God Level Demon

Chapter 2867

2881. Chapter 2867

    Chapter 2867


    At this point Azure Oxs silhouette appeared at Tan Menglu and the others.

    “Grandfather, what’s the matter with the network in the end? Why is it suddenly interrupted?” Chong Xiaoqian and the others saw Azure Ox coming up and immediately looking for a networker like a bad player.

    “Oh, well, the master went to another Universe, and the network couldn’t recover in a short time, because another Universe couldn’t connect signal.”

    Azure Ox explained.

    Another Universe?

    Hear that, Chong Xiaoqian, Tan Menglu, and a lot of Gaia Laurie are all fog water, and they have no idea about Universe, let alone other Universe.

    “That’s it.”

    Azure Ox explained to them the concept of multiple Universe.

    “What, the master of this bastard went to another Universe, how could he just run and let us break the Internet?”

    Tan Menglu face is green, and she doesn’t care to go to another Universe, which is just a place for her, nothing.


    most important question now is that they can hardly do anything about it, as if they went to a backward, without any signal, and simply was isolated.


    is also no signal in Nice World, but after Black Hole Insect Clan opened up to Space Tunnel, it seems that the signal from Universe Virtual Network was introduced into Hell World so that it can be accessed on the Hell World.

    If you come to the Evil Universe, you can’t do anything about it anymore, all the signals are interrupted.

    “No way, go to another Universe?”

    A few Gaia Laurie’s gone, and they can’t imagine the world having so much Universe, and they’re just one of those Universe that’s all, and it’s really a big look, and even the other side left its universe.

    Even the Chief of his own Gaia family cannot do this, and they followed a kind of horror character around the end.

    They’re both dumbstruck.

    “Yeah, it’s a serious thing to disconnect the network, if you can get the King back, go anywhere else, have no network, nothing good.”

    Chong Xiaoqian screams.

    “I’m afraid not. In a short time, the owner is can’t do anything about it back.”

    Azure Ox rock.

    “Short time? How short is that?”

    Tan Menglu was very sensitive to the problem.

    “Because the two Universe Time-Flow Speed is different, the world Universe has passed 100 years over the past day, and now the owner will at least be back at 100 years in the evil Universe, and now Universe is likely to pass several days.” Azure Ox has indicated that at least a few hundred years will be spent.

    “How many hundred years? It’s over. It’s over. A few hundred years can’t go online. It’s better to die.”

    Tan Menglu and Chong Xiaoqian two ashen-faced people thought they couldn’t reach the Internet for a few hundred years, which was simply prison, no, that simply was worse than prison.

    What did they do wrong in the end? Do you like playing games online?

    to be honest, they can’t even do anything about that day.

    “By the way, Mountains and Oceans Book World is not using space channel? We just run back to the original Universe, and we don’t need to stay with the motherfucker in this boring place.”

    Tan Menglu immediately remembers this.

    “No, space channel is no longer connected.”

    Azure Ox shakes his head, saying it’s already can’t do anything about it.

    The former Mountains and Oceans Book were able to connect to different places because they were able to feel Space Node in another place, which generated a combination and formed Space Tunnel.

    But it’s not possible to use Mountains and Oceans Book World to return to the present Universe.

    “Dead, I’m dead, life has no meaning anymore.”

    Tan Menglu and Chong Xiaoqian fell on the ground for a second, ashen-faced, lost their eyes, spilled white cigarettes, as if Soul had risen all day, like salt.

    Seeing this scene, Azure Ox is very naughty, and perhaps it is possible to take this opportunity to treat their two cyberaddicts so that they can continue to fall like this.


    The blink’s gone for a month.

    At the same time, Xia Ping has been at the exploring base in cautiously, and then, on the basis of surroundings Void Monster’s chat, he knew this place was called Space-Time Palace, the “keys to the door” Jude? Sotos, the bases created by many evil gods are the only bases used to attack Hell World.

    nor is there a cooperative relationship between the reality’s evil and evil, and there are competing relationships that may even be the opposite ones.

    There are also different camps between them.

    In the evil of different battalions, if new Universe is discovered, they will all occupy themselves and will not be interfered with by the evil of other battalions, and, of course, the newly discovered natural resource of Universe naturally belongs to them.

    And Xia Ping also found that the evil men in this Universe were not usually asleep among them, leaving the evil Universe, looking for a new Universe in Chaos among them.

    It’s been asleep because these evil gods are just awake, and they consume a lot of Universe Energy, which will accelerate the extinction of the Evil Universe.

    So most evil gods will go to sleep to minimize the consumption of Universe, and only at a critical moment will evil servant wake up to fight.

    Of course, some powerful evil gods are reluctant to sleep, and they leave the evil Universe and go somewhere else to exploring.

    If a new Universe could be found, they would be able to obtain more natural resources to delay the speed of the Universe’s recession.

    In addition, the composition of the Evil Universe is unique, and it is not at all known as Stars, and it is born in each and Great Thousand Worlds, and is in all corners of the Evil Universe.


    Evil Universe is said to have millions and millions of Great Thousand Worlds, where countless lives.

    Each evil god dominates at least 100 million Great Thousand Worlds, and some powerful evil gods even dominate several trillions of Great Thousand Worlds, with a vast territory.

    And all these life in the world, all natural resources belong to this evil property, and no other evil god can partake.

    If you want partake, there will be a jihad.

    If it were before, the evils would often have fought for territory, so much less, but now, in order to avoid accelerating the extinction of Universe, they would all fall asleep and would not wake up easily.

    So at this moment, the evil Universe territory has been divided, and there will be no change.

    “Leave this Space-Time Palace and say it again.”

    Xia Ping decided to leave the base first, exploring all the Great Thousand Worlds of the Evil Universe, looking for a God’s way, or finding other cultivation natural resource.

    (This chapter is over)

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