General Qin

Chapter 628 Zhao Tuo Settles Accounts

Zhao Tuo saw that Emperor Shihuang was looking at him, his expression was calm, and there seemed to be expectation in his eyes.

All eyes fell on Zhao Tuo.

He is a Marquis of Martial Arts, a figure who climbed to the rank of Marquis of Lun by relying on the military merit system. He is the only one in the entire Qin State. It can be said that he has enjoyed the benefits of military merit and nobility. , What kind of views will you have?

Zhao Tuo took a deep breath. Naturally, he couldn't say in public that the emperor would start a bad start by doing so, and sooner or later the system would be destroyed.

He thought for a while, then stood up and cupped his hands and said: "Your Majesty, I think that the bestowal of nobles may have the effect of calming people's hearts, and make the heads of the world feel grateful for your majesty's kindness. However, my Great Qin has always worshiped nobles for meritorious service, and bestowed land when there are nobles. If the title of title is granted to the head of Guizhou, then the corresponding land and farms must be distributed, so that he can be grateful to Huaide."

"I don't know the exact number of Qianshou in the world, but if His Majesty bestows titles widely, there must be more than a few million recipients this time. With such a number, tens of millions of mu of land and tens of millions of mu of house land will be distributed. I would like to ask you, is there still such a large number of fields and houses in the world today?"

After the voice fell, everyone's expressions changed slightly.

This is the truth.

The reason why Qin's title is precious is precisely because it comes with rewards, which is completely different from the empty titles of the Han Dynasty.

According to Qin's military merit system, he was promoted to a higher rank, and he was given 100 acres of land and 9 acres of house.

If there are one million people, the number of land grants will reach 10,000,000 mu, and the number of houses will be 9,000,000 mu.

If it is 5 million people, that is 50 million mu, and the house land is 45 million mu!

Of course, this is only an ideal number. In fact, in the late period of the unification of the Qin State, because of the frequent wars and the large number of knights, the number of land and houses received by these knights will often be reduced after returning. .

But even a 50% discount on the basis of this figure is still a very scary figure.

Ever since the Qin State began to implement the military merit worship system, it has never dealt with such a huge number of land grants.

Even the first emperor on the emperor's couch suddenly shrank his pupils.

Zhao Hai, Wang Ben, Wang Wu, and others were all discussing whether the scope of conferring titles would be too wide, whether it would shake the foundation of the military title system, and whether it would affect the soldiers' fighting spirit, but no one thought about it.

What a Zhao Tuo, when this financial account was presented, it really scared many people.

"Your Majesty, if you can't confer the corresponding land and fields at the same time as conferring the title, then this time conferring the title will actually reduce the value of the title. Winning the hearts of the people in the world will actually make the people feel resentful, which has the opposite effect!"

Zhao Tuo's voice was low, with a feeling of grief.

Because what he said was the truth.

The first emperor gave a lot of titles in history, but he couldn't give out the corresponding rewards, so that at the end of Qin Dynasty, the titles were indiscriminate. The hairpins in the old land of the Six Kingdoms and the nobles who have not changed their ranks not only have no corresponding fields, but have been reduced to become debt-paying debtors, relying on hard labor to pay off their debts.

Under such circumstances, even if Qianshou has a title, it is impossible to appreciate the emperor's kindness, and instead make the title even less valuable.

"Your Majesty thinks what Marquis Wu Gong said is true. I have just finished beating the North Hu in Daqin, and there are many knights in the army. Their land has not yet been distributed, and many counties and counties can't even provide the corresponding land. If Your Majesty is here Shi Guang bestowed the title, where can I find the land?"

As the Taiwei, Wang Ben was in charge of the promotion of soldiers in the army, so he immediately echoed Zhao Tuo's words.

Zhao Hai said even more unceremoniously: "Of course, if you grant a title without land and house, the system of titles will be destroyed, and the people who receive titles in the world will also complain that your majesty has no faith!"

All the generals saw the situation and agreed together, and there was a lot of momentum in the hall for a while.

Even Wang Wu didn't object. He was shocked by Zhao Tuo's calculation just now, and thought it's better to wait and see the situation first.

The First Emperor frowned at Lao Gao.

He said in a deep voice: "I won the Northern Expedition of the Great Qin Dynasty and opened up thousands of miles of land. There are fertile fields on both sides of the river. How can there be no land to give? Not to mention that our army will wipe out the Yuezhi now, and the land is thousands of miles away. , this is not a farm house! There is also Baiyue in the south, where there is boundless land, and any farm house you need is available!"


Everyone gasped.

In connection with the just-announced relocation of 50,000 households to Shibian in northern Xinjiang, the emperor's heart can already be vaguely guessed.

Good fellow, you, the emperor, actually plan to allocate the lands of those honorees to the places where the newly opened barbarians live, and even the Yuezhi and Baiyue who have not yet been conquered are thinking about it.

Zhao Tuo's eyelids twitched. It turned out that the emperor hadn't calculated the account, but was thinking too hard.

Qin State didn't have enough land, so it divided the barbarians. Before the land was laid down, it began to think about bestowing nobles first.

