General Qin

Chapter 767 Overturning the Nest

"Why did the Qin fleet appear here?"

Abala was shocked when he received the news of the appearance of the Qin army's naval commander.

The Qin army has a boat division, and the South Vietnamese know it.

But in their opinion, the Yue people lived by rivers and seas and were good at making boats and rafts. They claimed to use boats as carts and boats as horses, and their skills in sailing boats were unparalleled in the world. The Qin people came from the inland area of ​​​​Lingbei and could not compete with them in this regard.

It cannot be said that it is impossible for the South Vietnamese to rely on boats to row to the direction of Fujian and Vietnam, but it is very difficult and must be guided by experienced fishermen. Otherwise, if a huge wave hits the sea, it is very likely that the people and the boat will be lost, let alone a large-scale expedition.

Facing the massive invasion of the Qin army, the South Vietnamese did not think much about the Qin army coming from the sea.

One of the reasons is probably that the South Vietnamese have never seen what the Qin captain looks like.

The Fujian and Yue people have met, but the two countries have been enemies for generations. Even if they cooperate to fight against Qin, they have their own agendas and it is impossible to communicate in depth. In this way, the South Vietnamese had no way to guess the situation of the Qin army's boat division, and were caught off guard.

Now when I heard that Yubu Shaen said that the Qin army's boat division was very big, Abala still maintained his arrogance and said: "Big? How big can it be? Is the Qin army's ship as big as our dragon boat?"

The dragon boat of the Jiao tribe was the vehicle of King Agus of South Vietnam. It was five feet long and seven feet wide. It could seat dozens of warriors on it. It was the first battleship in South Vietnam.

With such a warship in hand, Abala was very confident and did not panic at all.

Such self-confidence was shattered until Abala, along with his personal guards, followed Sha En to the beach and saw with his own eyes a black shadow on the sea in the distance.

"How can a ship be built so big?"

Abala was stunned.

Except for dragon boats and a few slightly larger warships, the boats of the South Vietnamese were basically small sampans. They seemed to be numerous, but they could not actually carry many people.

On the other hand, the Qin people's boat masters were led by six huge ships, which were ten feet high alone. They were covered with black flags flying, and they looked very majestic.

The dragon boat that Jiaobu was proud of looked like a toy in front of the Qin army's navy.

In addition to towering ships as tall as giant beasts, the Qin army's naval division also had dozens of warships such as Dayi and Kuang, all of which were more majestic than the dragon ships. They brought a huge sense of oppression to the South Vietnamese even before they got close.

"No problem. Although the Qin army's ships are big, they are certainly not flexible enough and are no match for us."

When Abala comforts herself.

The leader of the Jiao tribe and the leader of the fish tribe issued orders to attack.

"King Jiao protects you and kills the people of Qin!"

"King Jiao will protect us and let the people of Qin sink into the sea!"

Hundreds of Yue ships rushed towards the Qin army's boat division with loud shouts.

Then, in full view of the public, when the Yue fleet approached the Qin army's fleet 300 steps away, giant arrows flew out from the ships, most of which fell into the water, while the other half hit the target.

The terrifying impact of the giant arrow pinned the Yue people to the ship on the spot. Screams were heard everywhere, and the morale of the Yue people fleet, which had been so aggressive just now, dropped instantly.

"This crossbow made by the young master is really powerful."

Fan Kuai stood on the building boat and marveled.

The archers were specially made by the Qin army for the purpose of conquering the country. They were fixed on the ships. They had a long range and great power. It comes with a corresponding giant arrow. The arrow is made of fine iron, and the power of the shot is enough to penetrate ten layers of cowhide armor.

Once shot by this kind of ship's crossbow, almost no one can survive.

In addition to the giant arrows from the ship's crossbow, when the Qin army's boat division and the Yue fleet approached each other, the crossbowmen on the ship began to launch a rain of arrow attacks.

The overwhelming rain of arrows first brought a baptism to the Vietnamese. This was intended to further damage the opponent's morale and bring panic to the South Vietnamese.

Immediately afterwards, with the efforts of the oarsmen, the stern behind the building boat crossed the building boat and came forward to engage the Vietnamese ship.

The cabins and planks of these warships are covered with rawhide, which has good defensive properties and can withstand arrows and javelins fired by Vietnamese.

