A blink of an eye.

It is already five days later.

Including the previous two days, seven days have passed since Chen Ye came to this world. today.

It would be his last day here.

Just get through today safely.

Chen Ye can get a super rating! certainly.

It's not like nothing happened these days.

It can be said.

Things happen every day!!

In order to prevent death from pursuing him, Chen Ye ordered people to bulldoze all the buildings in the factory as early as three days ago.

All survivors live in tents! even so.

Someone still died!

Because the intensity of Death's pursuit is getting stronger and stronger.

Just yesterday.

A meteorite with a diameter of three kilometers actually fell from the sky and hit all the survivors!

If such a large meteorite were to fall, the entire North American continent would be in dire straits!

At that time, the entire top management of Millikin was frightened.

When the survivors saw the huge fireball above their heads, they were all scared to death and fell into despair!

Of course the meteorite didn't fall.

Because Chen Ye took action

…… at this time.

In the huge conference room of the Black Palace.

Countless high-level people were watching the video footage on the wall.

If you look carefully, these senior officials, including Mr. President, are much younger.

There were even some congressmen with faces as tender as young people...

They all went to Chen Ye and asked Chen Ye to help restore their youth.

In exchange, they have almost become Chen Ye's dogs during this period of time!

Listen to what you say!

No one can remain sane in the face of the temptation to rejuvenate!!

The scene in the video is exactly what happened yesterday.

A huge meteorite, dragging a long tail flame, rushed towards a place in North America.

That's where all the survivors gather!

Even though these high-level officials had known for a long time that the crisis had been resolved, looking back at this scene now, they still felt a wave of fear.

If this meteorite were to fall, no one in the United States would be able to escape.

Thank you!

The all-powerful God took action.

Only seen in the video.

A figure suddenly flew up.

He did not rush towards the meteorite like Superman, but instead raised a palm, pointed it at the meteorite, and fired a white ball of light.

It is a ball of destruction that condenses the power of the Shock Fruit and unlimited power.


The ball of light struck out quickly, like lightning, and accurately hit the huge meteorite falling from the sky. An unimaginable explosion scene appeared...

The entire sky suddenly shattered like a mirror.

Then, at the center of the explosion, a A black hole appeared, crushing and absorbing all the exploded meteorites, and finally disappeared.

Such a strange explosion scene has never been seen by all human beings.

It also surpasses everyone's knowledge!

Such a huge meteorite , the small ball of light released by Chen Ye was destroyed to the point where nothing was left?

It was Chen Ye's attack that made everyone realize that... gods!

It is an existence they cannot imagine!

In addition, these senior executives are also full of confidence in Chen Ye's victory over death.

Because that man has created too many miracles in the past few days.……

…… when the video ends.

The president was the first to speak:"Gentlemen, please tell me your views!"

Everyone knew what the president meant.

At this time the president was thinking.

It is no longer a war between Chen Ye and the God of Death.

It's what happened after Chen Ye defeated the God of Death...

A congressman had an insight into the president's thoughts and said:"I think that on the premise of fully supporting the man who fights against the God of Death, we must find a way to tie that man to the God of Death forever. On our chariot!"

These words aroused the approval of countless people!

"William is right! The appearance of that gentleman is an opportunity for us in America!"

"I agree, America cannot lose him!"

"No matter what this big man needs, we will make every effort to satisfy him!"

Hearing such comments, many people sneered in their hearts.

It's not that Milician needs Chen Ye at all.

It's that these people need Chen Ye!

After tasting the beauty of youth, they have long been planning what to do Let Chen Ye stay and let them stay young forever...

Of course. If

Chen Ye stays, everyone here will enjoy the benefits.

Therefore, this proposal was unanimously approved.

Mr. President smiled and looked to his left hand Megan next to me.

At this time, Megan has become the deputy director of the CIA.

From a secret service agent to the second-in-command of the CIA, Megan only took five days!

This is unprecedented in the entire history of the CIA. It’s all a miracle.

Such a miracle is caused.

Of course, because of the existence of Chen Ye, Megan has become a bridge between senior management and Chen Ye.

In the eyes of countless people, Megan is a lucky person.

And Megan herself is also She thinks so.

She feels that without Chen Ye’s appearance, she would not have achieved what she has today.……

"Ms. Megan, I wonder what else she needs?"The president asked with a smile.

Megan was about to answer.

Suddenly, the door to the conference room was pushed open.

It was the president's assistant, who barged in.

The president frowned, and just as he was about to reprimand, the assistant looked anxious. He said:"Gentlemen, I have just received news that the polar bear has launched a large-yield nuclear bomb, and the target is us!"

As soon as the words fell, everyone in the entire conference room changed their expressions.

One member couldn't help but said:"Are you kidding? Today is not April Fools' Day! The assistant looked pale and said:"This news is accurate. After calculation, the nuclear bomb will land here in about ten minutes!""

After hearing this, many people showed a look of fear.

Ten minutes!

In this time, it is too late to retreat.

Even if you escape by helicopter, you will not be able to fly out of the radiation wave range of the nuclear bomb explosion in ten minutes.

"Where was the attack?"The president asked quickly

"By calculation, the attack target is at XXX north latitude……"

The assistant named an address.

Many people's expressions changed.

Because this address is exactly where the survivors are.

Everyone realized it immediately.

I'm afraid this nuclear bomb is also the work of Death.

Because if you can even develop an attack method like a meteorite, then it makes sense to develop one of the most powerful weapons of destruction in mankind.

But no one expected that the God of Death would go to such unscrupulous measures in order to hunt down the survivors.


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