Godly Fisherman

Chapter 1010: Pack of wolf babies

After returning to Qianliyan, Xiao Peng forgot about the bus transportation. The Qianliyan Hotel and Sihai Fishery Company had to reopen for business. This was enough for Xiao Peng to do.

However, Xiao Peng did not participate in all this. The customer of the fishery company asked Wenjie to notify, and Qianliyan Hotel handed it to Ye Yuli. The money that should be lost would be lost, and someone would pay the bill anyway.

Xiao Peng is not bad for money, but as Sun Lao said, many people are eating with him now, and I can't be sorry for those brothers who follow him so desperately. After all, not everyone is like Qian Feng. You can't knock everyone to death because of a few bastards.

The people of "Pita" are now crying without tears. They have been engaged in rogue environmental protection for so many years, but they have encountered more rogues than themselves. They have not heard of various laws and regulations and went to his door. They Completely dumbfounded, this is the brain flooding, dare to run to China to make trouble?

When Lao Sun left Qianliyan, two people were left behind: one was named Deng Tao, who belonged to Guoan, who was responsible for handling security affairs in the Qianliyan New Tourism Zone. This was a ruthless person. According to Lao Sun, Zhao Jingbo’s affairs were here this time. Dealt with.

In other words, Zhao Jingbo turned out to be very miserable. He was sentenced to 15 years in prison, three years of deprivation of political rights, and illegal gains were confiscated. Zhao Jingbo had no legal gains, and went bankrupt. The most pitiful was her mother, who was originally a wife in Stars and Stripes. When I woke up, I found that I didn't even own the house, and declared bankruptcy directly. I didn't have the money to buy a plane ticket when I wanted to return to China.

It is not easy to be a corrupt official wife.

Huang Xisu and Zhong Wei were released. They were fine, but they had empty pockets. Xiao Peng asked Wenjie to give them two air tickets to the country of plastic surgery, and gave one person 10,000 US dollars, so that they could do it for themselves and did their morals.

Wen Jie was amazed by what Xiao Peng had done. He kept saying that Xiao Peng is a real man, and the benevolent is invincible!

In fact, what Xiao Peng thought was, you hurry up to harm the country of plastic surgery, don't be ashamed of staying in China.

Deng Tao is now dealing with the ‘Petta’ and the others, all kinds of accusations against the ‘Pitta’ members.

Xiao Peng also understood that Deng Tao was sent to stare at Sidao Town. The country has given Qianliyan enough care, and now I am worried about what moth Xiao Peng will produce, so I still have to stare at it.

However, Xiao Peng felt that it didn't matter. After all, he just said that he didn't want to leave China to be a taxpayer in other countries. Also, it's nice to have someone staring. Every time I went out, I would have trouble when I came back to Qianliyan. Did this prevent Xiao Peng from running out? Now Xiao Peng himself felt sick.

This can be regarded as someone helping oneself at the door.

Another person is Zhu Yilin, who is completely different from Deng Tao. He is the liaison officer between the state and Qianliyan. He works in the newly established Sidao Town Tourism New District Management Committee and is responsible for the handover of work with Ye Yuli: supervision of Sidao Town Tourism New District The agency is in charge of Ye Yuli. But let’s not say that the structure of the new tourist area in Sidao Town is really streamlined to the extreme. Xiao Peng is very satisfied with this point. This is what it looks like to do things, nothing else, the leader of the seven aunts, eight aunts, and nine brothers in law. Nephews are sent to provide for the elderly, if they have the ability, they can't.

Qianliyan also returned to normal. Are Sihai Fishery still afraid of no customers? When it was known that the Four Seas Fisheries would re-supply seafood, the threshold was almost flat.

Qianliyan is busy, but one person is almost out of leisure: Xiao Peng accompanies the "crazy horse" every day, and I don't know when he will become a mother.

Xiao Peng simply brought two North American white wolves into his room and built a nest for them. Lest he doesn't know when Crazy Horse wants to be a mother, Xiao Peng can still figure out the dog's expected delivery date and fertility habits, but the North American White Wolf is not a dog. Xiao Peng can only use a dumb way: keep it all day.

Fortunately, this wolf’s fertility habits are similar to those of dogs. Most of them give birth in the middle of the night. Xiao Peng was still asleep on this day. Suddenly he felt that someone was pulling himself. Xiao Peng opened his eyes and saw the sitting cow dangling. His towel was dragged back to wake himself up.

Xiao Peng jumped up from the bed ‘sitting on the cow’ and ‘sit on the cow’ to wake himself up. This can only explain one problem: the ‘crazy horse’ is about to give birth to wolf cubs.

Sure enough, Xiao Peng got up and saw in the wolf's den. Crazy Horse had given birth to the first little wolf cub. He bit the placenta and ate the placenta directly to replenish his strength, and broke the little wolf's belly. Licking his umbilical cord, little by little the mucus on the little wolf's body.

Xiao Peng found a cotton thread, squeezed the umbilical cord that the little wolf had been bitten off and applied iodine on it, so that the umbilical cord could fall off as soon as possible without infection. After doing all this, put the wolf cub next to the "crazy horse" and let it suckle.

To say that the ‘crazy horse’ can also give birth to nine little wolves in one breath. Of course, this is not the most fertile situation. When encountering those wolves that can give birth, a litter can give birth to more than ten! Fortunately, the North American White Wolf has ten nipples, otherwise it would be really hard to feed.

