Godly Fisherman

Chapter 1180: Lin Jiao's business experience

In the bar, because there were no messy people, several people chatted happily.

Ding Quan held a glass of wine: "Damn, I thought my boss was thinking about it, so righteous today. It was only at the end that I realized that the deputy of the emotional team is my boss's boss!"

Yang Meng interrupted him and said, "You made a mistake. It's your boss's old man!"

After hearing this, everyone laughed together, and then asked Xiao Peng what happened to the goddaughter.

Xiao Peng talked about how he went to Ukraine to pick up four children and said: "Sister Jiao, you have only two children in your stomach. You see, I have four children before I get married. How about? Am I better than you?"

Lin Jiao stretched out her thumb: "Okay, both of our classmates are great saints."

Yang Meng smiled and said, "Sister Jiao, what are you doing here? Give your brother-in-law, you can't drink, let him come over and have a drink with me."

Lin Jiao smiled and shook her head after hearing this, "That's not okay, I feel sorry for my husband, but I can't let you bully him. Okay, let me tell you the truth, after sending me off today, he will go to Wa country. I am busy with some business affairs. ."

Li Bing asked curiously, "Sister Jiao, what does that brother-in-law do? You want to go to the country of Japan?"

Lin Jiao smiled and said: "He is exporting rock salt, that is, exporting our rock salt to the country of Japan, and then selling it to other countries through a series of processing and packaging. What do you think those tourists who go to the country buy? The rock salt that can prolong life is actually exported to them by our country. The price given to them is more than two yuan per catty. They just pack tens of thousands of dollars a catty and sell them to those local tyrants. Most of them are Chinese people bought it."

The monkey's eyes widened: "Is anyone buying this too?"

Lin Jiao smiled and said: "Of course, it is said that this rock salt is processed into a light rose red color, and it is called'noble salt', and it is made into a good-looking look as'Japanese noble food'. It is said that this matter is eaten by the upper class. The Chinese people will break the head in minutes."

Yang Meng asked curiously after hearing this, "Selling salt to make money? It's just eight cents, right? Your husband can earn a centurion card in this business? Are you kidding me?"

Lin Jiao was stunned after hearing this: "You said this?" After speaking, she took out the black centurion card she took out in the afternoon from her handbag, but Xiao Peng took it and compared it with her own centurion card, only to find both It's a bit different.

Lin Jiao smiled and said, "You can change the appearance of the credit card by spending more than one hundred yuan in a certain treasure, but it looks like a centurion card. I just look at Tang Mingfeng's arrogant appearance and it's not pleasing to my eyes. By the way, the deputy, if you have the real Centurion Card in your hand, don't you take it out and let me use a fake to scare people?"

Lin Jiao shook her head, "Well, even if your card is fake, it should be true if you don't need money. Your outfit is not a bargain."

Lin Jiao nodded: "Of course, I also do some other small business. Have you heard of such things as'Whitening Pills' and'Fragrant Body Pills'?"

Everyone shook their heads together.

"Drugs?" Xiao Peng asked.

Lin Jiao smiled and said: "It is not a medicine, but a health care product. The various small pills of the Japanese country are very popular with Chinese women. They have various functions such as whitening, slimming, deodorant, and endocrine adjustment. Now they sell more. It’s so popular. My family still does this business. I make some money."

Georgina widened her eyes when she heard about it: "Deodorant? Is this thing really useful?"

Lin Jiao shrugged: "You can understand it as chewing gum that can be swallowed in your stomach. It contains flavors, not even essential oils. To make it taste good, you will add a lot of sugar. It will be in your stomach when you eat it. It's exhausted, so it won't make people smell. It's true that it can make people fat."

Everyone looked at Lin Jiao, a little surprised at her answer.

Lin Jiao smiled and said, "What do you think of me doing this way? I'm all old classmates, can I still lie to you to sell you these little pills? Useless is useless, and the whitening pill contains vitamin C and L-cysteine, in theory, these two things can resist oxidation and reduce melanin, but the amount is not enough. This is like saying that rice can really satisfy your hunger, but can you be full with just one grain of rice? In those whitening pills The content of the effective ingredients in the food is not as good as the nutrients in the vegetables you eat every day!"

Yang Meng blinked, "If you take these things so useless, can you sell them?"

"Don't be too relaxed. Go out with your eyes closed. Even things like natto have become'premium health products' in China. Are these things not easy to sell? Just under the banner of'Wagoku premium products' , It’s never bad. Anyway, in the eyes of some Chinese people, the things in the country are good. You didn’t see that a group of people ran to the country to snap up the toilet seat and found out that it was made in our country? Actually, we Chinese people do this thing. Let’s just say that. The Japanese people now use Chinese products in their own homes!" Lin Jiao thought for a while and added: "I sell Japanese Japanese products, but I don’t use any Japanese products in my own home. Don’t look at me with angry eyes! Think about it. Why do I sell this stuff? It’s not because I make money. The reason I make money is because there are so many people who buy it. Our country will never lack people who love Japanese products."

