Godly Fisherman

Chapter 1161: Dart fish boat

"Xiao Peng, come and see the boat I caught, how do you feel?" When Xiao Peng came back, Yang Meng stood on the dock and asked for credit. Except for the children, many people gathered around the boat to watch the excitement.

This boat is an ordinary small fishing boat, but there is one thing that is very different from other fishing boats: an iron frame is welded to the bow, and a wooden board is spread on it, which stretches out into the sea like an elephant's trunk. There is also a spear-like thing connected to a thick rope, which is at least four meters long, and this ‘spear’ is at least four meters long.

Xiao Peng gave him a white look: "What are you showing off? Don't you know if Bloomberg is gone?"

Yang Meng nodded: "I know, didn't you send him away just now?"

Xiao Peng said speechlessly: "That's your old man. You don't have anything to say when he is gone? Just now Georgina cried when he saw his father at the airport. That made a sad person cry. You are not comforting. Comfort your wife?"

Yang Meng hurriedly said to Georgina with a bitter face: "Daughter-in-law, why are you still crying? I feel uncomfortable after Lao Bu is gone. You are pregnant now, but you can't cry."

Georgina glanced at Yang Meng, her expression even more uncomfortable.

Xiao Peng patted Yang Meng on the shoulder: "Dude, don't make up to be sad. Your acting skills are too bad. Now even fools can see that you are very happy."

After listening, Yang Meng coughed and said in a low volume, "How could it be unhappy? I'm guarding the old cloth all day, and I feel very twisted. I can't even want to have **** with Georgina."

Xiao Peng gave him a white look: "You can't even want to be intimate when he is gone. You can hold me back, my godson is still in Georgina's belly."

Yang Meng shook his head: "I want a daughter! I don't want a son. You said that I have a son who is honest and honest, and I look down on him, but if I give birth to a son like we were when we were young, then I want to kill him myself."

"Stop, you were so naughty when you were a kid, I was honest when I was a kid!" Xiao Peng interrupted him.

Yang Meng took Georgina's shoulders: "Daughter-in-law, let's not listen to him. He is to provoke the relationship between our husband and wife and affect my image in your mind." After speaking, he said to his mother: "Mom, Xiao Peng is here. My daughter-in-law told me bad things in front of me, but you would say something for me!"

Mom didn't know what several people were talking about. After listening to Yang Meng's general meaning, he smiled and said: "That's what I said, I should really say a few good things for you, anyway, Xiao Peng will be with you, my godfather and I can rest assured, you two will go out together. You can't cause a catastrophe, at most it is a prostitute or something..."

After hearing what my mother said, the audience burst into laughter, Xiao Peng and Yang Meng looked at each other: This is my mother? When is it so skinny?

Georgina saw everyone laughing, not knowing what happened, and asked what Yang Meng's mother meant, but Yang Meng hesitated to explain.

Only then did Xiao Peng discover the advantage of language barriers. If Georgina knows the meaning of her mother's words, why don't you let Yang Meng go home and kneel on the durian?

Yang Meng is not stupid: "Xiao Peng, what kind of boat is this? Why is there a big nose in front of it?"

Xiao Peng patted Yang Meng on the shoulder: "Go, go up and take a look!"

The rest of the people stood on the dock watching Xiao Peng and the two jump onto the boat. They went directly to the bow. Only then did Yang Meng discover that there were two slippers-like buckles on the'big nose', which could be used to hold the feet. Reach in so that the person can stand in front.

Yang Meng stretched his foot in, but the waves were up and down, and he still couldn't stand, and almost fell into the sea.

He recovered and asked Xiao Peng, "I'll go, Xiao Peng, don't tell me that the spear is a harpoon. This person is going to stand on the bow and spear fish? How can you stand still? Huh?"

Although he could hold his feet, Yang Meng couldn't stand the small waves at the dock, and it would be even more difficult to stand on the sea.

Xiao Peng smiled and said: "You're really right, this is a dart fishing boat! At least two people are needed on the boat. One person is driving the boat behind, and a dart fisherman stands on the bow holding the long speargun to dart the fish. !"

Yang Meng picked up the speargun. There were four pointed ends on it, each with a barb. He measured it: "It's so long? It's like a pole vaulting pole, how do you play this?"

Xiao Peng explained: "Really holding the tail of the speargun like a pole vault, I saw the fisherman commanding the boatman to follow the fish, and after approaching, he plunged from top to bottom. Just stick it on the fish. Procrastinate back."

Yang Meng was a little surprised: "Does anyone else use this method to fish?"

"Rare and more rules!" Xiao Peng said: "Any country in the world has a traditional way of catching spearguns and darts. Our country has a record of darts in the Tang Dynasty. Tang Dynasty poet Han Yu wrote a poem called "Spearfish" The poem in "Job Zhang Gongcao" is about how to spear fish, and it says, “Being more mindful and careful, and clamoring when you’re talking.” It means that when everyone goes to Dartfish together, they look for their own goals. You’re attentive. If someone has gained something, everyone will be happy together. But our country’s dart fish has always been a freshwater dart fish, and there is not much tradition of dart sea fish."

