Goat Simulator

Chapter 323

Goat Simulator Chapter 323

I stood on the city wall and looked down, and from a distance, I saw an army advancing here. Although tens of thousands of troops seemed to be a lot, I just saw the big scene of Human Race and the devil fighting. This is a bit off the table.

In addition to the three thousand Medusas, the rest of the eagles, Banshees and Evil Eyes are not enough, not to mention the cave dwellers who can be said to be almost free, after all, they develop It is very unhealthy, not even an eyeball.

Medusa looks like a green snake girl, with the lower body of a snake and the upper body of a human, the hair is still a poisonous snake, but she is holding a bow and arrow in her hand, which looks weird.

They have the overall strength level of Level 4, and the arrows can be petrified after hitting the enemy, so they are much stronger than the evil eye. The only weakness is that the range is relatively short.

The Medusa who took the lead is a golden, and there are hundreds of golden Medusa around it, all of them seem to be Level 5, and the Medusa queen should be at least Level 6.

This level may be good in normal combat, but it's a bit underwhelming in war. If nothing else, the High Priest incarnate Fire Dragon can destroy them all.

When Medusa's troops approached, the Evil Eyes did not attack immediately, but waited for them to continue forward, preparing to attack with all the troops.

But Medusa should also be aware of the problem, let the cavemen as cannon fodder go ahead, and even send a small group of eagle Banshees ahead to investigate the situation.

When the harpie Banshee flew near the city wall, the evil eye immediately launched an attack, and immediately shot those eagle Banshee from in midair.

Medusa saw that there was an ambush, and immediately made the Evil Eyes follow closely behind the cavemen, ready to fight back against the ambush Evil Eyes.

But even so, what can they do? Even if they have several times more troops than now, the ending will not change. The attack itself is a joke.

Although they were discovered by Medusa, High Priest still did not rush to attack, but waited for them to move forward. As long as they wanted to attack the city, they must come close, but they did not know how to wait. How many enemies are there.

When all the Medusa troops entered the attack range of the evil eye, High Priest no longer waited, and immediately ordered an attack. The evil eye on the city wall suddenly floated up, and then launched an attack.

Suddenly, the densely packed beams shot among the cavemen, and even the evil eyes hiding behind were shot dead.

Only Medusa was at the back, so it was less affected by the beam, and then thousands of eagle-like Banshees took off under Medusa's command and flew towards this side quickly.

But before they got close, they were shot down by a dense beam of light, and the eagle's body, Banshee, crackled to the ground like raindrops.

Soon the harpy Banshee, with its many casualties, stopped attacking and fled around, while the evil eyes of the Medusa fought back, and the cavemen charged under pressure.

Unfortunately, they have far fewer evil eyes, only a few thousand. At this distance, Medusa's attack can't reach the city wall at all, so they can only keep rushing forward, trying to Close the distance and then shoot.

But when they finally reached the effective attack distance, their evil eye troops were almost dead, and the Medusas fought back.

But at this moment, their feet suddenly collapsed, and these Medusas fell into it, and were then besieged by many ratmen.

However, the difference in strength between the Rat and the Rat is too great, and the damage they can do to them is limited, but they are slaughtered in large numbers.

However, this also prevented Medusa from causing too many casualties to the evil eye, and could only hopelessly muddled with these rat people, which made the evil eye even more unscrupulously attack.

At this time, the city gate also opened, and the two hundred Level 5 Dragon Knight led thousands of Level 4 draconian warriors to rush out, and rushed straight to the Medusa.

The charging cavemen couldn't stop them, and the troops were torn apart by the Knights and charged straight for Medusa.

And in the sky also flew out of the shadow Banshee hiding the sky and covering the earth, they rushed towards the cavemen, and the sharp claw easily tore them apart.

In my opinion, the reason why Medusa has the courage to attack here is probably relying on three thousand Level 4 Medusa and hundreds of Level 5 high level Medusa.

I have to say that their core strength is still very good, but the high-end strength is a little bit worse. There is only one level 6 Medusa king, and they want to deal with the draconian who has ten level 6 priests. This is not Too normal.

I looked in the other direction and saw a white line over there, which I knew was a sea of skeletons without thinking.

It seems that Medusa has formed an alliance with the necromancer. If it wasn't for Medusa's tragic defeat, the undead would have already rushed forward at this moment.

That necromancer is really a wily old fox. He would rather watch his allies get slaughtered than come to help. It seems that he has already recognized the current situation.

But now that everyone has participated, it is not so easy to separate the relationship, it will soon be its turn, whether it helps or not is a result.

When I observed the undead army, they turned their heads and ran away. This guy is really righteous, completely opposite to the necromancer I met last time. After all, the one who desperately wanted to be resurrected Lich.

Just run and run away, anyway, I will fight it sooner or later, so as not to mix it in and make the battle chaotic and troublesome, there will definitely be more casualties when the time comes, after all, these soldiers are all It's mine, and every death is a loss.

Just when the draconians surrounded Medusa in the pit, they still wanted to continue to resist. Wouldn't it be better to surrender directly? Wouldn't they be willing to surrender only after they died, why bother, why bother?

Although Medusa's arrows can petrify the enemy, the Dragon Knight is not one of them. Before the arrows reach him, they are directly burned to ashes by the fire.

After seeing the draconian warriors being petrified one by one, the High Priest rose into the air and turned into a Fire Dragon and flew towards the Medusas.

It seems that he thinks the same as I do. Whether it is draconian casualties or Medusa casualties, this is a loss. After all, Medusa must be used after conquering. So many Level 4 ranged units, If used properly, it can definitely work wonders.

When the Medusas saw the Fire Dragon flying over from the sky, they seemed to be in a state of despair. Queen Medusa looked at the Fire Dragon in the sky and fell into shock.

I can see that it already wants to surrender, and it is only one step away. If it is not given steps, I am afraid it will find steps for itself, and it should no longer estimate the face and surrender directly. .

"Invaders! Give you a chance, surrender now and I will spare you!" High Priest's voice echoed around, and the Medusas that the mighty Dragon's Might pressed fell to the ground.

After seeing this scene, Queen Medusa probably also understood that the situation was over, and immediately said: "O mighty Fire Dragon, we did not know that you took over this territory, please forgive our ignorance and rudeness. "

"Very good, as a punishment for making mistakes, your territory and personnel will be owned by the Aries Empire, and will be controlled by the Aries Empire from now on, you are willing!"

When the High Priest's voice fell, Queen Medusa said, "I do!"

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