Goat Simulator

Chapter 287

Goat Simulator Chapter 287

Soon the last game started, Mag directly summon out a relatively strong vine demon, but Stan, who was full of confidence, suddenly turned blue, obviously he didn't expect Mag to have a first Six Level 5 Summoned Beasts.

At the same time, there was an uproar among the people around, and it seemed that everyone didn't expect Mag to be fully equipped. He told me that a Level 5 summoner can only have up to 6 Level 5 Summoned Beasts. , no amount of energy can't bear it.

"He actually has 6 Summoned Beasts!"

"didn't expect him to be so tolerant, he has endured so much humiliation before?"

"You're done! He's so good now, he's definitely going to trouble you."

"He has a problem, I suggest that the grandfather investigate him."

People talk again, Obviously he can't accept Mag's power, but the fact is already on him, and they have to accept it if they don't accept it.

After McGonagall summoned the vine monster, Stan also summoned his Summoned Beast, which was indeed a Level 5, a huge black mantis, as big as an ordinary person.

No wonder he is so confident, Death God Mantis is also stronger in Level 5 devil beast, stronger than the sickle mantis I met in the Elf Race ruins before.

If Mag's Summon is a magic grain python, then it is likely to be ground by Death God Mantis, and even simply can't attack Death God Mantis once, after all, it is known for speed.

But now the vine monster is different. It has an area attack, and the vines are very resilient and grow rapidly. Even if Death God Mantis approaches, it is likely to be pulled from the air.

After all, some plants can eat Insect, but the strength of the two is actually not much different. It depends on whether Death God Mantis killed the vine monster first, or the vine Monster General Death God Mantis imprisoned .

As the referee announced the start of the game, Death God Mantis flew into the sky, and the vines of the next moment vines lashed over, almost hitting the enemy.

Then a large number of vines began to spread all over the field, and even stretched out a lot in the air, making it look like a huge sea urchin.

Death God Mantis is flying very high, and it is constantly looking for opportunities, but it must cut off the vines that are blocking it, otherwise it will be easily tied if it rushes in directly.

Although as long as it doesn't fall, the vine demon can't take it, but it's not a way to drag the time, it is likely to be sentenced to a draw, what Stan wants is not a draw.

The reason for this stalemate is because neither of them has a long-range attack method. As long as the vines can shoot some thorns or the like, then they won't be big eyes staring at small eyes. .

The vine demon can't reach Death God Mantis, and Death God Mantis doesn't dare to come down easily. It can only keep hovering in the air, looking for opportunities to strike a critical strike. Its extremely sharp sickle can definitely do it.

Seeing them stalemate, people around complained: "What's going on? Can't fight anymore?" "If you don't dare to attack, it's better to admit defeat!" "That's a waste. Time, I'm still waiting for the next one."

Stan's face became even more ugly after hearing people's complaints, as if he had been constipated for months, I think he really needs to unblock it. .

At this moment, the vine demon suddenly retracted the vines that stretched out into the midair, and vaguely revealed the dango-like body.

A discerning person knows this is a trap at a glance, and even Death God Mantis knows that it is seducing it to attack, but this is a good opportunity.

If you don't attack, it will be wasted. Even if you may be attacked, you will have a chance to kill the vine demon with one blow. It depends on whose level is higher.

At this time, Stan suddenly gave an order: "Attack!" Death God Mantis also rushed down without the slightest hesitation, and the sharp sickle went straight to the vine demon body.

And at this moment, the vine demon hurriedly ejected the densely packed vines, as if it was its tentacles, and swiftly ejected towards the Death God Mantis who was pounced.

The sickle blade of Death God Mantis slammed out, and something like a wind blade stretched out from the sickle blade, which expanded its attack range a lot, and instantly cut off a large piece of tough and tough vines.

Following Death God Mantis's sickle, the vines stabbed the body of the vine, and at this moment, the vines spread by the vines rolled up suddenly, as if they were wrapped like an inescapable net, and even blocked its way to retreat.

I can still vaguely see what's going on inside through the cracks in the vines, Death God Mantis doesn't seem to have left any way out for himself, and still dashes on bravely with no thought of personal safety and cuts the sickle to the vines The demon body seems to want to kill it in one fell swoop.

The vines continued to shoot out vines from the body of the vine demon, which caused Death God Mantis to constantly swing the sickle to cut those vines.

But the surrounding vines were not idle, they kept gathering in the middle, and even many vines in midair shot towards Death God Mantis from behind.

Seeing that Death God Mantis was about to be besieged and lost the game, it slammed into the vines below, his body exuded black energy, and at the same time high-speed rotation started.

In an instant, many vines were cut off one after another, directly exposing the body of the vine monster. At this time, the vine monster had no vine protection.

Death God Mantis's sickle hu hu slashed towards the vine demon, but the vine demon swooped on it, turning passive into active attempts to attack the enemy.

But the next moment was directly split in half by the sickle. Just when I thought the vine demon lost, its body suddenly spread out.

Then turned into numerous vines to directly bind Death God Mantis, and at the same time, the surrounding vines quickly tightened, wrapping Death God Mantis entirely.

Death God Mantis was wrapped like a zongzi, and at this time I discovered that there were eyes and mouths on the vines that wrapped it.

It turns out that the vine monster bounced off the whole body at first, it simply did not drive any plants, all the vines here are it, so simply has no so-called body, and when in the forest completely different.

even more how slashing doesn't seem to have much effect on the vine demon, those vines are like its nails, they can grow again if they are broken, so there is no big problem with simply.

Death God Mantis, who was wrapped tightly, struggled desperately, trying to cut through the vines that bound it, but its body simply couldn't move, and it couldn't make the cutting action.

As the vines tightened, the Death God Mantis hissed in pain, as if begging its owner for help.

Stan's eyes were round and round, his eyes were full of red blood, and his teeth were almost shattered, but he just refused to admit defeat.

"Break out with life!" Stan is like a gambler who is desperate to lose. If I remember correctly, that thing should die after running out of it, right?

But just when Death God Mantis began to emit black energy, Mag also called out: "Killer!"

As Mag's voice fell, Before the Death God Mantis erupted, the vine demon ripped off its two sickles.

At the same time, Death God Mantis also broke out, but losing the sickle is like losing a weapon. Although it breaks free, it has no threat.

It was followed by a whoosh sound, and Death God Mantis's wings were also removed, and this time he couldn't even fly, but even so, it desperately bit the vine demon.

The vine demon restrained its head again, and then tore it up, pulling out Death God Mantis's head from the body little by little.

Death God Mantis didn't let go until he died, and Stan, who was flustered and exasperated, never took back Death God Mantis. He seemed to feel a little bit unable to lose.

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