Get Rich: Starting from the Game of World of Warcraft

Chapter 329 The whole group is exhausted

This time it was very good. There were no accidents in the normal stage and I ran the safe zone 8 times safely.

The first safe zone is No. 1, which requires a total of 8 runs. During the final transition, the melee group's position must be in the No. 3 safe zone.

"The next time you run to Safe Area 3, the boss will be on the stage. People on the stage, pay attention. There will be an animation when the boss flashes. Start preparing to run now. When the boss flashes animation, come down and go to Safe Area 1 immediately."

"The melee team will finish spraying fire. Don't hesitate and run to safety zone 1 immediately."

"People in the Eyestalk Passage must pay attention. When the boss enters the stage, poisonous clouds will appear inside. Hide away from the poisonous clouds. If you can't get out for the time being, just stay there. Only then can you hope to stay alive."

The boss will not spit fire immediately when changing stages. The boss will have a flash animation. When the boss flashes onto the stage, there will be a few seconds for everyone to prepare, and then it will start to enter the 3-second fire breathing cycle.

The platform stage lasts for a total of 45 seconds, and the 3-second fire breath will occur a total of 15 times. There is no need to run for the first fire breath, and a total of 14 fast-paced runs are required.

It's very compact. It's nowhere near as good as Dancing in the Rain on Top of the Forbidden City. Only Ten Times Audition's keyboarding speed can surpass it.

Earthfire erupts.

Dirty Hilge's flash animation begins.

Wen Xin immediately led the melee team and ran to the No. 1 safe zone: "Everyone, go to the No. 1 safe zone. Use the long-range and healing speed to go to the No. 1. You must not hesitate. If you hesitate for 0.5 seconds, someone will die."

The people on the stage went to point 1 faster, so the whole group took action and ran to point 1.

"We're out..."

The people in the Eyestalk Passage just came to the door and felt a little guilty: "Do you want to come out and join the group?"

Wen Xin responded quickly: "You guys are just hanging on at the door. It's too late to come out at point 1. When we get to point 4, you can come out and join us."

After thinking for a while, Wen Xin said again.

"If a poisonous cloud appears at the door, you can go in. If you are surrounded by a poisonous cloud, just lie down."

It's not like this has never happened. Sometimes when you are unlucky, you will be surrounded by a poisonous cloud and die at the door.

The boss flashed onto the stage and began to release poisonous clouds, and the stage was suddenly filled with poisonous clouds.

The long-range and healers are all down. If you don't down at this time, you will definitely not be able to run down, and you will die in the poisonous cloud.

Wen Xin looked back at the door of the eyestalk passage. Fortunately, there was no poisonous cloud at the door. The people inside should be able to survive: "Everyone, get ready to dance. Don't stop. If you stop, you will die."

Wen Xin's position is at the junction of safety zone 1/2. If the position is stuck, he can run a little less distance, and can he run the fire more effectively.

After about a few seconds, the ground fire erupted.

The fire was spraying around them, and everyone could feel the heat of the flames.

Although the remote and healers didn't go overboard, they watched it really clearly on the stage. Haven't you ever seen a pig run away if you haven't eaten pork? So they have already imagined running several times in their minds, and they feel like they can do it.


Wen Xin led everyone to run to safety zone No. 2: "Just 3 seconds, don't stop."

Each safe zone has a certain distance. At this time, you cannot stop and wait for the fire to erupt before running. You must run without stopping to avoid every fire.

"It is forbidden to use any displacement acceleration skills, as it will mess up the rhythm."

Wen Xin took everyone to the middle of the No. 2 safety zone for the second geofire eruption. If he had gone to the No. 2 safety zone and stopped to wait for the geofire eruption, he would now be too far away from the No. 3 safety zone, causing the next earthquake to erupt. You cannot run to Safety Zone 3 when the fire erupts.

In the middle of the No. 2 safety zone, you can run into the No. 3 safety zone.

"It doesn't seem like 3 seconds."

Someone in the group who is sensitive to numbers followed me home: "It's 5 seconds."

The ground fire eruption in the holographic game transition stage is not 3 seconds, but 5 seconds. The increase of 2 seconds gives everyone more time to move to position.

It's reasonable, after all, holographic game running is real running, not as easy as moving the mouse and keyboard in PC games.

"Whether it's 3 seconds or 5 seconds, please keep running so that the ground fire will never be able to catch up with us."

Wen Xin calculated the team's speed and realized that running with his head covered could not exceed the next safe zone and lead to ground fire. As long as he kept running, he would definitely avoid ground fire and stay in the safe zone forever.

The three people at the door of the Eyestalk Passage looked at everyone running desperately. They were a little lucky that they were teleported into the Eyestalk Passage, otherwise they would have to run too.

However, they did not have to rejoice for long, as a poisonous cloud appeared behind them and showed signs of spreading to their location.

Their position was at the door, and there was no turning back. They could only pray that Safety Zone 4 would arrive soon, so that they would have a chance to survive.

At this time, they wished they could run with the big group so that they wouldn't have to be tortured in place.

"Come out of the Eyestalk Passage and rush to the left without thinking."

"Run in a large group and turn back. The speed of turning back should be fast. If you run too far, you should turn around immediately."

The most difficult thing is that every time you run to safety zones 4 and 1, you need to turn around immediately and turn back. Turning back takes time. If you turn around slowly or run too far, you will be particularly vulnerable to ground fire.

The damage of earth fire is 4000. With the current blood volume of the whole group, although the whole group will not be defeated instantly, as long as it eats one earth fire, there is a high probability that it will not be able to keep up with the rhythm and cannot run to the next safe zone, and will be eaten again. Earth fire.

At this time, no one can stop to replenish blood. As long as they eat two earth fires, they will definitely die.

The person who overran performed a 180-degree U-turn for everyone.

The area where Wen Xin turned back was stuck on the edge of No. 3/4. As long as he turned around and took a step, everyone could enter the next safe zone.

The three people at the door of the Eyestalk Passage rushed out frantically. At this time, they all showed their special powers. Those with displacement skills used displacement skills, those without displacement skills used acceleration skills, and none of them took acceleration potions and ran away.

They have to cross the entire No. 4 safety zone. If they don't use some means, they will definitely die if they can't keep up with the group.

"Ah, I'm gone."

Hou Yi shot at the moon and was speechless: "The sorcerer's legs are too short to run over."

Houyi Sheyue was envious of Ah Dujun, and he could keep up with the big group in a flash.

Wuer started sprinting and caught up with the group: "The poor warlock has no displacement or acceleration. He only has one more life. You didn't bind the soul stone to yourself, right?"

Hou Yi shot the moon hehehe: "I'm not stupid. I tied the soul stone to myself while I was waiting at the door."

Wen Xin said: "Don't get up in a hurry, wait until the stage changes before getting up again."

Hou Yi was very clever in shooting the moon, so it was not considered attrition.

The fast-paced back-and-forth run is really tiring. This is no longer a dancing machine. This is a physical examination, and the results must reach the level of a first-class athlete.

Just when everyone was running around with their heads spinning and their minds filled with blanks, the dirty Sergey on the stage finally moved and was about to flash off the stage.

The whole group breathed a sigh of relief, finally getting through the first stage smoothly, which was really difficult.

After 14 high-frequency moves, the whole team was exhausted.

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