The ultimate boss in the 1960s, the Lich King's most trusted great lich "Kel'Thuzad".

Kel'Thuzad was once a powerful human mage and one of the six members of the Kirin Tor Council, working under the guidance of the Kirin Tor Speaker Antonidas, the chief archmage of Dalaran.

Archmage Antonidas is Kel'Thuzad's mentor, and he and Jaina are brothers and sisters.

The Kirin Tor control a vast amount of mysteries and knowledge about magic, and Kel'Thuzad spares no effort to absorb any bit of knowledge he can get his hands on, even the darkest and most forbidden realms of arcane magic.

After a long and torturous journey into the frozen wastes of Northrend, Kel'Thuzad fell to his knees at the feet of the Lich King Ner'zhul. And guided Prince Alsace to fall step by step.

In the end, he not only gave his loyalty, but also his soul.

He founded the Cult of the Damned, became the Archlich, and commanded the Scourge to fight for the Lich King.

"This is a super villain boss."

Wen Xin's evaluation of Kel'Thuzad.

Kel'Thuzad won the trust of Arthas. He failed and was killed in the 1960s. Arthas resurrected him in the 1980s and continued to rule Naxxramas.

Not counting legendary drops, Kel'Thuzad was the most valuable boss in the entire 1960s. The drop list is all top-quality graduation equipment.

Wen Xin was very interested in the Double King Sword dropped by Kel'Thuzad, and took the Double King Sword on an expedition to the outer lands without leaving any regrets.

One man, one city said: "It seems that all lichs are ice magic?"

Wen Xin said: "It's ice magic, but Kel'Thuzad's most powerful skill is necromancy. He knows dark magic and is more powerful than ordinary lichs."

"Oh, there seem to be a lot of monsters in the room."

Spicy glutinous rice balls poked their heads in the air: "There are a lot of fat people and skeletons, as well as the female Ah Piao."

Kel'Thuzad's room was not alone. There were several small depressions around the room, and the depressions were crowded with mobs.

The spicy glutinous rice balls say that fat people are abominations, skeletons are skeletons, and female Ah Piao is a banshee.

"In the first phase of Kel'Thuzad's battle, what we have to face is not the boss, but the mobs in the room."

Wen Xin wasted no time and immediately began arranging the battle for Kel'Thuzad.

The battle of Kel'Thuzad is divided into three stages. Wen Xin only plans to arrange the battle for the first two stages for the time being. Only when he is sure that he can enter the third stage will he make arrangements for the third stage.

Kel'Thuzad is not a boss that can only be defeated once you are familiar with it. It is very strong and is a combination of numerical values ​​and mechanics.

There is only one day left in this CD. Wen Xin does not think that Kel'Thuzad can be taken within this CD. The main goal today is to enter the second stage stably and tentatively enter the third stage.

3 CDs, this is the time Wen Xin plans to take down Kel'Thuzad. Only in this way can he win the first kill of Naxxramas before the main groups of the major guilds.

"When the battle begins, Kel'Thuzad will not go up personally, he will let the mobs go first."

Wen Xin said with a smile: "He is the senior leader of the Scourge Legion after all. First, let his subordinates be in line with his leadership status."

Wen Xin drew simple pictures on the ground again.

Kel'Thuzad's room is circular, with the boss at 12 o'clock and surrounded by small concavities.

"There are a total of 7 recesses, which are considered 7 small rooms. President, my calculation is correct. Although there are only 6 small rooms inside now, the door will be closed when the battle starts, and the same mobs will be refreshed at the entrance."

"The 7 small rooms are composed of 3 types of mobs: abominations, skeletons, and banshees. They will constantly come out of them and try to eliminate us in the middle of the field. This stage will last for 5 minutes. Hold on for 5 minutes to reach the boss. Only then will he personally go into battle and enter the second stage."

Wen Xin drew a point in the middle of the room. This was the area where the large group concentrated their positions. The room dealt with a steady stream of mobs in seven small rooms.

"Abomination has heavy damage and hateful blows. Tanks can pull it, and the main focus is abomination in melee combat."

"The skeleton will self-destruct. It has low health. Don't let it get close to the big group. Long-range professions will kill it quickly."

"The Banshee moves slowly. When she gets close, she casts Shadow Blast, which causes about 3,000 shadow damage at a 45-degree angle directly in front of her and knocks her back greatly. After she comes out, she turns to fire and kills her from a distance."

"At the last minute of the first phase of the battle, the refresh frequency of the banshee will increase. There may be banshees on the field during the transition. Don't panic. Defeat the banshee first and then switch to the boss."

The first stage of the battle is actually very simple. There is no point of destruction. A team that can be wiped out by the mobs in the first stage can only prove that this team is very good.