After all the baby wolf babies were born, Xiao Peng replaced the wolf den with new bedding before it was finished, and the sky was already bright. Xiao Peng asked Xiaoqiu to prepare a pot of broth to restore the "crazy horse".

"Boss, this is another group of wolf pups. Boss, let's celebrate today with delicious food?" Xiaoqiu wanted to enter the house, but sitting in the cow did not let him in. Xiaoqiu can only crane his neck and look enviously at the group of little wolf cubs whose eyes have not opened yet.

Xiao Peng's eyes rolled: "Okay, let's celebrate, go, and follow me."

Xiaoqiu was taken aback: "Where are you going?"

"Go find Ah Fu." Xiao Peng closed the door and took Xiaoqiu to the cattle farm. "Today slaughter cows and eat them." There are so many cows on the island that Xiao Peng hasn't eaten yet.

John Love, oh, now his name is Jiang Afu. He is playing chess with Grandpa Xiao. He is now obsessed with this chess game. Early in the morning, he and Grandpa Xiao are in Chu He Han. Seeing Xiao Peng and Xiaoqiu approaching, they raised their hands to greet Xiao Peng. "Boss Xiao, what's the matter?"

Xiao Peng looked around, "Where is my dad?"

Grandpa Xiao said: "He just lost a game of chess and went to herd."

Xiao Peng is speechless, how idle are you: "Dr. Jiang Afu, let's kill a cow and try it?"

After hearing this, Jiang Afu frowned: "Boss Xiao, we only have eight steers here, and the castration time is less than half a year, and the meat quality has not reached the best. It is a pity to eat now."

Like hogs, beef cattle also need to be castrated. Because the nutrients and energy obtained during the growth of cattle are certain, if they are not castrated, a considerable amount of nutrients and energy will flow to the reproductive system, resulting in a decrease in meat production or meat quality and economic losses. Moreover, the castrated bull has a docile temperament, no estrus period, no mating and courtship behaviors, that is, no harm to people, and no fight with other bulls for mates.

There are a total of ten Bohai black bulls in Qianliyan. Jiang Afu singled out the best two as sires, and the other eight were castrated as beef cattle. However, the castration time is still shorter and the taste is not yet the best.

Xiao Peng smiled and said: "It's okay, there are nine more wolf babies on the island early this morning, let's kill a cow to celebrate."

Jiang Afu was taken aback, with a look of surprise on his face. Just about to speak, he heard someone yelling Xiao Peng: "Boss! Boss!" Everyone turned their heads and looked around. It was Joanna who came running, and Chen Zetao supported Academician Liu Yixun. Also came over. Uh? Three of the four biological masters on the island? What is this going to do?

"Boss, I heard that the North American White Wolf has a baby?" Joanna arrived before she arrived.

Xiao Peng nodded: "Yes, the baby just born in the morning. Is there any problem?"

After hearing Xiao Peng's answer, the three people said in unison: "Boss Xiao, I want to take care of the wolf baby!" After the three of them, look at me and you.

Chen Zetao didn't say anything. He said it was useless, or should he go with his tutor?

Xiao Peng smiled bitterly: "Didn't you collaborate on the Bali tiger? That scientific research project has not been completely completed yet? Why did you target the North American White Wolf again?"

Chen Zetao always winked with Xiao Peng, Xiao Peng understood: "Well, let's kill a cow to celebrate, and let's talk about something after we finish celebrating."

Chen Zetao volunteered to go and kill the cows, Xiaoqiu directly stopped him from making trouble: killing cows in the army is a familiar way for Xiaoqiu: at the intersection of the eyes and the horns on the opposite side. Directly stun the cow with electricity at the spot, and then directly use a'big neck' to cut the cow's throat and let the blood flow. After the cow is dead, remove the head, cut off the front and rear hooves, remove the tail and skin, remove the internal organs and use an electric saw to follow The spine saw the beef into two slices.

Xiaoqiu was holding a boning knife: "When I was discharged from the army, I almost went to be a butcher, but unfortunately the slaughterhouse was closed." After speaking, he skillfully divided the meat into pieces.

"What are you doing?" Xiao Peng asked, "Is this beef not sour?" After the beef is slaughtered, the sour must be kept first, otherwise the meat quality will deteriorate.

Xiaoqiu said: "Separate the meat and drain the acid faster. Besides, this beef has different tastes in different positions and is suitable for different cooking methods. It is better to separate it now."

Chen Zetao was stunned when he heard it: "You are so particular about eating beef?"

"Of course." Xiaoqiu chatted, but did not stop working on his hands: "Depending on the position, there are 13 different types of meat on the cow. This is the tenderloin, this is the outer ridge, and the eye , Upper brain, brisket, tender shoulder, loin, rump-meat, knee round, rice dragon, millet dragon, belly meat, tendon meat. Different parts of beef must be cooked differently. Do you think tendon meat and tenderloin meat Does it taste like? Of course, you have to ask the boss how to eat it. He is an expert."

Chen Zetao also wanted to ask Xiao Peng how to make beef, but Xiao Peng first asked him: "What happened just now? Didn't you study the Bali tiger together? Why are you studying the North American white wolf again?"

Chen Zetao replied in a low voice: "It's not because of the issue of the authorship of the paper."

This said, Xiao Peng understood: "Tsk tsk, they are all well-known zoologists, but I didn't expect that they are also the people who have earned their reputation."

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