Godly Fisherman

Chapter 1193: Shot yourself in the foot

"Say if you have something, let it go!" Xiao Peng picked up the phone and said angrily.

Yang Meng smiled and said, "Ah, the anger is not small, who provokes our Young Master Xiao? Didn't you find the information?"

"Have you heard of the words "moving a rock and smashing yourself in the foot"?" Xiao Peng said angrily, "I never went to a public library at all."

"Why didn't you go?" Yang Meng asked puzzledly.

Xiao Peng looked at the big bags next to him, and said with a frown, "I underestimated my mother's desire to shop. No wonder she supported me when she came to Hong Kong Island! Feeling she wanted to move the entire Hong Kong Island home. I Every day is left as a little brother to carry the bag. I don’t know how much tariffs I have to report."

Yang Meng took a breath: "What's this mom doing?"

Xiao Peng said with a bitter face: "No matter how old you are, that's a woman. I still make fun of those aunts who buy and buy after going out, but my mother is like that too! What kind of clothes does this woman look best? Of course it's new. Clothes! No matter what, new is the best for them. Take clothes as an example. No matter how many clothes there are in the closet, the most annoying thing every day is no clothes to wear. Women's attitude towards old clothes is' It's a pity to wear X', it's the same for my mother. I came here this time, and I just started with cosmetics, shoes, bags and clothes."

"Didn't Gina stop mom?" Yang Meng asked.

"My mother bought her and Wei Ya, and then the three of them got along with each other. Xiao Ge and Xiao Yi are coolies." Xiao Peng complained.

Yang Meng and Dad laughed loudly on the phone.

"Huh? Dad is there too?" Xiao Peng frowned.

Dad laughed happily: "Of course I am here, why did I say not to play with anything, I would rather play chess with your grandpa at home, now you understand?"

Xiao Peng said speechlessly: "Are you making fun of me when you called?"

Yang Meng suppressed a smile and said, "Of course not. I called to tell you that Guo Sihua's invitation letter was sent to our island. Isn't his father 60 years old?"

Xiao Peng bitterly: "How can I have time now? I don't even have time to go to the library by myself."

Yang Meng disdainfully said: "You want to go to Lou Feng to play, right?"

"Your uncle, what nonsense? Daddy is by the side!" Xiao Peng snorted coldly.

Yang Meng smiled and said, "It's okay, I will take the old man to play there next time."

"Damn! I think you dare!" Xiao Peng said with an aura.

Yang Meng smiled and said, "Okay, I will be happy if I know you are unhappy! Do I need to send you the invitation letter?"

"I can't even go to the library now. How can I go to the birthday banquet of Guo Sihua's family? I won't go, I won't tell you, I will go to Disneyland tomorrow morning!" Xiao Peng said angrily.

Yang Meng said suddenly: "By the way, that old man Qiushan has been looking for you, I said you have gone to Hong Kong Island, he should go to Hong Kong Island to find you."

"Fuck, you are all kinds of messing up to me!" Xiao Peng said silently.

Yang Meng happily said, "Hong Kong Island is so big, and if you don't go to Guo's house, how could he see you? Don't think about it."

When Xiao Peng heard this, he was relieved that what the fierce man said was right.

"Yes, my mother is finished shopping in this store, I won't talk to you anymore!" Xiao Peng had to hang up after speaking.

"I said you are stupid, you wouldn't find an international courier company, just buy it and send it back! Spend a little more money, have to be a human-shaped backpack?" Yang Meng teased.

Uh, this method is really right. Xiao Peng hung up the phone directly, so Yang Meng said he was stupid. This was the last thing he wanted to encounter in his entire life.

Fortunately, my mother's desire to shop hasn't persisted for a few days, so buying every day is annoying. The fun has been transferred to play. For example, the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge, it is necessary to take a trip, which is simply a miracle in the history of human architecture; there is also the Wong Tai Sin Temple; the Avenue of Stars along the promenade. . . . . .

But what disappointed Xiao Peng most was Ocean Park. Although this is the most popular place for people on Hong Kong Island and the most frequented place for tourists, Xiao Peng is only disappointed when he comes here. Are you doing a dolphin show here? I have a great white shark show there!

But the children are not happy. The things that this family sees every day have to go here to spend money to play, it really hurts Xiao Peng.

After a few days of crazy fun on Hong Kong Island, my mother and others finally couldn't carry it anymore and rested in the hotel. Xiao Peng had time now, and ran to the Hong Kong Island Kilometer Library to inquire about the materials he wanted.

After checking this information, Xiao Peng became even more depressed. How could he get more confused after checking this information?

The first thing to be sure is that "Iris" was not fabricated by Akiyama Riki. There was indeed this ship, and it belonged to a transportation company called "Xingyun". The background of the company seemed to be a member of the Jinling Puppet National Government and several high-level Japanese officials.