"Why is this again?" Pan Peiyu asked while standing on the dock.

Xiao Peng explained: "I need to ask? The sea is full of wind and waves! If you stand on a boat in the river, it's still stable, you can try it at sea? Like Western countries, Africa, and the South Pacific island countries almost all have the tradition of dart fish. , That’s because there are big fish near the sea. For example, this method was used during the western whaling period, but the north of our country is the continental sea, and it is generally difficult to see such big fish, so we use this method to catch There are not many fish."

"Is there still fishing in this way?" Yang Meng felt that this method was a bit'two', and it could be said to be the most inefficient fishing method.

Xiao Peng nodded and said: "It's true. Many places like Africa and South Pacific island countries maintain this fishing method. Don't underestimate this technique. Do you want to be a dart fisher? At least four or five. You know that the bow of the ship has the highest fluctuations at sea. It takes a long time to stand firmly on this dart fish platform. Also, you must have good eyesight, and you can find the big ship from a long distance at sea. Fish must have great physical agility and boldness. When throwing a speargun, it can be'quick and accurate'. This speargun weighs close to more than 40 catties! The dart fisher must also command the captain to control the speed and Orientation, but also to pierce the speargun to the fish accurately and quickly. This is really not easy to do in the waves. It is not easy to see a big fish in the vast sea, and there may only be one chance to dart the fish. The fish may run away."

Yang Meng was speechless: "Fuck, this is too much trouble, right?"

Xiao Peng agreed with Yang Meng’s point of view: “Yes, you also know that light is refracted on the surface of the water, and the position of the fish in the sea you see on the boat is not its exact position. Fish, because of the refraction of light, actually see the virtual image. The actual position of the fish is below the virtual image. When the dart fisher wants to throw the speargun, the speargun is often thrown to the lower position, and the farther away from the fish. The angle of the shot must be closer to oneself. The fisherman’s judgment is needed to determine which position is the actual position of the fish. The color of the ocean is also a difficult problem for the fisherman. The difference is that it relies on the experience of the fish dart player. It is not necessary to practice a fish dart player for four or five years. Now like the Maple Leaf Country and some places in Europe, this dart fish is slowly becoming a competitive event. A group of people has more fish than anyone in the dart. It has become a pastime for the rich."

"Our country has never heard of anyone fishing like this!" Pan Peiyu asked puzzledly.

Yang Meng pointed to the ship and said, "Then what's going on with this ship?"

Xiao Peng thought for a while: "It seems that there are still people who use this method to fish in the eastern part of the island. Is this boat coming from over there? What about the people on the boat?"

Yang Meng replied: "The people on the boat? Let me lock it up. You don't know how annoying it is. They can't understand what I say, and I don't understand what they say. Finally, I said it for a long time. I just locked them up and sent them back to the town police station to deal with them!"

Xiao Peng jumped from the boat to the dock: "All, take me to see! Anyway, everyone who can be a dart fisherman is worth knowing. Everyone is a master. Is that a foreigner?"

Yang Meng scratched his head but said, "It should be from Huaxia, right?"

Xiao Peng looked disgusted: "It's all Chinese people talking, don't you understand?"

Yang Meng refused to accept: "You can't understand you even if you go!"

Xiao Peng snorted coldly: "Do you think I am you? Just walk!"

As a result, Xiao Peng saw the two people locked up, both in their fifties. When the two saw Xiao Peng coming in and explaining to Xiao Peng together, Xiao Peng was instantly confused: he really couldn't understand what the two were talking about. . . . . .

Yang Meng looked smug: "Let me tell you, you don't understand!"

Georgina felt a little funny when she looked at the two of them: "It's strange, you are all Chinese. How do you still understand each other?"

Xiao Peng sighed: "Georgina, you still don't understand Huaxia. Do you know how many languages ​​are in Huaxia? 129 languages! And there are big differences!"

Georgina blinked: "My God, 129 kinds? Is it the difference between English and French?"

Xiao Peng said distressed: "There are so many countries in Europe and so many languages, but they all belong to the Indo-European language family. And our Chinese? The 129 languages ​​belong to the Sino-Tibetan language family, Altaic language family, Austronesian language family, and Austro-Asian language family. There are five major languages ​​in the Indo-European language family, as well as five hybrid languages, as well as the most evil Korean language. There are 76 languages ​​in Guanghan and Tibetan languages, 21 in Altaic languages, 16 in Austronesian languages, 9 in South Asian languages, and Indo-European languages. 1 language family! This is not a prescript! God can't learn all the languages ​​of our country!"

"Dude, are you wrong? Our country has only 56 ethnic groups, how can there be so many languages?" Yang Meng said.

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