Goat Simulator

Chapter 339

Goat Simulator Chapter 339

"The emperor was killed!?" People suddenly screamed, but they were killed. It was a bit miserable that he died within seconds of becoming the king of God.

But it was the First Prince who died, so it can only be said to be retribution. Whoever made this guy not a person can do anything as a bastard.

After the First Prince was killed, the Chief Mage immediately protected the little master with a protective shield, watching the sky vigilantly, for fear that the Demon King would return.

Although the people under the altar were flustered, not many dared to escape. Who knows if they would be directly bombarded by the Demon King if they ran away.

After standing here for a while, most people start to panic completely, and finally someone wants to run away.

Seeing that the situation was not good, the chief mage tried to stabilize the scene and said, "Don't panic, the Demon King has already run away. Although the emperor was killed, we can't live without a leader."

After everyone heard it, they all looked towards him, and then the chief mage continued: "Fortunately, we still have Lulu, the descendant of the First Prince, and she can legally inherit the throne of the emperor."

"But she's a woman, so how can she be an emperor?" Some people raised objections. The First Prince's ashes have not yet cooled, and some people have begun to fight for power. They don't care about their ability, and they are not afraid of being killed by the Demon King. ?

Others also echoed. Obviously, no woman has ever been an emperor. Most of them can't accept such a thing.

But what is there, there is no first time, just get used to it, if these guys dare to talk nonsense again, I will let them go to see the First Prince.

The chief mage said: "What you said is very reasonable, I know that even if she becomes the king of God, you will not be convinced, but the empire always needs a leader, so who will be the one? ? You? Or you?"

He pointed to some people in the crowd who had some Imperial Family bloodline, they all shrank back after being pointed out, obviously they don't dare to be emperors under this circumstance , who are afraid of being the next to be killed by the Demon King.

Seeing that they didn't dare to say anything, the chief mage said: "Since everyone doesn't believe her, it's better than this, now the biggest threat on the continent is the Demon King and the army of demons, who can defeat the Demon King, just be the emperor, what do you say?"

The following is silent, Demon King is immortal, but no one dares to be the emperor, so he can only accept this method, even if he doesn't accept it, what can he do? None of them dared to be the emperor for a few seconds.

"If no one speaks, then I'll assume that you all agree." After the chief mage said, he used his robe to roll Lulu and disappeared.

The people around the altar also left this place of right and wrong, for fear that the Demon King would come back to slaughter again.

These guys don't have the strength, and they still think about beautiful things all day long. Isn't it good to go home and hold their wives and dream big? If it wasn't for the fear that little masters would become emperors and no one would manage the empire, I would have killed them long ago.

Then it's time to figure out a way for little master to defeat the Demon King, but it seems a bit fake to defeat it directly. Although they didn't dare to say anything, if they were unconvinced, they would have to deal with it sooner or later.

So I still have to give the little master a set of things that will frighten them for many years. After getting the Divine Item set of the Eternal Great Emperor, no one dares not to listen to her.

When the time comes with the chief mage, the second younger brother and the noble boy to assist them, there should be no big problem, the little master can be a mascot, and her cunning mother will do it The backing.

When I flew back to the mage tower, the little master was still stunned and said to the chief mage: "teacher, how can I be the emperor, let them be."

The Chief Mage said: "It's not about you being inappropriate now, it's how we lead the Empire to fight the Demon King. I didn't immediately let you be in order to protect you, so that the Demon King would suddenly appear and kill you. "

He dares! If the Demon King dares to attack the little master, I'll screw his head off.

"Ah? So how should we fight against the Demon King?" The little master was a little bit not knowing what to do, as if he had forgotten about his parents, and only had the Demon King and the demon army in his mind.

After all, she is still a little girl. Although she has just turned 14 years old according to the standards of this world, it does not mean that she can be alone.

But she is already an adult, so theoretically I should find her a husband, but such an excellent girl as little master is still the emperor of Human Race, it seems that no one is worthy of her.

Looking back, I have to figure out who is suitable for her. When the time comes, a little master will be born to take over.

At this time, the chief mage said: "What we discussed before was to find the last piece of Treasure Map, which is also the most crucial middle piece, and then we can follow the Treasure Map to find what was left by the Eternal Great Emperor. That set of Divine Items."

"Are we going together?" the little master asked, and the chief mage shook the head and said, "You are the one who brought people, I can't leave the empire, or else If the army of demons comes, I can't resist it."

I immediately said, "It's fine, I promised your father to accompany him before, and now it happens to accompany you, if you can't, I will call you. Your biological mother."

"Didn't the father mother move away from the village and have not been found? Why did First Prince suddenly become my biological father, and the biological mother you said?"


little master had already guessed that the mother I was talking about was not her former mother, but her own mother, which made her panic a little, and could not accept such a large amount of information for a while.

I explained: "It's like this, the master and the mistress are your adoptive parents, but you were not born to them, your father is the First Prince, and your mother is... She's gone."

The old witch walked into the mage tower while I was talking, apparently the chief mage had met her before, otherwise she wouldn't be able to enter the mage tower.

The old witch walked towards the little master with tears in her eyes, and murmured, "Lulu... I've worked hard for you all these years."

little master stood there dumbfounded , a little feeling of not knowing what to do, it seems that the sudden addition of a mother made her mind stop for a while.

The old witch walked in front of little master and put her in her arms. Tears could not stop falling, but little master didn't know where to put her hand.

She doesn't have any feelings for the old witch. In the little master's mind, the adoptive parents and adoptive mothers are the parents and mothers. It would be merciful not to kill it.

I saw that the little master had no feelings for the old witch at all, so I reminded: "When your father was going to kill you and your mother, your mother was compelled by circumstances for your safety. You sent it to the master and the mistress, the Level 7 ring in your hand was given to you by your mother, and it is not bad for you."

little master looked at the man who was at a higher level than himself. The youngest girl of the worst age couldn't even call out a mother after holding it for a long time. After all, it was really hard to accept this thing for a while.

I saw that the atmosphere was a little embarrassing, so I said: "Okay, hurry up and get ready to go to the Treasure Map, we are running out of time."

The old witch also borrowed the donkey to go down the slope. The master said: "Indeed, I'll go back and pack up and look for it with you."

She left the mage tower after saying that, and the little master twisted the corner of his clothes and said: "I'm going to prepare the teacher too."

The chief mage touched the little master's head and said, "Go, you've grown up and become a real magician, so it's time to take on the responsibility. It's all over."

Little master hurriedly left after responding, and I went back to the second younger brother's residence with me.

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