The difficulty of Kel'Thuzad's battle will increase as the stages progress, with the third stage being the highest.

"After 5 minutes, we will enter the second stage. At this time, the desert will hold the oss."

Wen Xin arranged the second phase of the battle: "For the second phase, we can stand in three circles. Melee and tanks are in the center area, healers are in the middle, and remote output is in the outermost circle."

The three-circle positioning is a bit similar to mosquito coils, with long-range in the outermost circle, healing in the middle circle, and melee in the innermost circle.

This arrangement is to facilitate dealing with Kel'Thuzad's skills.

"The damage of Kel'Thuzad's single-target Ice Bolt is 8000, and it will be released on the tank. This skill must be interrupted, otherwise the tank will be easily knocked down."

Wen Xin arranged the interrupting personnel: "The interruptions are by close combat. The first one is Xiao Ming and I, the second one is Wu Er and Tangyuan, the third one is Zhan Maybe and I will take action, and the fourth one is Dabao and Xiaobao."

It’s no problem if melee is responsible for interrupting. Arranging 4 rounds of interrupts can turn the CD of interrupting skills around.

"The boss also has a group of ice arrows, which will be released on everyone. The damage is about 3,000 and cannot be interrupted. The treatment must be full of blood."

Wen Xin deliberately brought an extra priest. The battle in Naxxramas will be much simpler, and he can better deal with AOE skills and increase the team's health.

It's a pity that priests in the 1960s did not have a healing ring, otherwise it would be easier to lift the blood group.

"Kel'Thuzad will cast it every 60 seconds, mentally controlling the current tank and three random players, and clearing the hatred of all people. The mental control lasts for 15 seconds."

Wen Xin looked at Wuyue: "Wuyue has established Kel'Thuzad's second hatred. After the desert is mind-controlled, you will take over the boss's hatred. The two of you will be the boss tank for the entire battle."

Ling Jing reminded: "Since the boss can control the mind, everyone should use the group control skills before getting stuck in the mind control to avoid trapping teammates."

One word is final: "The priest's spiritual scream, the divine skill of destroying groups."

I would take action and say: "The warrior's gut-wrenching roar is the strongest skill of his teammates."

This is not the first time we face a mind-controlled boss. Everyone knows what to do to avoid group control skills from trapping the group.

For example, priests and warriors will not become pig teammates if they use the group fear skill before the boss's mind control.

"The one being controlled by the mind is the Mage Sheep. There are 8 Mage Sheep and 4 targets. I believe you can do a good job."

"What if the mage is mind-controlled?"

"If a few mage are mind-controlled, then others will control the mind-controlled ones to survive the 15 seconds of mind-control."

Kel'Thuzad's mind control skill is also a point of destruction, which can easily lead to unstable hatred and make it easier for people with mind control to kill teammates. If the mind controls 3 treatments at a time, it will easily lead to insufficient treatment and attrition.

Mind control not only depends on strength, but also on luck. Otherwise, if you keep controlling key professions with your mind, the difficulty of the battle will be doubled.

"Kel'Thuzad was a psychic when he was alive, and he knew dark magic. He could summon a shadow rift. This skill will randomly summon a magic circle under everyone's feet. The magic circle will take effect after 3 seconds, causing about 2W shadow damage to all players in the magic circle. "

Wen Xin said: "Everyone, please pay attention to your steps. If there is a shadow crack, go out immediately. Don't be killed."

Having said this, Wen Xin began to arrange more detailed positions.

Arrange for close combat first.

"Melee combat is divided into three positions. Don't get close to the tank."

Tanks must be the first protection target. The location in the center of the boss is limited. It is difficult to allocate melee output in pairs to the 4-point position. The only option is to settle for a group of 3 at the 3-point position.

Wen Xin called out: "Me, Xiao Ming, and Zhan Maybe, we will take positions behind the boss."

Melee combat is not long-range, and the combat space is limited. There is no way to separate them all by 10 yards, and they must overlap their positions.

"Xiaobao, Dabao, I will take action and stand on the left side behind the boss."

"Wuer and Tangyuan are standing on the right side behind the boss."

Wen Xin arranged the two scammers on the right. Only the two of them together could improve their chances of survival: "The three points must be 10 yards apart, and do not approach the tank 10 yards away."

There is a 10-yard distance limit, and only 3 points can be arranged. Arranging 4 points will affect the tank by 2 points.

"Why?" Spicy glutinous rice balls are a qualified praise.

Wen Xin explained the reason: "Kel'Thuzad will randomly release frost shock, freezing the target and all players within 10 yards around it, and causing 26% of the total health damage every second for 4 seconds."

