Godly Fisherman

Chapter 1223: Full of treasure

When Xiao Peng came to the beach, Wen Jie was leading a group of people guarding the bodies of four navigation whales, and Zhu Yilin was negotiating with a group of people there. Seeing Xiao Peng coming, he waved his hands like a savior. : "Boss Xiao! Boss Xiao!"

Xiao Peng smiled and waved his hands with Zhu Yilin, but he did not directly go to Zhu Yilin's side, but signaled him to wait first, and Yang Meng and others came to the corpses of these navigation whales.

Two of the navigation whales had injuries on their bodies. In addition to the bruises, there were also cuts to the propellers. All navigation whales had serious scratches on their bodies, which should be caused by trauma when they were stranded.

Xiao Peng carefully observed the four navigation whales: "It's okay, it's too late, Lao Pan, call a boat and drag it back to Qianliyan!" He directly determined the ownership of the navigation whale.

Pan Peiyu said: "You don't need to call, the ship we deliver on the dock is still parked there."

"Call here, drag the whale back to Qianliyan, it's best to hurry up, don't blow it up!" Xiao Peng arranged.

Xiao Peng's "exploded" is not a joke. The current method for dealing with stranded whales around the world is generally one method-‘euthanasia’.

The ‘euthanasia’ here is not about injecting them with drugs to kill them, but sending them to sea to install bombs and detonate them. This is not cruel, but to protect humans-the whale's corpse can explode.

As we all know, whales have a very large appetite. Although toothed whales like navigator whales can chew, a large part of the food goes directly into the body. Under the action of the digestive organs, these foods will be produced. Some hydrogen gas, such as methane. In fact, all mammals are like this. Just like human beings fart on a candle, a big fireball will be ejected. The reason is that there is combustible gas in the fart, including the feces. Otherwise, how can feces be released in the biogas tank?

When the whale dies, the organs in the body cannot function normally, and the methane in the whale carcass will diffuse and expand. These gases will accelerate the corruption of the whale's internal organs and produce more combustible gases such as methane, hydrogen sulfide and ammonia. Over time, the whale belly will turn into a ball, and the abdomen has a limited capacity. When the gas expands to a certain level, it may explode at any time.

This kind of explosion is not like the explosion of a gas tank that we usually see, it is really as powerful as a bomb.

On January 26, 2004, such an incident occurred in Tainan City, Baodao Island. At that time, a sperm whale ran aground and died on the coast of Taixi Township, Yunlin County, Baodao Island. Professor Wang Jianping of National Cheng Kung University planned to transport the whale to The Chenggong University in Tainan’s city center did not plan the research, but the school rejected the proposal and instead transported the whale to the Four Grass Wildlife Reserve in the suburban Annan District.

Professor Wang contacted three cranes and more than fifty staff members. It took 13 hours to finally load the 17-meter-long and fifty-ton truck on the truck for road transportation.

In order to reduce the interference to the public, this transport also deliberately chose to transport in the early morning, but this still attracted a large number of Tainan people to watch this big whale.

As a result, when it was transported to the vicinity of the Xiaobei Night Market on Ximen Road in the center of Tainan, the sperm whale exploded due to bumps and other reasons! The surrounding shops, witnesses, and vehicles were all seriously injured by the explosion. The whole street was filled with whale blood viscera, and the whole Tainan City was enveloped by a stench. In no way, the government can only send a cleaning team to disinfect and clean up the aftermath. It is no exaggeration to say that it was enough to make a horror movie or a large-scale science fiction movie at that time!

Does anyone think this is so great? Isn’t it because there is air in the stomach that can’t be discharged? The explosion can be avoided by unplaning the whale's belly before it swells up.

This is not the case. Unplaning requires skill. If the unplaning method is not correct or the force is improper, it will cause the gas in the body to be expelled quickly. Under the impact of this gas, the various organs in the whale's body may be flushed all at once. It will explode if it comes out.

That's why people use bombs to detonate whale carcasses to deal with those stranded whales. Moreover, to blast, it must be dragged back to a long distance in the sea to detonate, because the whale fat viscera can fly to an unimaginable range during blasting. . . . . . . A distance of at least a few hundred meters is no problem.

The best time to deal with stranded whales is within 24 hours of their death. The longer the time, the more dangerous it is. Xiao Peng didn't have time to talk to the people here, contact the boat directly, and drag the whale back to the island to deal with it.

Why do the Japanese people hunt whaling every day? The former Wo country lived on whales: After World War II, the country's economy was tense, and there was no food or drink. It relied on a large number of whaling boats to catch whales from overseas as food to feed the Japanese people. Now the Wa country also hunts whales every day, but unlike what people think, the Wa people do not like to eat whales. Today, less than 3% of the Japanese people have eaten whale meat, so why do the Japanese people stand on the opposite side of the world to hunt whales?

I have to say that the whale is full of treasures.

