Half a day ago, the boat set sail and I felt like I was in love.

Half a day later, the boat set sail and I felt that I was lovelorn.

Entering Terokkar Forest and on the way to Shattrath, Wen Xin and his party met a lone Blood Elf Mage girl. The Blood Elf Mage girl was pitiful. They did not attack each other, but took her on the road.

Xiaozhou Qihang liked this blood elf girl very much. Although the two parties could not communicate verbally, it did not hinder their physical communication.

"Spring comes to the dead trees, and the iron trees bloom."

Spicy glutinous rice balls did not try to steal his first love, but he was very pleased to see that his younger brother had a promising future: "He finally got the idea. I will go to the other side in two days and get his 100TB of learning materials."

The cross-camp romance of The Boat Sets Sail continues beyond Shattrath.

Outside Shattrath, the boat set sail and turned around, and the blood elf girl who had been following him disappeared.

"Where are the people?"

"It seems...she's lost."

"Then chat with her privately."

"Brother, she is from the tribe, how can we chat privately?"

The boat set sail and felt lost: "I hope that in the future, the game will allow our alliance to chat with the tribe, form a team with the tribe, play dungeons with the tribe, and communicate in the same guild."

Wen Xin patted him on the shoulder encouragingly: "It will come true."

The short-lived love ended when the boat set sail, and the only thing that was remembered was the blood elf girl's ID "Xue Xiaoji".

Shattrath City was once the capital of the Draenei in Draenor, and its name means "the place of the Holy Light." Fierce fighting broke out here after the Burning Legion incited the orcs to wage war against the draenei. Although the draenei held on to their capital, Shattrath City fell and the entire city was reduced to ruins until the arrival of Sha'tari.

The Sha'tar's name means "born in the holy light". They are a group of Naaru who came to the outside world to intercept and kill the Burning Legion. The naaru took up residence in the ruins of Shattrath City, and a small group of surviving draenei priests continued to perform holy rites in the ruins of the city's temples. As news of the Sha'tar's arrival spread, these priests, known as Aldor, were soon reborn and the city of Shattrath was rebuilt.

Today, Shattrath City is the most important neutral main city in Outland, containing five major prestige forces: the mutually hostile Astrologers and Aldor, the Sha'tar, the Sha'tar Skyguard, and the Slums.

"This is the main city of Outland?"

When players first enter Shattrath, they are not as shocked as when they first entered the main city. Instead, they will feel that this city is extremely desolate.

"This is the outskirts of Shattrath, the slums."

Wen Xin explained: "Shattrath can be divided into three layers. The lowest layer is the peripheral slums, the middle layer will be the core area where players gather, and the upper layer consists of two major forces, the Astrologer and Aldo."

Speaking of Astrologer and Aldo, Wen Xin introduced Shattrath's reputation layout.

"In the southern area of ​​Terokkar Forest is the Bone Wilderness. There is a city of the dead, Auchindoun, which was originally the tomb of the Draenei. It is now occupied by the Shadow Council. Later, several forces entered and became the city of chaos. land."

"Auchindon is currently a dungeon group, consisting of 4 dungeons: Mana Tombs, Auchenai Crypts, Sethekk Halls, and Shadow Labyrinth. To enter the heroic dungeons of these 4 dungeons, you need to brush the reputation of the slums to Revered. .”

The Slums are the first prestige force that players unlock when entering Shattrath.

Wen Xin continued: "The current master of Shattrath is the Naaru, and Shattra is the Naaru organization. There is a map called Void Storm in the northernmost part of the Outland. There is a Storm Fortress in the eastern sky of Void Storm. It is a The 25-person large group version is ruled by Prince Kael'thas, one of the two subordinates of Illidan, Lord of Outland. It is not yet available. There are three starships suspended around the void storm, corresponding to three 5-person dungeons: Energy ship, eco-ship, and magic-forbidden prison. Only when Sha'tar's reputation reaches Reverence can you purchase the hero keys for these three dungeons."

"Where are the Sha'tar Skyguards?"

"That's the air force of the Sha'tar. If you reach Exalted status, you can purchase the Void Ray, the flying mount of the Sha'tar Sky Guard. The mount party must gain reputation."

The most important reputation in the entire Shattrath is not the slums, not the Sha'tar, not the Sha'tar Skyguard, but Aldo and the Astrologer.

Wen Xin raised his head and looked above Shattrath. On the left and right sides of the city, there was a huge pillar that shot straight into the sky. Players with good eyesight could see below. The two pillars had elevators running up and down: "There are two pillars in Shattrath." Two camps, the Astrologers and Aldo, although they are both subject to the management of the Naaru, they are like fire and water and hate each other."

Spicy Glutinous Rice Balls said cleverly: "I know, this is not the Alliance and the Horde."

Wen Xin nodded: "That's pretty much what it means. You can choose one of the two forces to join. Anyone who joins one will definitely gain the reputation of the other with hatred."

Wish to ask the question everyone wants to ask: "What force should we choose?"

Wen Xin said:

"First choose a force based on profession. There are jewelry processing trainers on the Aldo Highlands, but no enchantment trainers. There are enchantment trainers on the Astrologer platform, but there are no jewelry processing trainers. So, if you are a jewelry major, choose Astrology. Or maybe someone majoring in enchantment and chose Aldo."

"Both forces have graduated shoulder enchantments. The difference between Aldo and Astrologer is that the former adds more spell power/healing effect/attack power/dodge level, while the latter adds more mana recovery/crit level/ Defense level. Therefore, as a healing profession, choosing Aldo's enchantment will be better. At the same time, output professions that do not rely on critical strikes, such as shadow priests/pain, etc., should also choose Aldo. And other professions with higher critical strike returns You can choose astrologers for both physical output and legal output, and there is not much difference between the two."

"The two forces will also have different epic equipment for sale. For physical profession, you can choose Aldo, for legal output, you can choose Astrologer, and for treatment, you can choose Aldo."

Wen Xin said: "As a thief, I would definitely choose Aldo."

Spicy Tangyuan scratched his head: "I'm so confused. I want to follow the boss and choose Aldo."

For spicy glutinous rice balls, you definitely have to choose Qiangsa, and there’s nothing wrong with choosing Aldo.

Wishlist: "Then I'll choose Aldo too."

The wish is enchanting plus jewelry processing, Aldo has jewelry processing but not enchantment, and Astrologer has enchantment but not jewelry processing. Choosing one of the two must depend on which force is more suitable for treatment.

Desert Guyan: "Which tank is suitable for you?"

Wen Xin: "Aldo."

Desert Guyan: "Let's go to Aldo together later."

The newly heartbroken Xiaozhou set sail and suddenly felt that he was redundant: "How about I choose Aldo too?"

At level 65, you can receive the task of selecting a force. Wen Xin took everyone to the middle level of Shattrath, found a haggard volunteer to accept the "Adal" task, and completed the force task first.

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