Chapter 20 Buying a Van

The fat man yelled: “Old Ding, you are too small to look down on me fat man!”

After thinking for a while, there was silence for half a minute, and he said: “You wait, I’ll take a taxi over!”

The two of them went to Huanghai City to buy a car as scheduled!

When I went, I went empty-handed and rented out in the town. The fat man asked, “Why are you so persuaded? We should unite and be interviewed together and berate their fighting behavior!”

Ding Zhaotian said: “In this way, things are getting bigger and bigger, just like a puddle of water, deeper and deeper, will sink into a swamp!”

The fat man was puzzled.

Ding Zhaotian stopped talking, but checked the price of the vehicle online!

Buying a car now, in fact, the price is relatively transparent on the Internet!

Therefore, mainly depends on the service situation of the store and after-sales service!

Fatty meant to buy a big loaf that could be loaded, and Ding Zhaotian agreed.

The fat man took 500,000, and 780,000!

Ding Zhaotian felt that he didn’t need to use all of the 780,000 to buy a car. Buying a one-hundred-five-thousand-sixty-ten thousand would be the same.

However, the fat man still had a thought.

It’s almost here, the fat man shuddered and said, “Old Ding, I think, 100,000 is enough for this ordinary van now, why not?”

Ding Zhaotian smiled and said, “You mean, buy two?”

The fat man smiled, patted Ding Zhaotian, and said, “Old Ding really knows my heart. Haha!”

Ding Zhaotian didn’t rush and said, “Then buy two cars to distinguish them!”

When I arrived at the store, I bought two cars and spent a total of 190,000! One is 90,000, and the other is 100,000!

When they returned, the two of them drove the car. One after the other, the fat man was ecstatic and smiled: “Following Lao Ding is arrogant. In such a short period of time, there is only one car per person, haha!”

I don’t know, just on the highway, Wang Xiaoqi called!

Ding Zhaotian asked: “What’s the matter?”

Wang Xiaoqi said: “It’s like this, I know you are live broadcast, you live broadcast the fight, and now it is a sensation, we… Our advertising company wants a few of our classmates to shoot an advertisement in Huanghai City. I don’t know you. Would you like it?”

The fat man was beside him, screaming: “I am willing, I am willing, and Lao Ding must be willing too!”

Ding Zhaotian asked: “Who will go?”

Wang Xiaoqi was not as embarrassed, and twisted and said: “It is a task assigned by my leader, so I am not very happy, but for the advertising fee, each person is 5,000 yuan, Qian Dawei and Zhang Qifa, the old squad leader, All agreed! Liu Yanli didn’t attend, so she didn’t need to come, mainly the people from KTV at the time, all came!”

The fat man begged: “Old Ding, go?”

Ding Zhaotian said helplessly, “Well, I won’t agree, I’ll go to your advertising company! What time is it?”

Wang Xiaoqi said: “At 2 o’clock in the afternoon, I will locate the building of our beautiful romance advertising company!”

With that said, gave Ding Zhaotian and Fatty the address!

Ding Zhaotian went there and saw his old classmates, and he couldn’t laugh or cry in his heart.

It’s true that money can make ghosts in these years!

This 5000 advertising fee has summoned everyone. What’s interesting is that Xu Guanhua is also here!

Ding Zhaotian asked: “You?”

Zhang Qifa said: “I’m just a little worried, will we irritate them if we do this?”

They naturally refer to them as Huang Mao!

Cai Yang is headed.

At this time, Qian Dawei said: “Look at the news on the local!”

Everyone turned on their mobile phones and found that the local evening paper had already interviewed Cai Yang’s father, Cai Zhengqi!

Said to educate this second son well!

and many more!

Ding Zhaotian said: “Here, I see, let’s forget our advertisement!”

Zhang Qifa asked: “I don’t know, Wang Xiaoqi, I don’t know who we are advertising for?”

Wang Xiaoqi said: “It is to make a billboard for a local KTV…”

Everyone is in an uproar!

Qian Dawei said, “Well, this doesn’t seem to be very good!”

Wang Xiaoqi didn’t feel very well either. At this time, she would cry unconsciously!

The eye sockets are moist!

Ding Zhaotian felt something was wrong, and asked: “What’s wrong with you?”

The reaction was quick, and he immediately said, “Did the leader force you to do something?”

Zhang Qifa said: “This, I don’t think it’s so good, tell the truth! Old classmate!”

Wang Xiaoqi said: “My superior, the operation manager forced me to say that if this business can’t be accepted, let me go! I’m going to be laid off!”

Ding Zhaotian said: “What?”

Everyone also felt very angry.

So many people negotiate with each other and have a lot of ideas. After all, three heads are better than Zhuge Liang!

In the end everyone decided unanimously to find the highest leader, the general manager of the Romance Advertising Company, named Wang Jie!

At 3:40 in the afternoon, the group finally met Wang Jie!

After Wang Jie heard the news, he scolded the operation manager.

In front of everyone, I apologize to everyone!

Wang Xiaoqi was also very moved, knowing that the friendship between her classmates is strong!

After Ding Zhaotian left, he went out and vaguely heard that the general manager Wang Jie said: “You are really awesome, this is forcing people to shoot commercials. What if you let him live broadcast Ding Zhaotian?”

Ding Zhaotian instantly understood that he was afraid of this!

I’m afraid I will broadcast it live!

It seems that live broadcast is still a powerful force, analogous to the media!

Wang Xiaoqi thanked Ding Zhaotian and other old classmates, and said that she would invite everyone to dinner another day!

Zhang Qifa said: “Although you are a graduate, I think it is not easy for you. The salary is not too high. It is not easy to follow the AA system. It is not easy for everyone!”

Qian Dawei agrees, and everyone agrees!

Xu Guanhua said: “It’s better to decide when you will get together again. The last time I was interfered by Cai Yang, I didn’t have a lot of fun!”

Everyone agrees!

At this time, Zhao Xiaoqiang said: “Why? I know that Ding Zhaotian is a live broadcast expert and a fisherman. If we don’t have the next gathering, let’s live broadcast it? And, we can eat grilled fish together!”

Qian Dawei said: “Old Ding, Fatty, it’s better for you to go to sea next time. You have fresh ingredients, so you can bring it!”

Everyone is excited.

The fat man said yes, and then look at Ding Zhaotian!

Ding Zhaotian hurriedly felt warm and said: “The next time I go out to sea, I was going to look for a spear whale. In that case, I will look for a school of large yellow croakers. We can make fish!”

Everyone laugh!

Say goodbye to each other and make an appointment to contact a party in the WeChat group before winter begins!

All agree.

After leaving, Ding Zhaotian and Fatty drove back, but it was already late, it was half past six!

Ding Zhaotian started the live broadcast and found that 3,900 people came in instantly!

Everyone asked: “Why did you go?”

The fat man went home!

Ding Zhaotian sent the car to everyone and said, “This car, I just bought it!”

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