The monkey asked, "Doing this business is so profitable? Where do you find customers?"

Lin Jiao smiled and said, "I still have some business, which can make money and develop customers."

The monkey asked puzzledly: "Is there another business?"

Lin Jiao nodded: "Yes, you think, who are the people who buy these whitening pills and deodorant pills? They are all young girls, right? Which group has the most young girls?"

Everyone, look at me and I look at you, Xiao Peng asked uncertainly, "Xiao Xianrou's brain fan?"

After listening to Xiao Peng's words, several people laughed together: "Deputy, this is not a brain teaser, okay. What is your answer?"

As a result, Lin Jiao snapped his fingers: "The deputy is really right! I'm really a fan economy. Have you read the news? A few days ago, four girls ran on the plane and took pictures with a plastic surgery boy group in order to chase stars. A few photos, and then take photos with the idol, and finally clamoring about getting off the plane and asking for a full refund of the ticket?"

Xiao Peng nodded their heads: "Of course I know this. More than 300 people wasted more than an hour for them. Looking at these four girls without spending a penny, they also took a lot of photos. Idol contact. This Nima is called God's operation."

Lin Jiao smiled and said, "In fact, this is really normal. Many scalpers will sell the flight numbers of their idols, and then ask fans to buy tickets in advance, go through the security check and wait for the flight with the idols, and then refund the tickets directly after they walk to the boarding gate. , In the circle this is called'swipe off', but this time it’s a bit too much."

After hearing this, the monkey smiled bitterly and said, "What are they pictured. Has this chasing star chased it to the point of brain damage?"

Lin Jiao looked at the monkey and said, "Monkey, do you really think they are brain-dead?"

The monkey was taken aback: "Aren't they?"

Lin Jiao shook her head: "Did you know? Their income may be higher than Ding Chuan!"

"What?" The next group of people were shocked.

Lin Jiao explained: "Since I became pregnant, I have been doing'Sister Station'."

"Sister Zhan? What do you mean?" Xiao Peng didn't understand either.

Lin Jiao said: "It is to run the idol fan station, relying on the photos taken by her idols to accumulate popularity, and in the end she became the "big" in the fan circle, and the girls are "photographing", you think , I can’t participate in all activities and itineraries, and can’t maintain the stable update of the website. What should I do? I just bought photos from those "proxy shooters" and pretended to participate in these activities. These photos should follow idol popularity Price is based on high and low, dozens of photos are sold in packages, hundreds of which are cheap, tens of thousands of expensive, and you can make money with a camera. Those generations of photographers hang around in idols every day and earn tens of thousands of dollars a month by taking photos. It’s not a problem."

Everyone was dumbfounded now: "I rely on, making money like this?"

Ding Quan blinked: "I have worked so hard for a year to earn more than they did? Then what do you buy those photos for? Can you make money?"

"Of course it is to make my fan site bigger to attract more fans, and then these photos will not be wasted. They can be made into a photo album. A copy of more than 100 yuan can be sold at a cost of only a dozen yuan. For example, due to the popularity of "Sorrow of the Soul" this year, the leading actors Bai Yu and Zhu Yilong also have fans. Their first photo album sold 1.5 million in one hour, and they also sold celebrities, fans, clothes, etc. Yes, do you mean to make money?" Lin Jiao asked back.

Xiao Peng frowned and said, "It is illegal to use their images for profit without the idol star's consent."

Lin Jiao smiled and waved her hand: "They won't sue us. How can any stars sue their fans? Point to the fans to make money. Moreover, the website can also raise funds in the name of giving idol gifts, supporting idols, voting, etc. There are so many ways to make money."

"What else can I do?" the monkey asked.

Lin Jiao explained: "For example, in various talent shows, as soon as a player appears, dozens of support teams will appear. Just like investment, if the player is popular, it will be operated, and if it is not popular, the station will be closed. It's a weapon for making money. Do you know about "Idol Trainees"? Behind each idol are dozens of support groups. What are all the support groups doing "voting for fundraising". On the day of the finals alone, this fundraising exceeded 1,000 Ten thousand. But everyone knows that “every fundraising must be greedy for money.” If you donate this money and want to return it, it’s harder than OFO’s refund of the deposit! And whose pocket has all this money gone? The room is over."

Xiao Peng and others looked at each other after hearing it. Look at me, I don't think you know what to say.

"Dude, are you still laughing at their brains?" Xiao Peng patted the monkey.

The monkey took a deep breath: "I'm a real dog in this life!"

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