Most of the cultural and historical data about the "Iris" are the oral narrations of old crew members and some old photo records, and the most precious is a record of the "Xingyun" company. After reading that record, Xiao Peng almost scratched his scalp-is this too nonsense?

Not to mention that the ‘Iris’ is a small and medium-sized cargo ship, which specializes in shipping routes between China and Europe. However, because most of the cargo shipped is smuggled, it may also be used to avoid war, so it has never traveled a standard waterway!

This Nima is too much! Are all these boatmen crazy? They really verified what is meant by "man-made money and birds die for food." Xiao Peng inquired about the waterways they had traveled before. They even walked across the Indian Ocean instead of Malacca to avoid the North African battlefield. Cape of Good Hope!

This Nima is really life-threatening, so that the current ship dare not take this line! The Indian Ocean has an obvious tropical oceanic climate and monsoon climate. It is divided into four climate zones and has a unique monsoon circulation. Climate change is extremely intense. If something happens, it's really ‘unhelpful’. This proves once again: in the face of huge wealth, countless people are willing to take risks.

The last time this ship left Hong Kong Island was on March 26, 1945, so that the time could almost be matched ------ Awa Maru set sail from Lijiapo back to Japan on March 28, 4 It was sunk on the 1st. According to this point in time, it is not ruled out that the two ships have been handed over at sea.

Moreover, the last time the "Iris" sailed was not an empty ship, but a batch of "military uniforms to support the European battlefield". I put a rub. At that time, the Huaxia battlefield was unclothed and went to support Europe. Military uniforms on the battlefield? Is this a liar? There must be something hidden on this ship!

Xiao Peng became more and more interested in this ship, but there was no information on where the ship went or where it sank. The literature on Hong Kong Island said that it was speculated that it was sunk by a German submarine on the North African battlefield, which is different from Akiyama's "Wokuo submarine sinking".

After investigating the information for a long time, the only thing Xiao Peng could be sure of was: Even if the ship sank, it must be in a difficult place to salvage. If it was salvageable, it would have been discovered long ago.

It was already afternoon when Xiao Peng left the public library, and he was too focused on the information and didn't eat lunch.

He went to the snack bar and had a bowl of ‘bowl of fin’s wings,’ topped with ‘pee beef balls’, a big bowl of curry sirloin, and a bowl of cart noodles.

At this time, the diners next to Xiao Peng looked at this way of eating, and Xiao Peng was already used to everyone's sight.

It seems that since ancient times, southerners and northerners have different concepts of the so-called'fan'.

At the beginning, people hadn’t noticed the difference between North and South, but since the development of the Internet and the development of transportation, the communication between the North and the South has become deeper and deeper, and people have discovered that the gap between the South and the North is really not small. The cycle of mutual envy:

Southerners envy northerners who have heating in winter; northerners envy southerners who are not afraid of the cold, especially the northerners in Jiangsu and Zhejiang. In winter, almost all of them are cold, but they look at the southerners around them-it's okay! (In fact, southerners are afraid of the cold, otherwise they would not envy the heating in the north); northerners envy the south for the four seasons like spring, southerners envy northerners playing in the snow in winter; southerners envy northerners who are tall, northerners envy southerners’ courage Kejia-----Are you afraid that such a big cockroach can still fly?

But in terms of'eating', the gap between the South and the North is too great. At least in terms of appetite, the North beats the South.

Take the example of buying vegetables. Northerners buy vegetables on the basis of catties, while southerners buy vegetables on the basis of "trees." To give a simple example, northerners buy cabbage: "This cabbage is good, give me ten catties." Grocery shopping:'The cabbage is good, give me half of it'. . . . . .

The most uncomfortable thing for northerners to travel and live in the South is this ‘eat’: Northerners generally have a lot of food.

This is also due to historical reasons. The north is generally cold, and the land is sparsely populated, requiring more food to supplement calories; while the south has been a land of fish and rice since ancient times, and generally do not worry about food (just like the pre-liberation period, the poor people in Jiangsu and Zhejiang only There is a reason to be able to eat hairy crabs to satisfy your hunger), so southerners eat more refined and pursue taste, and'quantity' is not so important.

Some people jokingly say that the so-called ‘bowl’ in the south is called the ‘cup’ in the north, although it is a bit exaggerated but also vivid. Anyway, when Xiao Peng went to the south, he would make people ‘pay attention’ every time he wanted to fill his stomach-----someone who didn’t know, thought that the starving ghost was reborn.

After eating and eating, Xiao Peng thought of a question: When he was reading in the library just now, he directly mute the phone. Now he picked up the phone and saw him dumbfounded: Eighty-two missed calls? My phone is almost dead!

At this moment, there was another phone calling inside. He connected the phone easily. As soon as the phone was connected, a woman's excited voice was heard: "It's connected! The phone is connected!"

Fortunately, I finally said that the phone was connected. As for her stimulant, what I didn't know was that the sewer was connected!

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