Shouted on the stadium: “Let’s welcome… Champion – Sporting de Gijón!!”

“Sporting de Gijón Athletic!”

“Sporting de Gijón Athletic!”

The players of the Sporting de Gijón Athletics team walked on the temporary podium in the cheers of their supporters. Under the background card with the words “2003/2004season King Cup Champion”. They took the gold medal from Spain King Carlos I.

Into the King’s Cup finals, won the Champion, Spain King Juan Carlos I personally awarded the gold medal! ! !

This is a time that many people can’t dream of – they will become the Champion of Copa del Rey, and the next season can also participate in the Europe UEFA Europa League!

When they were still feeling gray for their future three months ago, have you thought about this day?

Who brought them such a glorious moment?

Everyone’s eyes are looked towards Waiting for Manager Li Ang under the podium!

When Li Ang stepped onto the podium, there was a big cheer in the stands that was bigger than before.

All Sporting de Gijón fans know who brought the shed the body and exchange the bones to the team, who brought the team a new life and who brought the team to the team. Champion trophy? !

It is this China Manager!

They thank him!

They trust him!

At this moment, they worship him!


Li Ang went to the front of Spain’s King Juan Carlos I. The old king took his hand and smiled: “Congratulations, Li Ang Mr., you let the entire Spain re-recogn China football, your team performance Great, congratulations, Champion coach!”

Li Ang smiles, he has slowed down from the excitement.

“Thank you, His Majesty the King.” Li Ang owed his body and asked King King to hang his gold medal around his neck.

Then King Carlos I also hugged a special moment with Li Ang, which made the cheers of the sports clubs of the Sporting de Gijón in the stands a little bigger.

“I am a Real Madrid fan, but I still have to say that you deserve Champion!” said the old king in his ear lightly said.

Li Ang groaned and then bowed slightly and smiled.

The people who came out to accept the gold medal behind Li Ang were the other members of the coaching staff. They worked hard for the team to get Champion, and they also had a gold medal.

After the coaching staff, came up with Juan Carlos, the child from the slum, the child who was missing nothing in Heaven or Earth. At this moment, he was a little scared. He never dreamed that he could one day be crowned by the king. Give him a gold medal!

“Good job, Juan!” The King looked down and followed child, said with a smile.

“Ah – thank you, thank you, Your Majesty.” Carlos stuttered. Then the child bit the gold medal in the mouth of Barry, biting hard, Li Ang looked at the kid, guessing whether Carlos was testing and whether the gold medal was pure gold.

Carlos I and Carlos hugged, and the journalist on the side of the field pressed the shutter to record this historic moment.

“His Majesty, also known as Juan Carlos,” Mata said to Carlos.

“Ah, I don’t know.” Juan Carlos said with amazement.

Mata looked at this teammate silently.


The last person to receive the award was the team’s Captain Miguel Cobas.

The atmosphere of the Santiago Bernabéu Stadium Stadium reached its climax when he took over the golden light glittering King’s Cup trophy from His Majesty the King.

The Reds squirts and ribbons spurt out of the background template, flying all over the sky, and the classic We Are The Champions is played in the Stadium.

“Congratulations to Sporting de Gijón! Congratulations! They are the winners of 2003-2004season Copa del Rey Champion! They are Champion !!”

Manager Li Ang and the team Captain Miguel Cobas, the two together raised the Champion trophy!

In an instant.

The Santiago Bernabéu Stadium Stadium has bursts of fireworks and beautiful fireworks.

This must be Real Madrid’s preparation for their Champion…

Li Ang squinted and watched the fireworks and beautiful fireworks.

Beautiful mood.

Satisfied mood.

At this moment, he really has a kind of We Are The Champions, we are the feeling of the king of World…

Champion feels so good!

The most special gift of the 321 chapter!

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