Godly Fisherman

Chapter 1080: Cuban crocodile

"Pengcheng, are you kidding me?" Xiao Peng stared at his surroundings.

They finally reached Youth Island. But the problem arises. This Youth Island has only two ports, one in the west of the island, and one in the north of the island. All of them are small passenger terminals. The connection between Youth Island and the main island of Cuba lies on these two small terminals. These two docks have at least a hundred years of history, right? Except for the passenger ferry, there are small fishing boats owned by Cuban fishermen. Although this'Vladimir' is not a super large fishing boat, it is a lot of trouble to anchor here-this dock is not there yet The shipyard!

The most important thing is that there are really many people at this ferry terminal. As the location of the prison where Lao Ka was held, Qingniandao Island has now become a tourist attraction. Many people come here to visit the museum that was transformed from a prison. And the circle around Pinos is definitely a diving spot. Cuba’s most beautiful shark watching diving is here, so it attracts a lot of tourists. Guarding so many tourists to move down the treasure? I moved today and the world will know tomorrow!

This is not the most nonsense. The most nonsense is the airport on Pinos Island, which is a piece of land. Pull out the grass and compact the ground to become the airport. Around the airport, it was really in a state of ‘being low in the wind and seeing cattle and sheep’, and large planes could not take off and land at all. Xiao Peng unexpectedly saw four of the Old Fortune Fifths he was extremely familiar with. . . . . . Oh, it’s not Yunwu, but the predecessor of Yunwu, the former Soviet Union’s An-2 transport aircraft, which I did not expect to become the mainstream transport aircraft on the island here.

This is not surprising. The An-2 was put into production in 1947 until it was discontinued in 1991, and it has been in production for more than half a century. The total output is nearly 20,000! It can be seen in almost any country in the world.

But the gadgets are good for good, durable and durable, but they really can’t hold so many treasures! Although the treasure of the three containers does not seem to be much, they add up to at least 70 or 80 tons! The load capacity of the An-2 is two tons. How many times does it take to transport it? Besides, with so many gold coins and ingots, what should I do if I pretend to be stolen?

Sun Pengcheng laughed, "Brother Peng, don't be nervous. We have other arrangements. We will play on the island for two days now."

"Fart!" Xiao Peng said silently: "With so many things on the boat, no one dares to leave the boat. Who is responsible for any problems? Are you?"

Sun Pengcheng smiled and took out a sturdy little crocodile from the trunk of the car and said with a smile: "Okay, Brother Peng, don't be nervous. The Cuban military and the fierce guys are all on board. How could something go wrong? Let's go first. Travel to Havana."

Xiao Peng pointed to the crocodile and said, "It is because of this that I am not at ease."

When they arrived at the port just now, people from Cuba sent three cars to the terminal to pick Xiao Peng to the airport. As a result, the car was stopped as soon as they left the terminal. Several people on the side of the road asked them where they were going. I heard that after going to the airport, I have to take a ride. The people in Cuba directly let those people get in the car.

Sun Pengcheng explained: “This Cuban law stipulates that if these green-licensed government cars encounter people who ride, they must unconditionally allow them to ride. There used to be Cuban government officials who were directly dismissed because some people did not let people ride."

Xiao Peng blinked: "Then what if a foreign leader comes? Let people reach out to stop him? Isn't it busy?"

Sun Pengcheng smiled and said: "The leader needs to ride in a black car. That's a diplomatic car."

Xiao Peng said speechlessly: "We should be considered diplomatic, right? Why don't we use black brand cars?"

Sun Pengcheng pointed to the surrounding area and said, "There is no way, this Youth Island does not have a black brand car. It will be easy for us to get to Havana."

After hearing this, Xiao Peng nodded and looked at the crocodile: "Why is this crocodile so weird? Why is there a bone frame on the eyes? Wait, this is a Cuban crocodile?"

The owner of the crocodile is a dark-skinned old man. Although his hair is gray, he is very energetic, and he nodded directly after hearing Xiao Peng's words: "Yes, you are very discerning!"

Xiao Peng and Sun Pengcheng were both stunned, because the old man spoke Chinese!

The old man looked at the eyes of the two and laughed: "Cuba China’s friendship lasts forever. Isn’t it strange that I can speak Chinese? I have been in China for six years to learn advanced agricultural technology. My name is Fernando, and I was originally from the University of Havana. Professor, now, he is an ordinary farmer. But he is also involved in some scientific research projects, such as the protection of Cuban crocodile."

This Cuban crocodile is the rarest crocodile in the world, and it has fewer numbers than the famous Chinese crocodile. This is because its living environment is too narrow, only living in the Zapata Marsh and Youth Island on the island of Cuba. So it was endangered several times. However, the Cubans are also concerned about these crocodiles and actively protect them. They have established three Cuban crocodile protection areas, actively researched artificial breeding techniques, and rescued this kind of crocodiles.