Perhaps he has another purpose in doing this, that is, when he migrates to Qianshou Shibian later, he can implement it in the name of dividing up the land, so as to reduce the resistance of the immigrants.

It is really a good idea to bestow titles, buy people's hearts, get the name of kindness, and emigrate and emigrate in an open and honest way.

With such a guess in Zhao Tuo's mind, he still faintly felt that something was wrong, but at this time he had no choice but to bite the bullet and speak.

"Your Majesty, since this is the case, it is better to follow the old strategy of King Zhaoxiang in recruiting people to move to Anyi, and only grant the titles to immigrants, so that these immigrants will definitely feel the kindness of His Majesty, and will happily go to the northern border. As for granting the title of the head of the world, you can postpone it for a while." 2. Otherwise, everyone in the world will confer titles, and the titles of immigrants will not be highlighted, and there may be complaints."

Hearing this, Zhao Hai, Wang Ben and others also nodded in agreement, saying that the Marquis of Martial Arts' strategy has the precedent of King Zhaoxiang to follow, and it can be implemented in real estate.

Seeing that Zhao Tuo proposed a compromise solution, everyone praised him, but Shi Huangdi's brows were still not loosened, as if he was not particularly satisfied with Zhao Tuo's answer.

This scene was watched by Ting Wei Li Si, the princes and generals opposed the emperor's conferment of titles, and even Marquis Marquis Zhao Tuo personally came down to offer advice and advice.

Only Li Si did not get involved, but observed silently. Now he was thoughtful, and vaguely guessed the emperor's true thoughts. After Zhao Tuo spoke, he stood up.

Li Si said in a deep voice: "Your Majesty, I think what Marquis Marquis said is reasonable. However, Your Majesty is in the same universe, and the power of shocking the four barbarians must be made known to the world, so that the heads of the world will be full of virtue. It is better to grant the title of immigrants who migrate to the frontier, and at the same time slightly Reduce taxes and exempt the Guizhou head of the world, and give cattle and wine to congratulate, so that the two-pronged approach will immigrate and get the title of land and house, and the Guizhou head of the world will also have real benefits, and we should all praise your majesty's kindness."

The First Emperor frowned slightly.

He was not particularly satisfied with this answer, but looking around the hall, he saw that Wang Ben, Zhao Hai, and many generals who had made meritorious service, all objected to it, especially Zhao Tuo and Li Si, who were his favorites, also raised objections to this. He's not good at being opinionated.

Moreover, Zhao Tuo's offer and Li Si's addition, to a certain extent, can also achieve his goal.

The First Emperor said indifferently: "In this case, according to what Marquis Marquis and Ting Wei said, this time, the Qianshou who migrated to the northern border will be given a first-class title. He will also give the world cattle and wine, and reduce taxes. The specific amount will be discussed by the ministers."

Hearing the first emperor's concession, Zhao Tuo heaved a sigh of relief, and hurriedly followed Wang Ben and others to pay their respects and said, "Your Majesty is holy!"

Prevented the first emperor from granting the title of Guizhou head of the world. Does this change history?

When Zhao Tuo raised his head, he was a little dazed, but then he came back to his senses.

He was keenly aware that Li Si's final additions also played an important role, apart from the opposition of many generals and his compromise of granting titles to immigrants, that prompted the first emperor to change his mind.

It seems that the first emperor insisted on bestowing the title of the head of Guizhou widely, which has a deeper meaning.

Zhao Tuo didn't guess it.

But Li Si guessed it.

Zhao Tuo couldn't help looking at Li Si.

Sensing his gaze, Li Si smiled meaningfully at Zhao Tuo.

This smile made Zhao Tuo firmer in his mind.

The First Emperor definitely had other meanings!

This idea has been entangled in Zhao Tuo's mind.

Even after returning to the mansion, he will still be unforgettable and brooding.

"It seems that I have been away from the court for too long. I haven't been in Xianyang for more than a year, and I can't even guess the emperor's mind. In this respect, I am not as good as Li Si."

Zhao Tuo sighed secretly, but then, a person popped up in his mind.

Yes, because he has been away from Xianyang for too long, it is difficult for him to understand the emperor's mind in a short time, and he does not know the current situation in Xianyang very well.

But he knew a person who knew the emperor better than Li Si and had better news.

"Brother Zhao Tuo, pay homage to elder brother..."

Zhao Tuo wrote a letter earnestly. Apart from greetings, he didn't mention anything about today's court, but he left some vague hints, which he believed that person would understand.

The letter was sent out by Zhao Tuo's cronies along with the local products from northern Xinjiang.

The reply is very fast.

At night, Zhao Tuo received a small note.

Zhao Tuo sat alone in the study room, the flickering candlelight reflected his face flickeringly.

His face was very ugly, and he picked up the note again and glanced at it.

Youyou sighed.

"What should come, still will come."

He reached out and put the note in his hand on the candlelight.

The tongue of fire swallowed, and turned the note into ashes in a blink of an eye.

But the two seal characters on the note were deeply engraved in Zhao Tuo's heart.

Feng Chan!

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