Chapter 272 Defeat the big boss Shura!

“I am Starscream, I found the source of the fire, and all Decepticons act immediately!”

As Transformers, technology is ahead of the earth. I don’t know how much. Whether it’s Autobots or Decepticons, they all have their own means of communication.

With Starscream’s signal sent out.


The Decepticons hidden in human society on the earth began to act one after another.

In the urban area, a police car parked on the side of the road suddenly started by itself and drove on the street.


“Roadblock on the road!” the police car responded.

In a certain military area, a tank, also started by an unmanned driver, broke through the barbed wire and headed towards the coordinates sent by Starscream.

“Noisy report!”

There was also a military vehicle, a helicopter, etc., all responding to Starscream’s call.

These Decepticons, in fact, have long been hidden on the earth, waiting for opportunities.

“Six One Seven”

Most of them are hidden in the military, so they are well informed.

Starscream was able to order these Decepticons because he was Megatron’s adjutant and an air raid commander. He was the leader of the Decepticons. Except for Megatron, he had the highest position.

At the same time.

The Hoover Dam, the base of the seventh district, has happened again

A group of mysterious but powerful people broke into the base.

All of them are extraordinary and powerful.

And there are all kinds of weird methods.

The thermal weapons that mankind is proud of can hardly hurt these people.

Even the most elite special forces are not their opponents.

The reincarnations who can reach the eleventh floor of the reincarnation tower are naturally extraordinary, and generally have a B-level comprehensive strength.

Such strength, of course, is not enough in front of a big man like Shura.

But facing ordinary people, it is a monster that is difficult to defeat!!


These reincarnations broke into the depths of the seventh area.

The fire source has been taken away by Chen Ye, and they only found a huge Transformer: Megatron!

Megatron is still frozen.

Looking at the huge Megatron, several reincarnations were all disappointed.

“Are the coordinates on the glasses a mechanical lifeform?”

“This mechanical lifeform looks very strong, but it is far from our expectations!”

“Brother Huo, what should I do now?”

Several reincarnations were unwilling.

They wasted nearly two days, only to find a large Transformer, which of course made them very upset.

Even if this Transformer looks great, it will only be enough for one person to complete the task by killing it!

The headed brother Huo is very angry!

After deciding to go back, he will scold his cousin to death

As for these companions, Brother Huo didn’t worry about their dissatisfaction.

A few of them started as a newcomer, and each copy was brushed together, step by step to today. They trust each other very well, and their feelings are also extraordinary.

“This is the end of the matter, and there is no regret.” Brother Huo said: “Kill this big guy, let’s go find the other transformers and try to complete the task!”

Everyone nodded.

Just when Brother Huo was about to do it.

At this time, a reincarnation suddenly ran over and said: “Brother Huo, wait. I just forced a live mouth. He said that someone had sneaked in here last night and took away the most important things!”

“What?” Brother Huo was taken aback and vetoed: “This is impossible. The glasses are in our hands in the first time. Who can be one step faster than us?”

The reincarnation said: “I guess, maybe Shura!”

Hearing this name, everyone was shocked, and Brother Huo fell silent.

You know, they can only brush a copy of “Transformers” once. If they missed this opportunity, they might never get a super god evaluation.

Suddenly, a sharp expression flashed in the eyes of that brother Huo, and gritted his teeth: “Then fight with Shura!”

As soon as the voice fell, the expressions of several Samsaras changed.

“Boss, don’t be impulsive!”

“Yes, Brother Huo, you have seen the combat power of the Asura Great God. We 4.0 are definitely not his opponents.”

“I know the hammer in his hand. It is Thor’s hammer in “The Avengers”. I don’t know how it came to him.”

“Brother Huo, are you sure?”

Hearing the voices of his companions, Brother Huo smiled and said, “Don’t worry, brothers, I’m not a fool, and I won’t take everyone to die on purpose!”

Having said that, Brother Huo looked at the frozen Megatron: “I don’t know what the fighting power of this big guy is, can I win Shura!’

“Brother Huo, what do you mean?”

Brother Huo said: “This guy shouldn’t be dead. Let’s defrost it, let it out, and then join forces with it to deal with Shura!”

“Of course, if this guy is not useful, the plan will be cancelled!

(Sorry, I came back late, so everyone has been waiting for a long time! This is the second update, and the third update is around 1 a.m.).

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