Godly Fisherman

Chapter 1099: let's go

"What is the fatal loophole?" Dana asked puzzledly.

Xiao Peng snorted coldly: "His experimental subject'Little Albert' himself suffers from a mental illness and is a demented child. In other words, Watson's conclusion is not tenable, and his behavior is extremely cruel. After Albert was frightened of a serious mental illness, Watson was unable to treat it at all. Little Albert died when he was six years old. To avoid such a tragedy from happening again, the Medical Ethics Committee was born later. What about Watson? At that time, he became a famous psychologist, famous child education expert and businessman, claiming: Give me a dozen healthy babies and bring them into my unique world. I can guarantee that I will randomly select them. One, training to be any type of character I choose. What kind of doctors, lawyers, artists, businessmen... No need to consider his talents, inclinations, abilities, race! And there are people who really believe in him, and finally fame and fortune. Close."

Dana's eyes widened: "In his eyes, isn't this child just like a machine? Can it be trained, shaped, and corrected? Can children become social elites through punishment?"

"Well, he said so and did so, and many people believe in his theory, especially in China. Many parents believe that the theory of'filial sons under the sticks' is in line with John Watson's theory. There is a so-called "scientific basis" for the download. It is even more out of control." Xiao Peng replied.

"Does this theory really work?" Dana asked curiously.

Xiao Peng laughed: "It's effective, how can it be ineffective? He taught his children in this way. The son of his second wife suffered from severe depression and committed suicide in his thirties. His ex-wife has two children, his daughter is severely drunk and has tried to commit suicide many times, and his son is idle and wandering around. Even his granddaughter is addicted to alcohol many times and wants to end his life... But even so, many people still treat him extremely seriously. Admired."

"Is anyone admiring him?" Dana's eyes widened.

Xiao Peng nodded: "Of course. His theory is very marketable. There are so many'eagle fathers and tiger mothers' now whose educational theories are based on John Watson's theory. People who are classified as inferior, what is the lifeblood of students, and that everything is inferior, only reading is high. Nothing except exams, EQ is almost zero...Of course, this is not the best. The scary thing, the most terrible thing is that we have a famous "Yang called the animal" in China, which is known as a special treatment for Internet addiction. What kind of treatment is used? It is punishment, such as electrocution, which is to abuse children to death!"

Dana's eyes widened: "Is this all right?"

"Of course it can. At that time, this incident caused an uproar in China. People scolded him to death, but the result? To this day, his'Dengeki Internet Addiction Removal Center' is still in operation, and countless so-called so-called Internet addiction centers have been born in China. 'Quit Net Center'! Why is this happening? Because they make money! Countless parents spend money to send their children there to be called by people. Let’s not talk about the effect of the treatment, let’s just say that those children accept How do you treat your parents after treatment? Will you love your parents? Will you be filial to them?"

Xiao Peng took a sip of beer and moistened his throat: "And can those children really be treated there? There are too many people with mental illnesses! Let me tell you a joke, this Asian Games e-sports LOL champion is us Taken by the country, there is a player named Liu Shiyu in the championship lineup, known as the'hunger strike jungler'. He is one of the most prestigious junglers in the world's LOL project. Unlimited fans and earning more. Absolutely the most One of the successful e-sports players."

Garcia asked puzzledly: "Mr. Xiao, why did you suddenly mention him for?"

Xiao Peng smiled and said: "This guy was sent to the Internet quitting center by his parents and was forced to quit. After quitting for a long time, he did not use his hair, but he came out a world champion. I don't know what his parents think now, but to be honest , Liu Shiyu is rich and famous now, but if he is not filial to his parents, many people can understand it - parents can ignore family affection, then what qualifications do they have to ask their children to be filial?"

After hearing this, Garcia thought for a while: "Mr. Xiao, think from another angle, aren't these children's parents sending their children to the Internet Rehabilitation Center just because they love their children?"

Xiao Peng shook his head: "If you really love your children, you won't be so impatient to send your children to the detention center. The reason for sending them to the detention center is one: we really can't do anything... .. But what about the facts? I still have no patience to focus on my children. The reason is that I want to work and I want to make money, so I simply handed the children to the Net Center for processing. Don’t do that if you two have children in the future. ."

Dana nodded shyly after hearing this: "Thank you Mr. Xiao, we will."

Xiao Peng smiled and said: "I believe you will. The most terrible thing for a family is to find a foolish partner. You both have higher education, so this should be fine."

"Is there a relationship between higher education and ignorance?" Dana wondered.

