“Miss Sephiria!” After seeing the appearance of Sephiria and their figure, Chi-Chi’s frowning brows finally stretched out, revealing a relieved smile.

“It’s finally here.” Piccolo is also sighed in relief.

The support staff finally arrived.

Then they looked towards Sephiria and their faces couldn’t help but froze, because at this time the images of Sephiria and Melilla had changed from the previous earth shaking, and the beautiful hair of Sephiria turned red just like Rolande. The aura on the body is also completely disappeared.

Godly aura mortal can’t be felt. In Piccolo’s eyes, Sephiria has become extremely ordinary. The red beautiful hair shines with brilliant luster, but it gives people a very profound feeling.

“Sure enough, the red Super Saiyan is also a transformation, and it is a very deep realm.” Piccolo said silently in his heart, confirming that the red Super Saiyan is not unique to Rolande.

When I looked at Melilla again, he frowned.

If the red Super Saiyan can be interpreted as Rolande’s state, but what is the blue Super Saiyan?

From the perspective of Shen Yun, the blue Super Saiyan is no worse than the red Super Saiyan.

Is it also a kind of profound realm?

Piccolo found that Super Saiyan Transformation is too much, just forget the regular black hair Saiyan and blond Super Saiyan, and now there are red hair and blue hair Super Saiyan, plus Planet Sadala. There is also Mutant Super Saiyan that can perform green transformation.

There are currently five known, and who knows if there will be others in the future.


After the arrival of Sephiria and Melilla entire group, they glanced at the people on The Lookout, nodded, and quickly sensed the power of the bursts out in the southern part of the Earth, slightly sensed, A hint of surprise flashed across Sephiria’s cold face, and the energy on Antarctica was quite impressive.

At this time, with a crisp sound in the ears, Freia and Nuoya two children flew over.

“mother! mother!” Seeing their mother appeared, the two children yelled crisply and plunged into the arms of Sephiria and Majin Emma respectively.

Sephiria caught Freia, who was flying, pinched her white face, and then handed it to Melilla. Melilla immediately hugged the child lovingly, and looked at Freia carefully, um, grown up A lot, the weight has also increased.

Sephiria said: “The person on Antarctica is Momongan? The strength is not bad, and it has reached the God Order.”

Melilla followed: “The power has not reached the 2nd Order.”

“He died once and was indeed different, but how did he resurrect? The power has become stronger.” Majin Emma cast aside his lips, and obviously already absorbed him at the beginning. Now that he has been resurrected, he has been promoted even more. .

“Cough, I know this.” North Kai lightly coughed, “Momongan will become stronger because it absorbs the Evil Ki that has been piled up all year round in Hell.”

“You know that It’s Evil Ki, why not deal with it?” Majin Emma asked strangely.

“Uh…I didn’t find it before…”

North Kai wiped a cold sweat, immediately speechless. Under normal circumstances, the staff members of Other World would often patrol Hell, but Hell’s conditions are too bad, the workload is already large, and that many evil prisoners need to be managed, which results in a shortage of manpower and ignores those Evil Ki.

If it hadn’t been for Momongan’s incident this time, and the investigation was conducted in reverse, North Kai would not have known that Hell had accumulated that many Evil Ki unconsciously.

Negligence at work!

But it’s too late to say this. Now that Momongan has resurrected, the top priority is to deal with him first, and I’ll talk about it later.

speaking of which This is also caused by the failure of Hell in the North Area.

“Lord Kai manages everything every day, and there are too many things under its jurisdiction.” Seeing that North Kai was embarrassed, Piccolo quickly changed the subject, “Miss Sephiria, Earth’s great crisis, I have to trouble you to help.”


“Yes, Senior Brother Goku, none of them are opponent. Only Miss Sephiria can deal with Momongan.” Chi-Chi also asked Sephiria. As the Goddess of Earth, she first cares about the safety of Earth.

“I’m understood, trivial Momongan is not a concern.”

Sephiria’s voice is flat, but his tone is unquestionable, “Melilla and Emma go with me, Askari and 18 you haven’t When you reach the God Order, just stay on The Lookout.”

“Okay.” 18 complied, unwilling to cause trouble.

Although Askari begins to stir, he knows that he has a lot of money. It is not always certain who beats him after he goes up, so he has no choice but to nodded.

Melilla chuckled and gave Freia to Askari, “Askari, take care of the younger sister.”

Askari un’ed, hug Freia who is a few years old, At this time Emma also handed Nuoya over. The two children seemed to like Askari, the older sister, with their small hands tightly holding her arms, one on the left and the right as if weighing a weight.

Askari rolled the eyes, let Freia and Nuoya hold them.

“Let’s go, Luffy and the others won’t be able to hold it anymore.” Sensing aura on the Antarctic side that is gradually weakening, Sephiria said to Melilla and Emma.

Melilla and Emma nodded, lock Luffy their Ki and prepare to teleport over.

“Earth’s safety is handed over to you all.” Chi-Chi and Suno said with serious expressions.

“en. ”

Sephiria waved his hand, a strong pressure rose on his body, and then moved towards the location where Luffy was with Melilla and the others.

Shoo, a burst of pressure flashed by, in the eyes of everyone, Sephiria and the others turned into flowing light, disappeared.

Super Saiyan God already has a strong God pressure on his body. Although I don’t know what realm God like Sephiria are, the powerful pressure is no longer the Ordinary God can bear.

After Sephiria and Melilla left, North Kai wiped a cold sweat and sighed: “worthíly is in the powerhouse of Destruction Gods Planet training. I can’t stand the pressure on my body. A few of them are there. Earth’s safety is no problem.”

The aid lineup is so large, it will only be Momongan if it is a tragedy.

“By the way, what is the form of Askari, Miss Melilla? It looks the same as Miss Sephiria, but why is the color different?”

Piccolo asked his doubts in his heart.

Askari blunt’s replied: “Their shape is Super Saiyan God. As for the reason why Melilla’s hair is blue, it is probably because of the different origin of Super Saiyan God. In fact, Melilla is not the Saiyan of our Planet Sadala.”

“It turned out to be like this, Super Saiyan God, this is their name.” Piccolo was taken aback, thoughtfully: “So Rolande is also Super Saiyan God?”


Askari nodded, Super Saiyan God is no secret on Planet Sadala, only some people on Earth don’t know.

“What God is Super Saiyan God?” North Kai asked curiously.

“Super Saiyan God is Realm God. To be precise, it is 2nd Order Realm God. It is the state of Super Saiyan training as a god.”

“What is Realm God?” North Kai asked again.

hearing this, Askari rolled the eyes, “You don’t know at all?”

“What should I know?” North Kai frowns.

In the face of North Kai’s reaction, Askari immediately became speechless, good guy, you are Kai, how come you don’t know the division of God.

Then Askari remembered that North Kai is just the God of the galaxy area, and may not know the division of Universe Level God.

But she is too lazy to answer now.

At this time, kind-hearted 18 came out and gave North Kai a popular science on the division of Universe God and the level of God. After knowing the division of Realm God, Power God, and Dimensional God, North Kai was confused. , Some wonder if I am God.

How could he not know this knowledge at all.

Is my level too low to be qualified to know this? No, Kai’s status is high enough!

North Kai immediately fell into suspicion.

If Rolande is here, if he knows North Kai’s confusion, he must not help but laugh, because the recognition is said to be Kai, even the Grand Kai of galaxy may not be clear. You should know that in the Dimensional God level, Grand Kai is only ranked last.

As for Kai, I really don’t even qualify for the ranking!

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