In this respect, their treatment is much better than that of Chinese alligators: Although Chinese alligators have been classified as nationally cherished and protected animals since 1972, today, the number of wild Chinese alligators may be less than 200. For example, Xuancheng, Anhui has the only Chinese alligator reserve in the world, but to this day, local residents still use the water from the pond where the Chinese alligator inhabits to irrigate farmland, cattle, fish, and ducks.

Moreover, the Chinese alligator is docile and timid, and it is not difficult to poach the Chinese alligator. There have always been cases of catching wild Chinese alligators for food and selling small Chinese alligators for money. Therefore, the number of wild Chinese alligators has not risen. Therefore, the Chinese alligator is in an embarrassing situation. On the one hand, the Chinese alligators are artificially raised in the breeding center, and the number has reached close to six figures. On the other hand, the number of wild Chinese alligators has been one or two hundred, and the number has been declining.

However, compared with wild Chinese alligators, wild Cuban crocodile is easier to protect for another reason, because this thing is too aggressive. They can jump out of the water with their entire body to hunt! It is a brave and relentless existence.

Regardless of the size of the Cuban crocodile, it is less than three meters in size, but the temper is definitely the most grumpy of all crocodiles, and it is also the fastest moving of all crocodiles. If you encounter a Cuban crocodile, you are likely to be It attacks. Therefore, its wild protection is much better than the Chinese alligator. There are currently more than 3,000 wild Cuban alligators. . . . . .

Xiao Peng asked: "Fernando, is this Cuban crocodile you are holding a wild Cuban crocodile?"

Fernando nodded; "Of course!"

"Why did you catch it?" Xiao Peng was puzzled: "Do you want to send it to the artificial breeding center?"

Fernando shook his head: "Of course not. Now the protection of Cuban crocodile has a serious protection problem. That is the American crocodile."

Xiao Peng was even more curious: "I can understand if you say that it is a caiman. After all, the caiman eats a small alligator. What does this have to do with the American crocodile?"

Fernando laughed after hearing this: "Wow, I didn't expect you to know this knowledge. You are right. Caiman has the habit of eating underage Cuban crocodiles, but that's not the most terrifying thing. The most terrifying thing is hybridization. Now 49.1% of the wild Cuban crocodile have mixed funds for the American crocodile. If this continues, the Cuban crocodile will be miserable."

Xiao Peng thought about it: "This matter seems not too difficult to solve. The living environment of the Cuban crocodile is a freshwater environment, while the American crocodile needs brackish water. It is enough to find a freshwater environment for the Cuban crocodile to live? Of course, it’s easier said than done, but it’s more difficult to do. Freshwater environment is often the living environment of humans, isn’t it? Can humans make way for crocodiles?

Fernando widened his eyes after hearing this: "Young man, are you also a biologist?"

Xiao Peng shook his head: "No, no, no, oh, sorry, I just forgot to introduce myself, my name is Xiao Peng, I'm just a fisherman, but I like animals very much, and I have many animals myself."

Fernando gave a thumbs up: "People who love animals are kind-hearted people. But you are right. We did that. We are now looking for genetically pure Cuban crocodile and put it in the Zapata Marsh on the island of Cuba. There is fresh water there, no Cuban crocodiles."

After hearing this, Xiao Peng looked admired: "Your animal protection is indeed much better than ours."

Fernando smiled and said: "The key is that we Cubans are few and there is enough space for animals to live. If there really is a conflict with humans, animals will still have to stay aside. For a simple example, let's say that this youth island is actually A whole piece of forest, now? Only the south is the forest, and the species is still being cut down. Who makes the pine wood valuable here."

Xiao Peng sighed. Ironically, the diversity of animals is very important to human life and the earth’s environment, but to protect animals, it must be established on the premise that it does not affect human life. After the conflict, it must be the animal giving way. . . . . .

"Brother Peng, the plane is ready, we can go." Sun Pengcheng waved beside an An-2.

Xiao Peng said to Fernando after hearing this: "Aren't you taking this plane? Do you need to take you with you?"

Fernando shook his head and said, "Thank you for your kindness. Our plane is the one arranged by the Agricultural University of Havana. It is not this one, and there are several groups looking for wild Cuban crocodile but have not come, I have to wait for them. We are not going to Havana, but to the Zapatista Marsh."

Xiao Peng smiled and said, "If that's the case, then I'll go first, Fernando, it's nice to meet you."

Fernando and Xiao Peng shook hands and said goodbye: "Me too! To be honest, I am really happy to see friends from China, but I have to hurry to get these crocodiles and I will participate in a fishery technology exchange meeting in a few days. Let's exchange phone calls. Well, when I return to Havana, I will invite Chinese friends to drink."

Xiao Peng laughed after hearing this: "Then it's okay. According to what you said, we will meet again soon."

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