Xiao Peng nodded: "Of course there is. I'm not saying that people with higher education are not stupid, but most stupid people have no higher education. It is bad luck to find such a partner. Things: Friends for more than ten years, have never quarreled, but because some of them married a best wife, the brothers turned against each other. There are so many stories like this. Forget it, let’s not mention these things. Where will Sun Pengcheng go to fight? The phone is gone? Why haven't you come back?"

Before Sun Pengcheng came back, Xiao Peng himself called. Seeing that it was Pan Peiyu's number, Xiao Peng gestured to the two of Garcia and ran out to answer the phone.

By the time Xiao Peng returned from the call, Sun Pengcheng was already there waiting for him, and the two said in unison: "Let's go..."

Xiao Peng and Sun Pengcheng were taken aback, Xiao Peng asked Sun Pengcheng, "Why did you say you want to leave?"

Sun Pengcheng explained: "Hua COSCO's'China Overseas Global' will arrive at Havana Port in a few days. We want Mengzi to come over."

Xiao Peng was taken aback: "The'China Sea Globe' is here? How did they get here? Can that big guy cross the Panama Canal?"

"Go in the Atlantic Ocean. It's the opposite direction to us." Sun Pengcheng replied.

Xiao Peng sighed after hearing this: "Your grandfather really believes in me, so does he believe that I can do it?"

Sun Pengcheng laughed: "Brother Peng, you think too much. This ship was also going to Cuba. There are a lot of aid goods to be delivered, and we also imported a large amount of zeolite from Cuba."

Xiao Peng said speechlessly: "I'll go, how much zeolite should I import? As for shipping with the ‘China Shipping Global Number’, is it enough for the freight..."

This zeolite is a very peculiar ore, because it will boil when it is burnt, so it is named ‘zeolite’. It is a natural ‘molecular sieve’. Since zeolite is full of tiny holes and channels, it can be used to purify or separate mixed components and absorb various toxic substances. It can be used to deal with situations such as gas separation, oil purification, and treatment of industrial pollution.

Just like the carbon nine leak pollution incident in Quanzhou, Fujian that China made a lot of noise a few days ago, molecular sieves made of zeolite were used to deal with pollution. In fact, Huaxia Hebei has a large amount of natural zeolite, but it has to be imported here. It can only be said that this is a national strategy.

However, what Xiao Peng marveled at was not the import of zeolite from here, but the container ship "China Overseas Global".

This ship is the largest and most advanced container ship in the world and belongs to China Shipping Group Corporation. This ship is definitely a super monster at sea, with a displacement of up to 187,000 tons! Can load 19100 containers! It is 400 meters long and 60 meters wide. The hull is more than four standard football fields. The hull is 67 meters longer than the aircraft carrier "Nimitz"! The displacement is the top two "Liaoning"!

This ship is good everywhere, but not good at all ------ this is a ship built by a plastic surgery country.

Although I don't want to admit it, the shipbuilding industry level of plastic surgery countries does have a side worth learning from China. However, in accordance with China's consistent tradition, after having these large ships, within a few years, China will be able to build it itself.

Now Huaxia dispatched the "China Overseas Global Ship" to import zeolite and bring back the sunken objects that Xiao Peng had fished out. There is really no way to do this! It's definitely a big deal.

Xiao Peng commanded: "Call Mengzi and ask him to leave for Havana Port and tell them that we will meet there."

Sun Pengcheng nodded, then asked Xiao Peng, "Brother Peng, why did you just say you want to leave?"

Xiao Peng sighed: "Don't mention it, I let the toad bite, it's not disgusting enough."

"Toad? What's the matter?" Sun Pengcheng asked puzzledly.

Xiao Peng explained: "I don't know if you know this. It's just that a group of animal protection organizations called'Pita' went to Sidao Town to make trouble. Let me clean up."

Sun Pengcheng nodded: "Why don't I know? This was done before you came, didn't you arrest everyone?"

Xiao Peng snorted coldly after hearing this: "Pita and their'PETA Asia for the Friendly to Animals Asia' on Weibo are desperately trying to keep pace on the Internet, and a group of people went to Sidao Town to make trouble, and some people even dared to set fire at the door of our company. I almost ordered my car! I'm not finished with them! Pengcheng, I won't wait here anymore, I want to return home quickly!"

Sun Pengcheng was dumbfounded: "Brother Peng, let's have something to say, don't mess around with something, okay? How do you say this and leave! There are still big things left to do, what about that super fishery?"

"That's a big deal, just hand it over to a real expert! This Pitta dare to provoke me, they didn't read the almanac when they went out! These grandsons lied to others! If they lied to me, that would be death! "

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