At the same time, directly in front of the cockroach, there was a collision angle specially made by the general.


The Dragon Boat, known as the most powerful warship in South Vietnam, was hit head-on by a Qin army stern ship. The hard metal collision angle instantly inserted into the Yue Dragon Boat.

The Yue people's dragon boat broke apart.

Screams of fear, roars of anger... all kinds of sounds resounded in this sea area.

The water warfare method of the South Vietnamese was still relatively primitive, and the boat was just a means of transportation for them.

They used bows, arrows, flying spears and other weapons to shoot when the distance was far away. When the two sides got close, they used spears and other objects to kill them, or some warriors jumped into the water and swam to the opposite boat to fight hand-to-hand with the enemy.

But now, the power of the Qin army's crossbows in long-distance battles was much stronger than the primitive bows and arrows in the hands of the Yue people, and they were almost suppressed.

When the two sides got closer, the Qin army's boat masters were generally much taller than the Yue people's boats, so they suffered a condescending blow. Even if Yue warriors jumped into the sea, it would be difficult to climb onto the Qin boat, and they would even be killed by the people on the boat. Qin soldiers found out and shot him directly with a crossbow.

For the South Vietnamese, the most terrifying thing was the Qin army's ramming warships, which rushed towards their small boats in the sea. Their momentum was simply too terrifying.

Whether it was the long boats or those small sampans that the South Vietnamese were proud of, as long as they were hit by the Qin army's sterns, they would be broken into pieces and sink into the sea. They would have no ability to fight back at all.

A crushing naval battle scene.

The naval battle was over only when the Yue people rowed more than a dozen small boats to the coast in fear.

The Qin army's losses were only two warships, which were caused by accidental damage.

"Go ashore and rush with me!"

Fan Kuai shouted on the boat that since the naval battle was won, the next land battle would be his home field.

Coach Yin Tong issued the order to land when the morale of the Qin army was at its highest.

The victory in the naval battle almost broke the courage of the South Vietnamese. When they saw the huge Qin army ships roaring towards the seaside with warships and other warships, many people were frightened and backed away.

"Qin people are too scary!"

Abala was so frightened that he had a look on his face, and without any intention of fighting, he turned around and fled towards the royal city.

Even he, the son of the King of South Vietnam, ran away, and the remaining South Vietnamese people naturally lost the will to resist and fled one after another.

This landing battle was almost not difficult for the Qin army. Under the leadership of the brave general Fan Kuai, the Qin soldiers with high morale occupied the entire beach in an instant.

Then take advantage of the situation and march towards the royal city of the South Vietnamese.

Most of the warriors from various tribes in South Vietnam were brought to the Dongjiang front line by Agus, where they fought against the main force of the Qin army.

In addition to the hundreds of warriors from the Jiao tribe, the combat force left behind in the royal city was composed of the Yu tribe who depended on the Jiao tribe for their lives. In total, there were more than two to three thousand young men.

But unfortunately, in the naval battle just now, Yubu and Jiaobu lost hundreds of people directly, and the courage of the South Vietnamese soldiers was broken.

It only took more than an hour after the Qin army landed to capture Panyu, the royal city of South Vietnam, and captured a large number of old, weak, women and children.

Abala, the son of the King of Nanyue, and the leader of the Fish Tribe led the remaining tribesmen out of the royal city and escaped into the nearby mountains and forests.

Yin Tong did not order a pursuit.

Mission accomplished.

A surprise attack from the sea, the capture of Panyu, the royal city of South Vietnam, and the capture of Argus, the dragon's lair, from behind were the strategic goals of the Qin army's naval division.

Those South Vietnamese who escaped would spread panic around them, and then spread it to the main South Vietnamese force confronting the Qin army on the Dongjiang front.

When the time comes, Agus and many South Vietnamese hear that their royal city was attacked and countless old, weak, women and children were captured by the Qin army. What will happen to their morale and military morale?

"There's a lot of food, you can eat it now."

Yin Tong led his guards to the grain warehouse in the royal city. When he saw the piles of rice, he grinned.

The South Vietnamese have already harvested the rice for the Qin army and stored it here, so they don't have to worry about food issues.

But what about the South Vietnamese?

In this dry season in the jungle, what can they eat after losing the royal city's food reserves?

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