Everyone understands, if you don't divide the 3 groups of melee into 3 points, freezing 8 melee at a time will cause the blood pressure of the group to increase suddenly, and the treatment will not be able to deal with it.

If only 2-3 people are hit by frost shock at a time, then only 2-3 people need to be treated with special care each time to ensure that the frozen people do not die.

Moreover, the standing space of the long-range and healers is wide enough. Only in melee, 2-3 people will be hit by the Frost Blast. If the long-range and healers are at a good distance, at most one person will be hit.

Wen Xin asked the healers: "No matter who is frozen, the healers should help me lift the blood. Don't let the frozen person die."

The damage is 26% per second, and the damage in 4 seconds is 104%. The person who is frozen without healing will die.

Ling Jing said: "At least two more mouthfuls are needed, otherwise you may still die, unless a mouthful of milk can cause a critical hit."

He said in one word: "4 seconds plus 2 mouthfuls is still a bit stressful. I'm afraid that the blood lost by the group ice arrows has not been added up yet, and someone will be frozen by the frost shock."

Heye said: "Yeah, it's a lot of pressure."

Kel'Thuzad's damage value is too high, so it is particularly easy to lose strength. He can only adapt to the rhythm through constant fighting.

"Healing is in the middle circle, long-range is in the outer circle. Be sure to stand 10 yards apart. Kel'Thuzad not only has frost blast, but also self-destructs mana for you."

"The player with the self-destruction mana will self-destruct after 5 seconds, causing a mana loss of about 2000 to himself and all players within 10 yards around him. If one person explodes at most, you will have no mana. If you explode a few at a time, the battle will be useless. beated."

Wen Xin said: "The whole battle will be very stressful. There are not only high-damage group ice arrows, but also mind control, shadow rifts, frost impact, and self-destruction mana. Everyone must adjust their positions as a whole when hiding from the shadow rifts. , try not to enter the 10-yard range."

Kel'Thuzad's room is not too big. Fortunately, this is a holographic game. The healer can spread his position 10 yards in the middle circle, and the long-range player can also spread his position 10 yards in the outer circle.

It's useless to just say it. There will definitely be various accidents during the battle, and we can only arrange countermeasures according to the unexpected situation.

"When Kel'Thuzad's health reaches 40%, he will enter the third stage. Let's stably advance to the second stage first and then consider the third stage. If you are not proficient in the second stage, even if you occasionally enter the third stage once or twice, It will all be destroyed."

Wen Xin said: "If we want to win Kel'Thuzad as much as possible, the first step is to stably enter the second stage, and the second step is to stably enter the third stage. Next, we will rely on our strength to fight."

If you have to eat one meal at a time, you may not be able to persist in the second stage, let alone enter the third stage.

When the team enters the third stage, Wen Xin will arrange the third stage of the battle.

"It's better to fight a few times in actual combat. Let's brush up the buffs. Let's test the water first."

Wen Xin asked everyone to brush buffs.

Everyone quickly refreshed their buffs and restored their status. Desert Guyan took the lead and entered Kel'Thuzad's room.

Enter Kel'Thuzad's room and Kel'Thuzad's combat activates.

"Everyone quickly go to the middle position."

Wen Xin asked everyone not to stay in the entrance area and go to the middle position: "Quick, don't drag, the door is about to close, and mobs will be refreshed at the entrance."

At this time, the entrance door is closed, and the entrance area becomes a small room. Abominations, skeletons, and banshees appear in the small room.

The large group came to the middle of the room, waiting for the siege of the 7 mobs in the surrounding small rooms.

Someone broke in, and Kel'Thuzad was very angry and ordered: "Crush these little bastards who came in."

The mobs in the seven small rooms received the order and began to rush out.

The first one to rush out was the little skeleton.

Wen Xin commanded: "The group has defeated the skeleton. The tank does not need to go up to pull it, it only needs to pull the abomination."

4 tanks are divided into 4 directions, waiting for the abominations coming from the 4 directions.

Everyone starts attacking the skeleton.


Several arrows pierced the clouds, and thousands of troops came to meet them.

Wen Xin was stunned when he saw the multi-shot, and subconsciously uttered: "Hunter, stop the multi-shot for me. Mage, please don't send a blizzard into the small room...%#@$...kill it, take the next one." "

There is a problem with A. The hunter's multi-shot attacks the mobs that have not come out of the small room. He activates all of them to fight and rush towards the small room to kill the large group. There are dozens in number.

Dozens of mobs were unable to cope with it, and the large group was overwhelmed in an instant.

It was Wen Xin's mistake, and the hunter can't be blamed, because he shouted A, which was his fault.

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