Goat Simulator Chapter 59

When I woke up again, I found myself standing there with Basilisk staring at me in front of me, but this time it said first: "Why are you okay?"

"Because I'm so powerful!" After I said that, I activated the rapid sheep, and then fiercely rammed it, the silly lizard didn't have time to dodge, and was pierced by my sheep's horn.

Basilisk shook his head in pain, trying to throw my sheep off his head, this guy's life force is so tenacious, he even stabbed him in the head and didn't die, and he gave the ray to him. Hit me, and let me start to petrify again.

But I soon found out that I was thinking too much. Basilisk life force was not perfect. After struggling for a while, it died. It seems that most creatures can't live if their heads are poked.

When it died completely, I was gradually petrified again, but it didn't take long for me to wake up again, and it seemed that the petrification didn't have much effect on me.

After throwing the dead lizards off their heads, I came to the little masters and the others. Looking at the horrified expressions they kept before they were petrified, I didn't seem to understand what was going on.

But think about it, such a big sandstorm, you can't see the surrounding scenery at all, who knows where a Basilisk is hiding, but I don't know why Basilisk can see them.

It is estimated that they were petrified one by one. Under normal circumstances, maybe Knight might have killed the Basilisk. After all, the monster's defense is not too strong.

But the Basilisk is so dominant in that dust, but it deserves the bad luck of meeting a goat as strong as mine.

However, little masters and the others are still looking for materials in this state, and I don't know if they are dead or not. Maybe they can try to rescue them with sacred liquid.

Thinking about how I gave them one by one, I couldn't squeeze it out in the end. Fortunately, it was distributed evenly, and no one was treated badly.

Then I watched them quietly, and soon after, the ash-gray on their bodies gradually faded and returned to their original appearance. Fortunately, they were still alive.

"What's going on?" the little master asked in fear. At this time, Knight looked around and saw the corpse of the lizard, as if he understood.

I explained: "During the sandstorm just now, a Basilisk plotted against you, petrified you all, and I rescued you."

"Thank you so much. My little luck!" Saying that, the little master threw himself on me, hugged me hard, and asked after a while, "How did you save us?"

"You just Don't worry, I naturally have my own way." I said looking towards silly dog, silly dog has enjoyed this kind of treatment several times.

apprentice magician stared at me with burning eyes. I enjoyed the enthusiasm in those eyes, and it seemed that another fanatical believer was about to be born.

At this time, Knight asked, "Have you seen our camel?" He glanced at the horse that had just recovered from the petrification, and I hooked the head, and said, "No, maybe a sandstorm I was scared and ran away."

He didn't ask any further, but asked everyone to look around, wanting to make sure there was no danger nearby. After a while, Knight shouted: "Everyone, come to me. Here, here is the entrance to the ruins."

After hearing his words, everyone gathered over, and after I passed, I saw a huge stone slab, which Knight was struggling to lift. open.

Others hurried to help when they saw this, and lifted it up together, but the moment they lifted it, a black glow stabbed Knight.

The angle of the black glow is tricky, and it just stabbed between the seams of Knight's armor, and instantly stabbed into his body, and Knight suddenly screamed.

Looking at Knight's face turned black, he fell to the ground weakly, but pieces of golden light appeared on his body, as if trying to prevent the spread of toxins.

At this time, a huge scorpion sprang out from the entrance, at least two meters long. As soon as it came out, it threw its pincers twice, and immediately threw the warrior and assassin out.

The archer hurriedly shot an arrow in the past, and the arrow accurately hit the scorpion's eye, which immediately angered it, and rushed straight to the archer.

At the same time, the priest also released an antidote to Knight. After Knight slowed down a little, he stood up hard and raised the long sword in his hand with a roar.

The long sword golden light in his hand soared, almost two meters long, and then clenched the fiercely with both hands and slashed towards the giant scorpion that was facing away from him.

whoosh sound The giant scorpion was split in half. This scene shocked everyone. The formidable power of Knight's blow was so strong.

The shooter looked at this scene and murmured: "Level 4..." However, as his voice fell, the golden light on Knight dissipated, and then fell to the ground weakly.

Seeing this, the priest hurried up and tried his best to release the healing technique for him, but the poison seemed to be very powerful. Knight's face was getting darker and darker, and it didn't seem to improve at all. died.

"How can this happen!? Why doesn't it work?" the priest said anxiously, while trying to treat Knight.

After a while, everyone looked towards me, and I knew it was time for me to play again.

"You all get out of the way, let me come." As I said that, I walked up to Knight, who opened his mouth and breathed desperately, seemingly out of breath.

The little liquid I had just accumulated, I had to drain it out again. When I walked up to him, I raised my legs slightly, and a crystal water column accurately fell into his mouth.

In an instant, Knight was choked up and coughed wildly, and soon coughed up large pieces of black stuff, but the black on his face was much better, as if he had spit out all the toxins .

Although his face is no longer dark, his face doesn't seem to be very good-looking, and other people seem to have become very bad faces, as if they don't like the good things I give them. , but what are the life-saving things to choose from, the silly dog wants me to give it or not.

Knight seemed to have completely slowed down after a while there, and said, "Thank you for being lucky." "You're welcome, if you don't have a good time, I'll save some more for you later." I am so loyal.

However, Knight's face seemed to be even more ugly, and he waved his hand hurriedly and said: "It's already good, no need."

It's better not to use it, there is not even a single water in this broken place. , I have to keep the water in my body, I have given you all the water, what should I do if my body is short of water, because I have four stomachs.

After resting for a while, Knight said, "Let's go in, I'm in front, and you are behind me." "Boss, are you Level 4?" At this time, the warrior asked. .

Knight nods and said: "I just broke through when I was about to die, but at that time the toxins had already invaded the body, so they couldn't be excreted, otherwise they wouldn't be invaded by toxins more after exerting force. "

"That's very good, we will be considered a relatively powerful high level mercenary group in the future." The priest shouted happily.

Knight nodded with a smile and said: "Yeah, but you have to step up your cultivation and reach Level 3 as soon as possible, so that our mercenary group is not just in name only, but also in reality. "

"Don't worry, boss, we should be almost there too." After the shooter finished speaking, Knight looked around at the people, and the others were nodded.

At this time, the smile on Knight's face was even stronger, and he said: "That's really good, I hope you can reach Level 3 before the end of this mission, so we can just finish the mission. Apply to become a high level mercenary group."

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