Let’s talk about whale meat. It doesn’t matter if people don’t eat it. It can be made into feed or made into artificial fiber. Whale blubber is one of the most fat-rich animal oils. It not only contains a lot of glycerin, it can be used to synthesize explosives. It can also be made into soap and refined high-grade lubricating oil. And the fatty acids in whale blubber are very high. A whale can extract about one-third of its body weight. These fats can also be processed into margarine for human consumption.

In addition, this whale blubber can also be made into candles and oil paints. Because this whale blubber has a characteristic, that is, its viscosity does not change at high temperatures. Therefore, it is also used in the steelmaking and tanning industries, and it can also be used as a lubricating oil for precision instruments; the brain of whales can extract spermaceti and make cosmetics.

The incisive texture is soft and the leather has patterns, which is suitable for making clothes and leather bags; whale fins can be made into umbrella covers, bras, cigarette cases, etc., whale ovaries are raw materials for extracting pregnancy-stimulants; whale dung and bone meal are high-quality fertilizers; Whale bone can be extracted from bone glue; whale liver is the best material for making cod liver oil; whale baleen and whale red can be used to make medical equipment and handicrafts. . . . . .

Moreover, there is a huge whale-related industry in the country of Japan, with hundreds of thousands of employees. All of this has prevented them from giving up the whaling industry. Instead, they have to vigorously support-this is hundreds of thousands of people. Livelihood is also hundreds of thousands of votes!

This is the reason why the whales were hunted by the Japanese, and it has nothing to do with eating meat.

Since the whales are full of treasures, can Xiao Peng give up these whales? What an international joke, take away! With so many ‘big-bellied men’ in Qianliyan, at least a lot of pork can be saved, right?

As soon as Xiao Peng finished the arrangement, Zhu Yilin came over: "Boss Xiao!"

"Old Zhu, I heard that you are quite unlucky?" Xiao Peng smiled.

After hearing this, Zhu Yilin coughed dryly and said: "This person is going to be unlucky, drinking cold water will stuff his teeth. This time has delayed too much."

Sidao Town is now the same as California on the other side of the ocean. It is a whale-watching spot where you can watch whales in all seasons. Even though it is winter, the temperature here is a good temperature for whales in the sea. This lawsuit also delayed a lot of things.

Xiao Peng smiled and said, "Don't worry, we have done everything we should do here. This thing was not caused by our mistakes."

Zhu Yilin smiled bitterly: "Am I afraid of what happened in Guangzhou?"

Xiao Peng was taken aback after hearing this, but still comforted: "Don't worry, haven't such things been considered in advance? It's okay."

Zhu Yilin's "things in Guangzhou" refers to a 60-year-old man named Wu in Guangzhou who went to the scenic spot to steal the bayberry. The trunk broke when he climbed the tree, and the old man fell to his death. , And then his family claimed 600,000 yuan from the scenic spot on the grounds that the tree is too good to climb.

This incident itself was strange enough, but what happened later was even more strange: the court actually sentenced the scenic spot to compensate for 45,000 yuan! The reason is that the scenic spot did not inform tourists of the danger.

The verdict was bombed out at the time. According to this statement, can so many fishermen in Qianliyan have not found their wives to talk to the Civil Affairs Bureau? Is this scenic spot suing the family of the deceased, because your family's death caused the income of our scenic spot to decline, and ask the family of the deceased to pay compensation? Isn't that messy?

And the biggest impact of this judgment is: now the country has launched vigorous activities to inform the scenic spot.

Just like Laoshan on Qindao Island is a famous tourist attraction, many travel companions go here to climb wild roads. This is expressly forbidden. It turned out to be responsible for it, but now it is in danger? Report the scenic spot! Last year, a woman fell into a mountain while participating in a mountaineering group. Although the scenic area sent a rescue team and spent a lot of manpower and resources to find her, she died when she was found. Then the family of the deceased neither said anything about the cost of the rescue team, nor did they sue the mountaineering group who organized the climb to the wild road. They first took the scenic spot to court-the scenic spot is rich!

And the Longtan Grand Canyon Scenic Area was also brought to court by tourists: a Luoyang Mr. Ren slipped and fell into the water while passing by a dam in the scenic area. Then his family took the Longtan Grand Canyon Scenic Area to court and claimed 60 Million.

An old man in the Jiaozi Snow Mountain Scenic Area of ​​Kunming Mountain died of a sudden coronary heart disease while doing first aid and an oxygen pack. However, the old man died after being transported to the hospital. Then the family sued the scenic spot to claim 790,000.

In a park in the Imperial City, a tourist was stung by a bee and died of an allergy. He claimed 2 million from the park. . . . .

There are really too many such examples. At present, every scenic spot must be cautious. At that time, Sidao Town wanted to open a bathing beach, but Xiao Peng stopped it directly because of the ‘offshore current’ in order to put an end to such things.

Unexpectedly, the four-island tourist attraction is still a matter of fact.

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