nation's care for Africans and Indians is also learning China's ethnic governance policy. Maple Leaf Country wanted to learn too, but many things were integrated into the bones, and it was too late to learn. Therefore, it is reasonable for Xiao Peng to complain.

Kamloops is a city with a long aboriginal history and culture. Therefore, there are a total of 17 aboriginal tribal communities here. It is considered one of the best cities in Maple Leaf Country to experience aboriginal culture. . Mozkov said that there is a good aboriginal restaurant here, but Xiao Peng was a little curious.

After all, he has eaten all kinds of Chinese food, Japanese food, French food, and Italian food, but he has really never experienced Indian cuisine.

When they drove to the restaurant, there were already quite a few cars parked here. It seemed that the business here was still very good.

When Xiao Peng and others entered the restaurant, it was natural to be paid attention to ------this is also too normal.

A yellow man was sandwiched between the three white men. The two big and thick men looked like bodyguards, but the tallest one turned out to be a woman, holding the yellow man’s arm like a child. Xiao Peng began to consider whether it should be. Ship high heels.

Yes, anyway, I have a thick-skinned face and I'm used to it---Xiao Peng can only comfort himself in this way.

Their dinner is a very strange experience for Xiao Peng.

It is a kind of Indian homemade burrito, which contains peppers, tomatoes, and toast, plus some special spices.

Emilia told Xiao Peng that in fact, these foods are processed just like Chinese food in Xingtiao Country, which is more suitable for the tastes of the people here. If it is traditional Indian cuisine, it will be more wild.

Traditional Indian cuisine is more popular with local ingredients. There are many oak trees here, and in Indian culture, the status of oak trees is very high. Whether it is eaten directly or crushed to make spices, acorns are used. There is also a material called ‘chia seeds’ which is also their favorite food material.

This chia seed is very small, like sesame seeds. It tastes good when placed in bread. Xiao Peng saw the original plant of this chia seed. How did it look like a dog's tail grass? After asking about it, I learned that this is called Chia sage, the favorite spice of the Mayans, was later spread from Central America.

This thing will definitely be popular when it comes to Huaxia: it contains natural antioxidants and is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which is very in line with Huaxia people's health regimen.

Of course, Indians still like meat, and their cooking method is mainly charcoal grilling.

For the Indians, they have a very lofty hunting philosophy. Any beast that can be seen is their hunting object, from squirrel guinea pigs to bison grizzly bears. Any beast can be hunted for food by them. .

And Xiao Peng's dinner is charcoal-grilled beef tenderloin with jam, it tastes much better than fried steak! Definitely top-quality food! Char-grilled raccoon meat is also good, but it is a grade worse than beef tenderloin.

This restaurant is still very good at doing business. It may be related to Xiao Peng being a Chinese native. They presented Xiao Peng with a special "dry patties", which is a variety of cured meats and Aronia bitterness. It is made of fruit, which contains blueberries and raisins. The meaty and fruity aromas are combined, which greatly stimulates Xiao Peng's taste buds.

Add quinoa salad, cold melon soup, and finally a grilled corn. . . . . . Xiao Peng had the urge to stay here for two more days.

Of course, this is also impossible. How long does it take to replenish? He has everything ready now. They are also racing against time. The climate environment in the Somali Basin is very complicated, and Xiao Peng does not know the hydrological environment there. Need to go there and check it out. He didn't want to fail to complete these complicated tasks before the New Year.

"Emilia, what are you going to do next? Go back to school?" Xiao Peng asked after eating.

After hearing this, Emilia looked at Xiao Peng, and then lowered her face: "My dear, didn't you say you don't dislike my height?"

Xiao Peng scratched his head: "What did I say wrong? I really don't dislike it!"

Emilia said, "Then why didn't you let me go back with you? Didn't you say you want me to go to sea last time?"

Xiao Peng was dumbfounded: "Emilia, how sensitive you are now! Of course I hope you will be with me, but didn't you say that you have dropped out of school? I'm afraid of your academic problems."

Emilia snorted coldly: "Anyway, I've quit school, so why don't I take advantage of it now and have fun? Relax?"

Xiao Peng happily said: "What? You decided to go to the Somali Basin with me? That's great! Go, go to China with me!"

"But..." Emilia sighed: "My height, auntie hates me when she sees it?"

Xiao Peng smiled and waved his hand and said: "How is it possible! I tell you that even Georgina is jealous now, and that if she has a rival in love, it must be me. My mother's requirements for me are really not high. As long as you can find a wife who is not Yang Meng but a woman, then anything will do. What's wrong with your height? Improve our short gene! She is too happy to be happy!"

He said so, but he was actually playing drums in his heart. What's so special is that it's good to find a tall girl, but now Emilia is too tall, right? Saying this is purely to comfort Emilia, she must do the ideological work of mom and dad when she goes home.

Emilia pursed her lips after hearing this: "Auntie's request is too low, right? So long as she is a woman, it's fine!"

Xiao Peng hurriedly comforted: "No, no, that girl must be called Emilia! Don't worry, you study Chinese so hard, isn't it just to get along with my mother? My mother is too happy to be. Why would you despise you? Obedient, don't think about it, let's go back together. If it doesn't work, let's forget about the marriage, just to make the old witch feel at ease. With your height now, I think there are not many people who dare to marry you. Yes. You will just live with me!"

Emilia finally became happy after hearing this, and she pretended to say: "Who wants to live with you? Also, you still call my mother an old witch? She gave you so much wine, then It's all her treasure, you think I don't know?"

Xiao Peng curled his lips: "If you don't mention this, I won't get angry. When you mention it, I will get angry. What did she give me the wine for? Isn't it just to laugh at me for not knowing alcohol? I love beer. What's wrong with this? I have to drink the wine she wants to drink?"

Emilia pinched Xiao Peng. Xiao Peng pretended to be very painful and grinned: "My dear, I really don't know what's going on with you and my mother. They seem to be pleasing to the eye, but they never speak. Facing each other."

Xiao Peng shrugged: "The struggle between the hairy son-in-law and the mother-in-law is forever. Mozkov, Ivan. I want to bring Emilia back to China, what are you going to do? Is it with us or back to the Stars and Stripes? Old... Mrs. Sean?"

Mozkov looked at each other, and just about to answer Xiao Peng, an unfriendly voice came from behind them: "Beauty, why are you dating such a short Asian man?"

Fuck! Xiao Peng was immediately angry! Lao Tzu's aggrieved stomach does not know who to reason with! Do you want to know why?

I also want to know why Emilia can grow so tall!

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