People who look good…

After Askari left, 18 bit her lip lightly, hugged her knees with her hands for a long time, and waited until the sun was warm on her body Then I got up and moved towards the villa.

Android’s lifespan is much longer than the ordinary person class, so you don’t have to consider that many now.

It’s true that, like Askari, as her strength grows, fewer and fewer people can be seen by her, but 18 hasn’t had Askari’s bold idea of ​​raising one if she can’t find it. , Her thoughts are still very conservative, and she still hopes to find one among the people she knows around her.

Although this probability is not great.

In fact, among that many people, Luffy is quite suitable. Both his age and strength rank well, but I don’t know why, but 18 is quite repulsive about it, even she herself doesn’t know why!

“Forget it, I don’t want to be that many. It’s not that important to marry or not. I blame Askari, it’s okay to talk about this topic.”

18 shook his head and turned Forget all your troubles.

By the way, is the relationship with the junior sisters Freia and Nuoya not close enough?

Never get along much.

Standing next to the fence of the villa balcony, 18 with his chin resting on his hands, his eyes looked towards the two children laughing and playing loudly on the glade. What I say is also a big senior sister. I should show them my concern about being a senior sister. Well, prepare some delicious food for them…

By the way, I will also prepare a portion for the Teacher.

Thinking about this, 18 changed into a good mood and went into the kitchen to get ready.

After a lot of busy work, a few desserts that didn’t look very good were finished. Looking at the results of my hard work, 18 nodded and laughed.

It looks a little ugly, but the taste is okay.

I hope they will like it!


On the coast, Askari did not continue to grill the fish, but sat on a big tree for a nap, and saw 18 walking towards the clearing with dessert, Askari Turning his head, it looked like he was going to deliver snacks.

I wondered: “When did Lazuli learn to make desserts?”

However, because I had already filled my stomach just now, I didn’t have the past to join in the fun.

“Teacher, here are some desserts, you can take them and eat them.” 18, holding the plate and walking lightly.

Rolande looked at the dim sum which was not very nice, and smiled to 18: “Lazuli, did you make this yourself?”

“en. “18 softly un’ed , “First time, it doesn’t look very good, but the taste is okay.”

“Then I’ll try it.”

Rolande smiled and picked up a nodded, and tasted it. I took a bite, um, the taste is not bad, and he praised: “It’s delicious, I can’t see that you still have this talent.”

18 After listening, a faint smile appeared on that delicate face.

“Senior sister, senior sister, we want too.” Freia pleasing to the ear yelled.

18 Smiling and passing the dessert to them, Freia and Nuoya accepted the dessert and thanked them politely.

Rolande is satisfied with this scene of looked at, and said: “Is there any training problem recently? I’ll solve it for you if you have it.”


18 Immediately nodded, quiet voice resounded, and then sat down next to Rolande, and talked about the problems he encountered in training. After listening, Rolande gave a reply one after another.

18 I’m currently in the advanced stage of God Order. Because it’s Android, I don’t know how to train next. Rolande’s suggestion is to let her increase her strength to God Order first, and then insights. realm.

Although the level of Power God is slightly lower than that of Realm God, it is God Order in the end. Compared with mortal, having God Power and not having God Power will face completely different situations. , When the time comes, the feeling is different, the understanding of realm is also different, which may have a promoting effect.

Rolande didn’t have much hope of being Realm God at the time, so he chose to become a Power God first.

After listening to Rolande’s description, 18 thoughtful nodded, a smile appeared on his pretty face, and the blue pupils were like a calm lake, rippling waves unconsciously.

“Thank you Teacher, I know how to do it.” 18 thanks.

Rolande said with a smile: “If you don’t understand anything in the future, just ask me, I’m your Teacher, I’m responsible for answering your doubts.”

Before it was basically stocking This kind of education has not fulfilled the responsibility of guidance. After becoming the 4th Order, Rolande has a lot of time to guide the discíple carefully.

“Well, I will often trouble the Teacher in the future.” 18 smiled brightly.


Suddenly, Rolande noticed that there were two black spots in the distant sky, so he stood up gracefully by supporting the whole person with his arms, and the 18 beside him also found out After removing the two black spots, he glanced at his eyes, wiped the dust off his body, and then stood up.

“Teacher, who is here.” 18 Nice voice resounded.

“It’s Goku and them.”

Rolande whispered to himself, expression very indifferent.

Although Son Goku’s Ki’s interest has been very low, for Rolande, the huge aura is still like brilliant sun, clearly visible.

18 squinted his eyes and looked towards the distance, trying to see the appearance of the visitor. As the distance got closer, Son Goku’s familiar figure came into view, and he followed him Son Goten also came over with the child who looked very similar, but it looked like he was pulled over.

“Yeah, Rolande, Lazuli are here too!” Son Goku said hello.

“Why are you here?” Rolande asked.

Son Goku chuckled, “I’ll ask you about training.” Then he said to Son Goten: “Go play with Freia and the others.”

Son Goten bian A little bit of his mouth, he said pitifully: “No, they will bully me.”

“Be bold, so it’s not like a Saiyan.”


Son Goten was reprimanded by Son Goku, and was immediately wronged.

18 Upon seeing this, thinking that this is a good opportunity to enhance the relationship between several children, so they volunteered to take them to play together, Freia and Nuoya rolled the eyes, and immediately responded. Son Goten had no choice but to Pulled away by several people forcibly. As he walked, he looked back, rather reluctantly.

After Son Goten and the others left, Rolande asked Son Goku what he would like to ask.

Son Goku said with a serious face: “It’s about that Super Saiyan God. After seeing your power, I went back and thought about it for a long time, but there was no nodded thread.”

“How is your transformation trained?”

Rolande smiled and replied: “Strictly speaking Super Saiyan God does not belong to transformation. Of course, for you, it’s okay to regard it as a kind of transformation. .”

True Super Saiyan God is a sublimation of Super Saiyan, there is no so-called transformation concept, such as Rolande and Sephiria, because they are upright training, so after completion, Super Saiyan God It is their base form.

Only those who are unable to train at home, or rely on clever methods to advance, will it be regarded as a kind of transformation.

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